Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 620 173. Don’t come over! Stinky woman! -Added update for brothers who reward [28/30]

Chapter 620 173. Don’t come over! Stinky woman! -Added update for brothers who reward [2830]

The disaster in Dalaran is finally over.

After this long day, after repeated attacks by black dragons, orcs, demons, world destroyers and polluters, this magical city that once stood proudly on the land of northern Xinjiang suffered from collapse and collapse at the cost of struggling to the end. time.

Where the city of Dalaran once existed, now only a giant crater as big as a city remains.

Even more heartbreaking than the destruction of the city are the caster's casualties.

The Kirin Tor alone lost one-tenth of its high-ranking mages today, and even an archmage in the six-person council died in the line of duty. Archmage Drandon was hit by Archimonde's finger of death during the battle against the Defiler, and his soul was shattered on the spot.

At this time, the archmages, led by Antonidas, were holding a simple but solemn funeral for Archmage Drandon on the shores of the permanently redirected Lake Lordamre.

Many high-level mages and junior mages who had survived the disaster attended.

In addition, many paladins and priests also died on the front line against the demons, which made the survivors heartbroken.

Their sacrifice is great.

Narthalath Academy sheltered the civilians and young mages in the city at the beginning of the disaster. Under the escort of paladins and veterans, these rescued people were transferred to a messy Silverpine Forest at the last moment.

They did not suffer large-scale casualties, but they also lost everything except their lives today.

But no one complained.

After witnessing the ravages of the Destroyers and Defilers with their own eyes, the people who survived were filled with only joy and gratitude. That doomsday scene was beyond the power of human power to shake.

After the disaster finally passes, it is a blessing among misfortunes that so many lives can still survive.

The night wind blew away the last trace of gunpowder smoke. Just like the smelly pirate said before, the night sky tonight is incredibly pure. When you look up, you can see the extremely vivid Milky Way and the warm bright moon.

The old Pope Faol who was guarding the city of Lordaeron worked tirelessly to bring a batch of supplies from the city of Lordaeron, and also brought hundreds of priests to comfort these exhausted innocent people. mind.

Under his leadership, the surviving people held a large-scale prayer beside the deserted Dalaran pit. When the warm holy light shone on the body, the joy of escaping from death and the pain of loss disappeared. It comes to people's minds.

The low and sad cry was like a gust of wind, spreading far and wide during the night.

Even the mages, who had always been cold and arrogant, sincerely knelt before the holy light tonight.

They may not have replaced truth with faith, but at such a tired moment, they also took off their disguises and wanted to soothe and soothe their frightened hearts.

Farther away, outside a desolate forest near the collapse and ruins, the priests and druids of the Moon God Church were also performing prayers with elven characteristics here.

The druids gathered up the corpses of their compatriots and collected their remains under the moonlight. These warriors will be taken back to the Moonglade, and their ashes will be scattered into the Lake of the Moon, and they will sleep in the embrace of nature forever. .

Under the prayers of the Moon God Priest, the moonlight in the sky slanted down like a human being. In that clear moonlight, it seemed that even the pain and fatigue in the soul would be washed away.

This scene was completely different from the Holy Light, but equally sacred. It also attracted many hesitant humans to watch.

Although it was not a good time, the Moon God priests still gently conveyed the grace and greatness of the Moon God to these alien people who had just experienced the disaster.

He actually gained some followers.

After all, in the victory of the Defiler's defeat, the manifestation of the moon god Elune was clearly seen by many people.

Such a powerful world-destroying demon is no match for the Light of the Moon God. Perhaps placing one's soul and faith in the great Elune is the way to true faith.

Seeing this scene, Isenlien, the senior priest of the Holy Light Church, gritted his teeth. He wished he could rush over now and let the elves have a taste of the "iron fist" of the Holy Light and drive away all the heretics!

How dare they promote their blasphemous heretical beliefs on the land of Holy Light!

They all deserve to be burned on the stake!

But the Druids and Luna Priests did contribute a lot in the battle against the demons just now. If they start a fight now, the people will see the narrow-mindedness of the Holy Light Church.

After much deliberation, Pastor Isenlien could only accept the loss of being dumb.

He turned his hatred of pagans into more fanatical preaching, and with a group of like-minded priests, he began to preach the greatness of the Holy Light to the people more enthusiastically.

