Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 382 91. Old people, don’t get excited

The civilizational development of a race must take into account both the quantity and quality of life. To put it in simpler terms, it doesn’t just depend on the number of people, but also whether it can be fought.

The most direct way to measure force is to look at the amount of high-end power.

Based on this standard, the Night Elf Moon Kingdom can be said to be a "super civilization" in the world of Azeroth. The Kaldorei elves rule the continent of Kalimdor on the other side of the Endless Sea.

From the Winter Spring Valley in the north to the Silithus Desert in the south, they have their strongholds and forces.

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the number of people. Although these immortal elves reproduce slowly, their population base is there. And their immortality is enough to allow them to grow properly over time.

As long as you work a little harder and have a little more talent, you can create a legend in ten thousand years.

This resulted in an abnormally large number of legendaries among the Kaldorei elves. Of course, compared with Queen Azshara's Deep Sea Empire, it was still a little behind.

But it is also enough to be proud of the world.

For example, the reinforcements that came to Watch Island, in addition to the three Archdruids, also included Lady Lynys Moonfall from the Moon Temple in Val'sharah, a high-level Moon Priest and a member of the Sisters of Elune. .

And of course a legendary priest.

However, the spells she uses are different from those of human priests. She does not draw power from the Holy Light, but uses divine spells given by the moon god Ellu.

Besides her, there was an indigo-haired ranger lady wearing chain mail and holding a war bow. She looks a little lonely, but her eyes are sharp, and she is always observing the movements of the battle on the sea.

The druids went to chase the pirates, while the moon priests began to intensively treat the injured watchers in the cave.

Illidan did not kill them, but almost all of the Watchers were wounded. Those who were not injured, or were slightly injured, had already followed Ms. Maiev to pursue the escaped prisoners.

"Moon God, what exactly happened here? This scene reminds me of the brutal ancient battles recorded in the classics."

Moon Priest Lenis held the Moon God's staff, half-kneeling on the ground, and gently invoked the Moon God's healing magic to treat the unconscious Watcher Commander Nasa in front of her.

The priests behind her looked at the corpses of Nagas and Nightborne scattered all over the Watch Island. The illusion of peace for ten thousand years seemed to be completely broken at this moment.

"War of the Ancients? This is not even close."

The young lady who was the ranger leader holding a war bow shook her head.

When she heard the sighs of those young priests, she immediately complained in a low voice. These apprentices of the Moon Priest who have experienced the war are really innocent and cute, and they can't bear to see this little scene in front of them.

what is this?

It’s not even considered to be littered with corpses, but how could the battlefield of the ancient war be described with such an understatement as “ littered with corpses ”?


The high-level priest's magical skills were quite powerful. The seriously injured Ms. Nasa soon woke up. She coughed violently, but her body's reaction seemed to be in war. The moment she opened her eyes, she punched the priest in front of her.

As a result, he was held down by the ranger with sharp eyes and quick hands.

"Nasa! Wake up, it's me."

The Kaldorei ranger with a rare hair color scolded the injured watcher. The latter came back to his senses, glanced weakly at the person in front of him, and said:

"Ah, it's you, Emeril. Didn't your secret channel claim to have been monitoring the visions of the Broken Islands? Why did you miss it this time?

You came too late.

Illidan has escaped and we have been unable to stop him.

Those stinking pirates gave him something strange, making him more powerful than he was ten thousand years ago, and those Nightborne, they"

"You need to rest now, don't talk, Nasa."

The legendary ranger known as "Imeril" shook his head and said softly like he was comforting a friend:

"Let's not talk about it for now. The Watchers have suffered heavy losses. Our Secret Channel will temporarily take over the rest. Don't worry, we have members all over the world. Illidan cannot escape our tracking."

"That's right, Ms. Nasa."

The gentle high-ranking priest Ms. Lenis Moonfall also spoke to persuade:

"You really need to take a good rest now. In addition to the injuries you just suffered, I also noticed that your mind is not stable. Are you attacked by a fallen spell?

