Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 556 109. You have been strengthened, old man, come on!

The Pope agreed that Black and Little Star would temporarily follow him to Lordaen Monastery, which was an unexpected surprise for the pirates.

This monastery belongs to the three holy sites of the Holy Light Church.

It is said that it was built to commemorate Lordaen, the tribal leader here in the clan era before the establishment of the human empire.

It is also said to be the place of practice where the first priests of human civilization realized the power of the Holy Light.

As for Lordaen, he was from the same era as Emperor Thoradin. He was also Emperor Thoradin's right-hand man and a very talented and strategic human leader.

Unfortunately, he died on the land he loved so much before the victory of the war between the human empire and the trolls.

The name "Lordaeron" was coined by later generations to commemorate General Lordaeron.

That monastery is famous in Northern Xinjiang, and it is now also the base camp used by the Holy Light Church to train priests and knight apprentices. It is located in the northernmost mountains of the Tirisfal region of the Kingdom of Lordaeron and belongs to the hereditary territory of the Mograine family, a great noble of Lordaeron.

The local lord, Alexandros Mograine, one of the second batch of baptized knights, and his family guards naturally shouldered the responsibility of protecting the Holy Land.

This is a powerful noble in the Kingdom of Lordaeron. He was a sincere believer before he was baptized, and he was also a legendary warrior with outstanding achievements. After converting to the power of the Holy Light, Mograine used his passion for the warrior's way, Infused with the power of faith with a fanatical attitude.

He is so sincere and unyielding, and his strength of will makes him extremely loved by the Holy Light.

Although he is the second batch of baptized knights, Alexandros Mograine is already one of the most powerful among the dozen or so knights.

Of course, the pirates didn't come here just to fight a fearsome paladin like Alexandros.

He came prepared.

He had long been interested in something hidden in this Holy Land of Holy Light, a "trophy" that he had asked someone to buy but was refused to sell by Alexandros.

However, although I am eager to see the treasure I am about to get, I still have to walk step by step.

During the rest of the journey, Blake was asked by the Pope some recent issues as if he were being questioned in the carriage under the Pope.

"Although there is no evidence, many people are speculating that your Uncrowned One played a very disgraceful role in the fire and theft of the Alterac Palace."

The Pope glanced at Blake, reached out from the bookcase next to him and took out a stack of texts marked "Top Secret" of the Holy Light Church, and placed them on the small table in front of him. He said:

"Black, tell me honestly, is this summary of the Frostwolf Clan in the Alterac Mountains produced by your subordinates true?"

"Absolutely true! My Majesty, you and the Holy Light Church can always trust the integrity of the Uncrowned in this regard. We disdain to lie on this kind of information."

Blake raised his hand and said casually:

“It can even be used as a military-grade map when two armies are at war.

In addition, I need to remind you that in the special environment of Alterac's ice and snow, the combat effectiveness of Drek'Thar, the legendary shaman of the Frostwolf clan, will be strengthened and improved.

There are also ancient ice and stone elements that can be awakened in that mountain range. The Alliance may need more than three Legendaries to stand against him and his elemental powers.

As for the Frostwolf Cavalry, it's not a big problem.

There are dwarf goat cavalry who also grew up and trained in the ice and snow of Khaz Modan to fight against them. Only a well-equipped ranger regiment is enough to suppress them. "

"Losa said the same thing."

Fao nodded and said:

"He told me that as long as he is not affected by 'external factors', he can complete the annihilation of the Frostwolf clan within two months, and the military strength used will not exceed 50,000.

But I care more about the content of the last few pages of this information, which are the few sentences you personally wrote.

You said, there are black dragon activities in the Kingdom of Alterac? "

"No! I'm not talking about the black dragon in the Kingdom of Alterac, Your Majesty."

Blake raised his head and glanced at the old pope. He took out the evil skull flask from his waist and said softly:

"What I'm talking about is that there are black dragon activities in the entire Alterac Mountains area. Although they are very similar, they are two completely different concepts. I will not hide it from you, Your Majesty the Pope.

I asked the Holy Light Church to intervene just to prevent the evil dragons from the Chaos side from jumping out to cause trouble. "

"If this is the case"

The old pope nodded, closed his eyes and thought for a moment, and said:

“I will summon the vanguard of the Knights of the Silver Hand and have them assemble in the Holy Land.

