Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 575 128. I guess you don’t like hunting

On the way to evacuate the city of Lordaeron, Anduin Lothar figured out the mastermind's plan and almost had his arm chopped off by Grom with an axe. He looked back at the people who were still following him.

When the orcs' raid began, the powerful Grom Hellscream, with the help of Varok Saurfang, held back three knights, including Uther Lightbringer who was holding a holy weapon.

When Muradin, the Bronzebeard Prince, was evacuating, he was entangled by Fenris, the King of Wolf Cavalry.

Kargas reappeared just now, and Grandma Shaw and Great Knight Bolvar Fordragon, who were traveling together, joined forces to stop him by falling into the city.

The only ones following him now are Prince Falstad of the Wildhammer, little Varian, and some loyal warriors and gryphon knights.

The protectors of the high elves, except for the Silvermoon Archmage Rommath, were all in Dalaran at this time. The unexpected appearance of the Blue Dragon King blocked all possibilities of teleportation.

Even Prince Kael'thas and the six-man council couldn't provide quick support.

No matter how close Dalaran is to the city of Lordaeron, it still takes time to come overland.

The defenses around Lothar had been weakened to the extreme by the orcs' attacks, and the robbery by the Blackstone Raiders commanded by Red Blackhand caused chaos to spread rapidly from the royal city to the entire city.

The city has fallen into chaos, and the support Lothar can receive has also been greatly weakened.

If he is the planner of this assassination, then this time is the perfect time to execute the assassination. Therefore, those assassins hiding in the darkest place looking for opportunities should be here


When this group of flying knights crossed the city wall of Lordaeron, the sudden volley of powerful crossbows caught the three gryphon knights at the front of the group off guard and hit them with arrows in an instant.

The dwarf riders fell down together with the gryphon mounts that were hit by the thick crossbows. These rough-skinned guys wouldn't die here, but they still yelled in their "hometown dialect" and whirled into the city. In the lake below the cliff.

The well-trained gryphon knights immediately spread out.

But from the city wall in front of them, a group of assassins in black stood up with bows in their hands, and rained arrows on the griffins flying in the sky.

The Wildhammer dwarves are not afraid of such attacks.

They have many ways to launch attacks from high altitudes and easily kill this group of madmen blocking the way, but the problem is that the dwarves are now performing the most troublesome protection task.

These assassins on the other side don't need to defeat them at all.

The Assassins only need to seize the opportunity to kill Anduin Lothar, and they can claim victory while leaving the bitterness of failure in the hearts of the dwarves.

"Stormhammer! Volley!"

Falstad, the leader of the Wildhammer dwarves, took out the silver-gray flying hammer with a square head from his waist, and used the impact of the gryphon's high-speed flight to smash the hammer in his hand towards the city wall.

Other gryphon knights, like Falstad, used small flying hammers in the sky to launch bombing attacks on the assassins on the city wall.

These warhammers enchanted by the Wildhammer Shaman will emit dazzling lightning when they hit the ground. They can also release the elemental magic stored in the warhammer, causing all enemies within the attack range to be electrocuted and paralyzed for a short time.

This is the main long-range attack method of the Griffin Knights, and it is extremely powerful.

With just two rounds of volleys, less than half of the assassins who appeared on the entire city wall were eliminated, and the rest abandoned their bows and crossbows and fled. But it doesn't matter, they have achieved their goal.

The griffon Lothar and Varian were riding was hit by a rain of poisoned arrows. In the last moments of his life, the loyal beast struggled to spread its wings and glide, falling to the bottom of the city wall of Lordaeron as if out of control.

The injured old marshal was thrown out in mid-air. He hugged Varian tightly in the air, trying to arouse his anger, hoping to complete a heroic jump and neutralize the impact.

But Grom Hellscream's beheading ax just now was so overbearing that the old man's anger was now very blocked.

He could only hold the King of Stormwind Kingdom, Varian, whom he regarded as his adopted son, tightly in his arms, and use his body to protect this young man who was destined to have a bright future, and who might even become the hope of the future of human civilization.


Lothar has become accustomed to doing his best to protect Varian after the death of his friend Llane Wrynn, but he occasionally forgets that Varian Wrynn is no longer the helpless and lost person he once was. All poor children.

He also already has his own powers.

