Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 659 212. How to calculate this

"Did you kill Old Ur? You swamp witches are very brave if you dare to attack a genuine archmage of Dalaran."

Blake looked at the female orc who was bending over and acting very humble.

He asked, but the female orc immediately explained:

"No, your Excellency, Old Ur's death has nothing to do with us, at least it has nothing to do with me."


The pirate made a suspicious nasal sound, and the female orc coughed awkwardly and explained in a low voice:

“We were just going to send one of the sisters to haunt him that night so that we could sneak into his laboratory and steal something useful.

Those so-called forest witches are actually a group of guys who can't even cast fireballs and can only pretend to be gods. I simply don't dare lead them to attack an official mage head-on.

But things went wrong from the start.

The sister we sent was detained by the lecherous old man. Instead of expelling her, he asked us to send more people, otherwise he threatened to report us to Gilneas officials.

In desperation, I sent two more sisters


Even the wild and vegetarian female orc looked embarrassed and helpless when talking about this unfortunate incident. She said in a difficult and tactful tone:

"The next morning, when we went to pick up our sisters, we found that the old man was really not our fault. Theoretically, he killed himself.

He is already very old, but he still longs for the passion of youth. "

"I see."

Blake and Moros both had speechless expressions on their faces. The stinky pirate rubbed his head and said thoughtfully:

"Dean Lan Yue is right. Indulging in material pleasure is a betrayal of spiritual pursuits. Sex is like a knife on the head. Then why did you only take away the spell to summon Baku and otherworldly creatures?

There are more powerful things in the Book of Ur. Don't tell me you don't know the value of those spells.

After all, you have 'trained' in the Shadow Council.

Although I doubt the overall quality of the members of the Shadow Council, I do not doubt their discernment when selecting people. "

"Those things are dangerous, my lord."

The female orc Hagatha said more humbly:

"It is precisely because of my experience of 'learning' in the Shadow Council that I better understand the horror of uncontrolled dark forces. I looked through the Book of Ur and copied some spells that I can use.

If it weren't for the fact that summoning Baku and its alien creatures requires the pages of the book that Old Ur personally imbued with magic, I wouldn't even have the rashness to tear out those pages and take them away.

I knew that would cause trouble for me, an exile who had lost the protection of the organization.

My caution and my concerns proved to be correct. "


Blake nodded, and before he could ask, Hagatha was very respectful and handed over the pages containing the spell to summon Baku with both hands.

This is an enchanted page, and like the Book of Medivh, it is a core component of a summoning ritual.

Without it, it would be impossible to summon a creature as powerful as Baku.

Old Ur is dead.

The lustful and restless souls have probably gone to the Shadow Realm. They may have been punished in the Abyss of Sin or sent to the Revendreth Monument to atone for their sins.

No one can ever learn from him the forbidden knowledge of the summoning of otherworldly beings.

"Yes, you are indeed very wise."

Blake took the two pages, put them in the magic bag, and asked again:

"How many summoning spells do you know now?"

"I learned from the Book of Ur to summon Shadwock, summon the chameleon Camelos, summon the bloodthirsty bird monster Chupacabra, and summon the void crocodile Gustav."

Faced with the stinking pirate's inquiry, the orc witch Hagatha told Blake everything she knew. She took out a copy of the summoning spell from her old bag and said to Blake:

"I have spent a lot of time learning these forbidden knowledge, but my low wisdom has been overwhelmed. Perhaps your great wisdom can understand the secrets of these spells.

I am also honored to dedicate them to you. "

"I do not need this."

Blake had no interest in this. He said very Versailles:

“I want to read the original Book of Ur anytime, but these bizarre and mediocre summons will only waste my energy that should be focused on dark magic.

However, I heard that in addition to being a warlock, you also claim to be a dark shaman? "

"Yes, great Lord Black."

Hagatha's heart moved and she introduced her past experiences in more detail.

she says:

"I used to be a high-level shaman of the Shadowmoon clan, and I once followed Ner'zhul, but after Gul'dan used a curse code to block Draenor's elemental power, my elemental potential was no longer useful. .

Like many shamans at that time, I reluctantly chose the path of a warlock, and was able to join the Shadow Council after bribing a high-level warlock.

