Shanwa Small Rich Farmers

Chapter 295 Partnering

Today is already the fifth day after entering the forest, and also the second day after reaching the search area. Some so-called rescue experts have drawn up an area, saying that the lost five people are very likely to be within this area, and Still likely to survive.

Anyway, the search team like Wen Xu didn't find anyone, let alone a person, and there was no news at all. The five people were thrown in the woods, as if they had disappeared. It was the strength of the parents of these bear children that Wen Xu saw. In this forest, there were three supply points in a triangle shape, about ten kilometers apart. The search team of more than 500 people ate and drank. These things directly They were all transported in and out by helicopter. In this old forest, there was no way to solve some problems. They put up that kind of portable toilet in the camp, which made Wen Xu feel like nobody was there. Anyway, just two words: rich!

The only pity is that if you have money but no luck, it is useless at this time. There are more than a dozen search teams, which do not include forest police and armed police officers and soldiers. After a few days, there is no clue.

"Uncle, where are we going to pitch our tent today?" Wen Guangzhi looked around and saw that the surrounding camps were already occupied by others, and he didn't know what was going on. nothing.

Wen Xu looked around and found that there was indeed no place to camp. After thinking for a while, he said, "Forget it, let's go outside, which is at the mouth of the creek just now. There is not only an open space but also a water source there! Let's leave it alone."

There are tents here in the camp. The search teams organized by people in the mountains generally don’t have this kind of thing. No one in the ten miles and eight villages can get this thing. Therefore, there are some teams that go out after ten o’clock in the morning and four in the afternoon. I came back at 1:00, almost just short of lunch, and I was able to catch up with breakfast and evening after walking around for a few hours.

The people in the organization don't mind, anyway, these people have plenty of money, and even if these people go out for a walk, they are still willing to pay, just for the poor chance of finding a needle in a haystack.

Wen Xu asked Qin Zhuangping again: "Have you got everything?"

Qin Zhuangping nodded: "I got 20 cans, some chocolates, and some vegetables, but today's vegetables are not very good, they are very wilting!"

Wen Xu's team doesn't eat these things, but canned food, such as luncheon meat, Wen Xu treats them as garbage, but the villagers treat them as good things. For people like Qin Zhuangping and Wen Guangzhi, these are all It costs about ten yuan a can. I used to be willing to buy this thing to eat, unless it is Chinese New Year, and I have to have visitors to be willing to open a can.

Seeing that everyone likes it, Wen Xu also brought everyone to collect it every day. Anyway, there is a fixed number, and no one will say that they are of noble character if they don't receive it.

"Forget it, we'll be back in two days,

Don't waste time with them here." Wen Xu heard that the vegetables provided today were wilted, so he opened his mouth without thinking.

After speaking, Wen Xu waved her hand, signaling Qin Zhuangping to lead Dabai and Dazong, and they all walked out of this messy camp together.

The current camp is getting worse day by day. This guy is like a rural market. Someone brought wild game over and sold it openly. Of course, they are all small things, like hares, quails, etc. If they catch a deer, these people probably have to roast it secretly, and they end up selling wild hands in front of the forest police. After a few days, some fool tried it, and gave them a pair of brand new shiny white bracelets, and free meals for several years.


Just as she was about to leave the camp, Wen Xu heard someone calling her, and turned her head to look, but she didn't expect that Zhuo's father had come to the camp, so she asked in amazement: "Uncle Zhuo, why are you here?"

"The helicopter I'm riding in!" Zhuo's father pointed to an open space not far away. There was a blue and white helicopter parked on it. I heard that this thing belonged to some son's father. Six private helicopters are almost all day long. It circled over the woods non-stop. Of course, nothing came out of it.


"No news from your side?" Zhuo's father asked expectantly towards Wen Xu.

Wen Xu shook her head gently: "So far, I haven't found anything useful!"

This time, Wen Xu brought a total of three dogs, one of which is naturally Dong Liang, and the other two are Dong Liang's half-aged children. Although they haven't grown up yet, they are not too tall, but they have a good appearance, and their back height is close to four More than ten, with strong and strong bones, each with a tiger's head and a tiger's brain, and their sense of smell and cleverness are full of praise.

One of them belonged to Mr. Chi's family, and the other belonged to Wen Xu's fourth brother Wen Shijie's family. The three dogs went out together. After a few days of busy work, there was nothing for the dogs to use their specialties, that is, to catch some rabbits and get some pheasants. or something.

"Which area are you going to go tomorrow?" Zhuo's father asked again.

As Wen Xu said, he took out the aerial picture from his pocket, and circled it: "Here, no one has searched here, so we are going to search tomorrow and try our luck!"

