Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 467 20. The evil pirate is going to do some serious harm.

Blake was full of confidence in the temple of the snow leopard goddess Ha Kea.

But in fact, anyone who is familiar with pirate style knows that this guy must be repeating his old tricks now.

This is what Blake does when he does bad things and deceives people.

The more confident he appears, the closer his plot comes to fruition.

The louder his voice, the truer his lies.

Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about the soul-inducing lamp he held in his hand. There is still a rotten and moldy Dread Demon sealed in this lamp.

There's no room for another Loa.

And with Blake's current ability, it's really just bragging.

He needs to make a lot of careful arrangements and have a lot of powerful people as cannon fodder to be able to restrain a weak Loa like Hakoa.

There is a huge gap between the upper and lower limits of Loa's strength.

Powerful Loa such as Lazan, the royal loa god of power of the Zandalari trolls, can fight Ursoc head-on without falling into a disadvantage, but weak ones like Old Garni, Ursoc farts They can all be blown away.

Snow Leopard Goddess Hakoa is a low-level character who is a little more powerful than Old Garni, but not much more powerful.

You can tell this just by looking at the number of believers.

However, even the weakest Loa possess their own divinity and are transcendent and immortal. They have such strange powers that no mortal can resist.

But the problem is that Haqya is the same as many previous "victims" of pirate conspiracies.

She was intimidated by Blake.

She really heard the screams of Gudelia, the soul beast she favored and blessed, outside the temple. In addition, the pirate had just accurately stated the name of her spouse and the current hiding place.

The two weak points were held in the hands of the pirates, and the lamp in Blake's hand made her tremble with fear when she felt the breath. That thing was indeed made by Hela herself, and it could barely be considered a Titan creation.

Therefore, even if she had an absolute power advantage, she would have to reappear in the temple under Black's coercion.

"You! Evil one! What on earth are you going to do?"

The Snow Leopard Goddess appeared on the stone statue with a bad tone, like a white phantom.

She looked at Blake condescendingly. She had already made a pounce action, and her sharp claws popped out of her fleshy palm. She only needed one light pounce to do it.

But, as a Loa, how long has it been since she was forced into such a dilemma?

Ever since she escaped the terrible and despicable conspiracy of her own priests to usurp the gods in Zandalar, she had been so comfortable in Zul'Drak these years that she had lost even her most basic vigilance.

The moment the pirate stepped into her temple, she should have been prepared, but she had been seduced by this guy's sweet words, so that things reached this point.

"I don't want to do anything."

Seeing Haqua reappear, the pirate's face suddenly showed a victor's expression.

He shook his body, burped, threw the soul-inducing lamp back into his bag, spread out his hands, grabbed the wine bottle, and said to the Snow Leopard Goddess in front of him who could kill him at any time:

"Like all the believers who come to see you, I just want to ask for a holy symbol from you and humbly ask you to bless my incompetent subordinates.

Give them the power to transform into snow leopards and fight.


Just a little bit.

In return, my subordinates will regularly sacrifice enough essence meat to you. If you need a soul, it is not non-negotiable. "

These words made the Snow Leopard Goddess laugh angrily.

She wagged her tail and said:

"If you had just said this when we were having a good conversation, maybe I would have agreed.

Living in the barren land of Zul'Drak, I wish I had a group of followers who could forage for me outside Northrend. This is not a bad thing for me.

but war druid

I will not give this blessing to your men casually. Every war druid is very important to a weak Loa like me. I don't think a group of pirates can bear such a heavy responsibility.

Especially when they have a leader like you!

Hmm, but if you think about it carefully, just because there is an evil and cunning leader like you, maybe they can give me a surprise. But because of this matter, has it reached this point?

Looking at your posture, I thought you came here to kill the gods. "

"Well, I'm just proving something."

Blake poured the last bit of wine into his mouth, threw the bottle on the ground and broke it into pieces. He said to the Snow Leopard Goddess in front of him:

"When I want to do something bad, I can do terrible things, that's all. Finally, can you generously give me a chance to tame your spouse, or yourself?"

