Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 405 114. I am friends with that lady, so it is reasonable to take away her staff, right?

Under the leadership of Black, the newly appointed "Instructor of Demonology and Demonic Power Defense Course" Maris Demonic Disaster took a turn on the Nag'far, which is currently serving as the temporary academy of Narthalas Academy.

He expressed high praise for the teaching level of the college.

In particular, Maris was amazed by the spellcasting abilities of the ghost students. The demon hunter said that these students had the potential to become great spellcasters in his era.

Their understanding of knowledge is very thorough, and the demon imps and hellhounds they summon have a good "flavor".

This blind man is really fierce.

When the third-year student had just finished the demon summoning class and before leaving the cabin classroom, he started to "clean up" those low-level demons with great execution.

In front of Blake and a group of students, thirty imps and the same number of hellhounds didn't even last three minutes before they were easily hacked to death by Maris with a war blade.

Just hack him to death.

This guy also "performed" the unique skill of "eating demons alive" for these ghost warlocks.

He pinched the neck of a noisy and screaming kid, and as if taking a deep breath, he pulled out all the evil energy from the kid's body. The noisy kid turned into a ball of pale bones in his hands.

As for the demons that were killed, they were not wasted.

With the demon hunter's unique ability, he tore apart the flying demon souls that had no time to escape back into the twisting void with his war blade, and then swallowed the soul fragments into his body.

This scene allowed the pirates to clearly see how sharp the demon hunter was in fighting demons.

They have magic patterns to protect their bodies, making the spells of low-level demons basically ineffective against them.

But they can use the evil energy from the same source to turn into more destructive combat techniques, and rely on their precise control of the weaknesses of various demons to easily create a massacre.

This scene frightened many ghost students.

He also succeeded in getting Marius Demonic Disaster to join Nathalas Academy on his first day, and he became a new "college ghost story" among the students.

But Little Star thought it was cool.

She chased Maris and asked questions, which made the indifferent and mute demon hunter miserable. Of course, this is also because Little Xingxing has just been released from a long period of confinement, so she is now full of talk.

"I said, we will arrive at the Demonic Nexus early tomorrow morning."

Under the night of the frozen sea, on the bow of the Nagfar, Black held the magic compass given to him by the blue dragon lady Eldagosa, looked at the direction the pointer pointed, and took a sip of wine.

He said to the little star beside him who was chatting with Sephiel:

"The country girl is going to the city, aren't you a little nervous?"

"What are you nervous about?"

Little Xingxing rolled her eyes cutely and replied:

"I was locked in the cabin and wrote two hundred papers. After completing this, I felt that nothing in the world could trouble me.

Do you know how difficult those papers are?

Mr. Ellan said, that is the paper that your human guardian, the astral mage Medivh, made when he was 14 years old. Oh my God, I can’t imagine how rich your magical knowledge is.

How high is his talent? "

"I don't know exactly how high it is, but it must be much higher than you."

The pirate laughed, took another sip of wine, reached forward, and sat lightly on the bow keel of the ghost ship. He crossed his legs, blew in the cold night wind, and said to the blue dragon girl:

"Don't pout, Medivh is symbiotic with a ray of consciousness from the Dark Titan Sargeras, and he can browse some of the knowledge in the Dark Titan's mind.

Even though it was just a little bit, it was enough to make him one of the most dangerous people in the world.

Do you know that when Medivh went crazy, one of your blue dragons had a sense of justice and ran to stop him? Do you know what happened to that blue dragon named Akanargos? "

"It's dead?"

Little Xingxing asked back.

"Well, that's much scarier than death."

Black, who was wearing a red eye patch, said vividly and in an eerie tone like telling a ghost story:

"The blue dragon attacked Medivh with his breath of ice, which angered the astral mage. He laughed wildly and released the magic fire of hell. The flames burned away the ice magic that the blue dragon thought was powerful.

And the contamination on its body continued to burn until all its flesh and blood was burned away, turning it from an ice dragon into a scorched dragon emitting endless smoke and sparks.

Not only that, Medivh also placed an evil curse on it, so that its soul could not escape from the skeleton and was sealed in the scorched body forever.

That guy has changed his name now.

It's called Nightmare.

Forged in the dark night, a nightmare for all living beings. "

The "little ghost story" from the pirate made little star blink.

