Of course, this is the main god game.

It ends by dropping the 'statue' from a height, as anyone who has reached this part knows, and it's too easy.

So, it is also necessary to find out what the weakness of the 'statue' is.

After disengaging attacks several times and observing the 'statue', Night found his weakness.

His weak point is his right arm.

Because the big knife has been swung many times, if you look closely, the big knife is very big, which means it has weight.If you swing heavy things many times, there will definitely be signs of fracture at the junction between the arms and the body.

Ye Ye said in a very calm tone: "Oh, I found it."

The 'statue' heard her words, but didn't understand what she meant, or he didn't think at all, it was just a tool.

After dodging his next attack, Ye Ye ran towards him at a very fast speed.

Seeing that she was getting closer and closer to him, the 'statue' quickly picked up the big knife with the right hand holding the handle, raised his right hand, and when she was a certain distance away from him, he was ready for the next fatal blow.

But, in the end, he didn't let the sword fall.

The night came quickly in front of her, and when he raised the arm holding the big knife to the highest point, he raised his right hand.

The fruit knife held in his right hand stabbed at the junction of his right arm and body.

The moment the fruit knife came into contact with the 'statue', the tip of the fruit knife broke in two.

The 'statue' looked at the fruit knife he had broken, and smiled at her with hope of victory. When he was about to charge up and chop it down on her body, his smile froze.

So, it was night's turn to show...no smiles.

She looked at the 'statue' with blue eyes and cold eyes, her face was expressionless, and the corners of her mouth seemed to be raised.

With a 'bang', the right arm of the 'statue' fell to the ground.


Night looked at him with an indifferent voice and snorted.

After hearing her voice and the blow from his broken right arm, he gave up picking up the big knife with his left hand and ran towards her like crazy.

As if knowing that she would react like this at night, after his right arm fell to the ground and let out a huh at him, he immediately turned around and left, and ran towards the edge of the rooftop.

Before, in order to avoid the attack and observe his weakness, he deliberately left the edge at night. If he was allowed to attack the edge, then the next step would not be easy.

Came to the edge of the roof, stood on it at night, looked up at the 'statue' a certain distance away from her, and sneered at him.

'Statue' Aou ran towards her madly without any reason.

Ye Ye watched him getting closer and closer to her, and when his outstretched left hand was about to touch her, Ye Ye dodged sideways.

In the next second, standing at the edge of the roof at night, turned around and charged up.

But before he could react, he kicked him down with his right foot who had no center of gravity.

Watching his body fall, standing on the edge of the roof at night looking at the dark below.

In less than three seconds, he heard a 'plop', and Ye Ye took his eyes back.


hurts a little.

Walk down from the edge of the roof at night, and after landing on the ground, turn the ankle of your right foot.

Right now, except for some pain, there is no injury.

She sighed.

Just as she was about to lift her foot to take the next step, an electronic screen appeared in front of her.

It reads:

[Congratulations to the contestants for passing the preliminaries. 】

[Would you like to continue participating? 】


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