You two soul beasts are so beautiful, I am a hunter, I really am."


Before the pirate could finish his words, a black and white striped tail swept over him, hit him, and sent him flying out of the temple.

Let the drunken pirates fall on the snow outside the temple in disgrace. There was also a holy emblem of the Snow Leopard Goddess falling in front of him, and a warning from Hakeya:

"Don't come to my temple again! Don't step into my hunting grounds! I hate you, you shameless and obscene thing."

"What a wild kitten. You can't put it down after seeing it. Oh, I'm such a greedy bastard. I already have a bear and a wolf, but I still want more soul beasts.

But there is no way, who made you really too..."

Blake climbed up from the snow and held the Snow Leopard Holy Emblem in his hand. He looked back at the Hakoa Temple, and a smile appeared on his lips.

Say softly:

"Hate me as much as you like. In the future, you two will beg me for help.

Hey, stop bullying it, you two, look at how our poor Gudelia was beaten by you two bad guys? Come on, poor little boy, do you want to travel the world with me?

Come and be a pawn for me, don't run away, I haven't finished speaking yet.

Hey, these beautiful big leopards, one by one, are so rude! "

The pirate moved his neck, complained, and glanced in other directions of Zul'Drak under the night. Where he could see, there was only a miserable night.

Counting the Holy Symbol of Lennok taken from Tuul Raging Claw, Black has come into contact with three Loa. From their contact with them, the pirates already have a general understanding of Zul'Drak's current situation.

Therefore, he did not plan to visit the remaining four temples.

Again, the time is running out. These local Loa are not doing well, but they are not to the point where they can no longer survive. They will come to negotiate with them, but they will not yield a good result.

After all, what Black wanted was more than just a group of war druids.

"Well, it's time to put some pressure on these country loas."

The pirate stood up from the snowdrift and patted the snowflakes on his body. He turned back and looked further north at the Hakoa Temple. On the edge of the Far North, there was the palace of the Drakkari Troll.

There is the palace of the most powerful frost troll, the legendary hero of the trolls, Malak the Frost King.

The pirate raised his hand and touched the head of the giant bear sitting at his feet. He said:

"Let us do this last thing, and then set off for home. When I come here next time, this barren land and the pathetic Loa on this land will be at my disposal!"


Zul'Drak is not the largest in Northrend continent.

But the number of lives on this land is definitely the largest.

The Drakkari trolls are fighting each other in this area that belongs to them. They have migrated here since ancient times, and their internal disputes have never stopped.

If these frost trolls can unanimously attack the outside world, with their numbers and combat power, they can conquer the entire continent of Northrend, well, it is still impossible.

First of all, don’t even think about Bearman’s Grizzly Hills.

There are also a lot of bears, and they are more united than the trolls. The trolls do not have an advantage in terms of individual strength. The bears are blessed by the gods, so the trolls can beat them with their heads?

Secondly, Howling Fjord, Icecrown Glacier and Storm Peaks are all the ancestral lands of the Vrykul. With the terrifying fighting power of the Vrykul, the trolls wouldn't dare to mess with them as long as they still had some sense.

As for Dragonblight?

Are you kidding me, the troll went to feed the dragons?

Moreover, the natural environment of Dragonblight is even worse than Zul'Drak.

The only areas left to conquer are the Sholazar Basin, Borean Tundra, and Wintergrasp.

However, there is no land road to the Sholazar Basin, you can only go there by flying mounts, and there are also mysterious Titan equipment in operation. The Drakkari Trolls have not tamed enough large bats, so going there is also courting death.

There are blue dragons, yak people and mammoth people in the Borean Tundra.

The terrain over Lake Wintergrasp is too high, and it is said that it has some connection with the underground kingdom of spider demons. The scouts sent by the trolls discovered the real giant there.

After a round of calculations like this, we found the reason why the territory of the Drakkari trolls has been unable to expand.

Trolls are strong.

Unfortunately, none of the neighbors around their poor place had a fuel-efficient lamp. In terms of combat effectiveness, the trolls were probably at the bottom.

