Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 671 2. Your uncle is still your uncle

"Weak flesh and blood bug, did you summon me to this world to dedicate your pathetic world to the Burning Legion?"

As the third lord of Nathrezim, Mephistros was very impressive when he appeared on the stage. Even his first line when he came to Azeroth seemed so "kingly".

It is larger than the frail Casanatir, but not bloated.

The Nasrezim armor he wears is also more gorgeous and complete than Black's previous inner demon.

If you look closer, you can still see the fallen pattern on Mephistroth's armor. Its waist and abdomen are dotted with a very beautiful large gemstone, which is also sea blue.

It seems that this third lord really has the same excellent aesthetic sense as Blake in terms of color.

The most distinctive part of its body, in addition to its beautiful sea-blue wings, is its devilish horns, which are twisted into elegant arcs toward the sky, and the front half has been completely crystallized.

Shining with a faint blue light.

Like its demonic hooves, it has a shocking blue illusion in the black.

Blake fell in love with it at first sight.

The stinky pirate couldn't help but start to think about it. After he changed into this inner demon, he would transform slightly during the battle. Oh, how handsome he was! That chic!

He can definitely attract everyone's attention on the battlefield and become the most handsome guy in the crowd.

"Little Master! Stay calm, the fight hasn't started yet, why are you disturbed by its halo of mental chaos?"

Xal'atath's reminder with a weird laugh echoed in Blake's heart, making the pirate's slightly confused eyes suddenly recover. He patted his forehead and whispered:

"These guys are really hard to guard against. The more powerful they are, the more insidious they are."

"Yes, Nasrezim will never fight the enemy head-on. If you feel that victory is in hand when you face them, you have already been tricked."

Xal'atath sighed:

"Hey, look, you can't do it without me by your side, right?"

"Do it!"

Blake did not respond to Void Essence's words and shouted around.

Three legendary mages activated at the same time.

A circle of tool-man warlocks around them were also howling and injecting their magic into the ceremony. Coupled with Blake's presiding, a heavy force instantly poured out along with the ceremony.

Those magic powers turned into three chains, trapping Mephistros in place with a rattling sound.

The third lord who was greedily reaching out to grab the Skull of Gul'dan on the altar let out a roar, and was about to turn into a bat and dissipate. However, before the Nasrezim clan's special skill could be released, Black was killed. Shadow Fury smashed over.

This large-scale forced stun magic is becoming more and more convenient in the hands of pirates, and it is already instantaneous.

He laughed and grabbed the Skull of Gul'dan, disappearing in front of the demon in a flash.

Landing behind the third lord, he waved and threw two rotating shadow moon blades, using a shadow strike method that ignored defense. The left and right spins left vicious scars on the base of the demon lord's wings that were deeply visible to the bone.

The moon blade was also smeared with poison specifically targeting evil creatures, and the formula naturally came from the "omniscient" Miss Xalatas.

Outstanding effect!

The third lord, who was being suppressed by the Dark Cycle Ceremony, screamed in pain. Its counterattack came fast and hard. It raised its claws and sent a wave of chaos towards the Elan Archmage, the weakest in the triangle of the magic circle.

The extracted evil energy and shadows intertwined to form the impact of an energy storm, swarming towards Elan, but the latter didn't care. He raised his staff and added a magical flame spark to himself.

Not exciting either.

It is outrageous to use this harmful spell as a defensive magic!

The waves of chaos and the ring of flames collided and offset each other. The aftermath of the magical collision knocked the disgraced warlock apprentices away from their tool positions, putting more pressure on the three archmages and Black.

"I still have physical suppression, Lord Mephistros."

Blake took two steps back, grabbed the Skull of Gul'dan in his hand, and whistled upwards. The expressionless Windrunner's mother appeared on the top of the higher tower holding the soul-string longbow.

She grabbed two void spikes, aimed her bow downwards, and warned at the same time:

"Next time you whistle to summon me, be careful I beat you, my highness. I am your retainer, not your summoned beast!"

Five seconds later, two meteor-like sniper arrows shot down one after another from above. Mephistros, who was restrained by the ritual suppression, could not dodge at all. He could only raise the wings behind him and turn them into shields to resist in front of him.

It doesn't know the weird two-hit kill effect of the spiritual string longbow, which is like a work of art.

The first void spike pierced its beautiful wings and did not harm the third lord, making Nathrezim sigh in relief.

Then the next void spike with 50% increased destructive power came from the same position, tearing apart its wings and nailing them to its fear armor.

