"Take me to that pavilion to have a look." Ah Mi said, pointing to the pavilion in the middle of the pond.

"But, are you sure you don't want to change clothes?" Moshu hesitated.

"What is this? Back when I led the army to fight, I didn't change my clothes for several months during the war in the devil world!" Ami recalled that year with his hands on his hips.

"Okay...then let me clean it for you!" After speaking the magic book, he snapped his fingers, and Ami's clothes and face instantly became clean.The dirt jumped back into the pond by itself in an instant.

"I forgot, you have a cleaning function. I will take you with me in the next war to clean the soldiers." Ami said while looking at the magic book.

"No, no, my lord, I can clean it once a day. Besides, it is not appropriate to take me with you when you go to war." The magic book waved his hands repeatedly.

"Hurry up! Take me! Go to the pavilion! Otherwise, I will definitely take you with me!" Ah Mi's words were forceful.

Before Ami could react, Moshu immediately jumped up and brought Ami into the pavilion, "I don't want to go to the army." Moshu breathed a sigh of relief.

Ah Mi inspected the pavilion, the interior was very suspicious, there was nothing, not even a table or stool. "Moshu, tell me why this pavilion is built in the middle of the pond, and there is no bridge, so people can't come across it. If it is for viewing, this pavilion is too old and should have been built long ago!" Ami tapped it lightly with her fingers. The inner wall of the pavilion said.

"Perhaps it was left behind long ago!" said the magic book.

"Impossible. I checked the construction spectrum of the study. It was built three years ago. How could it get old so quickly? Besides, there are many damages outside the pavilion. How could there be so many damages in such a short period of time." Ami bit her teeth finger said.

"Unless..." Ah Mi met the eyes of the magic book.They said in unison: "Unless the pavilion has a mechanism, the foundation is empty, and every time it is opened, it will damage the pavilion."

Ami immediately knocked on the ground of the pavilion, and it turned out to be hollow, "Hollow! How to open it!" Ami turned to look at the magic book.

The two searched inside the pavilion for a long time, but they couldn't find anything tricky. "It could be outside the pavilion. You can look for it," Ah Mi said.

The magic book jumped to the top of the pavilion in one step, "Master, there is nothing."

"Search carefully, look over the tiles on the roof!" Ah Mi said.

"There's really nothing." After speaking the magic book, he jumped from the top of the pavilion.

"Really, there is no hint how to open it." Ah Mi stomped her foot fiercely.The pavilion actually sank!

"My lord, hurry up, it's dangerous." Just as the magic book was about to leave, the pavilion sank halfway and stopped, and a square hole was opened in the center of the pavilion, looking down into the darkness.

The magic book took out a fire folder from his pocket, and looked down, it seemed that there was a ladder, "Master, there is a way." The magic book went down first to find the way.Ami followed closely behind.

The walls are dark, and the narrow space can just accommodate two people. They walked side by side, and when they reached the end, they saw a stone door. Pushing open the stone door, the eyes were bright, to be precise, yellow.

The dark room is full of gold, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as rich as an enemy. "He is only a civil servant, how could he have so much property! The poetry and book conference was held to collect money, and the purpose of marrying the aunt was to cover up the facts. Then...if I want it, others will also want it, so now I have internal and external troubles, and it is possible If you are killed, you may also be implicated and executed!" Ah Mi pinched the gold in his hand.

"Magic book, is it possible to transfer these golds with your current skill?" Ami asked the magic book for help.

"Yes, but not too far away! And where will it go?" asked the magic book.

"It's better to move them to the mud, a little deeper, otherwise it will hurt the lotus. If the lotus has withered, the workers will find it soon after tidying it up." Ah Mi said.

"Understood!" After speaking the magic book, he waved his hand, and the gold disappeared immediately.The room also immediately darkened.

"Okay we have to go out, it's too late. We'll be found!" said Ami.

The two leave and restore the pavilion.

"Master, Mo'er asked me if I killed the servant girl's mother." An aunt's voice came from the study.Ah Mi stuck to the door and listened quietly.

"How do you answer?" His tone was very tense.

"I didn't say anything. Could it be that her maid said something? I think that maid seems to know that he is your child. She always wants to do something out of the ordinary. Do you want to send her out of the house?" said the aunt.

"Does Mo'er know anything?"

"Judging from what she said today, she probably doesn't know anything, but it's hard for that maid," said the aunt.

"You mean Xiaocui knows that you killed her mother?" the man said with a sigh.

"I killed her mother? Although I hated her for killing his wife for her own selfish desire, but she had just given birth at that time, how could I be so cruel? It was obviously the master who killed her because you wanted to marry me to cover up your crimes." , you can't blame me for everything, I'm also a woman, and I'm also fragile." The aunt's tone was very excited.

"Xiao Cui is my daughter after all, I don't want her to hate me!"

"Then you gave her a folding fan that said I killed her mother, said it was a relic left by her mother, made her hate me, and acquiesced in her poisoning me in the same way her mother poisoned her wife, and poisoned me !” The aunt coughed as she said.

"You are so cruel!" The aunt looked at the handkerchief in her hand, which was covered with coughed up blood.

"I don't want to do this either!" The man said calmly, and helped the fallen lady up without any haste.

"Back then, you acquiesced in Madam's death. No wonder a maid can control Madam's tonic at will. There is poison in it, but no one dares to tell Madam."

"Why on earth... Xiao Cui's mother and you are the original match, otherwise Xiao Cui would be older than Mo'er, I am so stupid... I knew your wolf ambition... Why didn't I kill you earlier!"

"It's not too late to kill now." After speaking, the man covered the aunt's mouth and nose with a handkerchief, and the blood from the aunt's mouth choked her throat, choking to death.

"I'm sorry." After finishing speaking, the man dropped the aunt's "corpse" and turned to flip through the book.

Ah Mi covered her mouth, feeling the emotion of "Situ Mo".Ami was in tears. "How could my father be so vicious and kill my mother!" Ami determined to figure out everything.

At this time, the sound of gunfire outside the door rang out, mixed with the panicked shouts of people on the street, and the flames shot up into the sky outside, causing chaos.The house slaves in the yard also heard the sound and ran out.

"It seems that the golden men are attacking!"

"What to do!" A servant held a hoe in his hand.

Several servants ran to the warehouse to take away the gold and silver, and escaped through the back door. When the disaster was imminent, they flew separately, and the servants all followed suit when they saw this.Soon everything in the house was taken away.

"Don't run away! The master will find a solution. If you go out now, you will be killed by the golden man." Xiaocui presided over it like a master.

Some slaves were stabilized, they looked around for the master, and found the aunt reading in the study and lying on the ground in a pool of blood.Xiaocui glanced at it, and walked up to the master with a sly look, "Father, everything has been resolved! Where's eldest sister?"

"Well, order someone to look for it, but don't sneak out and lose your life." The man said.

"I invited the golden man, and I will be the prime minister in the future! Everyone sleep well today, this place is the safest, tomorrow will change!" The master said calmly while flipping through the book.

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