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The house was very quiet, and some of the servants coming and going, when they saw the Mingsi River, quickly lowered their heads.When Mingsihe passed by, he raised his head again and spoke in a low voice from time to time.

Gossip again?Mingsihe smiled lightly, these people's gossip is really good, and they haven't learned their lesson yet, if Murong Lanxuan finds out that these people continue to gossip, will these people be unable to speak again?

"Xuan San, where are we going?" Although Mingsihe didn't know where Xuan San was taking her, she thought to herself, it must be Murong Lanxuan's idea, right?

While looking at the environment in the mansion, she was talking to Xuan San.In fact, she has been here for two days, but she is still very unfamiliar with this place. I remember that she had never walked this way when she came here last time.

Xuan San walked in front, and Ming Sihe walked behind, she is like a joke now, her hands are wrapped in gauze, and the medicine has not been applied in time after the inflammation, and now she can't even use her strength on.

"Princess, you will know later." Xuan San turned a corner, not intending to tell Mingsihe where he was going.

Mingsihe also tactfully didn't ask too many questions, she knew this kind of people very clearly, as long as he didn't want to talk, no one could ask.After all, she is a modern person, and she is very familiar with these so-called killers, and has watched a lot of novels and TV, so she naturally knows when to shut up and not speak.

Walking along the way, the breeze was blowing. Fortunately, she put on a cloak, otherwise, she would definitely be shivering from the cold. It is already March, and it is still so cold, which is beyond her surprise.

"Xuan San, did you go the wrong way?" Mingsihe was a little strange, why did he turn around, as if they were all walking in the same place?

She saw a small peach tree on the side of the road just now, and half of it was cut off, but this peach tree still appeared here, and it had the same shape. What's going on?Xuan San lost his way?

However, Xuan San kept walking forward as if he couldn't hear her words.Mingsihe was in a hurry, she turned her head, but there was no one here, so she had to move forward.

"Xuan San, wait for me a while." Ming Sihe called his name, but Xuan San never looked back, as if she was the only one here, and even Xuan San never appeared.

This Nine Princes Mansion is really strange, how could it be like this?Mingsihe thought, she walked in the direction where Xuan San left, but Xuan San's shadow was no longer seen.

"Damn it, where's the person?" Mingsihe had to admit that she was special, she would get lost, and let Xuan San leave herself here.

Can she say that Xuan San did it on purpose?Can she say that?Mingsihe gritted her teeth, thinking bitterly, did she really trust others too easily?This Ninth Prince's Mansion is really big, after walking for so long, she clearly feels that she is in the same place, but it seems that she is not, she doesn't know where she is at this moment.

Mingsihe kept walking forward, and she saw a small thatched cottage, and the front was barren, as if no one lived there.

"Isn't this the Nine Princes' Mansion? My God, where did I go?" Mingsihe said, she kept covering her head, where is this?where is she now

But, thinking about it in a blink of an eye, has she left the Ninth Prince's Mansion?Now is the right time, even though she doesn't know where it is, at least she can leave, can't she?However, after thinking about it again, it seemed that Murong Lanxuan would not let her go so easily, would he?

Mingsihe walked forward happily. She kept walking, just wanting to leave here, but she didn't see what the way she came here was. She only knew that walking forward was what she wanted. Heaven.

She knew very well in her heart that for a person like Murong Lanxuan, how could he be so kind as to let others take her away from the Ninth Prince's Mansion, and then let her go alone?If he was really like this, he wouldn't have gone to such great pains to get her out of Hades, would he?Mingsihe turned his head, but there was no one there.

"Is there anyone?" Mingsihe shouted, at least she wanted to try to see if there were people living in such a place.At first glance, there really was nowhere to hide.

This place is full of chaotic grass, and the chaotic grass is not tall, so normal people can't hide themselves. It seems to be an endless wasteland of chaotic grass, and there is a dilapidated thatched house.She pursed her lips, and strode forward. Fortunately, it's not yet noon, and she must ask to find a way to leave this ghost place before dark.

"Bad guy." At this moment, a person rushed out from the grass with disheveled hair and shabby clothes. She waved her hand and looked at Mingsihe.

Mingsihe took a step back, is he a lunatic?How can there be such a person?However, when she took a closer look, the woman's eyes were very clear, she did not look like a lunatic, but Mingsihe did not dare to take it lightly.

"You... Excuse me, who are you?" Ming Sihe tried to talk to the woman in front, and it could be seen from the face that this person was indeed a woman, but the clothes on her body were loose men's robes.

When the woman saw Mingsihe, she kept walking forward without saying a word, "I'm going to kill you."

Her voice was very sharp, as if piercing the sky.Mingsihe kept taking a step back, she ran into the grass, she couldn't be with such a person, she would go crazy, although she was afraid, but she knew that when she met such a person, it was reasonable to say unclear.

Regardless of whether she is really crazy or fake, at least she, Mingsihe, cannot get involved in such things.

"Damn it." Mingsihe roared, her feet were bound by something, although she didn't fall down, but she was hurt by the thorns, she frowned lightly, only to find that the woman was following up.

"Bad guy." The woman muttered words, and kept rushing towards Mingsihe.Mingsihe didn't care about Sanqi 21, she kept running forward, even though her feet hurt, she was still running for her life.

She only knows that no matter what she is, as long as she runs forward, she will always come to the end, although this so-called end is really a bit at a loss for her.

"Xuan San, Xuan San, where are you?" Ming Sihe called Xuan San's name while running, when she turned her head, she found that the person chasing her had disappeared.

Mingsihe's heartbeat accelerated, that woman was still there just now, but she was gone at this moment.She looked at the way she came and went, but found that the way she came back had disappeared, as if in a dream.

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