Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 605 158. The trial of courage begins, 1=24, everyone comes quickly! Blackface warlock, pleas

(Additional update for the Dream Clan Lingxue brothers [13/30])

Across a lake from Dalaran, on the walls of Lordaeron, the kings and their warriors were looking at the terrifying situation on the other side of the lake.

It is very dangerous to watch the excitement here. Just now, no less than ten unlucky people were caught by the wind and thunder that was thrown up every time the roarer avatar punched because they were too close.

The scene in front of them was beyond everyone's imagination, it was like a fairy tale replaying in the real world.

In the past, seeing a dragon in the eastern continent was enough to excite spellcasters for a long time, but now the dragon melee above Dalaran makes people feel numb.

Anything rare seems to be unworthy of praise once it becomes abundant.

But compared to the nobles who hid behind to watch the excitement and exclaimed from time to time, there were always some people who understood the meaning of the scene in front of them better.

"Do we really want to support Dalaran? I mean, there are at least four demigods there now, and a group of demons trying to summon their leader who almost destroyed the world.

There are thousands of demons there, there are dragons, there are Deathwings!

Don't go, Dai Lin. "

Mrs. Jinjian felt fearful. She firmly grasped the wrist of Dai Lin, who had just returned from hunting orcs outside the city. She said in a low and frustrated tone:

"That is not a battle that we can participate in. It is an area that no ordinary person can enter."

Dai Lin didn't answer.

He just watched in trance as the 100-meter-tall elemental giant in the distance fought against Deathwing with the assistance of the two dragon kings. This scene is hot enough to make every warlike person's heart swell.

But power is not the only reason that attracts Dailin's attention.

The admiral was now staring at the face of the elemental giant.

It was too far away, even with a telescope, it was difficult to see clearly, but the outline of the smelly pirate's cheek shaped by the running water made Dai Lin feel a rare worry about gain and loss.

The terrifying and arrogant conjecture in his mind seemed to be confirmed.

This made Dai Lin clenched her fists.

His breathing became rapid.

"We must go to support!"

He said to Mrs. Jin Jian:

"Our daughter is still in that city and she must be helpless now."

"My Fenna."

Mrs. Jin Jian covered her mouth, tears almost escaping from her eyes, and she said:

"She shouldn't have come. She should have stayed at home safely. I spoiled her."

"Don't worry, I'll get her out."

Dai Lin hugged her lover, her eyes narrowed, still locked on the face of the huge element. His firm tone made Mrs. Jinjian feel the warmth of being relied on.

But she was a powerful mage after all, and she was concerned about her daughter's safety. After a short preparation, she let go of Dai Lin's hand and began to prepare a portal to Dalaran.

Several of Dailin's great knights and the three high-level tide sages who came with him also began to prepare weapon scrolls. These loyal servants would follow their king into the hell city in front of them.

"You're not really going there, are you?"

The preparations here attracted the attention of Genn Greymane, who was holding a child next to him. The King of Gilneas held his son while using his knowledge of dragons that he was not proficient in to introduce his son to the flying giants in the sky. Types of dragons and their names, while whispering to Dai Lin with a solemn face:

"Listen to your little wife, that place is very dangerous now, and you may not be able to come back. I don't want to go across the ocean to Kul Tiras to attend your funeral.

What do you think they will write on your epitaph?

A reckless man more like a warrior than a king? "

"If it were your daughter in that city, would you go?"

Dai Lin asked back in a cold voice.

Gene looked at the cold-faced and angry young mage Jaina behind Dai Lin with a blank look on his face, and he said:

"Your daughter is not behind you. Ah, I understand. It's okay. You, Dai Lin, not only let the elf commit to you as your lover, but also let such a beautiful woman give birth to a child for you.

Why haven't I seen you so romantic before? Sure enough, sailors on the sea are all a bunch of crooks who can't control their lower bodies, right? "

"You have time to make sarcastic remarks here, why not go back to your remote country as soon as possible."

Dai Lin was a little angry at Jean's sarcasm, and he retorted:

"Deathwing just went crazy and destroyed most of the Silverpine Forest. The refugee problem on the northern border of Gilneas will be a headache for you."

"Shouldn't I be leaving now?"

