Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 515 68. Oh, it’s right when enemies meet on a narrow road

"The poor little bird can't fly now. It needs to rest for at least a month before its wings can fully recover."

In the Dalaran Magic Pet Shop, a white-haired dwarf with festive clothes and a bun stood on a chair, carefully wrapping a bandage on the wings of Black's trade wind crow.

She is the owner of this pet shop, her name is Britney, and she is said to be a famous "pet taming master" throughout the eastern continent.

Of course, she's not a hunter.

She, the pet taming master, refers to taming small pets and using them for games and combat. Little murlocs like Benbolba are the targets of these pet taming masters.

In the Eastern Continent, it is also a very popular sport for small pets without actual fighting ability to fight in specific arenas, especially among women.

Many human female nobles are loyal fans of this cute and fun sport.

The physical condition of dwarfs also determines that they have no chance of being a hunter, a profession that requires frequent dealings with ferocious beasts. Most war beasts can easily swallow a dwarf.

However, Blake learned through the grapevine that in the dwarf underground city of Gnomeregan, the Council of Craftsmen had never given up on developing a "mechanical war beast" that could be tamed by dwarfs.

"Are you a warlock? Or a hunter?"

The little dwarf Britney, who was taking good care of the poor bird, raised her head and looked at Blake, who was wearing the Corruptor's robe, and said curiously:

"I feel the power of the wilderness contract in this poor little bird. Is it your war beast?"

"It's my precious egg."

Blake stroked his pitiful little bird with the delicate emotion a hunter should have towards his pet, and said:

"How can such a unique, smart and cute little bird be used for fighting? I usually keep it free and occasionally use it for reconnaissance. Master Britney, can you tell what is hurting my little baby eggs?" ?"

"Well, its wings have burn marks."

The dwarf master skillfully applied ointment to the bird, while he moved its feathers to check, and said with some doubts:

"It seems to be damage caused by magic, but the mages of Dalaran will not use magic to attack such a cute little bird. Maybe some kind of magical beast escaped from the laboratory?"

"A flying beast that uses fire magic?"

Blake glanced at the poor little crow on the table, he snorted and said in a cold tone:

"No need to say it, I know who it is."


The little fishman was also brought into Britney's Magic Pet Shop. It was lying in front of the window, looking at the clothes and decorations made for little pets on display with bright eyes.

He turned back and called to the pirate, pointing to the clothes in the window.

The meaning is obvious.

I want!

Buy it for me!

"Buy it with your own money! It's not like you don't have money. Who did you learn this bad habit from?"

The pirate replied impatiently.

The fish man was angry.

Its eyes fell on the black crow who was being cared for by Blake. They were all this little bastard! Ever since it came, Blake had become less and less interested in him.

The little fish man's eyes became vicious.

But he soon pretended to be harmless, and while blowing a fish whistle, he jumped on the table in front of Britney.

He grabbed a handful of gold coins from his small bag and pointed to the pet clothes in the window to the little dwarf shopkeeper, meaning he wanted a set of each.

"Such a smart little fishman is really rare. It's so cute."

The dwarf shopkeeper who likes small pets will melt when she sees Benbolba. She carefully picks up the little fish man, moves her short legs, jumps off the chair and walks to the window, taking out the gifts for him. The little fish man tries on clothes.

Finally, an extra magic bag is given for storing clothes.

"I heard that you have a cooperation with the Wildhammer dwarves here, and you will sell some tamed griffons?"

The pirate bandaged the wings and held the trade wind crow, which had become clumsier, in his arms. While stroking the bird's head, he asked the dwarf shopkeeper who was playing with Benbolba.

Master Britney raised her head and replied in a clear voice:

"It is indeed on sale, but it is now out of stock. The griffons sent by the dwarves were sold out last month.

Mainly mages and nobles from surrounding kingdoms are placing orders. If customers want it, they have to pay a deposit in advance, and it is estimated that they will have to wait for about half a year.

In addition, the griffins that were sent over were all eliminated by the dwarves.

They were all little, pitiful babies that couldn't survive in the wilderness of the Hinterlands, so they were sent by the dwarves to find a good home for them.

They cannot be used for fighting, and they cannot fly too far. They are basically ornamental objects. Of course, they are no problem for short-distance travel. "

"Then I want a batch to use as internal transportation for Nathalas College."