But my talent in the way of the warlock is insufficient. In order not to be eliminated by the cruel competition, I can only use the forbidden power that is despised by all shamans.

I no longer call upon the power of the elements, but instead enslave them like demons.

I see myself as the master of the elements, drawing from them the power I can use.

Relying on this, I was able to gain a firm foothold in the Shadow Council.

However, the failed war almost destroyed me. After Orgrim failed to attack Lordaeron, I retreated with them, but was ambushed by the Gilneans.

I was caught by the Gray Wolf Brigade in the chaos and was to be taken as a prisoner to an internment camp, but I was lucky enough to escape near Burnwood Village and almost died at the hands of those Gilnean hunters.

If I hadn't been saved by a passing forest witch, I would have died in the cold and dark forest.

But they saved me just because they wanted my power.

They saw the scene of me controlling the elements and fighting those Gilnean warriors, and they also longed for such power, but unfortunately, humans."

Hagatha shrugged and said in a sarcastic tone:

"Humans are a race that is not blessed by the elements. They have no talent at all to control the power of the elements. I also cursed this unpredictable fate, but it was only now that I understood the true meaning of fate.

I have gone through so many hardships and finally arrived in front of you.

I then knew the revelation of fate.

You and your fleet are my final destination. "

Having said this, the female orc knelt down on one knee humbly and said to Blake in front of her:

"I will dedicate my strength to your fleet. Evil and great captain, please give me a chance to serve you. The old and stupid Gul'dan and his arrogant disciples are simply worthless compared with you. Mention it.

You are the master of all sorcerers.

We are born to obey your leadership and fight for you. "

"Tsk, tsk, you are so good at talking. This is probably the 'art of prayer'. I simply can't find a reason to refuse you to join the fleet."

Blake clicked on the Ulthalus war scythe in his hand, and he said to the female orc who was waiting for the "trial":

"I accept your allegiance, Hagatha the Witch.

I happen to have a group of orc pirates under my command, and they are about to get their own fleet. Their leader is Maim Blackhand, the blood descendant of Warchief Blackhand. Following an orc with such a noble status is not an insult to your power.

I appoint you as the spellcaster of the Blackstone Fleet.

But before you go to take office, I need you to return to the Black Forest of Gilneas, where I will support another of my servants in completing my punishment on the Gilneans!

They foolishly provoked war, they did not understand the value of peace, these wild dogs running on the earth had no respect for the sea, so I want to curse them on behalf of this ocean!

They use wolves as their symbol, and they admire the power of wolves. Very good, I will let them inject power and realize this wish for them.

I will turn them into snarling wolves. "

Witch Hagatha suddenly trembled.

As someone who had personally seen all the summoning spells in the Book of Ur, she immediately understood what Black was planning to do in Gilneas, which made the female orc who thought she had seen enough dark things feel fear in her heart.

This man in front of me is really crazy!

That is a country with tens of millions of citizens!

Once the werewolf plague spreads among them, the entire Gilneas will

Ah, such an evil person deserves to be followed!

With such a dark plot, it is really difficult to compare with the great and evil Captain Black. This is simply a firefly compared to the bright moon.

The female orc suddenly had a simple thought in her heart that "you can always do great things by following Black", which also filled her heart with some kind of dark respect for the smelly pirate.

"Go and find your captain Maimu. After completing the registration, he will be responsible for sending you back to that land. After you complete your mission, you can return to the fleet."

Blake lost interest in Hagatha the witch.

He waved his hand, and the female orc immediately retreated humbly. After limping down the stairs, the female orc breathed a sigh of relief.

It was hard to survive again today.

It was a stupid mistake to follow Warchief Blackhand into Azeroth.

Look what bad things you have been through!

If it happened again, she would never invade with the old tribe again. Even if she stayed in Draenor and waited to die, it would be much better than suffering in this new world.

"Send someone to keep an eye on her. This orc is very ambitious and unwilling to be left alone. Maim may not be able to suppress her. She knows the forbidden knowledge of summoning demigods. It is too dangerous to let her wander around."

After Hagatha left, Black said to his steward:

"Before her mission is completed, if she shows even a little bit of will to resist, kill her! Send the body to the 'Psychic Magic Research Laboratory' of Narthalas College.

