Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 552 105. Killing people is free, but joining a gang requires extra money

"I ran back and forth between Dalaran and Blackrock Spire five times in one day! And Tol Barad, Kul Tiras, Rogue Haven, and your damn Suramar.

I'm a loa!

I still have my followers to take care of in Zandalari, but I ended up serving you all this time, you bad guy!

dare you laugh!

Do you know how tiring this is? "

In the mage tower where Nathalas College resides, on the small garbage pile at the edge of the room, Old Garni's divine projection shook his head and directed a group of tiny Microraptor phantoms to bite the hateful Black's ass.

But despite the efforts of the Microraptors, they still couldn't even touch the shadow of the master assassin dodging back and forth.

Old Garni, whose fur became increasingly brighter, gnashed his teeth and cursed while summoning more Microraptor phantoms, trying to teach the pirates a lesson using the human sea tactic.

It was really angry.

In the past, it was okay to let it deliver "express delivery", but the past two days have been especially excessive. It is almost like using it as a messenger.

How can the dignified God Luo A endure this grievance?

"You're not interesting enough, old Garni."

While jumping up and down, Blake replied:

"I have been in Dalaran for the past two days looking for a book that specializes in the study of Loa gods. The book said that the strength or weakness of you Loa gods is not only related to your own strength and the number of believers, but also It has to do with your 'clergy'.

For example, Bwonsamdi, who masters the troll death priesthood, will not be reduced to a weak level even if he does not have a single believer. As long as the trolls are still there, as long as they still have the cycle of life and death, Bwonsamdi will continue to gain power.

I'm not using you as a tool.

I am adding a new priesthood to you. From now on, you will be the ‘God of Postal and Express Delivery’!

Don't hide it from me. Seeing how your fur is getting brighter and more confident when you speak, I know that you must have obtained this priesthood.

You're getting the advantage and still acting nice! "

"Bah! What a bad name!"

Old Garni opened and closed his slender mouth, revealing his small rasp-like teeth, and he cursed Blake:

"That's not what it's called. Its real name is 'God of Secrets', 'Protector and Deliverer of Secrets and Agreements'. I originally had a priesthood called 'Guardian of Secrets'.

This was not given to me by you, I was promoted to it through my own efforts. "

Having said this, the God of Lesognathus let out an ugly laugh proudly. It swung its slender tail and dissipated the illusion of Microraptor around it.

Then he used his flexible claws to take out a letter from an old black backpack on it and threw it to Blake.

Only then did the pirate notice that Old Garni was decorated with this backpack.

For a Loa god whose image is known to millions of people, every change in his image means a change in his body's power. This worn-out black backpack probably means a change in Old Garni's priesthood.

It did benefit from the frequent exchanges between Black's subordinates, but this could not calm Old Garni's anger. It glared at the pirate fiercely and said:

"With great power comes great responsibility! This new priesthood trapped me. This must be a trap you set for me. I stupidly stepped in.

It's okay now. I'm trapped by you. I can't even think of not sending these letters.

But you are not allowed to expand this 'business' of mine anymore. I don't want to get into trouble. I just want to enjoy my ordinary but interesting life in a low-key way. "


Blake opened the letter in his hand casually, glanced at it, then looked at Old Garni and said:

"Isn't power a good thing?"

"It is not!"

Old Garni jumped in anger, and this Loa god with weird values ​​yelled:

"Strength will bring challenges, challenges will bring conflicts, conflicts will bring wars, and wars will bring pain. That is not what a humble person like me should pursue!

Besides, the postal priesthood has long been obtained by others, and I don’t want to get into trouble with the ‘postmaster’!

That is a big man who can walk freely in the twisted void and shuttle between the worlds. All the world you see is His territory. Just because He treats others peacefully does not mean that He will not be angry.

You are harming me! "

The god of the slender jaws shook his tail and complained:

"So I decided to change my priesthood to 'the god of secret pacts between humble people and immortal pirates'. Do you hear me? Don't tell my god's name to people outside of your influence, and don't be complacent. The world has built a garbage dump for me!