Blake readily took out a Goblin Bank gold card, handed it to Britney, and whispered:

"Remember to issue a double invoice so that I can reimburse you. Your store has a good atmosphere, and I also like these little pets. Think of this as my 'investment' in this good store."

The pirate secretly gave the dwarf a silver card.

Britney accepted it with understanding and wrote the invoice quickly. Judging from her skillful movements, she must have done this kind of thing before. Sure enough, dwarfs' brains are easy to use.

Although he is not as good as a goblin when it comes to doing business, he is definitely a good hand.

"Oh, by the way, I have something else to trouble you with."

After Blake received the invoice, he said to Britney, who was in a good mood after doing a good business:

"I want you to take a letter to Gnomeregan for me and give it to Master Overback, saying that I am free now, and the expedition to Kul Tiras that I agreed with him before can also be put on the agenda. .

If he has free time, he will prepare the team and supplies for the trip and come directly to Tol Barad to find me. "


Britney nodded and promised to bring the letter. Blake exchanged some pleasantries with her and walked out of the pet store with his precious bird and the satisfied little fishman after a shopping spree.

According to the original plan, he was going to continue looking for Fenna.

However, when he turned a corner, the pirate suddenly discovered a small "stain" on a brick under the wall, hidden in the grass, the kind that could not be noticed unless he looked carefully.

The Eye of Kilrogg drifted over and took a closer look, and found that it was a little thumb mark.

"Hey, my brother Xiao'er has also come to Dalaran, and is still convening a meeting with people from MI7. Tsk tsk, I'll join in the fun. I haven't seen him for a long time, and I don't know how he is doing now. Sample.

Well, give him a surprise. "


Shore has indeed come to Dalaran.

He set off first to "stand in front" for Lothar and His Majesty Varian. The two important figures are still resting in Nanhai Town and will probably not be able to enter Dalaran until tomorrow.

Due to the current situation, it is absolutely necessary for Shaw, the intelligence director of Stormwind Kingdom, to come over in advance.

In the business district of Dalaran, Shaw, disguised as a carriage driver, parked his carriage in front of the Glory Grocery Store. He jumped out of the car, looked around, and supported his carriage in the dusk of the magical city. Grandma got out of the car.

Soon someone came out of the store and left in a car.

Xiao Er and Pasonia silently passed through a secret door in the utility store and entered the secret underground facility.

"Something's wrong, it's too quiet."

Grandma Xiao Er immediately became alert as soon as she stepped into the underground passage. She flipped her right hand slightly and a moon-shaped dagger jumped into her hand. Xiao Er took a step forward to protect her in front of her, and two short daggers fell from her sleeves. sword.

The two jumped into the shadows one after the other, and soon arrived in a small underground room.

Then they saw the elite MI7 officers who had been summoned to the round table, sitting upright on chairs, but each one of them was lying on the table. This scene made Shore frown.

No one died.

There's no smell of blood here, they're just knocked unconscious.

It seems that when these elites were having a meeting, they were all knocked down by the intruders in a very short period of time. There was not even a trace of a fight. The attack happened in an instant.

In addition, all valuables in the house were looted, and there were no footprints left on the ground.

A clean and tidy robbery.

Definitely a "masterpiece".

"Blake? Did you do this?"

Xiao jumped out of the shadows and asked in an indifferent tone.

Granny Xiao is still hiding in the shadows.

She didn't think the perpetrator was gone, but the problem was, she couldn't feel the slightest movement of the shadows around her. Her Assassin sense was telling her that there was nothing around her and that she was safe here.

Damn it!

This is the most troublesome opponent for assassins.

"Of course it is not such a bad thing done by the great and free Lord Black. Let me introduce myself to you."

As a group of dark green flames ignited in the corner of the room, the dancing sparks formed a very intimidating arch. Black, wearing the Corruptor's robe, slowly walked out of it holding a scythe.

In his left hand was the Skull of Gul'dan, which was emitting faint light. Against the backdrop of the evil fire behind him and the robes that looked like he was not a good person at first glance, he looked very, very evil.

He said:

"The one who came here is the Grand Master of the Warlock School of Nathalas College, the King of Warlocks, and the Demon Chaser."

"Stop pretending."

Xiao walked forward with a gloomy look on his face and looked at the pretentious Blake in front of him. He showed a fleeting smile, stretched out his hand and hugged his brother with a bad personality.

After a second, he said:

"I've got an 'anti-theft bomb' in my pocket, so put your finger back, okay? You bastard!"

"Ha, I was just joking."