The mournful darkness lingering on the arrow exploded like bone-crushing pain, tearing open a bloody wound that spun and exploded in the heart of the Dread Lord, and liquid like toxin flowed into the body, causing Mephistros to feel heartbroken.

"Die, you idiot!"

The third lord roared angrily and waved his claws downward, and the three burning hellfire structures were roared and directed towards the warlock tower.

Prince Farodis, who specializes in meteorite magic, became interested as soon as he saw the meteorite.

He raised his head energetically and threw a stream of flames into the sky. The meteorite he was very good at came from the sky uninvited and slid down from the sky with a clang. In mid-air, he killed the three hellfires summoned by the third lord. Crash into pieces.

It turned into a sheet of evil energy meteors entwined with dark green light spots across the sky, and fell in the sea outside Tol Barad.

What a beautiful fel meteor shower.

"This elf's meteorite technique is so powerful!"

The Dread Lord Mephistros, who was determined to teach these bastards a lesson, was shocked by Prince Farodis' move.

It grinned, unable to imagine the feeling of a series of meteorites hitting itself.

Death, but not death.

But if such a large flaming stone hits it, it will definitely hurt, right?

With this nonsensical thought that should not have appeared in the battle, the third lord Jie Jie sneered and dissipated in the flowing shadow mist.

Like a demon assassin.

Sure enough, what Black said was right, this guy is a rare "shadow expert" among the Nasrezim demons!

Its concealment skills are no worse than those of the Watchers.

Well, although the Dread Lords are generally good at hiding, Mephistroth's escape into the shadows is different from the simple dispersion and hiding of other Dread Lords.

Its stealth is a unique attack skill!

"Darkness and loneliness, shadows crawling, hehe, die, you idiots!"

Amid the gloomy laughter of the third lord, as it disappeared into the shadows and dissipated, large swaths of shadow magic began to form a chaotic impact, like a cluster bombing at the magic level.

It's like Mephistros rolled up a sea tide in the shadow, surging and crashing into the surroundings.

All the lives around the magic circle ceremony were in a state of confusion by this round of crazy magic attack.

There are also two dark demon shadows shaped on both sides of the ceremony. They vividly emit the iconic sneer of the third lord, and are wrapped in evil energy and rush around.

The good scene suddenly turned into chaos. The weak and incompetent warlock apprentices had their faces covered with blood and covered their heads. They could only squat with their heads in their hands to defend themselves.

If there is not a Holy Light Priest here to carry out a large-scale dispersion to drive away all the surrounding shadows, as long as the third lord is still hiding in the shadows, the impact of this chaos will not stop.

Of course, there is a way to end this vicious chaos other than the priest.

"I've been waiting for you!"

Blake, who had already hid in the shadows before, curled his lips. He extracted the magic power from the Skull of Gul'dan and entered the unique "shadow" form.

Well, this form is actually no different from the "Demonization" skill possessed by the Skull of Gul'dan before. The only difference is that this transformation does not involve any evil energy.

It was completely pure shadow magic that enveloped the pirate and completed the strengthening of the spellcasting form.

In the posture of a dark faceless shadow demon wrapped in magic power, he flapped his wings with magic power gathered behind him. A complex shadow talisman appeared on his forehead, and then flickered on the body marked by Sarasta with the power of the void. Behind the third lord.

Using his superb stealth skills, he kicked the third lord on the neck.

The impact was not strong, and it did not harm Mephistros at all, but it relied on the impact of shadows and shadows to force the third lord back to the material world from the state of shadow dissipation.

This is not over yet.

Black, who was transformed into a shadow, tilted his head and stopped behind Mephistros, who was screaming angrily. He raised his claws and swung six shadow scythes forward. The demonized blade swished and almost hit the third lord on the back of his neck. Opened the gourd.

This skill was originally called Fel Scythe, a warlock magic used by Gul'dan for melee combat.

Blake modified it and used shadow magic to drive it, making it less destructive but greatly improved in stealth.

Throwing his hand forward, he marked the demon with a catastrophe mark, and threw out a ball of soul fire that was condensed into the form of the shadow demon. The purple fireball as big as his head hit the third lord's back with a bang.

It shattered its gorgeous Nasrezim armor and left an ugly corrosion scar on the body of the Dread Lord.

The third lord, who returned to the material world, already felt that something was wrong.

It is increasingly pessimistic about today's situation.

I really underestimated these bugs, and now it realized something belatedly.