"Then what are you guys?"

Hearing Wen Xu explained that it was only a start, but seeing the way this group of people obviously wanted to leave, Dad Zhuo was a little surprised now.

Looking at Zhuo's father's eyes, Wen Xu said: "There are too many people here, the tent we brought can't fit in, and I don't like noisy environments, so I'm going to camp by the stream instead!"

"Is it far?"

Wen Xu said casually: "It's not far, but it won't take half an hour to get there!"

After hearing this, Zhuo's father said: "Then I will go with you, let us have a good drink tonight!"

Hearing Zhuo's father say this, Wen Xu replied a little dumbfounded: "Uncle, are you still thinking about drinking at this time?"

"Now whether to drink or not is to wait for the result, so what does it matter? Besides, I also found someone to drink here, and I am embarrassed to find someone to drink. After thinking about it, it is you, so I came here by plane. I didn't expect you to come here by chance," Zhuo's father said.

Hearing what Zhuo's father said, Wen Xu felt quite speechless. Anyway, now he is doing his best to obey the destiny, so Wen Xu nodded and said, "Okay, do you have a tent here? Our three tents are full of sleep."

Hearing Wen Xu's question, Zhuo's father immediately turned his head and said to the secretary who was a few meters away: "Xiao Lin, bring me my tent!"

"He's going too?" Wen Xu glanced at the secretary's back.

Zhuo's father said: "If he doesn't go, why don't I worry about following you!"

Standing at the entrance of the camp and waiting for a while, the secretary named Xiao Lin brought over Zhuo's father's tent. I have to say that this real CEO fan is not just bragging about it. You don't even need to unfold the tent. Wen Xin knows how exciting this thing is. One, two big, bulging ones with warm hands.

Seeing that Zhuo's father was about to carry it on his back, Wen Xu quickly said: "Uncle Zhuo, you don't need to carry it, just put it on the donkey's back!"

"You poor donkey, you can hardly see the donkey with the load on it, and it's like a hill on your body." Zhuo's father looked suspiciously at the nearest big brown donkey. A whole body of things.

"You can underestimate it. If you carry this little thing on the mountain road, if it can't do it, it's called Baishiyan. It's nothing to worry about five or six hundred catties. If it weren't for the machines now. It's the donkey's turn, and such a donkey will not be able to turn to our boss."

Qin Zhuangping didn't have any scheming, so he opened his mouth and burst out these words. Fortunately, Wen Xu doesn't care, so he has to be careful and find a chance to wear some shoes for him, because no matter how you hear this, it sounds like you are shabby for your own family. boss.

Wen Xu took two steps and helped Zhuo's father take off the tent in his hand. Only after he started to use it did he realize how heavy it was, and he immediately looked at Secretary Lin differently. This unattractive secretary most likely It's also the job of a bodyguard, if it weren't for the strength in his hands.

He tied the tent to Da Zong's back, and as usual, the guy was dissatisfied with ahhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Lin Zi.

This side of the camp was originally an open space, and then it was cleaned up. It naturally looks like an ordinary forest, nothing more than thicker trees and more luxuriant branches. It's getting harder to walk, and there are branches and leaves everywhere.

Qin Zhuangping took the lead, constantly waving the dog-leg knife in his hand, hitting the leaves, and at the same time warning the beasts, poisonous snakes and the like that might be hiding in the dark.

Zhuo's father walked for a while, and the exposed part of his clothes was sore and reddened by the branches, so he began to sigh: "I can't accept my old age, I am a little out of breath now, I think I was seventeen years ago. When I was a soldier at the age of eight, climbing a mountain was like a little tiger.”

"The main reason why this forest is difficult to walk is that there are too many vines, and there are small shrubs with thorns and thorns. There are also good places, that is, there are few poisonous snakes and scorpions. If there are too many of these things, then you have to be more careful when walking." Wen Wen walked One side introduced and said.

The journey went smoothly, and the warm team reached the stream easily. The downside was that they walked a bit off course. They walked along the river for about ten minutes before finding the campsite. This is also a normal situation. There will always be some errors in this kind of blind walking.

"You camp, I'll get some mushrooms, let's see if we can get some game"

After unloading the things from Dabai and Dazong's backs, Wen Xu began to assign tasks. Everyone else was camping, and Wen Xu assigned himself to take Dongliang to pick mushrooms and hunt game.

Hearing that Wen Xu said that he was going to do this, Zhuo's father couldn't bear it, and immediately put down the work of pitching the tent in his hand, and strongly demanded to go with Wen Xu.

"Uncle Zhuo!" Wen Xu looked puzzled, and said in his heart: Don't come here to find someone, if you don't find someone, you will lose your ex-girlfriend's father, if she goes out, Zhuo Yiqing will definitely hate herself to death, I don't know what people with conspiracy theories think.

