Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 479 32. Can’t even do seduction! You're a licking dog and you're hopeless.

The Windrunner Tower was quiet under the night. The eldest Windrunner, who returned to her hometown today, asked all civilians in the manor to evacuate to the Windrunner Village in the north.

At this moment, Alleria was the only one in the entire manor and the family's elite guards were patrolling everywhere.

Although they are a long-established ranger family, the Windrunners are not hostile to the power of magic. The manor's magic shield has been opened, and foreign enemies can be isolated or trapped within it at any time.

Alleria did not tell anyone who the "guest" was tonight. Obviously, she did not intend to let other Windrunners besides herself get involved in tonight's events.

She is not worried about Sylvanas' safety. Her sister is strong enough to protect herself.

My little sister, Vereesa, has already arrived in Dalaran.

Alleria was more worried about her younger brother Rilas, so she sent two teams of elite rangers to find Rilas and escort him to the military camp to spend the night.

The two teams of elite rangers can deal with ordinary bandits with ease, and they can also face the orcs head-on. Form a formation, use the right tactics, and even escape from a dragon.

However, when they faced an elite pirate and a master assassin who could escape infinitely in the dark and move like a ghost, they failed to show their bravery.

In less than five minutes, they were all knocked unconscious, and all their equipment and weapons were stripped away. Each of them was only wearing underwear, with their own socks stuffed in their mouths, and hung from the big tree in Yonge Forest.

The worst part is that they brought their own ropes to tie them up.

In the forest outside the Windrunner Tower, in the Windrunner family cemetery, Blake was holding a shovel in his hand and was doing the job of "grave robbing".

To be precise, he is an overseer.

I just shoveled a shovelful of soil as a token gesture, and left the rest to the fish-man pirates.

In the sound of croaking, murlocs No. 50 and 60, under the command of Benbolba, had dug up the grave of Lyresa Windrunner.

There is also the stupid wolf Frost Claw, which also uses the digging skills of all canines. Like a biological excavator, it digs the soil vigorously.

But Big Bear Bear Dajiao disdains digging and playing with Stupid Wolf.

The obedient bear sat next to its owner and enjoyed the "massage" given to it by Blake.

"You elves have really good figures. Men and women are all the same. You can't tell them apart except for having breasts. Are you right, little brother Rilas?"

The pirate had a pipe in his mouth, beating the fat bear's broad back while talking to Lilas Windrunner who was sitting next to him.

The latter's hands and feet will be tied up, and his mouth will be stuffed with a ball of cloth. The large bruise on his left eye was caused by the pirate's punch. He looks very embarrassed.

His natural handsomeness was completely destroyed by his panda eyes.

His face was filled with anger, and he could only watch helplessly as the dirty fishmen destroyed his mother's grave, but he was powerless because of his weakness.


He let out an angry roar, trying to scold the smelly pirate for his rudeness.

But with the cloth in his mouth, his scolding could only turn into a whimper.

"You may not know that in addition to being a pirate and a hunter, I am also a warlock. I can summon terrible demons to dig graves as coolies, which is faster.

But your Raynor Bandil barrier in Quel'Thalas is really troublesome. "

Blake blew out a smoke ring and whispered:

“As soon as I entered here, I was suppressed by magic and felt uncomfortable all over.

Summoning demons here may also attract the attention of nearby mages. No wonder Gul'dan had to dismantle this thing before he could make a large-scale invasion.

Well, speaking of Gul'dan.

Have you seen my collection? "

He picked up the pale-white skull of Gul'dan with golden patches on its chest, placed it in front of Lilas, shook it, and said:

"This is Gul'dan's head. I cut it off with my own hands, so I have avenged your mother and the entire Windrunner family. From this point of view, you and your sisters all owe me.

And your little life.

Of course, you may not understand it. After all, it is something that has never happened before and is not worthy of praise. But little brother, listen to me, I am your savior. "

The pirate pointed to the Windrunner cemetery in front of him, which was covered with tombstones. He blew out the next smoke ring on the cheek of the angry younger brother of the Windrunner family.


"If it weren't for me, you would have a beautiful, simple and warm 'new home' here."


While he was inflicting physical and psychological torture on Lilas, the sound of shovels colliding with real objects suddenly sounded from the murloc excavation team.

A group of fishmen suddenly started making noise.