As the warm holy light burned and reverberated, a thick layer of sacred barrier was placed around him and Lothar at the king's call, allowing the two to fall to the ground from mid-air without any harm.


The old marshal's Emperor's Sword was lifted by Varian, and the golden flame of holy light wrapped around the blade. After falling in this dark alley, the young king drew his sword and stood beside Lothar without fear. forward.

He felt the shadows around him shaking.

There is a dangerous master assassin around here, probably more than one!

"I will not allow them to harm you, Marshal."

Varian held the Emperor's Sword Stromka in both hands and looked around warily. Without looking back, he said to Lothar, who was struggling to get up with his arms lowered behind him:

"You used to protect me. Today it's my turn to protect you."

Varian's voice was so calm that he didn't sound like a seventeen-year-old young man who had been sent to a desperate situation.

He never seemed to despair, even in this moment when he was surrounded by enemies.

The powerful magic steel sword of the Barbarian King in the little king's hand has perfect energy conductivity. Whether it is the fire of anger of the warrior or the holy light of the paladin, it can produce the effect of "energy blade".

The long sword produced a beating golden light blade in his hand, illuminating the surrounding shadows.

"No, kid."

Lothar shook his head, and the old marshal put his still mobile right hand on Varian's shoulder. Amid the strange shadows flowing around him, he said:

"I'm not old enough to need the protection of a half-grown young man. Listen to me, they are here for my life today. You saw it too, Varian.

This is no ordinary political matter.

Orcs, black dragons, the Assassin's Alliance, and elves are all involved. This incident may have started because of me, but at this point, it is no longer under our control.

You must leave immediately!

Not only do you have to leave Lordaeron, but you also have to leave Northern Territory and return to the Kingdom of Stormwind. Maybe a storm is about to hit, and you must fulfill your sacred oath.

I don't need you to choose between your people and me, Varian.

You have to choose them! "

"Listen to the Marshal, young king. He is right."

After Lothar finished speaking, a gloomy yet magnetic voice sounded in the surrounding darkness.

It seemed sarcastic.

But if you listen carefully, you will feel that this mysterious guy is just saying what he is thinking.

As Varian and Lothar watched, the surrounding shadow curtains rolled up a slight wind of darkness.

A group of people dressed in black loomed in the dark wind. There were about thirty of them, most of them were humans. There were also a few tall ones who should be elves, as well as short dwarfs and dwarves.

Looking at them holding weapons in their hands and silently surrounding them, looking at their walking movements in the dark, and looking at the cold aura they exude, you can tell that these guys are real assassins.

It is a collection of the absolute elites of two assassin factions, and they are super assassins strengthened by dragon blood. Each of their bodies has been strengthened into a "critical" state.

You only need to sum up your own set of power system to be promoted to the extraordinary legendary realm.

The two leaders appeared one after another twenty yards in front of Lothar and Anduin. The first one was wearing a black dragon scale armor, a dark helmet, and a long Short of two daggers.

The one at the back is a bald man, wearing a black battle suit, and has strange tattoos on his bald head, which looks full of a sense of religious ritual.

The weapon of this fierce-looking bald man is actually two small snake-shaped daggers, which are extremely inconsistent with his body type.

"Master Farad, Master Carlu Aurelius."

Lothar, surrounded by the faction elites of the two master assassins, did not panic.

He straightened his back, pulled out a short sword for self-defense from behind, raised his head and looked at the two masters in front of him, called them by name, and said:

“During the most difficult period of the Orc War, it was thanks to the activity and efforts of these two that the Orc Sword Masters and the Shadow Council Assassins were not able to cause more terrible damage to our commander.

I still can't forget that when I first met the two masters, you were completing a counter-infiltration mission. You were covered in blood and lying exhausted in the marching tent.

That time, thirty-seven of you went out and resisted twice as many orc assassins as our own, but only seven came back."

"It's six."

Farad, who was wearing a battle helmet, said calmly:

"My cousin wailed all night after he came back. The poison of the Bloodring Orcs destroyed his eyes and kidneys. Before the sun rose, I had to give him relief myself."


Lothar paused and said:

"What I want to say is, we have all survived such difficult moments, why do we have to fight each other after everything gets better?

I don’t think you’d give me an answer saying it’s for remuneration.