Then, there is the second thing, about the exploration of the world of Draenor, the people of the Holy Light you mentioned, and the Attama crystal being sought by the Quel'dorei elves.

To be honest, Blake, when some high-ranking priests and paladins of the Holy Light Church communicate with the Holy Light through ancient holy objects, we will indeed meditate on some strange, geometric sacred creatures with beautiful lines.

Is this what you predicted? "

He took out a copy of the portrait from his pocket and placed it in front of the pirate. The latter took a look at it, nodded, and commented:

"This is such a bad drawing! A child's graffiti is better than this.

However, the general appearance can still be seen. It is indeed the 'Naru Tangram', the Holy Spirit born from the origin of Holy Light. I know what you want to ask, Your Holiness.

I can tell you for sure that when you explore the world of Draenor, you will definitely be able to see this kind of Holy Light and Holy Spirit, as well as the hoof people who are protected by them. "

Blake looked at the Pope and said seductively:

"Humankind's inheritance of Holy Light belief is less than three thousand years, but the Holy Light teachings of the hoof people have existed for at least 50,000 years! Their leader is a Holy Light Eternal Chosen God who has lived for 30,000 years.

The divine wisdom he possesses alone is more than ten times that of the entire Holy Light Church!

Consider, Your Majesty, what it would be like to discuss the doctrine of the Holy Light with such a person who is about to become your companion on the path of faith.

Oh, your Majesty!

Don't get excited!

When you are older, you should understand Saidan! Come on, your old man is about to be whipped. "

Blake rapped on the carriage wall.

The Grand Knight Saidan who was driving immediately jumped into the carriage with vigorous movements. While holding the old pope's hand, he used the flash of holy light to communicate with the astonishing holy light in his body to calm his excitement, while glaring at Black.

He thought the pirate had said some blasphemous words, which made His Majesty so angry.

"Calm down, take a deep breath, take a deep breath. Yes, calm down, you have to take good care of your body. I really can't afford to bear the terrible crime of assassinating the Pope. This experience is as scary as encountering a porcelain."

The pirate watched in fear as the old pope in front of him almost lost his breath. He wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead and said to the old man in front of him:

"They said you were in poor health, and I thought it was an excuse. I didn't expect that you were really in poor health.

But what's going on? It stands to reason that a legendary priest like you, whose body has been infiltrated by holy light all year round, should not be so weak apart from age.

The last time we fought against the void together, weren't you still as powerful as a dragon and a tiger? "

"This is the aftermath of the last battle with something evil."

The Pope closed his eyes, leaned on the seat of the carriage, panted amidst the surge of warm holy light, and said:

"I rashly used that sacred thing and gained astonishing sacred knowledge from the legacy of God Tyr, but it also overdrawn my little remaining vitality. Since then, my physical condition has been deteriorating. Deteriorating.

But I'm very old, Blake.

This may be the will of the Holy Light. "

"The will of the Holy Light is to let a sincere believer like you die? Then it is still not worth believing in."

The pirate curled his lips and said blasphemous words in front of the two sincere people without caring. He recalled that day in the secret land of Tirisfal when the old pope came holding a silver hand, like the incarnation of the Holy Light, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

Amidst the angry scolding of the great knight, the pirate's hand grabbed the old pope's wrist and sleeve, and gently pulled it upward, revealing Fao's thin and withered arm.

The next moment, the great knight who was about to stop the pirate's arrogant move widened his eyes.

On the wrist of the old pope, which is covered with age spots, there is a strange, "parasitic" golden energy group "squirming", which is like a "sarcoma" growing on the wrist of the pope.

But it is also like the living holy light, the light and dark "breathing" that reveals the flesh and blood, really seems to be breathing, and the light on it flashes with the Pope's breathing frequency.

"This is 'Lightcast'!"

Xal'atas and the pirates exclaimed almost at the same time, and both the master and the servant recognized the true situation that the Pope was now facing.

"This old man actually started the light casting ceremony without the assistance of Naaru!"

Miss Void whispered in the pirate’s ear:

"Quick! Kill him before the ceremony is completed! Otherwise, once he becomes a body made of light, he will immediately notice my existence and implicate you!"

"Calm down, what do you look like in a panic? Besides, the problem at hand is huge, so there's no point in panicking."

Blake was also shocked.

