Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 577 130. If you want to cut down a tree, you have to cut it down from the root.

Three roaring hellfire meteorites hit the shadow curtain in the lower city of Lordaeron.

Even though it was broad daylight, the meteorite fire falling from the sky was not as dazzling and bright as it was in the night sky, but it still caused countless panicked civilians who fled to scream in fear.

The scene was very much like the end of the world in fairy tales.

"Question! What are the most similar professional features between warlocks and hunters?"

The pirate's joking voice sounded above the broken shadow curtain.

It was like a brain teaser, and he seemed to be really craving an answer. Unfortunately, the master half-dragon assassin, who was being surrounded and beaten by three heavily armed hellfire demons, had neither the time nor the inclination to answer Black's question.

Not satisfied with the answer, the stinky pirate flapped the devil wings behind his back and leaped from one end of the battlefield to the other.

Seizing the opportunity, he threw a rain of evil fire towards Farad who was being beaten wildly below, causing the scorching evil energy to turn into raindrops and fall from the sky, corroding everything.

When the assassin master wanted to dodge, another precise psychic blast hit him.

The half-dragon's will was struck by the evil magic of Nathrezim, and the loud bang resounding in his heart instantly disrupted the rhythm of the battle between Farad and the three-headed hellfire construct.

Farad, who was still able to gain the upper hand, was stunned and was rushed by Hellfire. He was beaten back repeatedly by the encirclement and fierce attacks of the Burning Legion's war machines.

Blake laughed wildly and waved his left paw, and the magic power of the shadows gathered into a painful whip of whipping spirit, lashing down regardless of the target.

Hellfire is a painless structure, and mental whipping is useless to them, but dragons are living flesh and blood beings, and the pain that strikes their souls makes their huge bodies tremble.

"The correct answer is that warlocks and hunters never enter the battlefield alone! If you want to take my life, you must first pass my servants.

And my servants are endless!

You may have expected a fight to the death, my poor Farad, but you were clearly not prepared to fight an army. "

The pirate in the sky folded his arms and admired the master assassin's embarrassment.

At this moment, he was shaped into the posture of the Dread Lord with his arms folded. His pale and thin face, with the weird horns on his forehead, carried undisguised sarcasm and ridicule.

He flicked his claws as sharp as a knife, and two more evil energy portals opened around him. The demon guard Clifland and the Big-Eyed Demon Glazer, who had just killed the rebellious assassin, rushed out of them and joined the fight. During the dragon attack.

This is not over yet.

The pirate who had completed his demon transformation used the shadow magic of the enhanced version of Gul'dan's Skull to throw a newly completed domination spell onto his demon guard.

"Ah! The power of this burning legion!"

Crazy Cleverland felt that he was connected to Blake's magic power, and the shadow magic power was transformed into pure evil energy in his body.

This crazy demon roared, and its body shape was wrapped in evil energy and changed.

Its already tall body expanded again, and the exaggerated muscles on its body became thicker and more powerful. The magic steel blade armor behind it was also melted by evil energy, and was shaped into a sharper and more ferocious appearance.

Amidst Clintland's wild laughter, it transformed into a new brutal form, with a long whip-like tail covered with scales growing from its back, its feet transformed into wide claws, and two pairs of horns sprouted from its head.

There is also a looming evil fear aura beating around the body.

It was forced to "evolve" by the Stinky Pirate's ruling charm.

From the Demon Guard, the bulk of the Burning Legion, to the elite guard of the Legion Lord, this is the Wrath Guard with stronger combat power and more destructive power.

Advance one more level and you can enter the ranks of Fel Lords.


The pirate in the sky was very satisfied with the new appearance of his servant. He threw a huge warhammer from his bag and smashed it to the ground. Clifland, who was laughing wildly, picked up the warhammer in his right hand.

It held a giant weapon on each side, roared wildly and launched a devastating charge towards the dragon-man in front of it.

As soon as he got close, he swung his weapon and danced out a chaotic demonic storm in the high-speed rotating whirlwind. The scales of the dragon were cracked and blood splattered everywhere.

After a short period of charging, the seven eyes of the Big Beholder flying in the sky opened fire towards Farad like a rapid-fire cannon.

Wherever the beams with different attributes hit, the ground was torn, houses were destroyed, and acid and fire burned.

The Master Assassin feels like he's actually at war with an army.

No matter how fast he swings his claws, his two fists are still unable to defeat four hands.

What made him feel even worse was that the current predicament was caused when Blake did not join the battle at all. Once that guy also joined the battle in the form of a deadly assassin, he would most likely be killed in an instant. rout.

But even if they don't join the battlefield, the stinky pirates still have many ways to interfere with the battle.

