Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 542 95. Hunters who love shooting generally have good luck...

Chapter 542 95. Hunters who love shooting generally don’t have bad luck.

Don't get it wrong.

What Black stuffed into Elisana's mouth was just a "Demon Hunter Special Edition Healing Stone" filled with concentrated evil energy, which he had just extracted from Eredin, the leader of the Black Knights.

Well, this process is very, very painful.

Blake also deliberately controlled the rhythm, allowing the Black Spirit pirate to endure great torture, and then gave him a happy ending.

In his own words, he is "guiding" the incompetent and useless servants of Lord Sargeras so that they, the black knights, can better continue to serve the Dark Titan in this evil and dangerous world. .

This was also the only "trophy" Blake obtained from Eredin, apart from a bag of treasures.

Because of the Black Knight's special power attributes, even if Black used the divine power extraction ritual while he was immortal, he still couldn't extract any of the anima from that guy.

It's basically a wasted battle.

Three of the nine black knights of the Black Spirit Pirate Group, the initiators of summoning the demon, escaped. Eredin and the other five black knights killed by him tonight will soon be reborn and gain more powerful curse power.

This will not be the last encounter between Black and the Black Spirit Pirates, this can even be said to be just the beginning.

Those guys are definitely coming back to Dalaran.

They are tasked with summoning Archimonde into the material world, and whether they want to or not, they have to risk it. However, tonight's battle with the Black Knight allowed the Pirates to capture one of their biggest weaknesses.

The rebirth of the Black Knight requires companions to host it.

In other words, if all nine Black Knights can be killed at once, there is a high probability that their souls will be lost in the Twisting Nether due to no one to guide them.

This discovery was an unexpected surprise.

"Sleep, sleep, you have done enough for this world tonight."

After Elisana ate the Fel Stone, her condition immediately improved a lot. Although the inner demon was still struggling to rebel, with the Fel Energy replenishing the body, the Demon Hunter had the ability to suppress the inner demon.

As Blake stroked his head and spoke words of comfort like stroking a kitten, Elisana's inner demons were calmed bit by bit.

This magical effect made the dwarves and paladins watching around them widen their eyes, and also made some Dalaran mages frown. As expected, warlocks are the real professionals when it comes to matters related to demons.

But the actual situation is not what these onlookers see.

Black is able to calm the demon hunter's restless inner demons because he also has a demon inside him and is the Nasrezim who is the best at soul magic.

The essence of this "comfort" is actually the alien use of the sleeping soul.

"Her condition is very unstable and needs to be monitored for a period of time. Dean, I propose that this demon hunter be placed in our mage tower, and I will take care of her in the past few days."

Black raised his head and said something to Dean Blue Moon behind him. The dean looked at Antonidas. The old mage twirled his beard and discussed in a low voice with several archmages around him, and then nodded.

There is no warlock heritage in Dalaran.

If this kind of matter cannot be taken over by the Holy Light Priest, then it is most appropriate to leave it to "professionals". In fact, Elisana Ravencrest was the first living demon hunter that the casters of Dalaran had ever seen.

Their knowledge of this mysterious profession comes from elf legends.

Even Prince Kael'thas was looking curiously at the huntress who was being put on a stretcher by several Narthalas ghost mages.

This was also the first time he saw a lively demon hunter.

"Druids also protected the creatures in this area during tonight's battle. This was a just and great act. You are all injured and exhausted.

Why not take a few days to rest in the Magic City? "

After the demon hunter was sent back to the city, Archmage Antonidas got together with the druids of Isolarius and warmly invited the druids of the Society of Rende to enter Dalaran.

This scene gave Blake a huge headache.

Obviously, the human mages still don't understand what kind of things they are inviting into their city. They will definitely regret it in the future!

The druids of the Rende Society originally didn't want to go to the human city, mainly because they suffered heavy injuries tonight, and several seriously injured compatriots had to be immediately sent back to Moonlight Grove for treatment.

But just when the Archdruid was about to refuse, he "learned" from a little gray bird that flew back that the old dwarf Hemet was regarded as an "anti-magic hero" by the mages and sent back to Dalaran.