Benbolba, who was wearing a pirate hat, jumped down, stirred the soil with his paws, confirmed that they had dug the coffin, and then croaked twice towards it.

Soon, several ropes were thrown down.

As a group of murloc warriors headed by the old blind man shouted murloc chants, the black coffin covered with the phoenix flag of Quel'Thalas and the battle flag of the Windrunner family was lifted from the tomb bit by bit. out.

The little fishman stood on the coffin, waving his claws and shouting, giving instructions to the other fishmen.

Finally, as the pirates watched with satisfaction, the coffin, which was not heavy, was pulled to the ground by the fishmen.

"Since you've come all the way, why only take this one?"

Xalatath's seductive voice whispered in Blake's ears, and she said:

"Look around, little master.

The corpses of successive Windrunner family heads and ranger generals sleep here. Even across this graveyard filled with the aura of death, I can feel the precious anima buried underground.

You should take them all.

All you need is basic necromancy grimoire study, and you will have a hunting group composed of ranger generals under your command. Just think, under the ravages of their arrows and swords, the entire eastern continent will tremble in your shadow.

Don't worry about Lylitha Windrunner's loyalty.

She can be persuaded by you.

She is a very weak person, you have realized that. "

"Well, this proposal is surprisingly tempting."

The pirate looked around. The words on the tombstones told the glorious lives of the elves sleeping here. To be honest, Black was a little moved.

But in the end he shook his head.


"When your career is in its infancy, you have to find a way to turn your enemies into friends instead of turning your friends into enemies. If I do this, I will always be careful whether Mother Windrunner will give me a treat when I sleep in the future. arrow.

I would rather have my retainers remain loyal to me than a group of undead generals who cannot be used well.

Besides, if they really dig it all out, then this matter is no longer an internal matter of the Windrunner family. I don't want to be on the Sun King's royal hit list, at least not yet. "

"Well, the little master maintains some valuable qualities as a human being, which is really touching."

Xal'atath said sarcastically:

"But as a pirate, your behavior at this time is stupid. You should know that even if you don't use them, they will eventually be used by your enemies.

Your enemies are not good men and women. "

"Wouldn't that be better?"

Blake stepped forward and clasped the edge of the black coffin. He whispered to Xal'atath:

"That means that my troubles will also become their troubles, and they will make themselves the ultimate enemies of the extreme elves in Quel'Thalas.

I would love to see my enemies burned to death in the Phoenix Fire.

Actually, I'm looking forward to it. "


The black coffin was opened by the pirates the next moment.

Surprisingly, there was no decaying smell of death coming from the coffin, and even a strange, fragrant fragrance of flowers emerged from the coffin to Blake's surprise.

In the coffin in front of him, lay the body of Lylitha Windrunner. She died in the battle of the orc invasion, nearly a year ago.

But the corpse in front of him showed no signs of decay.

Windrunner's mother was wearing the Ranger General's armor, with her hands folded on her abdomen and her eyes tightly closed. Apart from her abnormally pale face, there were no obvious wounds on her body.

It is said that Windrunner's mother died in the battle because Gul'dan used a shot of soul fire to extract her soul from her body.

The elves must have disposed of the remains, but

"Aren't the elves' corpse preservation techniques too good?"

Blake rubbed his chin and said doubtfully:

"Although she is a legendary body, she is not so lifelike. Looking at her face, I feel that she is asleep. It does not look like she is dead at all."

"Something's wrong."

Xal'atath's tone also became solemn, and she said:

"She has something weird in her hand, pick it up and look at it."


Blake put his hand on Windrunner's mother's hand armor that was folded over her abdomen. He flipped it over and a strange object was picked up.

That is a frozen flower.

They are not expensive flowers. The pirate used the Eye of Kilrogg to scan around and found many identical flowers, which were picked randomly near the cemetery.

But the strange thing about this flower is that it is completely wrapped in a layer of blue ice and remains in the same posture as when it bloomed.

I don't know where the ice came from. When held in the hands of the pirates, there was a refreshing coldness, but it was not offensive.

"Perhaps it was made by the elf mages who came to bid farewell."

The pirate admired the little blue flowers in front of him, curled his lips and said:

"Elves like to do these artsy things that birds don't have."

"No! This flower has a hint of ice."

Sataras saw the strangeness of this flower that looked like a work of art, but before she could finish speaking, the small frozen flower in Blake's hand quickly shattered like snow under the sun.