Zhuo's father said: "Don't worry, I know, I'm not a kid in my twenties, I'm more regretful than you!"

As he spoke, he pointed at the other two dogs in the camp: "Why don't you do this? I'll take a dog with me! And I promise I won't leave you half a step. Even if you piss wildly, it's okay with you." Within sight!"

Hearing what he said, Wen Xu had no other choice, so he nodded and said: "Then you must obey my command!"

Seeing Zhuo's father nodding, Wen Xu motioned for him to follow her into the forest.

Mushrooms in the forest are almost free to pick up. It takes a little skill to find mushrooms. Mushrooms like shade and coolness, so if you look for these things to get the backlight, look for them in cool places. You are looking for the wrong place. I still want to kill you.

Soon, Zhuo's father, who was like an old child, became happy, and yelled at Wen Xu: "Wen Xu, Wen Xu, I found a big nest!"

Wen Xu walked over, glanced at it and said: "This is not edible, the words in our hometown are called horses, not all white mushrooms are edible, you noticed that under its stem, there is a little bit of fluorescent light Like powder."

"Oh!" Hearing what Wen Xu said, Zhuo's father, like a curious baby, deliberately bent down to look at it, and looked very carefully, then nodded and said: "Well, you are right! "

"The mushrooms we want look like this. They look inconspicuous, and the top cover seems to be a little dirty. This thing is very fresh! If there is no MSG, this thing can also be used to make it fresher, whether it is stewed chicken stewed fish They are all good things, if they had grown outside, they would have been exposed long ago.”

Wen Xu saw that Dad Zhuo was so eager to learn, so he picked up a mushroom he had picked and told him about it.

Just as he was talking, Wen Xu heard Dongliang and his father sobbing softly.

Wen Xu looked at the place where Dongliang and his son were staring, and was immediately overjoyed. I don't know if the snake came from relatives or passed by. Anyway, this unlucky bastard is easy to pass by here. It's true that there is a way to heaven and it doesn't go, but there is no way to hell and it breaks in!

At this moment, the big snake probably sensed the danger, coiled up its body, raised its head slightly, and assumed an attacking posture.


With a soft shout from Wen Xu, Dong Liang carefully leaned forward, while Wen Xu himself took out the waist knife from his waist, raised his head to find a suitable branch and began to cut the branches.

Zhuo's father said at this time: "Do you want me to show you how to catch snakes with bare hands? In the army, my comrades and I did not eat less of this thing!"

Wen Xu smiled and said: "It's better to be safe, this snake is quite poisonous, we put safety first, let's use tools!"

When Zhuo's father was in the army, it happened decades ago. How dare Wen Xu let him play with poisonous snakes with his bare hands? Such an exciting thing, Wen Xu feels that his little heart may not be able to eat it, it's better to be on the safe side . While speaking, Wen Xu cut out a small wooden branch with a long handle and gestured to Zhuo's father.

With the tools in hand, Wen Xu walked to the vicinity of the snake and stood still. Seeing that Dongliang's position was not very good, the other dog on the back was in a good position, so he softly called its name: "Da Mao!"

The puppy jumped forward suddenly, the snake thought the dog was attacking him, and immediately opened his mouth to bite back, at this moment the fork in Wen Nuan's hand also shot, directly pressing the snake's head firmly to the ground, and then Quickly picked up the tail of the snake and kept shaking it from top to bottom, shaking the snake bones away in a few strokes, so that although the poisonous snake is not dead, it has lost the ability to resist.

Zhuo's father has no brain circuit anymore, instead of admiring Wen Xu's miraculous snake-catching technique, he praised the dog instead, looked at Da Mao, and kept saying: "Good dog, good dog!".

Wen Xu smiled and said: "What's the matter, it's the same litter as the white-backed black stripes in your family, but it's just the beautiful white tiger stripes."

"Well, then our dog is useless. Now everyone eats, sleeps, and plays." But after thinking about it, Zhuo's father said: "That's not right, our dog can catch mice. And if you catch one accurately, it can be regarded as a skill!"

Hearing what Zhuo's father said, a black line hung on Wen Xu's forehead again, and he thought: People raise dogs to guard the house, and your dog is a dog who picks up mice and meddles in other people's business!

Picking up the snake, Wen Xu tied the snake's head up with rattan, don't look at the snake's body can't move, it's still no problem to bite people, even if the snake's head is cut off, the snake will subconsciously bite within a period of time It's something, so Wen Xu carefully fixed the snake's head firmly. Then put it in a bag for picking mushrooms with you.

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