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Xia Li said affirmatively: "No. As long as the eldest young master shows his loyalty, the third prince is waiting for someone to use him, so why would he give up the Duke's mansion casually." And she knew that with Gu Huaiyang's character, no shameless thing would be done. Can do it.

Luo Yunshi's mother and daughter went to recuperate, Gu Huaiyang went to show her loyalty, and the Wu family didn't care about things. Xia Li had a very quiet life.

But she didn't stay idle, but was prepared for danger in times of peace, managed the affairs of the mansion well, and established her prestige.So when the three of Luo Yunshi were able to jump around, the sky in the mansion had changed.

The servants who once looked down on Xia Li no longer dare to talk about her casually; she used to be unavailable, but now everyone is scrambling to show their loyalty to her.

After knowing that their food and clothing expenses had been reduced, Luo Yunshi and the three were extremely angry, but Xia Li opened her mouth to follow the rules.Luo Yunshi laughed angrily: "Okay! You actually rode on my head!"

Gu Chunyan complained: "It's all to blame... for luring wolves into the house!"

Gu Huaiyang was also furious: "Didn't you all agree with this idea at the beginning? If you fail now, blame me? That bitch is really a white-eyed wolf, she dared to cross the river and demolish the bridge!"

Luo Yunshi said: "Okay, okay, now we should be more united and focus on the outside world. If you are arguing here, don't you make it easier for outsiders? Doesn't she pay attention to rules? Then I will let her suffer the consequences!"

Gu Chunyan's eyes lit up: "Auntie, do you have a solution?"

"Her mother and sister should miss her very much, right? At that time, the word filial piety will be suppressed, and she will be full of rules!" Luo Yunshi thought of this good idea, and immediately acted vigorously: "Come on, I want to do it myself. Let's go to Xia's house!"

As soon as there was a movement here, Haitang reported: "Miss, the person from Dongxueyuan has just left, and I heard that he is going to Xia's house."

Xia Li thought of her stepmother and sister and sighed.Ever since her mother passed away, she has become someone who everyone can bully.However, it's better to have no feelings than to have no feelings, at least you don't have to be held back because of this.

She sighed: "What should come will always come."

She happened to take this opportunity to do something. Although her reputation was not very good, she didn't mind these details anymore, she just wanted to live a happy life.

In the late spring, the drizzle is continuous, the air is clear, and the peach blossoms in the yard are gone.Xia Li ordered someone to inspect some and make wine, and she could taste it next spring.

Steam the glutinous rice that has been soaked overnight in the pot. When it is almost steamed, add wolfberry, then add peach blossoms to heat it up, let the steamed glutinous rice freeze, pour in sweet wine, then put in appropriate mountain spring water, mix well, seal Put the good jars in place, and next year you will be able to drink peach blossoms and get drunk.

After doing this, she felt much better.But before she could rest, someone came to report: "Madam, Madam Xia is here."

"Let's go to Xici room."

When she came to Xici Room, her stepmother Ma Shi was already sitting on the upper chair, drinking tea leisurely.On her left is Miss Xia Xia Yao, on her right is Luo Yunshi, followed by Gu Huaiyang and Gu Chunyan.

Haitang tugged at Xia Li's sleeve, a little nervous.These are not kind, and now they are all crowded together, no matter how capable the young lady is, she is only a 16-year-old girl, how can she beat such a strong mouth with one mouth?

Xia Li was not nervous at all, and walked in dignifiedly, without even fluttering the corners of her skirt, with a graceful posture.

Ma Shi and Xia Yao stared straight at her. Is this elegant lady really the weak, sallow and emaciated Xia Li from before?Is it true that a lean camel is bigger than a horse?Even if marrying a duke and fool is better than a low-class regular wife?

Xia Li's eyes swept over everyone, and the thunderous glance made everyone's hearts sink.

Mrs. Ma took the lead: "You unfilial daughter, you don't even salute your mother when you see her? Mother is really mad at you! A rebellious girl like you should be soaked in a pig cage!"

Xia Li waved her hand, and four or five women came in and stood upright.

Looking at her majestic younger sister, Xia Yao felt jealous and angry at the same time. If she had married in back then, wouldn't all the glory and wealth be hers?She sternly said as before: "Your sister is married and lawless? Even if you don't care about your own reputation, you always think about the reputation of the Xia family's children!"

Xia Li looked at Mrs. Ma and said in a deep voice, "Get up!"

Ma looked at Xia Li in a daze, completely unaware of what kind of madness this stepdaughter, who had always been allowed to knead by herself, was going crazy.

Xia Li said: "You, a lady of the sixth rank, saw me, a lady of the first rank, not only did not salute to me, but also ranked first, did you take the etiquette seriously?"

Ma Shi was choked by Xia Li for the first time, thinking that just now he looked down on Luo Yunshi and the three of them, thinking that these three are really useless, why can't they even handle a weak woman?

She choked her neck, pointed at Xia Li and shouted: "Xia Li! After all, I am your mother. How can a mother salute her own daughter?"

A sixth-rank official is just a sesame official in the capital, and usually has no chance to come into contact with noble families, let alone enter the palace, so Mrs. Ma doesn't understand etiquette at all.

Although she doesn't understand, someone always understands.As soon as these words came out, the hearts of Luo Yunshi and the three of them sank, and they cursed this ignorant fool in their hearts!

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