Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 393 102. I will quietly emerge from the shadows and surprise everyone


Amidst the sudden screams, in the underground facility that no one had visited in nearly ten thousand years, five or six people fell from the magic flash in mid-air in embarrassment, and then landed firmly on the dusty ground. .

Because the incident happened so suddenly, the old elf Oculus had no time to fine-tune the teleportation point, nor did he have time to adjust the comfort of this teleportation technique. As a result, when he was thrown over, Amnarris Yuejun, who was the weakest, directly covered him. He retched beside him with his mouth closed.

Even Melandus, the leader of the strongest magic swordsmen, felt a little dizzy.

As for the old elf himself, he was the most miserable.

He had said before that this was an overdraft of magic power. When he was thrown to this underground magic network node, he fainted.

Thalyssra recovers the fastest.

There was still an injury on her shoulder, and she couldn't lift her entire left arm. She struggled to look at Oculus' condition, and then quickly took stock of her surroundings.

What appeared in front of them was a huge underground hall.

The shimmering light of magic shines in the darkness, indicating that this is a gathering place of natural magic.

There are also some crystallized magic powers condensed over thousands of years under the feet, growing in various places like crystal clusters. These things also shine with dim light, embellishing the darkness with a fantasy color.

"Is everyone okay? Just hang on, we can go back to Suramar soon."

Thalyssra stood up with difficulty, put a piece of ancient magic power in the palm of her hand, and while absorbing the magic power to replenish her body, she raised a ball of light to illuminate the darkness, and looked around for a way out of here.

She looked at the thousand-year-old silent underground hall in front of her and said with emotion:

“Oculus always had a big plan.

He wanted to restart these eleven magic network nodes to open the magic channel to the depths of the Night Well, where he could collect the accumulated magic power and distribute it to those in need in the city.

I want to help him too.

He told me all the names of these magic spots, but which one this is, I haven’t yet”


Before the Chief Arcanist finished speaking, the second teleportation light lit up behind everyone, and a cold, hoarse voice sounded from the light of the teleportation gate.

He politely answered Thalyssra's doubts.

"This node magic channel is called the 'Eclipse Hall'."

Blake stepped out of the swirling teleportation light, and a group of heavily armed pirates filed out from behind him.

He held the Shadow Moon Blade in his hand and said to the embarrassed Nightborne in front of him in the tone of a tour guide introducing the scenery:

"This is the closest to the coast of the eleven magic network nodes under the land of Suramar. They are the work of the arcane masters of the Elf Empire before the War of the Ancients.

Look at these magic channels, what a delicate structure, what a perfect design.

They will channel Suramar's ley magic into Suramar to provide magic for your city. Unfortunately, after the establishment of the Night Well, these magic channels were abandoned.

What a pity.

But today, these crystallizations of the magical attainments of the Elf Empire will be used by me again.

Elisande would never have imagined that I already had a way to bypass the city barrier and enter Suramar, but I would like to thank you for bringing me here. "

The smelly pirate tilted his head, pointed at his forehead and said:

“Although I know their general location.

But it would still take a lot of time for me to send people to look for it.

With these ancient magical channels that can be used, my followers will have an underground network that can perfectly circumvent the surveillance of the Grand Magister.

They will become the elusive 'ghosts' in Suramar City.

They can do everything I ask them to do.

I'll drive a wedge into Elisande's heart! All her actions will be predicted and used by me, and the children of the night will never know this secret.

You all seem like 'reasonable' people.

I think you will definitely not tell the Grand Magister this news, right? "

The pirate's answer was an arcane blast thrown by Thalyssra.

Worthy of being the chief arcanist of the Grand Magister, the process of this arcane impact from start to release can be called the art of spellcasting. Not only does it perfectly fill every node of the mana model, but it is also almost instantaneous.

The most important thing is that even in such an embarrassing situation, the gesture of releasing this magic is still very elegant.

Dean Lanyue will definitely like the child of the night in front of him. She is simply the kind of classical spell caster that the dean admires most.

But Blake didn't like it.

He hates this kind of "other people's children".


The fierce arcane impact smashed into the floating shadow in front of Blake, like an open cloak, swallowing up all the sharp magic, and sending the pirate into a jump in the floating shadow.

The exquisite shadow step shuttled over, and the moon blade was swung, slashing diagonally towards Thalyssra's back.

The seriously injured Arcanist was unable to resist at all. She fell to the ground tremblingly with blood splattering everywhere, and the corners of her mouth were twitching in severe pain.

