Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 623 176. You took away the most important thing from me! We will fight to the death! Smelly

The pirate was once again humiliatingly stripped naked.

But this time it was not for plunder. The previous capture of Azsuna was just a "joke". Maiev claimed that she wanted the stinky pirates to remember her forever. It turned out that she did this with a clean and neat plunder.

In the silent Silverpine Forest, beside a burning bonfire, Blake, whose left eye was beaten into a panda's eye, was lying next to the flames. Maiev was half-kneeling there, using the medicine in his bag to smear the wound on his waist. .

The energy from the explosion of the Lunar Arrow almost tore the pirate's waist and abdomen completely apart.

His previous weakness was not a disguise, but using his injury to disguise a counterattack was also a natural move.

The war helmet of Ms. Watcher was placed next to her. She took off her gauntlet and carefully applied the potion with her slender fingers. There was still a healing spell in her other hand.

Although she has been a Black Moon Warrior for 10,000 years, her basic skills as a priestess have not improved. Now that she is able to heal, Maiev's cold temperament has dissipated a lot.

If she wore a priest's robe, she would probably be recognized as a real moon priest.

As the flames peeled off, Maiev's fingers went up along the muscles of Blake's chest, gently stroking the remaining scars. There were not many, but every scar was close to fatal.

This fully proves what kind of thrilling battles the pirates experienced during this period.

As for the very sexy tattoos on his body, they don't quite fit in with Maiev's conservative aesthetics. She is an old elf over 10,000 years old, and it is difficult for her to accept this "trend" of young people.

"It's not finished yet."

Her fingers brushed against the unfinished compass tattoo on the pirate's chest, and a fleeting tenderness seemed to appear in her strange black eyes.

But he seemed to recall some shameful past events, and quickly pursed his lips, returning to his frosty attitude.

She turned around and picked through the pirate's luggage piled nearby. Although she didn't plan to take away all of Blake's things, it was not impossible to take a few things that she could use.

While Maiev was "busy", Blake, who was lying there behind her, quietly opened his eyes, blinked, and then closed them again.

A few seconds later, he let out a hard and painful cough, the kind that almost blew out his lungs.

This immediately alerted Maiev. The warden turned around and cast a healing spell on the pirate. He picked up a handkerchief and leaned down to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

The two people's cheeks were very close at this moment.

Maiev stared at the face in front of her. She pursed her lips, looked around, as if doing something bad, and quietly leaned down, wanting to taste the strange feeling that was about to be forgotten like last time.

She approached Blake's lips and kissed him like a dragonfly touching water.

He planned to end it there, but in the next moment, under Maiev's wide-eyed gaze, the stinky pirate actually kissed him back.

Just like the most skillful, gentle, passionate and romantic prodigal son, he gently touched her teeth and pulled her open like a "teaching" to open her "defense line".

Maiev's breathing became heavier, especially when the naked pirate reached out to hold her in his arms, some long-standing experiences from ten thousand years ago came to mind again.

For a moment, her mind, which was as strong as steel, became confused.

Under the strong sense of déjà vu and the warm attraction exuded by the man in front of him, he could easily push Blake away, and even the hands that strangled him became weak.

In the wanton flow of passion and ambiguity as the lips and teeth touched, Maiev made a nasal noise.

This may represent a welcome, a desire, a call.

She knew something was wrong.

But I still closed my eyes and enjoyed this "reunion" after ten thousand years.

As the two of them breathed more and more rapidly, as the breath became more and more beautiful under the moonlit night, when Maiev woke up from her confusion and infatuation, all her armor had been taken off.

The pirate's left hand had penetrated into her clothes.

And his right hand was extending all the way down her slender waist. Where his fingers touched, Ms. Warden's skin trembled.

This scene is the perfect interpretation of "a gun accidentally fired".

Basically, it’s just the last step.


The next second, the panting and red-cheeked warden clasped Blake's neck with his left hand like a lover, and the moment Huoran stood up, he lifted the smelly pirate into the air.