I like living in garbage, but I'm not a garbage god.

I don't need that many dumps. "

After saying that, old Gani, who looked unhappy, was about to disappear into the smoke, but was stopped by Blake.

He reached out and wrote a note beside him, threw it to Old Ghani and said:

"Help me make one last trip and give this thing to Evil Eye and Red. I promise, this is the last time in the near future!"

"I really want to bite you to death!"

Old Garni opened his mouth angrily.

But in the end, he sighed and stuffed the pirate's note into the old backpack on his back. When it disappeared into the garbage, it deliberately farted into the pirate's room.

Amidst the weird laughter of the bad guy and the screams of the little fish man, Blake opened the window with a headache on his face and let the wind blow in, which made the environment in the room better.

"Oh, Red, the warchief, is really doing something "spectacular". Look, he has his own Kor'kron guard, and the Saurfang brothers are his bodyguards.

Two warrior gods serve him, what a blessing."

The pirate waved the letter in his hand and said to the little fishman holding his nose next to him:

"Rexxa, who I have been looking for everywhere but couldn't find, was also found by Red. Why didn't I realize before that this guy is a 'blessed general'?

Sure enough, stupid people are blessed, right? "


The little fishman dressed in hunting clothes today jumped up to the window, breathing fresh air while gesticulating to Blake. The pirate's nose twitched, he lowered his head and looked to the side, and suddenly became angry.

"Take your drowning device away! You bastard, what do you want to do by putting it in my room? Do you want me to empty the urinal for you?"

Blake scolded.

The little fish man curled his lips, jumped out of the window, and walked out the door carrying his beloved "drowning device".

It was a "murloc urinal" made of blackened skulls.

The material used comes from the head of the assassin master Macros. This is the fate of the stroller driver. The stinky pirate always does what he says in this regard.

"Red will be going to pick up the orc chief from Draenor in two days. Grom and Gorefiend must be among them. Maybe we can see a few 'old acquaintances'."

Blake lay on the windowsill, looking at the cityscape of Dalaran below. He squinted his eyes and thought:

"The Saurfang brothers have made it clear that they will not be involved in the assassination of Lothar, which is really reassuring, but also a bit regretful.

I really want to know if the ax that Brox sacrificed his life can kill Deathwing. Well, it may be a little difficult, but serious injuries are definitely no problem, right?

No matter how ferocious Deathwing is, he is still far away from the level of Sargeras.

Ah, now I am looking forward to the next development more and more. "

The pirate grinned and looked at the Violet Castle in the center of the city.

The second Great Magic Debate was being held there, and those excited spellcasters never imagined how "busy" their city would be in a while.

"Dalaran, Dalaran, what virtues and abilities do you have?"


On the edge of the Alterac Mountains, which are covered by ice and snow all year round, on an outer ridge leading to the East Wilder region of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, a hunt and escape are underway.

Three black knights rode on the back of the terrifying Bone Dragon Nightmare. They struggled to break through to the north in the wind and snow.

But this sudden snowstorm is very unusual!

Its biting cold wind was like a chain or a heavy hammer, pressing in from all directions, greatly reducing the flying speed of the legendary bone dragon. The falling snow from the sky also gathered into large clumps of hail, which smashed down hard.

The impact point was very precise, it hit the three black knights. Although the damage was not high, it severely damaged the demon concealment spells on these three guys.

The worst thing is that in this blizzard, the magic power in their bodies seems to be suppressed by some invisible force, making it difficult to exert their full strength.

Even the powerful bone dragon howled in displeasure.

Its soul trapped in this cursed body can feel a difficult aura locking on it and chasing it.

In the same snowstorm, a group of orc wolf cavalry chasing the Bone Dragon and the Black Knight were not affected by the wind and snow at all. On the contrary, they and their wargs seemed to be driven by strong winds when they were running, making them go very fast.

"There is a legendary shaman in this damn place! If we had known he was here, we should have massacred those Alterac villages."