It's such a serious matter, why don't you come to the Moon Temple and let us perform a purification ceremony for you? Those dark forces that remain in you are very dangerous.

You should pay more attention to your health.

You are our war hero after all. "


Nasa sneered weakly.

She seemed to hate the Moon Priest in front of her, closing her eyes and whispering:

"When Tyrande did not allow the Watch to recruit new members among the people, we were the ones destined to be forgotten. Now we only have more than two hundred people left. If our number is doubled, we will not Something to do today!

Ha, the benevolent high priest feels that the era of war has passed, and we no longer need Black Moon Walkers. I hope what happened today can teach the high priest a good lesson.

We were actually robbed by a group of pirates

What a shame! "

"This is not Tyrande's fault, Nasa, you are just losing your temper."

The Moon Priest was a little embarrassed, but Ranger Emeril shook his head, comforted his friend, and said:

"The training method of your Watchers is too cruel, and it requires members to have extremely high shadow affinity talents. Even if you recruit 10,000 people, you may not necessarily be able to recruit 10 people.

In the past years, every time you recruited members, you would cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Besides, that decision was not made by Ms. Tyrande alone. The Sisters of Elune were not her sole proprietor, and the other high-ranking priests also put a lot of pressure on her.

She has tried her best to protect you. "

"Her? Security? You must be kidding."

Nasa became even more angry.

She complained angrily:

"Every time Lady Maiev goes to Nordrassil, she has to argue with Tyrande about the teachings of Luna, and her Luna priests are eager to eat us.

With their sincerity in their faith, I doubt that one day Tyrande will personally lead his men to kill us all.

After all, in the eyes of the Moon Priests, we Black Moon Walkers are all ‘heretics’. "

"Anyway, let's not talk about this for now."

Seeing that Nasa was going too far, the legendary ranger Emeril immediately stopped this dangerous topic. She is a very patient character, so she said to Nasa:

"Those pirates who robbed your things will soon be captured by the Archdruids. Don't worry. With three Archdruids and a group of high-level Raptor Druids, those pirates will have trouble flying."

"Did they go after him?"

Nasa's eyes suddenly widened, she grabbed her friend's finger and shouted:

"Let them withdraw! Quick. Those pirates are not as simple as they seem! Their ghost ships are equipped with weird weapons that can unleash legends."


Before the watchman commander finished speaking, there was a loud roar in the distant sea, causing a group of priests who were treating on the island to turn around.

Then he saw black clouds rolling in the sky, and dazzling thunder falling from the sky, making the sea area turbulent and extremely violent.

"It's over."

Nasa sighed and said:

"The Archdruids are too impulsive. Look at our people! Years of peace have made them lose their most basic vigilance. No, there is another wave!"

As the Watcher shouted, the Moon Priest, whom she despised, reacted quickly.

Ms. Lenis held the Luna Staff with both hands and raised it into the air. A layer of Moon Barrier made of bright moonlight quickly spread out with her as the center, protecting all the priests and wounded nearby.

The next moment, the beating thunder struck down from the sky of Watch Island like a trident.

The beating thunder light will dazzle the eyes of the flower elves, while the roaring thunder will deafen them.

The sudden and terrifying attack panicked some young priests who had not experienced war.

They were running around like headless flies, and were thrown to the ground by the rangers brought by Emeril, who suppressed them and prevented them from entering the area where they would be struck by lightning.

Ms. Lenis was having a hard time. Facing a continuous legendary lightning strike magic, it was difficult for her to take care of everything by herself. Amidst the constant roar of thunder strikes, the scope of the Moon God Barrier quickly shrunk.

Seeing that he was defeated, the high-ranking priest shouted the name of the Moon God in Salas language, and a more complex divine spell was used. It turned into bright moonlight and shot back into the sky, imposing a thicker divine barrier. On top of the barrier.

After releasing this magical technique, the high-ranking priest fell to the ground panting.