He flew around in the air and said in a harsh voice to Farad who was struggling to support himself below:

"Black dragons all have wings. You are still adapting to the power. Why don't you create a pair of beautiful and practical dragon wings for yourself, so that you can avoid the attacks of my demon servants?"

Farad turned a deaf ear to this "advice."

The evil-minded pirate was clearly playing with his mentality.

It is true that he can fly into the sky by manipulating the dragonborn's power to grow wings, but he has never experienced flying before. The result of taking off so rashly is that he will be torn alive by Blake who also has wings in the sky. .

But he has realized his terrible mistake.

The power of the dragonborn obtained through the strengthening of the blood of the black dragon is not used in this way. Strengthening the body and strength without discernment will not only not increase his combat effectiveness, but will seriously affect the assassin skills he relies on for a living.

As he walks in the shadows, he cannot act like a warrior and choose to confront the arrogant enemy head-on.

The master assassin quickly began to "fine-tune" his power.

In the scorching ruins, Farad's tall body shrunk rapidly. He was adjusting the focus of the black dragon's power to bring the battle rhythm back to the pattern he was accustomed to.

He is an assassin, and he must use the power of the dragon to strengthen his assassin skills. Otherwise, let alone winning, whether he can leave alive is a question.

Farad, who found the trick, quickly regained his advantage. When his body returned to normal human size, with the multiple blessings of strength, agility, physical fitness, and perception, he regained the dexterity he originally relied on for a living. .

Using a super high-destruction killing feast, he smashed the core of the flames of the three besieging hellfire structures, and at the same time pierced the assassinating blade towards the still roaring angry guard demon and the big beholder who kept firing magic beams. .

But just like before, the moment he moved, a large-scale shadow wrath fell from the sky, forcibly imprisoning all creatures, including demons, in place.

"With your super learning ability, calm judgment, and unyielding fighting spirit, you are truly worthy of being the Duke's top general. If I give you a little more time, your legendary power will merge with the dragon's power to produce a real qualitative change.

It's a pity, do you think that I, who is so evil, will give you this opportunity to learn and grow? "

A group of small bats flapped their wings and gathered in front of Farad like a strong wind.

Black, in the form of the Dread Lord, stood up from it. As his dark wings spread out, a huge wave of shadow chaos magic set off, hitting the dragon assassin like countless heavy punches.

The terrifying corrosion caused terrible wounds, and the magic power of the shadow penetrated into Farad's dragon-turned flesh like a bug, biting and destroying it crazily, and finally exploded inside the body.

Keeping the stinging shadow spikes inside your body, you continue to roll.

Nathrezim Shadow Magic: Putrid Swarm.

Several demon seeds were also detonated by the grinning pirates, and a huge amount of shadow magic gathered in Farad's extraordinary strengthened body. They were entangled, surging, and gathering.

It's like the magic firewood has been piled up, leaving only the last fire to ignite it completely.

The draconian assassin wants to disappear into the shadows.

But the shadow magic in his body was so concentrated that it felt like he was carrying a mountain on his back. It was difficult to even move, let alone maintain the fighting rhythm of disappearing and dodging.


Black's left paw dotted with corrupted gems clasped on Farad's forehead. The Nasrezim-shaped stinky pirate tilted his head, grinning with a sinister and sinister smile, and said:

"Many people have given it cool names, but I prefer to call this move 'Touch the Head to Kill'."

Warlock Execution. Shadow Burn, activate!


The shadow magic power poured into Farad's body was ignited in an instant, and hot flames spurted out from the dragon man's flesh and bones, incinerating his flesh and blood into ashes.

Farad's body trembled instantly, and the pain of his internal organs being burned made him open his mouth and spray forward the shadow flames inherited by the black dragonborn like a surge of water.

But the Dread Lord turned into a bat and disappeared with a laugh, then flashed back behind Farad. The black water chain of the underworld was swung up and entangled, piercing Farad's shoulder and collarbone, pulling him away and unable to fight back.

The demon raised its left paw, and its five rasp-like claws clawed downwards with back-stabbing and bone-eliminating techniques.

The effect of the Underworld Massacre is activated, coupled with the excitement of hunting and the blessing of the weapon master, this claw can easily produce a critical strike and crushing effect.

On the back of the dragon man were left five interlaced claw marks, hideous flesh and blood, and scars of decay and decay.

The right claw clasped the leaping cutter, and a shadow strike penetrated Farad's dragon scales. The leaping cutting effect was activated. The Dread Lord's attack speed nearly doubled in an instant, and his claws and blades waved like afterimages.

The poison-quenched sword blade was gently lifted outward, and the chain wrapped around his wrist was pulled back hard.