But he acted very steadily. After thinking for a moment, he squinted his eyes and said:

"The Holy Light is transforming your body in a way that is indescribable to common sense, Your Majesty. It should be that when you sacrificed your life to communicate with God Tyr's artifact, the power of the Holy Light was purified by the power of divinity.

This was not a disaster. In fact, I never thought that this rare gift of power would appear in the material world, right before my eyes. "

The pirate stared at the "sacred flesh and blood" crawling on the Pope's arm, and said in a strange tone:

“But it could indeed be called a disaster.

Because even as a 'prophet', I only know that there is a mysterious 'light casting ritual' among the hoof people, but I don't know its specific content.

You have been given a gift of a secret treasure, but you don’t have the key to unlock it.

The Lightforging Ritual is stuck at the step of transforming flesh and blood and cannot continue to penetrate into your holy soul. These activated lights are drawing your life force. You must complete this ritual or you will be called by the Light.

The most tragic and regrettable thing is that you have clearly obtained the qualification to become the ‘Chosen One of Holy Light’, and you have already taken the first step towards becoming the ‘Living Holy Spirit’. "

Facing the pirates' regret, the old pope didn't have much expression on his face. He seemed to have realized that he was about to die soon, and accepted this fact with the calmness that a clergy should have.

But Lord Saidan Dathrohan was like a drowning man who suddenly saw hope. This loyal knight held the pirate's hand and asked loudly:

"Where can I find the knowledge of the 'Light Forging Ceremony'? You must know, right!"

"I do know."

Black and the Pope looked at each other. He saw the entanglement and hesitation in the old man's eyes, so he turned to the great knight and said:

"The Draenei, a race that possesses this high-level divine wisdom, I call them 'hoof people'. They are now lingering in the world of Draenor. Yes, it is the world of the orcs.

They were forced to hide at the edge of the world by the flames of war. The elves of Quel'Thalas are planning to explore the world of Draenor. I have informed the Lord Turalyon of this news before.

Your Majesty also knows it.

But he couldn't make up his mind to let the warriors of the Holy Light step into an unknown world to search for hope that might not exist. Your Majesty is a great man, but he does not want to use public tools for personal use.

But in my opinion, his current state is in great need of this high-level Holy Light knowledge.

He has not yet understood the significance of a Holy Light Divine Chosen to the Holy Light Church. The people I am talking about have a 'Holy Light Eternal Divine Chosen', who uses his wisdom and strength to protect and lead the group of exiles. Twenty-five thousand years of exile among the stars."

"No need to say it! Blake."

The Pope interrupted the pirate and said in a deep voice:

"This action is too risky. We know nothing about that world. If even the orcs cannot survive there, then rashly sending the warriors of the Holy Light there would be a terrible sin.

They are still young and have not experienced their own life. They have no reason and should not make such sacrifices for an old man like me!

I can't be so selfish, no one can be so selfish.

Let’s discuss this matter here.

I have sent a letter to Lady Liadrin, and she will try her best to share some information about the expedition to Quel'Thalas for us. But the precious power of the Holy Light must be used for truly righteous causes and cannot be wasted in the slightest. "

Dathrohan clenched his fists. He was about to retort when he saw the pirate reaching out to unbutton his collar. While unbuttoning, he said to Alonsos Faol who opened his eyes:

"You are not willing to risk other people's lives for your own. This is really a noble character. It makes a dark guy like me move to tears.

But Your Majesty, based on my interests, I cannot allow you to abandon everything and plunge into the Holy Light now.

Don't forget.

You still owe me an important contract that has yet to be fulfilled. "

As if revealing some secret, Blake pulled down the collar of his dress, revealing the cool evil patterns on his body. He showed the dark green lines on his body to the two men in front of him and said:

"Are my tattoos cool? Your Majesty, I think you need one too.

Although it cannot cure your current Holy Light activation condition, it can absorb excess Holy Light, stabilize your condition, and buy you more time.

Don't show that expression, I know it doesn't fit in with the old-fashioned values ​​of the elderly.

But your life is almost gone, right?

Don’t be particular about it at this time.

One thing that needs to be emphasized is that this thing is an unheralded secret belonging to the warlock school of Nathalas Academy. It brings together the wisdom of the entire academy. I can customize a set of 'sacred tattoos' specifically for you.

But it’s the price.”

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