Now that we have reached this moment, I may die soon. I hope I can know the answer to the question I want to know before I die.

Is it for strength? status?

Or for some kind of belief? "

"No, it's not as complicated as you think, Marshal."

Farad still called Lothar the same name he used during the previous war. He even showed an undisguised respect and did not hide his thoughts. Instead, he said frankly:

“This has nothing to do with identity, status or power, nor does it have anything to do with belief.

It’s just that when the meaning of our existence is about to be erased, when the career we have worked for our whole lives is about to collapse, when we are about to lose the only value of our existence in this world, we will fight back.

Those are the only things we have.

Others want to take it away from us, how can we let them succeed?

It doesn't have to be you, Marshal.

You are an honorable person, and I have always thought that you are the only and truly great person on this earth, but unfortunately, I am not as fearless and upright as you.

Between your life and my existence, I will choose myself without hesitation. "

"I do not understand."

Lothar shook his head and said frankly:

"Maybe it's because I'm not an assassin.

But I feel your helplessness and pain, Master Farad, maybe we can shake hands and make peace, maybe we can end this dispute in another way.

I will help you get what was taken from you, I swear. "

"We are assassins, we are Ravenholdt. We will get what we need ourselves, so you won't have to do anything."

Farad and the silent bald Carl Aurelius behind him drew their weapons at the same time. Amidst the shadows around him, he said dumbly:

"Marshal, have a safe journey."


The moment Farad escaped into the shadows, several balls of blood exploded at the same time.

But the injury was not on Varian or Lothar, but on the elites of the two factions who jumped out of the shadows.

There were magic arrows from elves piercing the shadows and shooting out, and a thin figure shuttled back and forth in the darkness. There were also the roars of dogs and wolves, the growls of big bears, and clusters of sparkling arcs of lightning.

This scene stunned Varian, who had already clenched his sword and prepared to fight to the death.

But Lothar showed a smile. The smile made Farad frown in the darkness and his heart sank. He realized that the situation was wrong, but now he had to take action.

"MI7 is at your service, Your Majesty. You do not need to fight with a sword until we die in battle. Now, please stand back a little to avoid blood splattering on you."

Shore's teasing voice sounded beside Varian, which immediately relaxed Varian Wrynn, who was worried.

He had great trust in his intelligence chief.

Shore is indeed the kind of character who makes people feel at ease.

The elite members of MI7 he brought with him and the "Raven Troopers" of the Uncrowned Ones fought against the rebellious assassins in the shadows. From time to time, there were the heroic shouts and harsh gunshots of the dwarf old Hemet.

On the other side, Nathanos, who was carrying a war spear and a war bow, also broke in from the shadow curtain. As he moved, he shot precise and deadly arrows at the figures shuttled in the surrounding shadows with an expressionless face. .

"Farad, Kallu, you still have a chance to make a choice."

Lothar shouted loudly:

"You are all heroes who have contributed to the alliance. No matter what you drink, no matter what you become, you can still turn back!"

"You still don't understand, Marshal."

The master assassin's voice sounded behind Lothar.

Along with the sound, there were two poisoned daggers stabbing Lothar behind. This stab in the back was fast and cruel, and its speed was so high that it even left an afterimage.

But before he could touch Lothar, Farad was hit in the chest by a foot kicked out of the shadows.

It wasn't very powerful, but the kick caused him to deform his attack movements, and he escaped from the fighting circle with a light back jump.

"You don't tell others what you want to do, but you keep saying that others don't understand you! Are you a mature and steady master assassin, or a little girl in love?

Is it annoying to always have people guessing? "

Black, wearing the Death Shadow Armor, emerged from behind Lothar holding a moon blade.

He snapped his fingers.

Imps, Fel Guards and Big Eyes rushed out from the fel portal, leading a group of crazy hell hounds to join in the counterattack against the rebellious assassins.

The pirate performed the watcher's classic attack action and pointed the moon blade at Farad in front of him. He said:

"I heard that you are a very old-fashioned person, and I guess you must not have much entertainment. You don't like hunting, and you don't like fishing, right? I suggest you take some time to learn.

This hobby is great for those of us in high-risk industries who are constantly mentally stressed.

Of course, the premise is that you still have future words.

Ah, the long hunt finally ends today. Tell me, if I kill you, will the eyesore of Ravenholdt be over? "

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