Ever since I entered this world, I have always been unable to concentrate on my thinking. Even in the battle just now, it seemed like there was a stick stirring in my mind.

Damn it!

They are more than that!

There is also an invisible guy who affects me at the level of psychological tactics that I am best at. No wonder I feel so stubborn today! Head-on combat has never been a Nasrezim tradition!

If being suppressed and attacked by four legends before only made the third lord feel stressed and unhappy, then now, after realizing that a psychic master was interfering with the battlefield, the third lord wanted to run away.


My condition is too bad today. I didn't look at the calendar when I went out. It's not suitable for fighting. I'd better apply oil on the soles of my feet.

I want to make it clear here that I am not incapable of defeating you!

Instead, he wanted to leave his useful body and every bit of his strength behind and serve Lord Sargeras and Emperor Denathrius devoutly. What if he died here for no reason?

Mephistros stepped into the trap, and it might be a little difficult to fight.

But if it wants to run away, these people on the scene really can’t stop it.

The nathrezim's front-on combat effectiveness among the high-level demons of the Burning Legion is indeed not that good. Their real advantage is their brains and their endless methods.

"Go! I order you to eat them!"

The extremely reckless and embarrassed Mephistros threw a strange object forward and gave orders in devilish language.

That thing was like a "drone" that automatically searched for enemies. The moment it was thrown out by the third lord, it used a precise teleportation to arrive in front of Dean Lanyue.

It startled the dean who was concentrating on suppressing the Dread Lord.

Mainly because the shape of this thing is so weird!

That's a skull!

A weird, weird, pale and mixed with burnt black, very much like a weathered skull that has been dead for a long time, but it is also decorated with gems and precious metals, there is also a pair of small black horns, and the upper and lower jaws are constantly opening and closing with clicking sounds. bone.

It seems to have a consciousness of its own.

After being teleported, light gathered in the dark purple eye sockets on the skull and fired two magic rays towards the dean, which were blocked by the dean's magic shield.

Then, it grinned.


The Holy Staff of Alunes in Dean Blue Moon's hand let out a scream, actively activated the arcane barrage, and struck the weird Gulu like a war hammer, sending the latter flying away like a baseball.

The thing rolled in the air, lost its balance, and made a panicked cough and scream like an old man, as well as a series of unintelligible alien "hometown dialects."

It seems that he is insulting the local spellcasters. How rude! He unexpectedly attacked a frail old warlock who was tens of thousands of years old.

"Alas! You actually carry this good thing with you!"

Seeing the skull being blown away, the eyes of the stinky pirate who was planning a sneak attack on Mephistros lit up.

He disappeared from the spot with a whooshing sound, and when he reappeared, he jumped into the air and accurately grasped the tumbling black and purple skull in his hand. A watcher somersaulted and landed gracefully. Seeing that the chaos caused by the skull caused the third lord to run away, he was not worried.

Instead, he lowered his head, looked at the skull in his hand, coughed a few times, and cleared his throat.

Speaking in weird Ereda language to the skull in his hand:

"Uncle Thal'kiel, do you still remember the apprentice Archimonde who betrayed you back then? His sword cut off your head with his sword was very exciting.

But I avenged you.

I don’t know if you have received the news. Some time ago, the Defiler came to destroy our world, but as soon as he showed up, he was dragged back to the Twisting Nether.

This is a big relief for you, old man, don’t you express your gratitude? "

"Oh, I don't believe it!"

The Ereda skull, held in Black's hand, moved its jaw up and down, making a sharp and old sarcastic sound, and it said:

"My apprentice Archimonde is very ambitious, and his strength is worthy of his ambition. For a bug like you, Archimonde can kill you with just one fart."

"Now, this is the evidence!"

Blake didn't refute. He took out the big purple enlightenment mark from his bag and tossed it in his hand. When he saw this thing, the flying skull in his hand suddenly became excited.

"Give it to me! With it, I can remember the sealed knowledge! Quick! Give me the Enlightenment Seal! That is what belongs to me!"

Archimonde is just a pathetic usurper! "

"Want this? Okay."

Blake grinned, stood up, moved his hands and feet on the spot, and shouted:

"Leave it, and I will put the mark on your forehead. I will do what I say! Uncle Saqil, I will give you the chance to see if you can take revenge on the Legion this time.

It depends on your performance. "

The stinky pirate made a kicking motion like a football player, dropped the skull in his hand, and kicked the third lord Mephistros who was running towards the portal.

"Uncle, let's go!"

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