She raised her head, panting, and looked at the golden thunder that continued to streak in the sky. She prayed in her heart and was a little scared. Fortunately, this was a strategic magic that focused on large-scale destruction.

In order to pursue the killing range, she dispersed her power, so that she could protect everyone with divine magic.

If it is a special attack legendary magic, this barrier cannot stop it.

"Who are those pirates?"

The legendary ranger Emeril's face was solemn. Under the protection of the barrier, she looked at Nasa beside her.

The latter said to her:

“Their people are very mixed, including humans, orcs, dirty trolls, and some other strange races I don’t recognize, but their leader is a human.

I've played against him and he's very talented in the art of shadows.


Wearing a strange ring on his finger, made of sapphire, has the effect of summoning shadow attacks. "

"What kind of ring, please describe it to me in detail."

Emeril asked:

"This probably represents a certain identity of his. If he comes from the Eastern Continent, then it just so happens that there are several dwarf members in the Secret Path there.

If we ask them, we might be able to trace the identity of the pirate leader. "

"We must catch him!"

Nasa pursed her lips and said:

"He has brought an indelible humiliation to the Watchers. When I recover from the injury, I must catch him with my own hands. I will choose the most 'comfortable' small room for him in the cage in the Watcher's Crypt." .

That will be his destination for the rest of his life! "


"The range damage of thunder and lightning storms is okay, but when facing elites, the destructive power is not as good."

The Nagfar, which sailed away amid thunder and tides, has now left the waters of Watch Island and is heading towards the eastern coast of Azsuna.

In the captain's room, Black was discussing the power of the Tide Stone with Dean Blue Moon and the Archmage of Elam.

He said:

“I’m more optimistic about Big Tide Magic.

With the Tidestone, we can also copy Kul Tiras' Tide Sage tactics. With the ability to control ocean currents and tides, we already have the ability to fight the Kul Tiras navy. "

"Thunderstorms are less destructive than they should be."

Archmage Elam explained softly:

"That is a strategic magic, and it will definitely be very effective when used on the battlefield. However, based on my current research on the energy of the Tide Stone, I think that the use of this 'power of the sky' should also have a hit-release mode.

But this is something you, Captain Black, have to research in depth yourself. "

"That's right."

Dean Lanyue also explained very professionally:

"The Tide Stone has some kind of special 'binding' with you. The power of the lightning storm inspired by us is obviously much weaker than that triggered by you yourself.

And I noticed that you seem to be able to control it more finely, which means that Lord Elan's guess should be correct.

Next, you must continue to learn some theoretical knowledge about arcane magic with me to help you better control the use of this artifact. "

"Huh? Are you going to have extra classes again?"

Black, who had been so proud just now, immediately wailed when he heard Dean Lan Yue's words. He lay on the table and pretended to be a dead dog, praying to Dean Lan Yue:

"This matter has caused such a big fuss. I am also very tired. I even had a fight with Maiev. Dean, please give me two days off. I don't ask for more, just two days.

Let me relax, okay? "

"How can the study of knowledge be so indulgent!"

When Alya Blue Moon heard the word "holiday", she immediately frowned and scolded Black:

"Since you have realized that you are not strong enough, you should be more attentive. Next, I will pay more attention to your learning process. Starting from tomorrow, I will give you a separate subject."

"If I tell you good news, Dean, can you give me two days off?"

The pirate raised his head and asked helplessly.

"good news?"

Dean Lanyue is a rigorous educator, and she doesn't like her students to bargain with herself. But she was also a little curious about the good news Blake said, so she said:

"Then you tell me first. If it's really good, I can consider it."

"Well of Eternity!"

Blake lay on the table, snapped his fingers, and said:

"I got a small half-bottle of Well of Eternity water for our Nathalas Academy. It is the purest kind, and it is guaranteed to be the essence from the original Well of Eternity.

We can imitate Suramar and Quel'Thalas in Tol Barad and make our own magic well. Dean? Dean! What’s wrong with you?

Don't scare me. Open your eyes. Are you too happy?


Come on, the dean whipped it out. "

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