The fat little dragon Emmygosa flying beside her let out a mournful cry as if listening to a "ghost story", and lay on the little star's shoulder, covering his eyes and shivering.

"But don't worry, Medivh is dead. He's dead now."

Blake poured the last bit of wine into his mouth, shook the bottle, and drunkenly said to Little Star:

“It’s impossible for him to do bad things to you blue dragons now.

But I’m not telling you this story just to scare you. Stella Gosa, senior I am using this story to tell you about the weird characters of your tribe.

Female blue dragons are a little better. Although they occasionally do sneaky things like following and peeping, in most cases, female blue dragons are very reliable.

But male blue dragons are different.

They are all a bunch of lunatics!

They've done all kinds of stupid things you can think of. A normal person cannot understand the thinking of a blue dragon. If you go to the Demonic Nexus, it is best not to get too close to them. "

"Yes, especially a guy named Kalecgos."

Sephiel, who was wearing a pirate costume, also spoke up and said:

"That guy is an unlucky guy. Anyone who gets close to it will have no good consequences. Moreover, it is very, very romantic and very bad. Good children like Little Xingxing should stay away from it to avoid being infected with neurosis."

"What you said is too terrible."

Little Xingxing was deceived by the captain and first mate, which made her a little suspicious. She shook her body and said:

"Is it really that scary?"

"The truth is much scarier than what we say."

Sephiel made a face at Little Star, and the evil pirate dragon threatened:

"Spellweaver Malygos is not normal either. Since his consort Sindragosa died in Icecrown 10,000 years ago, and his people have suffered horrific massacres, the old blue dragon king has been under great mental pressure.

There is a few words in our bronze dragon's internal report that Malygos may have gone crazy. After you go to the Demon Nexus, don't stay there for too long.

Better apply to get out of there.

Take care of the hatchlings in the Great Dragon's Lair of Mesorel in Kalimdor, or stay in Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight. The Demonic Nexus is a bit gloomy place, not suitable for a little girl like you to stay for a long time. "


Little Xingxing still trusts Sephiel.

But she quickly reacted, grabbed Sephiel's illusory wrist, and said:

"What's going on with you bronze dragons? When I left the Blue Wings habitat, my grandfather told me that the bronze dragons had left this world."

"Ah, that's just a technical adjustment for the Bronze Dragon Legion, don't panic."

Sephiel and Black looked at each other and skillfully made up lies:

"At some point in the future, my people will all come back. This is a secret. Don't tell other blue dragons. Come on, keep it a secret."

Sephiel and Little Xingxing talked and went back to the stern to rest like good sisters. Tomorrow is Little Xingxing’s big day, so she has to dress up.

As for Blake, the stinky pirate was sitting on the keel of the bow of the ghost ship, looking in the direction of Kaudala. He was already a little tipsy, but he couldn't contain his excitement.

Just tomorrow, the Blue Dragon's treasure house will open its door to him, and he doesn't know how many rare treasures he can plunder from there.

It’s really exciting.


The Nexus is a mysterious island located off the coast of the Borean Tundra in the far west of the Northrend continent.

It is covered with unchanging glaciers and snow all year round. The sea outside the island is dotted with magical barriers set up by the Blue Dragon Legion, which will hinder all creatures approaching Kaudala Island.

But Black has the token of the Blue Dragon Legion in his hand. Relying on the magic compass in his hand, he can slowly bring his ship closer to Cordara without being attacked by the blue dragon's magic.

"You go there and drop anchor!"

On the bow of the ghost ship riding the wind and waves, Blake pointed to a bay on the mainland beyond Kaudala Island and said to the captains around him:

"We won't stay in the Demonic Center for too long. We will be back in three days at most. During this period, you go collect fresh water meat from the surrounding areas and give those incompetent wastes a holiday.

Give them some boats and Annie, take them to a nearby pirate tavern to relax.

But don't get me into trouble. "

"Okay, Commander."

The captains cheered for joy. After floating on the sea for a long time, they will feel a sense of intimacy when they see the mainland. They, old sea dogs, also occasionally need to experience the feeling that the "earth" under their feet will not shake.

Beside Blake, Dean Lanyue frowned and looked at a town in the distance that was located on a high cliff. She pointed there and said in a puzzled tone:

"I feel that there is a complicated magic barrier there, and the magic power is gathering there. Is that the blue dragons' territory?"