This time Isolarius won't do it anymore!

After chasing him to this extent, how could he let this wilderness butcher escape?

"Well, our Druid sect has always admired the magical city of mankind. Now that we have the opportunity to visit it, we must not miss this opportunity."

The archdruid leaned on his clawed staff and replied to the archmage in a very gentle tone.

He turned around and gave a few instructions to Zaza, the frost tree demon wearing wooden armor and holding a war spear behind him, asking her to bring all the injured compatriots over. Then he turned back and said to Antonidas with a serious face:

"A demon lord has appeared in Silverpine Forest. This may be an accident for you, but for us Kaldorei, it means nothing the same.

We've actually received terrible news before, but we can't share it with you until we know Dalaran is truly safe.

All I can say is that what happened tonight may be just a sign of a greater disaster.

I hope to use the magical power of Dalaran to summon more fellow druids from Moonglade to the eastern continent. "

"Well, we welcome the Kaldorei into our city. As spellcasters, we are also willing to discuss the truth of all things with the mysterious druids."

The Archmage pursed his lips and said:

"As long as you abide by the rules and laws of this city, we will even allow the Druids to establish a permanent stronghold in our city."

"Don't worry, great mage of mankind."

Isolarius replied seriously:

“We, the Druids of the Rende Society, have always abided by the harmony of nature and are willing to coexist with all beautiful life.

Except for the evil ones who offend nature! "

The archmages were not aware of the biggest problem in this seemingly normal statement. They even thought that these druids of the Rende Society were easy to talk to.

Blake, who was eavesdropping next to him, covered his face in despair. He whispered to Dean Lanyue beside him:

"We can't stay in Dalaran anymore. We have to finish things here quickly and then withdraw. Don't do anything about establishing a permanent stronghold in Dalaran. I think it's better to build our stronghold in Alterac." better."

"We'll talk about this later."

The dean maintained her usual demeanor and turned to look at Little Xingxing, who was limping but now with her hands on her hips and a proud look on her face. She asked in a strange tone:

"What's wrong with your junior? What's wrong with that leg?"

"Don't mention her, it's embarrassing."

The pirate looked helplessly at Little Xingxing who was surrounded by a group of people and praised loudly. Even Lothar took the initiative to praise the little blue dragon princess for her righteous act.

This made Blake sigh:

“The fact now is that a good fight is not as good as a good life, and a good life is not as good as publicity.

Our magical little star doesn't need anyone's help at all. He has already run towards the goal of being a blue dragon hero without any guidance.

All that’s left is to do the next big, truly valuable thing.

Well, if she continues to stay in Dalaran, she will have many opportunities to do such big things. "

As he spoke, the pirate stretched out his body, looked up at the night sky that was almost early in the morning, and said:

"I had a really fulfilling night tonight. It's time to go back and have a good sleep. I'm going to have a good rest for a few days this time. I won't go if you're going to give a lecture, tutor. There's an interesting demon hunter to take care of."

I feel that I can definitely trick her into being a guinea pig for us. Her life experience determines that she is more suitable to be the next instructor of the Demonology and Demonic Power Defense Course than the smelly and tough Maris.

Such a good child cannot be ruined in the hands of that ambitious Elisande.

Mentor, what do you think? "

"Well, that is your evil thing, don't tell me, don't pollute my ears and spirit. But even when we were alive, the relationship between Elisande and I was not good."

"I understand, let's make arrangements now!"


Early the next morning, the investigation results of the demon incident in Silver Pine Forest last night came out.

In Dalaran's Dagger of Caolan observation station on the edge of the Alterac Mountains, an expatriate mage paid attention to the movements of the three black knights who escaped last night.

They escaped on the legendary bone dragon Nightmare.

According to the eyewitness records of a group of Stormpike dwarves who camped in the Alterac Valley at night to prospect for mines, the terrifying bone dragon with burning embers eventually escaped into the wind and snow deep in the Alterac Mountains.

This means that those guys are unlikely to be caught in a short time.

It couldn't be easier to hide a few people in this damn place like the Alterac Mountains.

Almost at the same time that the mages received the incident report, Blake also received intelligence from his own Uncrowned faction after waking up.

