This new home used to be the home of a hunter surnamed Liu. The house consisted of four connected large tile-roofed houses with a small kitchen next to it.Such a house is already relatively wealthy in Linjia Village.

Li Zhuo entered the room, and there were some worn-out furniture inside.Song Da was asked to help move things. Most of what they bought were clothes and bedding.A few boys immediately helped and started tidying up the house.Father Yang is used to doing this, although he is still weak, his hands and feet are still sharper than his two sons.

After tidying things up, Song Da was about to go back. Li Zhuo gave Song Da one tael of silver and asked her to go back in the village's bullock cart.Song Da wanted to refuse, but she was a little afraid of Li Zhuo, so she could only accept it.

Li Zhuo gave her six taels of silver back and forth, and also bought things for her and her husband.This amount of money is not a small amount, fortunately she did not have so much after working hard for half a year.Song Da didn't go back in a bullock cart, she was a rough woman, so she walked back happily with her things in her arms.

Father Yang cleaned up the house and wanted to go to the kitchen to cook, but suddenly realized that they hadn't bought rice noodles at home.So he walked back to the big house at a loss, wanting to consult with Yang Fengzi.As soon as he walked in, he saw Li Zhuo coming out of the back room.

Li Zhuo was holding some food in his hand, which she had bought outside.They are a little tired these two days, so I don't want them to cook.Seeing the object in Li Zhuo's hand, Father Yang immediately walked over to catch it.

This meal, in Li Zhuo's opinion, was very casual.The four sat down around an old wooden table. On the table were a roast chicken, ten large white steamed buns, two packs of unnamed pastries, and five sesame seed cakes.

"I've wronged you first. When I go to Baihua Town tomorrow, I'll go buy some grain and oil." Li Zhuo said, reached out to tear up the roast chicken with oiled paper, and pushed it in front of the three of them.

When Yang Fengzi saw the cautious father and younger brother, he was also cautious in his heart.But if all three of them are reserved, I'm afraid the meal won't be enough.So Yang Fengzi stretched out her hand, tore off a chicken leg and handed it to her younger brother, then took out another chicken leg and handed it to her father.

Yang Fengzi said: "Eat quickly."

The two of them took a bite and were surprised that the roast chicken was still hot?This way back from Yuncheng, even if it is wrapped, it should be cold early.

What they didn't know was that Li Zhuo secretly put things into the space.

At this time, it was already dark outside, and the villagers surrounding their house also dispersed.

Li Zhuo wandered around the yard, and then found a well, and there was an abandoned wooden barrel beside the well, Li Zhuo was a little hesitant to look at the wooden barrel that he had missed.It seems that there are quite a lot of things to buy tomorrow.

In the last days, because there was no electricity, Li Zhuo prepared a lot of lighting equipment, including flashlights with batteries, candles, oil lamps, etc.It's just that she is here and it's not convenient to take it out, so I can only take out some candles.

Candles are a luxury item in a farmhouse.Even in the town, the family will save it.Seeing Li Zhuo take out a handful of candles, several people thought Li Zhuo was a prodigal.But they didn't dare to say it out, now that Li Zhuo is willing to support them and give them such a good house, it is already a great favor to them.

Li Zhuo and Yang Fengzi lived in the biggest room, while Yue'er and Yang's father shared the same room.In addition to the main room in the middle, there is another one.Li Zhuo planned to use it as a study, and this one happened to be next to theirs.In fact, Li Zhuo wanted to let Yue'er alone, after all, Yue'er was not young anymore.But probably because of her past experience, Yue'er felt a little shadowy, so she didn't plan to separate from Father Yang.Li Zhuo didn't say anything, just let them go.

Yang Fengzi returned to the room and fell on the bed.He was really exhausted, and now that he finally had a home, he felt relieved.

Yang Fengzi felt a little embarrassed when she was in the same room with Li Zhuo before. Although Li Zhuo didn't explain her background, he knew that this person was no longer the former Li Zhuo.

So to him, he and Li Zhuo are strangers.So when sleeping together, Yang Fengzi couldn't help being stiff all over.Although he was not perfect, he still couldn't help feeling nervous.

But now?Li Zhuo protected him and his family, what Yang Fengzi felt most was gratitude.But he did not deny that he liked Li Zhuo.I like Li Zhuo's decisiveness and ruthlessness, as well as her gentle care.He was originally a desperate person, and he never prayed for others to be kind to him.But when I met her, everything changed.Be wonderful, be incredible.

Thinking that Yang Fengzi's heart was so warm, she reached out and took out the candy from her clothes, then stuffed the candy into her mouth and sucked it.Li Zhuo is so kind to him, does he like him or pity him?If she also likes herself, I don't know if she minds her body.