"Where do you want to go? My Chief Arcanist?"

Blake wiped the blood on the moon blade, squatted down, grabbed Thalyssra's chin, lifted her whole body out of the pool of blood, and said to her:

"Now that things have happened, do you still plan to return to the service of the Grand Magister? Such loyalty makes me move to tears. I hope you can maintain such loyalty for me in the future."

Melandus, the leader of the magic swordsmen on the other side, also wanted to violently resist, but the knight Joan Creedon who followed Black through the portal raised his warhammer and gave him a hard blow.

He beat the magic swordsman to the ground, and was suppressed by four undead knights, unable to struggle.

The orc warlock Evil Eye came over with a cold laugh. The warlock with only one eye squatted down and admired Melandus' despair.

He said in Thalassian with an orcish accent:

“The captain gave you to me, little guinea pig.

He asked me to show my cruelty and evil as a warlock, so I introduced myself. I come from a ghost place called the Shadow Council.

I learned a lot of ways to get people to give in there.

That is a very evil, very evil method.

Let me tell you, even if you really have an iron will, I will train you to be as good as a dog. Of course, I hope you are a real tough guy.

I hope your will is strong enough to support me to 'relive' all those tricks on you. "

The magic swordsman struggled like a beast and spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva, spraying it onto Xie Yan's face, making the orc furious.

He raised his hand and a painful curse was added. Amidst heart-rending screams, the demon swordsman was carried like a dead dog by the undead knight and dragged back to the deck of the Nagfar.

"I leave her and her friends to you, my ship's doctor."

Black looked at the painful Thalyssra and the unconscious Oculus, and said to Natalie in black who was following:

"She is a very powerful person. I have named her my 'Chief Arcanist'. You must treat her well. While healing her injuries, persuade her to recognize the reality.

Nothing good will come of following Elisande.

If she really cares about the people, then her outcome will most likely be to launch an unsuccessful coup in Suramar. After a tragic failure, she will be exiled to the wilderness and become a helpless Wither.

I've seen how you use the power of shadow to manipulate people's minds, show it again.

Invite her to join us and become one of us. "

"Next time you ask me to 'persuad' someone else, you'd better curb your aggression."

Natalie glanced at Blake and said:

"You beat the person half to death first. This is not a way to make strangers feel happy. It will only increase my workload and is of no use in persuading me."

"I try my best."

The pirate shrugged and said:

"It's just that I've been trained a little too much by my mentor these days. I won't do it next time."


Behind him, Little Star has found the control tower of the Magic Canal.

It stands to reason that it would be difficult for non-upper elf spellcasters to learn to manipulate magic artifacts left over from the elven empire right away. But blue dragons rely on talent to use magic.

Little Xingxing can see the flow of magic power in the underground magic network with her naked eyes. It is not difficult for her to understand the principles of this sophisticated and complex device in front of her.

As the little stars rotate a few crystals, the magic power of the magic network is redirected, activating the transmission unit in the magic channel.

In the faint buzzing sound, a portal that had not been activated for thousands of years opened behind Blake. Through the floating magic mirror, the scenery of Suramar City could be clearly seen.

"Bring them back."

Blake waved his hands to the people behind him and said:

"Another group of people will come over and prepare to receive the magic wine. Please ask the Archmage of Elan to make a permanent teleportation mark here. We will come here often in the future."

After saying that, he glanced at the dark corner next to him, where Anarris Yuejun had already changed her clothes and changed back into the tuxedo-style aristocratic dress she had worn in Suramar before.

Her butler Lunas also dressed up and looked no different from the servants in Yuejun Manor.

"Let's go."

The pirate took out the Orb of Deception, put on a magical disguise of the Night Child, and was the first to step into the portal, followed closely by Little Star and the Girl from Moon County.

Legendary magic is really a very magical thing. It makes the concept of "distance" blurry.

With one step, one can cross most of the Suramar wilderness and arrive at the prosperous and beautiful city of Suramar from a hidden underground hall.

But before the pirate could open his arms and breathe in the magic-sweet air of Suramar City, several patrolling Nightborne City guards appeared at the entrance of the alley in front of him.

"This is an illusion! You are covering up"

"Bang bang bang"

Before he finished uttering the forbidden words that made the pirate's blood pressure soar, Blake knocked the three unlucky city guards unconscious to the ground with three precise sap blows as the shadows jumped.