There is a vague intention to compete with the opposite Luna Church.

In fact, these extreme fanatics are just a little crazy, but they are not stupid.

This can be seen from the performance of the Rende Society at this time. Those fanatical nature protectors also suffered casualties, but they are enthusiastically giving some magical seeds to the victims of Dalaran.

These seeds are all catalyzed by natural magic.

As long as you plant it into the soil under the moonlight and water it, you can form small trees that can grow pine nuts and fruits overnight, although they can only last for a few days before they wither.

But for these starving people, these seeds are very useful.

Of course, the magic seeds are not given for free.

The druids of the Rende Society will ask people to follow the way of nature in their future lives, and listen carefully to the Druid theory of natural cycles.

At the same time, some "private goods" are included.

For example, a bastard hunter like Hemet Nesingwari is the enemy of all life. When he encounters one, he must be informed of his itinerary by the Guardians of Nature, the Benevolent Society, in a timely manner.

"I should have fired cold shots during the chaos just now and killed all those druids! When someone asks, just say that they died at the hands of demons.

I also used it as a personal ID or something. "

Hemet, who was standing next to his armored griffon, was complaining while drinking wine with his dwarf brothers. Muradin and Falstad were both in a very low mood at the moment.

They came to Northern Xinjiang as Lothar's guards, but they failed to fulfill their duties as guards.

Marshal Lothar has been sent to a secret place under the rule of the church for training. It is very likely that the great man will never wake up.

"It's all those Amani trolls! And those greenskins!"

Muradin drank wine and said angrily:

"We should kill them all! How can we let them escape? What happened to Dai Lin's old swordsman this time? Why didn't he show any kindness before?"

"It was too chaotic before."

Falstad drank a glass of wine and said helplessly:

"Those orcs ran away after fighting the demons. They had dragons, and our griffins were too damaged to catch up with them. This is not to blame Dai Lin, he was also injured when fighting the demons.

As for the Amani Trolls, you have nothing to worry about.

The elves in Quel'Thalas can't swallow this breath. Even if Zuljin is dead, those vengeful elves will send a large army to annihilate the last city of Amani.

This time the Wildhammer dwarves will also be participating!

Just think it's for Marshal Lothar. "

"Speaking of which, where are those dragons?"

Hemet spat towards the camp of the Druids of the Rende Society, then looked back at the dwarf brothers, and asked in a low voice:

"I saw them just now, why did they disappear without a trace now?"

"They went back to their dreams."

Muradin sighed and said:

"It is said that it is because their queen was injured, and the heroic little blue dragon who saved us all was escorted back to Northrend by her tribe.

The kings all sent her invitations, and she could come back and play whenever she wanted.

That little girl has a good personality and drinks freely, but she is a little...

Hmm, a little silly.

They were all led astray by the stinky pirate next to her. The guy made a lot of money on this trip and sneaked away to the coast with a bunch of his gangsters before nightfall.

Counting the time, they should have reached the beach by now, right?

I was still thinking about beating him up some time. He deceived my brother into leaving civilization. Hey, he is such a cunning bad guy. "

"I heard that guy has a deep background?"

Falstad also became interested. He took out three dwarf pipes from his pocket and gave them to Hemet and Muradin. He also lit one beautifully and puffed out smoke and said:

"Muradin, you have a close friendship with him. Tell me about him. I heard Marshal Lothar say before that he is a very magical person? It is said that there is nothing in the world that he does not know?"

"He is a prophet, at least he claims to be a prophet."

Muradin also blew out a smoke ring and said:

"That guy is indeed very powerful, he can do anything. It is said that he has his own fleet at sea, but you have to be very vigilant when dealing with him, otherwise you will be tricked into doing things by him if you don't do it right.


Ahem, I have a friend like this. He was deceived and blackmailed for two days! However, he is generous in his dealings and is a person who can make friends.

The premise is that he really treats you as a friend. "

Having said this, Prince Bronzebeard touched the small dark gray flying hammer on his waist.

When bragging and farting with the dwarf brothers, occasionally a ray of moonlight would shine through, and the small flying hammer would reflect a strange luster filled with stars.

In the previous battle, Muradin used this flying hammer mixed with Luna Steel to kill several secondary demon lords, with amazing power.

