Abandoned Concubine of a Cold-Blooded Prince

Chapter 17 His name is Bukuilou

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Facing Liu Fengmei's stern gaze, Mingsihe just smiled and said nothing. When she turned around, she found that Kui'er had fallen to the ground some time ago. Her face was white and bloodless. She seemed to be sick?

"Kui'er, Kui'er..."

She wanted to help Kui'er up, but she didn't want to be stopped by Ming Yeyi.She saw a snake crawling away from behind Kui'er. The two-headed snake crawled extremely fast and disappeared from her sight in a blink of an eye.

Snakes are afraid of people, did not expect to attack Kui Er at this moment?Who put the snake in the end is still working in her Lanxiu Pavilion, she will definitely not let this mastermind go.

"Second brother, please help me find a doctor, thank you." She squatted down and looked at Kui'er, only to see that her brows were tightly frowned, as if she was enduring the pain of being hit hard.

"Ye'er, stop for me." Liu Fengmei watched Ming Yeyi prepare to go to the doctor, she opened her arms to block Ming Yeyi's way.

"Father?" Ming Ye saw Ming Xiong walking over with the support of the second aunt, followed by many servants, most of whom were watching the excitement.

The snow kept falling and the wind continued to blow.No one took Kui'er's safety seriously, some laughed, some were serious, and some looked like they were watching a good show.

Mingxiong is wearing a black wide-sleeved robe, the exquisite golden lace on it sets off the black extraordinary, his thick figure is constantly shaking with his walking posture, his big belly stands out in front, and his serious facial features are staring at the Mingsi River , the mustache moved rhythmically a few times with his mouth pursed, and his piercing eyes narrowed slightly: "I heard that you used to pretend to be a ghost in Lanxiu Pavilion, but I didn't expect to raise a snake to become a spirit. Today, my aunt was killed by you." Damn, what else do you have to say now?"

It was Xingshi who came to question her again. She finally understood the purpose of taking her out of the mansion today, why she was knocked out last night, and the injured man. This series of characters appeared in her mind one by one. middle…

"Second Brother, please help me find a doctor." Hope is still placed on Ming Yeyi, she knows that Ming Yeyi will definitely help her, and she will not disregard a life, at least Kuier is a good person around her , if something happens in the future, it may still come in handy.

The people here take interests too seriously.There is not much difference from the people in the 21st century, they all look down on people with dog eyes, and she doesn't hold too much hope. One day, she can leave here and never come back.

This place is a prison, and the atmosphere here is so oppressive that one can hardly breathe. She is really not suitable for long-term survival in this kind of place.

"It hurts... Miss San... It hurts." Faintly, I could hear Kui'er's weak voice, trying to struggle but couldn't move, her face turned livid in an instant, if she didn't save her, she might have to report to King Yama .

"No one is allowed to step out of the mansion, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless. Now the police outside the door are waiting outside, Sihe, as long as you promise father, not only will you not investigate everything that happened today, even Kuier's Poisonous, father will definitely invite the best doctor to treat her." Ming Xiong came forward kindly, expressing his thoughts.

His sister died suddenly in Lanxiu Pavilion today, and all the evidence points to Mingsihe. He originally wanted to deal with it according to family law, but he didn't expect that the current situation is not only wrong, if he punishes Mingsihe, it will be wrong. It is not good for oneself, and the catastrophe of Hades is coming.

"What's the matter?" Her intuition told her that nothing good would happen if Ming Xiong talked nicely to her these two days.

Ming Ye once hugged Kui'er, while Ming Sihe stood aside, she didn't even look at Mingxiong, such a father really felt worthless for Ming Sihe.

"Master, it's very windy, why don't you go into the house and talk about it?" The second aunt was considerate, she whispered to Ming Xiong with a concerned expression on her face.

At this time, Liu Fengmei walked in with her slim water snake waist twisted. She pushed away the second concubine Li Xiao, stretched out her hand to support Mingxiong's arm, and entered Lanxiu Pavilion together with Mingxiong.

Everyone went in, including the servants.Only Li Xiao stood in the wind, she clenched her hands tightly, her eyes flashed with hatred, in this house, she had nothing, now Liu Fengmei eats and uses well and is loved by Ming Hong, No status was left to her.

"Second Madam, you are not in good health. Huier will help you into the house." Huier is Li Xiao's servant girl, and she is also very concerned about Li Xiao. She reached out to help Li Xiao, but Li Xiao stopped her with a wave.

"Hui'er, how do I treat you normally?" She had never asked this question before, but today she asked seriously, Hui'er was startled, she took a step back, and bowed slightly.

"The second lady treats Hui'er very well."

"Okay, very good, you can do something for me right now..."

After entering the house, the servants lit the fire, and after closing the door and windows, it finally became warmer.

Mingsihe stood on the left, Mingyeyi stood on the right, Mingxiong sat in the middle of the hall, and Liu Fengmei and Li Xiao sat on the left and right respectively.The atmosphere seems warm and warm.

However, Mingsihe saw that his father's face hadn't slowed down, as if there were thousands of pressures in his heart, he took the tea that the servant was panting for, blew it twice, and took a sip before raising his hand. He raised his eyes and looked straight at Mingsihe, but there was no sadness on his face because of the death of his aunt.

Mingsihe is very entangled in his heart, why are the feelings of ancient people so weak?Shouldn't he be sad when his biological sister died?And why are they so calm?As if nothing happened.

"Father... Sihe is young and ignorant, and some things need to be pointed out by daddy." She suppressed her emotions in her heart, she must not do things with emotion, otherwise Kui'er will not be saved, and she will do everything she can to those who care about her. Go all out to protect.

In the past, what she lost was the one she loved, but now, she cannot lose the one who loves her.

She was poisoned by the double-headed snake, and she knew how poisonous it was. If she didn't save it within two hours, she probably wouldn't be able to save it.

"The chief eunuchs in the palace at noon came to gather at the mansion." Mingxiong leaned back slightly on the grand master's chair, and said in an unhurried manner, the murderous and threatening aura of his flute disappeared instantly, Standing not far from him, seeing his face softening slightly, she unconsciously let out a long sigh of relief.

The chief eunuchs in the palace come to the house to get together?Hearing Mingsihe's heart fluttering, she naturally didn't put her mind on it, but was more worried about Kui'er's condition. Anyway, she didn't want another person to die in front of her.Today, in front of the Ninth Prince, watching that woman die like this, although she had no expression on her face, she was extremely shocked in her heart.

"En." She glanced at Ming Ye, only to see that her second elder brother seemed to be very nervous, holding hands tightly together. In this cold weather, he was actually sweating from the heat.

"Father has accepted the dowry gift. Tomorrow is your big day. Let your two aunts prepare for you today. I don't know what you like?" Mingxiong said with a kind smile, but his eyes kept looking at Mingsi. He Yi's every move.

Dare to love is to not pursue this matter, and then let her marry?Marriage is an old drama, and this is not the first time for her to get married. Is it too late for her to resist now?

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