As soon as Li Zhuo came in, he saw Yang Fengzi lying on the bed in a daze.When she got closer, she saw that Yang Fengzi seemed to have something in her mouth, and a small lump bulged on her left cheek.Li Zhuo sat down on the bed, which caught Yang Fengzi's attention.Yang Fengzi's eyes flickered, and when she turned her head, she saw Li Zhuo taking off his clothes.He hurriedly turned his face a little red at the beginning, and his thoughts became chaotic.

Li Zhuo didn't think about anything, she took off her shoes and socks and got under the quilt.At this time, the quilt was already warmed by Yang Fengzi.Li Zhuo sighed comfortably, then stretched out his hand to pull Yang Fengzi who was beside him closer to his embrace.Yang Fengzi's face turned red again, and she froze a little bit at a loss.Li Zhuo held Yang Fengzi's cold hand and rubbed it in his own for a while.

"You're cold, see if you can buy a hand stove tomorrow." Li Zhuo said, wrapping his feet around Yang Fengzi's feet.Yang Fengzi blushed even more now, she wanted to struggle, but she was not willing.Although he was very ashamed, he did not deny that he was very warm and at ease.

Li Zhuo noticed the stiffness of the person in his arms, and couldn't help but smile with his long and narrow eyes.This person is really cute.Thinking back to when we fled together before, Li Zhuo always hugged him, and he didn't react so much?But recently, for some reason, every time this person gets close to her, he can't help being shy.

Li Zhuo tilted his head to look at the side neck like a beautiful jade, and suddenly wanted to taste the fragrance.But after thinking about it, there are still many things to do tomorrow, Li Zhuo immediately shook his head to dispel his unhealthy thoughts.

The next morning, Li Zhuo got up, and when she got up, Yang Fengzi also woke up.

"I have a lot of things to buy today. I'm afraid I'll forget everything. You should write down the things you need to buy first, so that you won't forget when you go shopping later." Li Zhuo said, opening the door from the side. A package, take out paper pen and inkstone.

Li Zhuo doesn't know how to write the traditional Chinese characters here, but he can roughly understand them.She thought that when she was done with work, she would pick up the book again to learn the characters here.

Yang Fengzi has read books and also wrote beautiful calligraphy.Hearing that Li Zhuo asked him to write down the things he wanted to buy, he held the white paper in his hand and looked at it for a long time, feeling a little bit reluctant.He didn't know when Li Zhuo bought the pens and papers. He knew that these things were very expensive. A set of pens and papers was estimated to cost a poor family half a year.What he didn't expect was that Li Zhuo actually wasted paper and ink to memorize some useless things.

Of course Li Zhuo knew what Yang Fengzi was thinking, but she didn't bother to persuade him.Anyway, following her, she won't let him live a hard life again.Of course, she will not always rely on the gold in the space. Although there is a lot of gold, sooner or later she will sit and eat.Although she is a lazy person, this family still has a lot of money to spend in the future. Yang's father is not in good health and needs to be taken care of, and Yue'er will marry in the future, Yang Fengzi's health is also poor, and they will have children.Thinking of this, Li Zhuo couldn't help but start to think carefully.

"Pots and pans are unavoidable, as well as wooden barrels and bathtubs, and then firewood, rice, oil, salt, etc. I don't know much about these, you read and write. Oh, by the way, it's cold in winter, and we need to buy some charcoal." Li Zhuo As she spoke, Yang Fengzi picked up a pen and began to write.

Yang Fengzi's writing movements are not fast, it seems that she hasn't held a pen for a long time, so it is inevitable that she is a little rusty.But Li Zhuo was not in a hurry, just watched him write silently.

Yang Fengzi's fingers should have been beautiful, with distinct and slender joints.But because she married the original owner later, she washed clothes in the river in winter, and got chilblains on her hands and feet.

Being stared at by Li Zhuo, Yang Fengzi was very cautious, especially when she saw her ugly fingers, she was a little afraid that Li Zhuo would dislike her because of it.While writing, he carefully peeked at Li Zhuo.He looked up and met Li Zhuo's eyes.Yang Fengzi was in a daze, why didn't she realize that this person's eyes were so beautiful, as if she could see through everything.Especially when she looked at herself, those long and narrow eyes were like a deep pool deep in the valley.The pool water is secluded, bottomless, revealing a sense of mystery that people can't figure out.

Her eyelashes are not many, but they are very slender, with a cold arc, as if they were sketched out with a pen.Her eyebrows are not as thick as other women's, the color is neither dark nor light, and the eyebrows are clean and neat with a little heroism.Just as Yang Fengzi continued to read, she heard Li Zhuo's slightly smiling voice.

"Like it?"

Yang Fengzi suddenly came back to her senses, her face flushed with shame, and the words under her hand trembled, leaving a big black spot.He had thick eyelashes hanging down, and his heart was beating like a drum, as if jumping out of his chest.

Li Zhuo moved closer slightly, with a face that seemed to be listening to something, and said solemnly: "Well, I seem to hear the sound of drums, did you hear it?"

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