Because the Uncrowned Ones have been active in Alterac recently, the news they observed has more details than the mages.

For example, the Black Knights didn't actually stay in the Alterac Mountains for long.

They seemed to know that the place was not safe, so they fled all the way north towards Icewind Hills, which was almost the same route that the orcs used to attack Lordaeron through the mountains.

I don’t know where the Black Knights’ final destination is, but what is certain is that these guys will definitely come back after a short rest.

"Well, where's Jaina? Where's Khadgar? Where's Ellie? Why are you the only one?"

Black took the report and walked down from the third floor of Tirisfal Council Castle in his pajamas. As a result, he saw a cold-faced old lich in the hall, studying the corpses of some killed demons.

He dissected several of them himself, making the entire hall look like a morgue.

"Jaina was summoned by her father, probably because Daelin was dissatisfied with last night's adventure. Khadgar went to Silverpine Forest to track down a group of elite demons who escaped.

As for Ellie

My disciple was summoned by her prince, perhaps because the battle last night made her gain favor and was valued by Kael'thas. "

The old lich spoke in an ordinary tone and answered the pirate's question without raising his head.

He paused and then said:

"Tell me honestly, are the series of events last night, including the dwarf Hemet, the druids of the Rende Society, the mysterious Black Spirit pirates, and the last demon, all related to you?"

"You won't believe it if I say no."

Black yawned, rubbed his head, and said to the old lich:

"I stopped pretending and admitted that what happened last night was all related to me. Are you satisfied?"

"So what exactly are you going to do when you come to Dalaran this time?"

The old lich looked back at the pirate, his ice-blue eyes shining with inquiry, and he said:

"I thought you were here for Lothar's affairs, and the cleaning that night proved this. But after last night, I found that even though I attached so much importance to you, I still underestimated you.

And that weird request you made of me before.

Tell the truth, Blake.

What will happen to this city and the entire northern Xinjiang? What big event are you planning? "

"I really didn't plan this time."

The pirate spread his hands innocently and said:

"Believe it or not, I was also involved, and I was just struggling to survive. It's just that compared to others, I moved a little louder.

As for the future. "

Black rubbed his chin and said to the old lich:

"As far as I know so far, at least three demigods will come to this city. At least!"

"What's the most?"

Merry Winterwind immediately considered the problem from the most pessimistic perspective. Faced with his rhetorical question, the pirate shrugged and said:

"You don't have to think about it the most. That kind of thinking is meaningless. The worst thing is that the entire northern Xinjiang continental shelf will be shattered. I'm not kidding you.

Shh, someone is coming. "

The pirate quickly put on a set of equipment for himself, and as the magic vibrated at the edge of the hall, a yawning Nathanos walked in.

He glanced at Blake, who was putting on his helmet, and said:

"I'm going to take you over to old Hemet. The dwarf has just woken up."

"Not going."

Blake complained:

"The old man must be eager to strangle me to death now."

"You have to go, I'm asking you to help."

Maris showed a strange expression and said:

"The druids somehow persuaded the six-member council of Dalaran. Those mages are also evil. They plan to arrange the injured of the Rende Society with old Hemet.

Hemet received the news and did not intend to wait for death.

He is now summoning the dwarf legends of Dalaran to escort him.

But the Order of Benevolence is also using Dalaran's magic to summon more druids. If you don't go and take a look, I'm afraid Dalaran will be demolished by them tonight, and with the old dwarf's condition there is a high probability that he won't survive tonight. "

"Ha ha ha ha"

Black burst out laughing when he heard this, and even the old lich laughed out loud.

Isn't this old Hemet too unlucky?

Last night at 19 o'clock, my son was born. He was an eight-pound fat boy, which made me very happy. But before I could finish my joy, the child was sent to the neonatal department because of hypoglycemia. What is the specific situation? I am also now Waiting for news.

It was originally planned that after the baby was born, five more updates would be given to everyone, but this was really not a good time.

I hope everyone can understand me. I will definitely update these five chapters after my wife and child are discharged from the hospital.

Thank you for your understanding, love you.

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