However, every time he touched this newly forged storm hammer, the dwarf prince felt a headache. He had not forgotten that he had agreed to another request of the stinky pirate.

He said that when the time was right, he would go to Tol Barad, where Black was, to forge something for him.

A generous guy like a dwarf generally doesn't like to owe favors, and now he even doubts what kind of thing Black wants him to forge.

What if that guy uses it to do bad things?

Uh, okay.

His doubts were actually meaningless. If he thought about it with the wine glass in his hand, he would know that the stinky pirate would definitely use the magic weapon he forged to do bad things.

Oh, what a headache! It’s all Blaine’s idiot!

If you accidentally fall into the trap of a stinky pirate, you will no longer be a righteous partner.

While Muradin was drinking in unusual melancholy, he was deeper into the Druids' camp, deep in the Silverpine Forest that had just been ravaged by Deathwing's "mini-catastrophe".

Watcher Warden Ms. Nasa was walking forward in the moonlight of the dark night. After crossing a strange raised ridge, she entered a hidden forest.

Under the moonlight, Nasa took a breath at the scene she saw.

Seven or eight evil energy crystal prisms suspended on the ground reflected cold and strange arcs under the moonlight, and inside each evil energy prism, there was a demon lord sealed.

These are the berserkers who were summoned by the Black Knights to cause chaos in the chaos of Dalaran. Some of them were killed by Illidan, and the rest are basically here.

In addition to the unlucky demons, there were even two black dragons with frightened expressions sealed in the shadowed crystal. Of course, they were "imprisoned" in human form.

"Ms. Maiev."

Nasa quickly stepped forward and found Maiev Shadowsong, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, praying quietly in the moonlight among the prisms shaped by the Watcher's secret techniques.

The latter is still dressed in the classic look of the Warden armor, with a white ponytail floating in the wind behind the helmet. Her thorn blade is placed beside her, so she can pick it up to fight at will.

"Where is your armor? Why are you wearing an assassin's suit? Where are your weapons? Why are you using two demon swords? Those are not the standard weapons of the Watchers. They will weaken your combat effectiveness."

Maiev asked calmly.

Nasa, who was coming over, lowered her head with shame and said:

"I'm sorry, madam, to disappoint you. I was led into a trap by the cunning Blake, and my equipment became his trophy.

But I have found out his true identity.

He is Derek Proudmoore, the lost prince of Kul Tiras. He is also the leader of the 'Templar Assassins' formed by Alonsos Faol in the Church of the Holy Light. He is also a member of the Narthalas Academy Warlock School. Great mentor.

His identity is very complicated and he is suspected to be a prophet.

According to the information I have received, his shadow is behind all the major events that happened in Northern Xinjiang today. "

Maiev didn't care about this information. She was only interested in one thing.

She said in a strange tone:

"He robbed you? Stripped you naked?"


Nasa immediately denied it, blushing and explained:

"I resisted desperately and even left behind my underwear. That weird elemental demigod is just like Black Shaw, a dirty guy! He should be put in a cage!"

"Haha, you really hold a grudge."

Maiev chuckled softly.

She stood up suddenly, grabbed her Thorn Blade Wheel, and ordered Nasa:

“Returning these prisoners to the Watcher’s Cage, which is so empty, is very uncomfortable.

You go back to get a new set of armor from Mai Lin, then go to Mount Hyjal on behalf of the Watchers, and report to Tyrande the complete story of the demonic invasion that happened in the Eastern Continent today.

By the way, tell her that Illidan fled to the outside world and we have lost track of him.

For the next period of time, the Warden enters a rest period, and you and Sera focus on training new recruits. The demonic invasion heralds an era of turmoil for which we must prepare. "

"As you command! Madam."

Nasa performed the ancient watcher etiquette. When she saw Maiev leaving, she asked in a low voice:

"But, ma'am, about that pirate"

"He has defeated my best lieutenants and has proven to be a threat. Combined with the fact that I have lost track of Illidan Stormrage, I have no mission at hand for now.

It's like a short 'vacation' in a long garrison. "

Maiev Shadowsong raised her thorn blade and gently rubbed the blade with her cold gauntlet. A moon-white spiritual owl flapped its wings and landed on Maiev's shoulder.

The warden paused, she looked up at the moonlight above her head, and said softly:

"This time, I will do it myself!"

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