Genn put Prince Liam in his arms on the ground. He patted the dust on himself and glanced behind him at the portal leading to the Royal City of Gilneas that the Royal Mages of Gilneas were opening.

Before leaving with his queen, Genn hesitated, took two Gilnean-style fire blunderbuss from the guard knight beside him, and handed them to Dailin.

These two guns are absolute pieces of work.

They are both gorgeous and practical. A sharp short-edged bayonet is fixed under the large-caliber gun muzzle. When necessary, these two guns can be used as gun blades.

On the handle of the firegun, there is also the personal seal of the Greymane family, which means that this is the beloved thing of King Zeon.

In the melee with the orcs just now, Jean and his Queen Mia killed at least six greenskins with these two guns.

"Take it, Dailin."

Gene bumped Dai Lin's shoulder and whispered:

"Don't tell others that I gave it to you. I didn't prepare a 'gift' for them. If you can come back from that damn hell city alive, remember to pay it back in the future.

This was a birthday gift given to me during the war between the dwarf king Magni and the dwarf master craftsman Mekkatorque two years ago. I killed at least two Orc Warlords with it. "

"Only two?"

Dai Lin grinned, took the two torches, looked at them over and over, then inserted them into his waist and said:

"Then you are blessed with these two guns. Let me take them over and give them a real kick. Thanks, Jean. Although you are a coward, I don't hate you anymore."

"It is better to be a coward than to be a brave man who will die."

Gene was unimpressed.

When he was young, he and Dai Lin served anonymously in the army on the border of Lordaeron. Although these two middle-aged men always liked to make dirty jokes and joke around when they were together, they were indeed friends.

Of course, this is without involving national interests.

"Good luck and be careful."

Genn said the last thing, and at the urging of Queen Mia, he took his son's hand and walked towards the portal under the protection of Gilneas guards.

As they walked, little Prince Liam was still asking his father questions:

"Dad, who is more powerful between you and Uncle Dai Lin? Brother Alsace said that Uncle Dai Lin is more powerful."

"Don't listen to that silly boy's nonsense. If I get better, what will happen to the idiot Dai Lin? When I was young, I held him down and beat him."

Gene replied.

He and his son disappeared into the portal.

On the other side, the tired His Majesty the Pope was also standing on the city wall. He was leaning on his sacred staff and looking at the afterglow of Dalaran. The dragon battle shocked even the well-informed old man.

And the dragon kings' deadly fight was filled with an aura of annihilation of all things.

If he was a less firm believer, seeing this supernatural scene before him would be enough to make his faith collapse.

After all, the Holy Light he believed in was almost meaningless in this situation.

"Your Majesty, the Green Dragon Legion has just sent an envoy. They are rescuing innocent civilians in the city, but the border of Lake Lordamre has been completely shattered, and there are earthquakes everywhere in Silverpine Forest. They need our help and guidance."

The great knight Uther hurried up the city wall and whispered to the Pope:

"We have to find a safe sanctuary area."

"Isn't it okay with Lordaeron?"

His Majesty asked softly.

The great knight hesitated a little, and said in a lighter voice:

"King Terenas is rescuing his people in the city. The city has also suffered heavy damage from the previous chaos, and we are not sure whether the battle of the three-headed dragon king will affect it.

I mean, we should probably send innocent people further away. "

"Right here! We don't have that much time to waste. We need to ask the dragons to rescue more people as quickly as possible."

The Pope clasped his fingers under his crown and said in a deep voice:

"I will hold up the Holy Light and protect my people. Before I fall, no one can hurt them anymore. You all go! Go to Dalaran, take the Silver Hand, and save everyone in that city. come out."

"Your Majesty! Your body is already gone"

Uther still wanted to persuade, but when he saw Fao's firm eyes, he knew that he could not persuade this old man who became more and more stubborn as he got older.

"Paladin! Assemble!"

Uther turned around and shouted loudly at the Holy Knights of the Holy Light Church up and down the city wall. Soon, the tired knights and priests who had just hunted down the orcs gathered on the city wall.

All the great knights who can fight are here, and no one chooses to retreat.

"Mrs. Jinjian, please open the portal wider."

The great knight held up the Silver Hand and shouted to Dai Lin.