The tenderness and longing in her eyes dissipated completely in an instant, leaving only a trace of deep-seated murderous intent in the eyes of the black moon.

"I should have removed you from his body before!"

Maiev gritted her teeth and said:

"How dare you be so bold today, the evil creature who will live your whole life!"


The smelly pirate who was choked felt suffocated.

His body made a sound of pain, but the sound that came out of his mouth was a weird female voice. Taking advantage of the void, the void girl Xalatath let out a series of short, weird chuckles.

She raised her left hand as if provocative, and made a malicious rubbing motion. This action made Maiev's fingers tighten on the pirate's neck, and even made his bones make an overwhelming sound.

"Didn't you enjoy it just now? Ms. Maiev, as a woman who has lived alone for ten thousand years, you are really conservative and depressed.

You and my little master are a perfect match.

Do you know that there are many women around him who are excellent even in my eyes, but he never goes beyond that step. He was so polite to all the ladies that I once suspected he didn't like women.

But it turned out that it wasn't that he didn't like it, he just had a high-minded attitude.

He is just waiting for the woman in his life to appear. He doesn’t even know it, but he has been ‘keeping chastity’ for you. Ah, how touching. Do you want me to continue?

Or we can ‘talk it out by doing’. "

Xal'atath issued the "invitation" in his trademark, informal tone, licked his lips and made a lewd expression. Maiev was so angry that her whole body trembled.

She raised her right hand, and the black moon magic shone on her fingertips.

She was going to use the Moon God's Great Dispelling Technique to beat the soul out of this obscene and weak thing in Blake's body!

"I can help you."

Faced with the great dispersion technique that could make him disappear into thin air, Xal'atath acted very calmly.

She controlled Black's body and said to Maiev Shadowsong:

“I can help you hide this secret.

Although I don’t know how you hooked up with my little master, I know from your behavior just now that the two of you must have had close contact before, and definitely more than once.

Your body still remembers his touch, your soul longs for him

Okay, don't be angry, I won't talk about this anymore.

What I mean is that I am not interested in the ambiguous secrets between you. On the contrary, I can use all my methods to ensure that what you want to hide will not be discovered by him before a certain moment comes.

I can be an 'undercover' for you.

Help you monitor all the females that are close to him to ensure that you have 100% ownership of him. You are a very strong woman and you will not share him with others. I have seen him a lot.

Nor do I ask for anything from you, as long as you spare my life. "

"This is the first time I've seen a void creature as talkative as you."

With a sarcastic tone, Maiev put the fingers of her right hand on Blake's forehead, and the shining dispelling technique was ready to go. She said:

"But do you think I will believe your lies? Do you think I am as easy to deceive as him?"

"He's not easy to fool, he's very cunning.

Being with a prophet who can actually predict the future is something I have never experienced in my long life, and I can honestly tell you, it feels terrible. "

Xal'atath now started "complaining mode", and she complained to Maiev:

“I tried to dig a hole for him countless times, but he was able to resolve it easily every time. His difficulty lies not only in the ‘dark wisdom’ he claimed, but also in his rich and almost unreasonable knowledge.

He knows everything about this world, the worlds he has never been to, the Twisting Nether, and even the shadow realm where Death dominates.

These worlds held no secrets before his eyes.

Even I have no secrets in front of him. He knows everything about me, but I don't know his details.

What a terrible experience! Not long ago, he separated part of my consciousness and asked me to implement a very bad plan for him.

Do you know what this means? "

The essence of the void paused, and she said to Maiev as if revealing the answer:

"That means he has complete control over me.

He is not even worried about my betrayal and escape. I don't know what he has mastered, but there is no doubt that I am gradually losing my small and pitiful advantage in front of him.

Perhaps soon, I will have a showdown with my little master.

With his ruthless mind, I will be left with a miserable future.

He might kill me, he might banish me.

The most terrifying thing is that he might 'eat' me.

He has always been very strategic in this regard, and he likes to complete his dark plans step by step.