She would make great research material. "


Moros did not refuse this cruel order. After a few seconds, he said to Blake:

"My master, are you going to Kul Tiras next? Do you need us to prepare for you in the Ocean Kingdom in advance?"

"Yes, very much needed."

Blake rubbed his head and said:

“After all, it’s a trip home, so you have to make all the preparations you need to do.

You and Jack should go to Kul Tiras in person, integrate the remaining power of Ravenholdt there, select qualified ones to join the Uncrowned, and accept the trial.

As for Zak Yoshizhi, send him to the continent of Northrend.

Let him form the Northland branch of the Uncrowned there, and Anne will cooperate with him to complete the selection of the North Sea Pirates and send Valeela Sangunar to be his adjutant.

At the same time, Valeela was told that if Master Zac still feels nostalgic, she can apply for the help of the Blue Dragon Legion to 'persuade' the restless dwarf. "


The undead butler nodded again and accepted the instruction.

He is really very qualified. He never complains to his master about the difficulty of a task. He always accepts the task silently and uses all means to complete it.

Moros left quietly, and Black was the only one left on the Warlock Tower.

But the stinky pirate is not done yet.

He took a few steps towards the edge of the tower, looked at the sea in the distance, opened his arms, jumped down and fell rapidly, and then glided towards the sea with the watcher's cloak behind him rising like wings.

When he reached the top of the water, Blake gathered his cloak and fell into the sea with a pop.

He entered the water like a nimble black shark, moving his feet and hands, and with the swaying of his long blond hair, he headed down towards the dark trench.

When they finally reached the dark seabed, the pirates saw Baku, the giant alien snake lying in the trench, with his body elongated and his head resting on the edge of the trench like a salted fish.

Surprisingly, the little fishman is here too.

Benbolba is showing off his amazing "animal taming talent".

Like the bravest dragon knight, it lay firmly on the back of the ugly alien dragon Shadwalk, letting the weird guy with the ear-piercing scream support it and run around on the bottom of the sea.

Its group of murloc pirates were running around following the dragon, shouting and screaming.

He also kept throwing out tattered fishing nets, trying to slow down Shadwalker's running speed and give his captain more time to tame the beast.

Blake watched this scene with interest.

Moon Eater Baku, who was lying there like a magnificent sculpture, also opened a narrowed slit and looked at the noisy "fish music" of the fish people.

"Dear giant snake from another world, I'm here to talk to you about 'moving' for you."

Black turned his head and threw a ray of spiritual consciousness at the huge Baku. He rubbed his hands and said:

"I have found a perfect nest for you that meets your requirements. The warm void there allows you to recover quickly, and it is extremely hidden and difficult to detect from the outside world.

I will go there as an advance team, and after finding the precise location, I will call you. "

"Ah, very good."

Baku's gloomy snake-like voice sounded in the pirate's will world, with a sense of laziness and cunning, it said:

"Then go down and don't disturb the mighty Baku's dormancy in this new world."

"Haha, don't worry, there is something else I need to talk to you about."

The pirate whispered:

"It's free to find a nest for you, but then you risk being killed by a cultist to locate the nest for you. How are you going to pay for the 'moving expenses'?

With gold coins? Real thing? Swipe a card? Or in other ways? "


Baku let out a gloomy whimper, and in the hissing sound of spitting out snake messages, it opened its moon disk-like eyes, stared at Black, and said:

"You're doing something dangerous, pirate."

"Ur was able to expel you back to another world because he left a 'secret door' in the summoning spell.

Ur is indeed the best summoning master in Dalaran. Although he is a bit crazy, he really knows how to deal with alien creatures like you. "

Blake answered the question by saying:

"Although Ur is dead, the main body of the ritual he left behind is still there. Whoever masters that knowledge will have the key to send you back to the ruined world swallowed by the void."

The smelly pirate blinked and said to the giant snake in front of him:

"Guess who has that 'key' now?"

"To be honest, we can actually communicate as equals, which is good for everyone. There is really no need to scare me with your majestic demigod status. Mr. Baku, I am very timid.

And it's nothing more than the majesty of a demigod.

I even killed one myself.

Want me to tell you that story? Very exciting. "

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