"Ah, there."

Blake rubbed his forehead and said:

“There’s Amber Cliff.

There is a group of Kirin Tor mages from Dalaran stationed there, observing the living habits of the blue dragon, and at the same time, they are always ready to take the opportunity to sneak into Kaordalari and explore the mysteries of the Demon Nexus up close.

As you know, the Nexus is the starting point of the Leyline of Azeroth. Every secret here will be of great interest to my countrymen who are hungry for knowledge.

They also serve as the magical force that protects Zhiyuan County. When human colonies are attacked, these mages will also go to support them. "

"Dalaran, the magical city of humans?"

Dean Lanyue blinked, showing interest.

The pirate was busy preparing the attire and appearance for Little Xingxing to enter Korada. He also noticed the dean's frequent glances at Amber Cliff, and he suddenly had an idea in his mind.


A low dragon roar sounded from Kaudala Island. Amidst the exclamations of the pirates, more than five adult female blue dragons flapped their wings and flew in the sky, flying towards the fleet.

The leader was Eldagosa, who had had a relationship with pirates before.

They waved wings that were different from other dragons, flew across the blue frozen sea, and hovered above the pirate fleet. This scene caused the ignorant pirates to cheer, and some guys threw their hats or things in their hands. The sky expresses welcome to the blue dragon.

There are also unscrupulous bastards who try to feed the blue dragon with the rare fish they catch.

That's right, I'm talking about you, Fishing God Nat!

Eldragosa ignored the commotion and descended, taking the form of a human.

Still in the image of a lady with a sword, she glanced at Little Xingxing who appeared in a costume, and was attracted by the beautiful fiery red ring on Little Xingxing's finger.

A few seconds later, she opened her arms to her compatriots who had come from afar and said:

"A grand welcome ceremony has been prepared in the Demonic Nexus. Little Star, come with us. The Spellweaver will come out of its lair that has been closed for thousands of years to welcome you personally today.

This is a supreme honor. "

After saying that, Eldagosa glanced at Blake again, and she was a little dissatisfied with Blake's dress. This pirate was actually still wearing his battle clothes, and it seemed that he had no intention of attending the welcome banquet.

"Hmph, you can come too."

The blue dragon lady snorted proudly and turned into a dragon above the deck. The pirate walked over and patted her huge paws and said softly:

"So, I can ride you today?"

"Don't push yourself too far! My partner is also on the island. You'd better keep your mouth shut."

Eldagosa threatened in a low voice:

"Of course, if a man is willing to fight an angry male blue dragon just to spend the night with me, I wouldn't mind giving you something sweet to try."

"Hey, it's just a blue dragon."

The pirate climbed up to the adult blue dragon's neck and back, sat there, patted Eldagosa's beautiful scales and said:

"Next time I have a chance to come over, I will definitely give it a challenge. Well, I won't go to the banquet. You can take me directly to the Demonic Nexus Treasure House. I am a very vulgar person, and I will be very satisfied if I can get the promised treasure.

Look at my incompetent subordinates.

They are like a group of stupid chicks waiting for food, waiting for me, the mother bird, to bring them a golden treasure. Oh, by the way, speaking of which, I forgot to ask you the last time I met you. "

Amidst the cold storm brought by the blue dragon's spread wings and taking off, the pirate wrapped his watcher's cloak tightly around him.

He said to Ms. Blue Dragon on the crotch:

"Is there a legendary staff hidden in the Demonic Nexus from Ms. Aegwynn?"

"Huh? What do you mean by that?"

Eldagosa immediately became vigilant. The female blue dragon used magic to say to the pirates while flying:

"I'm warning you, that thing is not something you, a stinky pirate, can covet. Its violent arcane power can easily tear you into pieces."

"That's the risk I'm taking."

Black curled his lips under the armor mask. He looked at the familiar scenery of Cordala in front of him and said to Eldagosa:

"The mages of Dalaran dare not use it, they are a bunch of cowards.

But I'm not afraid. I came here today just to get it back.

My academy needs such an artifact to hold up the scene.

So, please tell me, my dear Eldagosa, who do I need to report to when I want to take away the Scepter of Aluneth? "

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