I was part of his plan.

It is a delicious meal and a feast that he leaves to his future, more powerful self!

Do you understand my situation? Ms. Maeve.

I was like a prisoner tied to the gallows. I knew I was going to die, but I didn't know when death would come. It was a terrible torture.

But luckily, I've found a solution.

I won't ask for anything from you, because you have already given me what I need most, and I can use your mysterious connection with him as a bargaining chip when the time comes.

I think about escaping from his clutches all the time.

But I have to be patient now, just like you, you have to be patient. "

Xal'atath let out a brief laugh as she spoke her plans and thoughts.

She said to Maiev in a very candid manner:

“I don’t know when you are going to reveal the answer, but there is no doubt that your current behavior, including your previous plunder, is helping him.

Although the method is very strange, it is indeed a kind of encouragement.

You hope that he will become stronger quickly. This may be an instruction from him.

Okay, your eyes have become dangerous again, I won’t guess. I can only tell you that keeping me is not a bad thing for you and him. "

"So, he is also on a 'hunting', and the target is a strange void essence like you."

Maiev put down her fingers that were shining with the Black Moon Magic. She threw Black on the ground, took a step back, put on her armor against the firelight, and soon turned back into the ruthless Warden Warden.

After putting on the owl war helmet, she turned her head against the backdrop of the flames and said angrily to Xal'atath:

“This is between you and him, this is his war with you.

Since he has already considered it, I will not participate. But if a third person knows the connection between me and him, then there will be an eternal cage in the Watcher's Cave as your warm home.

It's not like I haven't caught void creatures before. I know your characteristics very well. You can try to escape after breaking the contract. As long as you can escape, I will accept this failure. "

"There is another spy who heard the conversation between you and me, and it is currently bound to your heart."

Xalatas manipulated Blake's body to stand up, rubbed her aching neck, and said in a gentle tone:

"My little master has been trying to introduce new forces to check and balance me and defend me, but I am loyal to him, and I want to eliminate all threats for him.

Cassanatir disguised himself well, but I knew that guy was planning a betrayal.

It is not a good 'inner demon', and it is too weak. It can no longer keep up with the fighting rhythm of its little master. What is the use of such a waste?

Therefore, I humbly force Ms. Maiev to deal with this 'trash' for my little master.

What I mean by 'processing' is the kind that leaves no bones behind. "

"This is his 'source of strength'."

Maiev whispered:

"I don't want him to hate me."

"What source of power? It's hard to find a three-legged frog, but are there too few Dreadlords with two wings?"

Xal'atath said angrily:

“With my little master’s dark wisdom, I can easily find a more suitable demon.

And I suspect that he already has a plan to 'update'. I noticed before that he secretly hid a few pieces from the remaining copies of the Book of Medivh.

Haha, I'm just helping him get rid of the 'garbage' like a qualified housekeeper.

Oh, by the way, Your Majesty the Mistress.

There are a few more things please take with you. "

The Void Essence controlled the pirate's body, took out a few items from his luggage and equipment and threw them to Maiev. Xal'atath put on a "coquettish" feminine posture and said to Maiev:

"After all, you just left like this. It will be difficult for me to explain this to my little master in the future. Anyway, you need him to remember you. Taking away the things he values ​​most may make him miss you day and night." Not sure.

Finally, let me confirm once again, do you really not need me to satisfy your deepest desires?

I am very 'skilled' and will definitely satisfy you.

No matter how powerful a warrior is, he needs to relax once in a while, right? "

"You'd better think again about the content and tone of your words, creature of the void."

Maiev glanced at the Nethersea Water Chain in her hand, hung it on her waist like a whip with satisfaction, and held the emerald crystal-like fragment of Azzinoth.

She felt that this perfectly balanced dagger was very good as a carrier for flying knives in Shadow Raid.

Deadly and beautiful.

Before disappearing, she said to Xal'atath:

"Take care of him."

"Every time the moonlight shines, I will stare at you."

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