Like ground gem powder, it burst open in an instant, and the radiant powder swirled and fell on the cheeks of Windrunner's mother in the coffin.

Like a gentle farewell kiss.

"You just said, what's on the flowers?"

Blake asked.

Xal'atath was silent for a few seconds and whispered:

"It's nothing, maybe I felt wrong."

After saying that, Xal'atath's voice disappeared, probably because he lost interest in the conversation.

But in fact, Miss Void did feel something abnormal about the flower just now. It had an aura that made her look directly at death.

But that level of death power is impossible to appear in the material world.

If it were true, just one small flower would be enough to drag all of Azeroth into eternal death. As usual, Miss Xalatath once again felt something was wrong, but had no clue.

Everything related to this stinky pirate is so unreasonable, which is really annoying and fascinating.


Although Blake was amazed by the "corpse preservation" technology of the high elves, he made up his mind that if he unfortunately died in the future, he must contact a high elf corpse collector in advance to sort out his remains.

But this was business after all, and he closed the coffin again and threw it into the magic bag.

Then he mentioned Rilas Windrunner, who was already in tears because of humiliation, whistled, mounted the hippogryph, and quickly evacuated towards the coast.

He didn't have to worry about the fish people.

Benbolba always had a way to lead his men out of danger, but the little murloc seemed to be in no hurry to leave. After watching the pirates disappear, it blew a murloc whistle.

Let his men jump into the depths of Windrunner's mother's tomb to search for the burial objects.

This little fish man is so bad.

At the same time, in a quiet moonlit woodland on the edge of Fengxing Village, next to an open picnic basket, Nathanos was tenderly embracing the goddess in his heart, and his heart was filled with happiness.

Even though he wasn't able to do anything "bad".

He just held Ms. Sylvanas in his arms, but this was already a very big improvement for a suitor.

But tonight, the Ranger General had an indescribable melancholy. She drank a lot of wine uncharacteristically, and she seemed drunk when she spoke.

"How did you know that there must be soul beasts in Zul'Drak in Northrend? And you got such detailed information."

The second Windrunner sister closed her eyes slightly and leaned on Maris's chest, listening to the man's wild heartbeat. She asked softly.

"Well, a friend of mine who has great powers told me."

As expected, Maris couldn't lie in front of the goddess. He answered in a very vague way:

"He himself has a lot of research on soul beasts, and he just completed his travels in Northrend, so he shared this news with me and asked me to find a hunter who is good enough to try my luck there."

"Well, a friend with great powers?"

Sylvanas chuckled lightly and said:

"That fox of yours, too?"

"Well, he also helped me find it. He is my best friend. We once formed a brotherly alliance."

Nathanos said in a relaxed tone:

"If it's you, mentor, I think you can definitely do it."

"Don't call me 'mentor' at this time, you idiot."

Sylvanas shook her head.

She raised her head, looked at Maris, blinked her beautiful eyes, and moved slightly closer to him. Maris's heart beat more violently, and a burst of blood rushed to her head, but she still maintained a very gentlemanly posture and lowered her head.

But just when their lips were about to touch, Sylvanas suddenly covered her heart and let out a painful groan, and her face turned pale.

"What's wrong?"

Nathanos hurriedly supported the shaky Sylvanas. The latter shook her body and looked in the direction of the Windrunner Tower. She said:

"The mark I placed on my mother's coffin was activated! Someone. Someone took her away. There can be no mistake. That was when the tomb robbers disturbed the manor last time. I asked Prince Kael'thas to put it on me personally. mark.

Damn it!

What on earth is Alleria doing! How could she allow it? No, she must have been entangled.

I'm going after them. Marius, take your beasts and weapons and come with me.

These haunting bastards!

They must pay the price for their ugly behavior! "

After saying that, the Ranger General stood up quickly, put his children's personal relationship aside, and returned to his usual killing and decisive appearance, and his whole body was full of murderous intent.

Maris's heart sank.

It's over.

This is going to get worse today.

Blake, that crow-mouthed bastard, had made his prediction true. If things went wrong, he would really have to choose between a brother and a woman tonight.

Alas, I hope he has enough courage to not die of grief when he gives up Lady Sylvanas.

Although his brother Black is powerful, there is no way he can be a match for a legendary ranger, right?

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