The pirate didn't feel ashamed at all. He let go of Shaw with a smile, turned to the empty place behind him and said:

"Okay, mother-in-law, you don't still hold a grudge against me, do you? Isn't it just that I cut off your arm and you almost killed me? There is no irresolvable grudge between us, right?

Do you want me to give you a hug? "

"How did you develop such a heartless and bad character? Your parents never taught you that when you were a child. You are really disgusting."

Granny Shaw appeared from behind Black with a cold face. The dagger she held with one arm was pressed against the pirate's neck, and she only needed a slight stroke.

But looking at how confident this guy is, he must have a way to escape death.

He became stronger again.

His grandson is making rapid progress, but compared to this annoying pirate, Shore's progress is far from enough.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Blake took a step back and leaned against the table full of knocked-out MI7 elites. He looked at the underground secret room and said:

"My men told me that before he left Dalaran, a mysterious force took over the Ravenholdt property. I thought it was the 'Duke' who took it over personally, but I didn't expect that it was you who took over. .

Are you continuing to dig underground and plan to connect this secret room to the Dalaran sewers?

God, you guys have no imagination.

The sewer is not a good place to hide. It only takes the mages to drop four or five large flame storms from the nodes above to burn you all to death in the sewer. "

"I don't think they have that chance."

Shore replied coldly.

He took the initiative to end the topic, looked at Blake, and said:

"Your 'Uncrowned One' is also operating near Dalaran. Are you also involved in matters related to Marshal Lothar?"

"Uh, I don't know."

The pirate shrugged his shoulders and said irritably:

"After all, the bounty is very generous, and I'm short of money right now, so I really can't say."

"Who told me that the assassin who sells his skills for a few gold coins is the most miserable?"

Shore said sarcastically:

"You are short of money and there are many ways to solve it. And if I can buy you with money, it would be too easy. I will pay you twice the bounty and let your uncrowned one join the ranks of protecting Marshal Lothar!

make a deal? "

"Only twice as much?"

Blake shook his head and said:

"Xiao Er, Xiao Er, my brother, it is very expensive to hire an outstanding master like me. I heard that when Granny Xiao Er was at the height of her power, asking her to terminate a certain task would cost at least five times the price. .”

"What if I tell you some important news?"

Granny Xiao, who had been silent for the whole time, reached out and touched her silver-gray hair. She said softly:

"A piece of news that will definitely shock you."

"Let's talk and listen first."

Blake became interested. He changed his position and looked at Granny Xiao expectantly. The latter did not hide anything and said frankly:

"The 'Duke' disappeared two months ago, and Ravenholdt was infiltrated by a mysterious force. Several other masters have obeyed the new leader, and the entire Assassin's League is now in chaos.

If you join our side, it means that you have to fight against most of Ravenholdt's forces in northern Xinjiang.

You should really consider it carefully. For a greedy person like you, it might be more appropriate to join their side. "

"Wait a minute, let me repeat what you mean. See if I'm right."

Blake reached out and interrupted Granny Shaw.

He raised his head and said seriously:

"If I join you, it means that at least four assassin masters and their faction lackeys can be hunted by me, and there is also a mysterious strong man who can imprison the 'Duke' waiting for me to kill.

Is that what you mean? "

"I think there's something wrong with your statement."

Granny Xiaoer said speechlessly:

"Is it time to get high? Is your brain ruined from too much rum?"

"No, no, no, you didn't understand my needs."

Black rubbed his chin and looked at the unlocked warlock career experience slot on the translucent character card in front of him, and he said;

"Two. No, it may take three to fill it. If you want to get closer, well, I will take this job! My brother Xiaoer, go talk to your little king.

I need at least five times the bounty, and the billing will start now. There is no need to give me the money. It will be deposited directly into the account of the Uncrowned One in the Goblin Bank.

Don’t write “remuneration” when registering.

Don't shame us with money!

What supports the actions of the Uncrowned One is not money or awards, but something higher than reality.

It’s a pity that we still live in the real world, where money is always needed to eat, drink, and have sex, ideals must be based on reality, and our faction building always requires some ‘investment’.

Well, just in this name.

This is a hugely profitable business, and a king as smart as young Varian must be willing to donate generously.

Come, give me information about the lackeys who betrayed Ravenholdt. I agreed in advance that I would only be responsible for cleaning up, not rescuing people.

We don't accept escort missions. This is the rule of the Uncrowned. "

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