The sound caused by the collision between the sword blade and the bones made people's scalp numb, and it also made Farad feel like he was struck by lightning.

Backstabbing, eviscerating, stabbing with a saber, claw blade damage and shadow strike, a set of secret assassin skills were unleashed within a few seconds. If Farad had a health bar, at least two-thirds of him would have been killed in this instant.

What's even more terrifying is that the shadow magic left by the pirates in the master assassin's body is still burning, like swallowing several red-hot coals, which makes Farad miserable.

His absolute strength is clearly superior to Black's!

He is a veteran legend!

Black Shaw is just a borderline assassin. He has not yet summed up his legendary power. His strength should not be so strong.

Why is his connection with the shadow so close? This is definitely not a height that human assassins can reach, and it is impossible for the elven assassins of Quel'Thalas to have such shadow affinity.

What exactly is Blake’s professional legacy?

Why is he compatible with the Way of Shadows and spellcasting abilities?

One question after another came to mind at this fatal moment, causing Farad's mind to be shocked by confusion. He wanted to calm down, and he forced himself to calm down.

But he can't.

It seemed as if there was an invisible hand stirring his mind, just like the waves in the water that couldn't dissipate.


This kind of chaotic thoughts, this inability to concentrate, this... this is also part of the attack system of the guy in front of me!

He can influence his opponent's mind!

Hell, there is no chance of winning if this continues.

It's time to withdraw!

Farad realized this and retreated without hesitation.

Holding back the burning shadow magic in his body and the curse corrosion of a whole row of warlock magic applied to his body, he opened his mouth and spat out a huge shadow fireball towards Blake and his villain demons in front of him.

An explosion occurred when it landed, and smoke bombs and flash powder used by assassins were thrown out. Under the cover of the shadow cloak, the seriously injured master assassin turned around and jumped into the shadows, running away from the battlefield as fast as possible.

The demon pirate flapping his wings and levitating in mid-air behind him grinned, observing the looming hunter's mark in the shadow. This guy was so eager to escape that he no longer bothered to use the power of shadow to wash away the hunting mark.

Haha, just like a lost dog!

But to dare to expose your backside to a hunter is a commendable act of courage.

The pirate showed a malicious smile, blew a slender whistle, raised his left paw, and swung downwards.

Wild rage activated, weak point indicator locked, kill command!

Stupid wolf and big bear, come together!

Bite him to death!


The Soul Bear Big Horn, whose body was filled with wild and angry power, used a savage charge and a death bear hug of giant bear tactics to pounce Farad, whose whole body was exuding an anxious aura, out of stealth.

The cunning big wolf assisted from the flanks, raised his head and hissed to give himself and the big horn a wild war roar, and then opened his big mouth to bite on Farad's dragon blood-enhanced calf.

This sharp tooth was like biting into withered leather, making Frostpaw snort in dissatisfaction.

Then the cunning bastard rolled his eyes and attacked Farad again.

But this time, the soul beast's unique ability, soul shock, was used. A heavy hammer-like force hit Farad's mind, making the seriously injured master assassin dizzy.

The entanglement of a bear and a wolf greatly slowed down his speed, and the beam shooting of the angry guard Clinflan and the big-eyed demon Glazer behind him put Farad into the dilemma of being surrounded and killed again.

In the sky behind him, Blake canceled his demon transformation and threw a hook lock in the air, swinging like Tarzan, sending himself into a half-collapsed roof.

He stretched out his hand to push his battle helmet, glanced at the damaged scratches on the front of the battle suit, moved his fingers with some distress, and pulled out the long bow with a backhand from his bag, then raised his head and took a sip of old dwarf of hunting snake oil.

Enter the concentrated shooting state, and the deadly two bursts are ready.

With the blessing of the hunter's mark, the sniper attack was briefly charged. As the pirate's breath fell, there were two whooshing sounds, and the shadow arcs brought by the two void spikes streaked across the ruined area where the shadows disappeared like meteors.

The first arrow pierced Farad's chest and pinned the master assassin to the ground. The burst of magic caused an impact and shattered the ground.

The second arrow then flew forward, like a star falling from the sky, and pierced into his eye socket.

There was a dull thud.

The master assassin's body twitched violently.

All resistance ends here.

"The third one, one more, Ravenholdt will really be finished."

Blake put down the longbow in his hand, moved his shoulders, and whispered:

"This will be the first force that I destroy with my own hands. It's really a sense of accomplishment. Hey, you two, are you done? Why are you so slow when two of you fight against one?

Do you need me to scold you in my pirate's 'home dialect' to give you some motivation? "

"Shut up, Blake!"

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