Ms. Golden Sword nodded, and with the help of the two elf mages around her, she expanded the teleportation gate she had opened by two more circles, enough for the paladins to line up and enter.

Just as these two groups were preparing to set off, there was a sudden commotion below the city wall.

Uther looked back and saw that surrounded by a group of people, Anduin Lothar, wearing a soldier's cloak, was striding up the city wall. Beside him were Varian Wrynn, Muradin and Fulin. Studd, and Bolvar Fordragon, Lord Knight of Stormwind City.

Except for Varian, all of these people were injured. Those orc chiefs who disappeared in Silverpine Forest were really not easy to mess with.

"Marshal, you should go and rest."

The tall paladin Alexandros Mograine said in a deep voice:

"I know you are worried about the people, but now that you are the injured, don't do it."

"Don't you want to cause trouble?"

Lothar shook his head. He looked around and found that many people were looking at him, including some soldiers from Lordaeron and some veterans from the city who spontaneously came to guard the city wall.

He thought for a while and said loudly:

"I want to go to Dalaran with you. Don't object in a hurry. Just listen to what I have to say."

He stretched out his hand, and Varian took off the Emperor's Sword from his back and handed it to Lothar. Lothar, whose face was gray because of the orc poison, could still feel the waves surging in his body. pain of.

He endured the pain and raised the Stormka in his hand high.

He shouted to everyone around him:

"I think none of you have forgotten that a year ago, during the decisive battle on the Burning Plains, the Warrior's Gate opened in the sky, and the golden Valkyries flew into the Hall of Valor with their heroic soldiers.

Many people are discussing the meaning of those things, why they appeared but mysteriously disappeared, and why I insist on returning here despite knowing that there is danger in the northern border.

Do I really want to be an emperor?

I think you are all thinking about this question and you have the answer in mind. But today I want to tell you, no! I did not return to Northern Xinjiang just to become emperor.

I don't carry this sword with me to tell others about my glorious family heritage.

This sword is a key, everyone.

It symbolizes the future of human civilization, the supreme power that we as humans can touch, and the final destination of our souls.

I'm going to show it to you.

I had planned to declare my mission in a more formal setting, but what could require more courage than to step onto the battlefield before me?

Demons, dragons and evil are waging war wantonly on our land without our permission. They trample on our country and our dignity, and treat our people as ants that can be killed at any time!

They question our courage to defend our fellow citizens, they laugh at the swords we swing at them, they think we are weak and vulnerable, they think we are not worth mentioning.

But they are wrong.

Soon they will see the wrath of mankind, they will taste our wrath! "

Lothar paused, his arm had just been bandaged, but now he stubbornly raised his hand, wiped the blade of the sword with his fingers, dripping blood on the blade, and raised the Emperor's Sword high.

He shouted to the sky in Ancient Vrykul:

"I! Anduin Lothar! A direct descendant of Emperor Thoradin! The one who holds Stromkar!

I pray that the door of the Hall of Valor will be opened to my people from now on. I pray that all those who fight for justice will be able to enter the warrior's paradise after death.

I request Odin, the Hall of Valor and the Lord of War, to witness the revenge and glory of mankind.

I hereby request to begin the trial of human courage!

We will prove that we will never surrender, no matter in the face of trolls, dragons, or demons, we will fight for glory for the living and revenge for the dead under the witness of our ancestors! "


As Lothar's call echoed, the haze opened up in the sky.

The Rainbow Bridge that had appeared once in the decisive battle on the Burning Plains reappeared. Amidst the echoes of the ancient Galar horns, Odin, sitting above the clouds, posed on his golden throne to appreciate the war. .

In the hall below him, countless heroic warriors were looking at the place of war. Among them, some small heroic spirits were particularly excited. They were all humans who were selected to enter the Hall of Valor in the decisive battle in the Burning Plains.

The huge golden giant, Odin, who is the king of war, will support his chin with his left hand and say with interest:

"The burning earth, the demons raging, the decisive battle between the fallen dragon and the guardian dragon, what a wonderful battlefield, it will make the warriors happily go and make the cowards retreat in fear.

The battlefield is the real place of salvation. Weak humans, let me see your courage.

I declare.

The test of human courage begins! "

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