And the continent of Northrend is probably the place with the highest force value in the entire Azeroth.

It's almost sky-breaking.

Since there is no way to expand outward, the Drakkari trolls can only fall into a sad inward phase, getting more and more crazy until they become the bear they are now.

In addition, the Drakkari trolls themselves did not live up to expectations.

They are probably the only group of uncivilized trolls in Azeroth currently, maintaining the tradition of cannibalism and headhunting.

At the troll clan meeting on Zandalari every six years, the civilized Zandalari priests have always wanted to lead the Drakkari trolls to join the troll family.

Helpless, these frost trolls have no interest in their preaching, they are only interested in the Zandalari trolls themselves. Well, don't think too much, they just want to taste the taste of Zandalari troll meat.

Therefore, if the external environment is harsh and the internal environment fails to live up to expectations, the power of the frost trolls will actually continue to weaken.

Even though they have the most Loa gods among all the troll clans except Zandalari, they still rank at the bottom among the major troll clans.

The fact that the Drakkari trolls live in Zul'Drak as a clan does not mean that they do not have a royal family.

It's just that these frost troll royal families are rather strange. They do not rely on hereditary blood, but must be obtained by force. Only those powerful clans are qualified to aspire to the throne and live in the ancient capital of Gudak.

Only the most powerful troll leader in a large clan can be named "Frost King".

The existence of this system has led to frequent changes in the dynasty of the Drakkari trolls. Almost no Frost King can unify the entire Zul'Drak before he dies in a war or is assassinated.

According to rumors, the reason why the Frost King's throne changes so frequently is probably related to the local Loa spirit.

After all, once the Drakkari trolls have a stable power, the situation will become similar to that of the Zandalari Empire, and only one Loa will ultimately benefit.

There is only one Frost King, and there must be only one royal Loa.

That means that the other six Loa have to rely on the Royal Loa and grovel. It is better to maintain the chaotic internal fighting now. At least everyone can have their own territory and believers, and they can also get a sip of soup.

It's not that no Frost King has resisted, but almost no one can succeed.

The relationship between trolls and loa is so complicated.

Except that the Zandalari trolls had established their kingdom before the power of the Loa gods was established, and Lazan was chosen as the royal Loa from the beginning, and Lazan was also powerful enough to overwhelm other Loa, thereby avoiding the Loa. Apart from the internal fighting between them, the mortal kingship of other trolls almost falls under the divine authority.

The reason why the ancient troll empire Gurubashi declined rapidly after the Great Disintegration was inseparable from the fact that divine power completely eclipsed royal power.

This kind of contradiction and conflict is particularly obvious in the brutal and dark Zul'Drak and the Drakkari troll civilization.

If the Frost King wants to unify the Frost Trolls, he must first get rid of the Loa that are in the way. But once all the Loa are eliminated, even if the Drakkari Trolls complete their unification, their strength will decline rapidly.

This is an almost unsolvable problem.

The current Frost King Malak is the most powerful, wisest, vicious and ruthless troll warrior in Zul'Drak, but he can't think of the answer to this question.

until today

In the King's Sacrifice Hall of Gudak, the glorious ancient capital of Dhakali, Frost King Malak, who had just completed meditation and sacrifice, raised his head from the incense-burning shrine.

The strong troll wearing winter armor opened his eyes. He clenched the two ice-blade battle axes in his hands. When he turned around, he saw the figure walking quietly out of the darkness.

The man was wearing a tattered black robe, the edges torn like bat wings, and merged with the shadow behind him, as if the entire shadow was his cloak.

In his hand was a black sickle with a cold light, and in the other hand was a soul-inducing lamp with a pale light. The light from the lamp did not dispel the darkness in the quiet altar, but instead made the surroundings appear gloomier.

"I am the mourning crow, the shadow of doom, the death knell."

"I am the eye of darkness, the apostle of the end, the prophet of disaster."

"I emerge from the shadows to bring you news of the distant future. Malak, the destined king of the Drakkari trolls! Son of Prophecy, Man of Destiny, God-Slayer.

Are you ready to meet your destiny? "

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