On top of the bone dragon, the black knight caster complained in a sinister tone:

"What on earth did the Alliance army do! How could they allow such a powerful orc tribe to hide in this mountain range? How could they be so careless!

Hell, the inaction of the corrupt bureaucracy is about to send us to hell. "

"One must run out!"

Another black knight wearing heavy armor touched the regicide dagger on his waist and said to his companion:

"At least one must run away, otherwise no one will be able to host the resurrection ceremony of the leader and his companions. Once we fail and our souls fall into the twisted void, the Demon King will not let us go.

you go!

Haas, you are the caster, and you are the one most likely to escape among us. "

The black knight thrust the regicide dagger into the hands of the black knight's caster, and he said to his companions:

"Let's go back and stop those damn Frostwolf orcs. Nightmare will buy you time with us and run to East Wilder. There are many human villages over there for you to obtain souls.

Resurrect us as soon as possible! "


The Black Knights are a group of decisive guys. After discussing the strategy, the Black Knight spellcaster struggled to summon a big magic bat and flew towards the north in the blizzard spurred by the legendary shaman.

The ferocious Bone Dragon and the two black knights with their backs turned around and killed the wolf cavalry chasing after them.

The opponent has a legendary shaman, a group of high-level shamans to help, and a large group of brave wolf cavalry. The two black knights are destined to be in trouble.

But just as they were surrounded by wolf knights and fighting desperately, violent thunder and lightning suddenly broke out on top of the raging blizzard.

The violent and twisted natural forces turned into gray-black lightning storms, like a heavy punch, brutally tearing apart the blizzard. In less than a minute, the wind and snow that had just blocked the sky and the earth turned into clear sky again.

The orcs also sensed the threat. Amidst the desolate and low sound of horns, the well-trained wolf cavalry quickly withdrew.

They didn’t forget to bring their “trophies” with them.

A black knight has been hacked to death by their swords, and his body will naturally be brought back to the clan as a consolation offering for the murdered orc slave laborers.

The weird lightning still wanted to pursue, but the orc shamans worked together to set up a wall of wind, withstood the thunder and lightning, and the warriors who protected them retreated to the depths of the Alterac Mountains unharmed.

The last scarred black knight who survived the disaster was holding his two swords and looked back behind him.

A few minutes later, a group of Amani troll headhunters riding war raptors and war bears and a group of strangely dressed snake people appeared in his field of vision.

The guy at the head is particularly strange. He is a flexible skeleton and wears a blood-red pirate hat. His mount is also a very unique and cool skeletal raptor.

Even the knights and mounts combined could not find a piece of real flesh and blood.

Behind these weird combinations is a chariot pulled by four bears, with a large black box placed on it. Dazzling thunder and lightning roll around the box, making bursts of thunder.

The black knight spellcaster Hass, who had just escaped, was now being escorted by two troll headhunters on the left and right, and was tied up with a rope in an awkward shape.

After they got closer, the eyes of the black knight with two swords tightened under his helmet.

In this small team, there are six legendary trolls alone!

There are two legends on the Snake People's side.

The mysterious things contained in their wooden boxes also gave the Black Knight a sense of extreme danger.

"I heard you're also planning a spectacular raid in Dalaran?"

The skeleton pirate Gaboya rode his raptor and walked up to the black knight in a carefree manner, looking at him condescendingly. This vulgar Zandalari pirate had more than a dozen luxurious rings and bracelets on his six fingers.

He wants everyone to know that he is a truly rich man.

Faced with his question, the Black Knight nodded.

"Great, then we're 'associates', man."

Gaboa laughed. The crazy skeleton pirate pushed his pirate hat, pulled out the troll pirate sword dotted with luxurious gems from his waist, and stabbed the seriously injured black knight in front of him with a ruthless gesture. In the helmet's eye socket.

"I haven't killed anyone in a long time, so this knife is free. After you are reborn, we will discuss the reward for saving you."

I'm a pirate. I'm willing to do anything but good deeds. If you hire me to save people, you'll probably pay double the price. "

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