"Throw them over!"

Blake said with a gloomy look:

"Take them on board as 'trainee' pirates. Seeing how 'brave' they are, they will definitely become very powerful members of my command in the future."

Little Xingxing suppressed a smile, picked up the three children of the night, and threw them one by one into the dissipating portal behind her.

Anaris Yuejun returned to her hometown city after nearly a month, and a trace of emotion and confusion flashed in her eyes.

But soon, she remembered her mission.

He leaned slightly towards Blake, and then walked towards Yuejun Manor with his butler Lunas, who was also moved by his return home, and the "country girl" Little Xingxing, who saw everything new.

Little Xingxing said she wanted to go shopping and see the scenery of Suramar.

Such a small wish, as the top nobles in Suramar City, the Yuejun family can easily satisfy the little princess. As for beautiful clothes and jewelry, etc.

Stop it.

The clothes and jewelry the Yuejun sisters have in the manor can make little Xingxing wear the same thing every day for ten years. There is no need to go to the tailor shop in the commercial street to spend money on those vulgar and cheap clothes.

What is the heritage of a ten thousand year noble?

Of course, a pirate leader like Blake who has outgrown low-level tastes will definitely not waste time on such boring things as 'shopping with school girls'.

He said goodbye to his schoolmates and subordinates, strolled around and rented a small boat at the nearest pier, and was ferried by the gondola boat girl to the Yongyue civilian area.


It was another boring and peaceful day at the Waning Moon Tavern.

Venser, the owner of the tavern, was counting the accounts at the moment, with a long sigh on his face. Business has been good recently, but the consumption of magic wine is still huge.

There have been rumors in the city that the Grand Magister is preparing to open the city and lead Shadorei back to the world ten thousand years later. This sounds like exciting news, but it has little relevance to the lower-class civilians in the city.

Their lives were still very unsatisfactory.

The rationing system of magic wine has not been cancelled. Every day, people go bankrupt because of the cost of buying magic wine. There are more and more homeless people in the Yongyue civilian area.

The kind-hearted Mr. Vansel still maintains the habit of giving each of the homeless people a small glass of magic wine to renew their lives every night, which makes his reputation in the civilian area rise day by day.

But this time, no one dared to trouble him.

The last time the Strys family tried to cause trouble for him, they were the famous villains in the wealthy area of ​​Suramar City. The top members of the family of thieves and liars were assassinated by terrifying killers overnight.

Now that family is on the verge of collapse.

Most of the magic wine smuggling channels they control have been taken over by Venser's forces.

The mediocre, even cowardly, tavern owner in front of me is now the boss of Suramar's underground smuggling network.

The most outrageous thing is that this kind of takeover was not even negotiated by Venser on his own initiative, but was offered by the Stris thugs who were frightened by the brutal assassination.

These bastards living in the gray area all believe that the Streis family was destroyed because they offended the "resisters".

The rebels, who have always been low-key, resorted to terrible means in their counterattack.

There are also outrageous rumors that the rebels have a team of elusive assassins who do their dirty work for them.

The most direct proof is that on the same day that the assassination occurred, several commanders in the city guard who had been colluding with the Streis family were also quietly killed.

And blood-stained white feathers were found at the sites of all the corpses.

That's what the Resistance Assassins do.

"But I don't know who he is. Really speaking, I haven't even seen his face. He came to my tavern in a magic disguise that time.

How did this matter turn into what it is now? "

Although he had mastered the smuggling channels and no longer had to worry about the supply of magic wine, he not only had more worries, but more. Fanser's little hair has become thinner in recent days.

He complained in a low voice, finished counting the inventory, put away the ledger, and just turned around, he froze in place.

Behind him, a white feather was falling lightly from the sky. Thinking of the story about the ominous feather that represented the "call of death" that went viral recently, Fanser almost suffered a cardiac arrest.

And behind the feathers, Blake, who came to visit him a month ago, was sitting leisurely on the wine barrel. This time he did not wear a disguise, but he still appeared as quietly as last time, without any warning.

"Hey, hello, Mr. Venser, the leader of the rebels, the underground giant of Suramar, the kind and wise man."

The pirate whispered:

"The work you entrusted to the Uncrowned One has been successfully completed."

"Now, let's talk about compensation."

I highly recommend the book "The Blackstone Code" by my gay friend Tripod. It has urban superpowers and online IQ. Quality guarantee, absolutely beautiful!

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