After sorting out his current situation in the expressionless night, he sighed softly.

Put your eyes on this room, the room is very tidy, without a trace of stains and dust.

Then he turned his gaze back to the bed, and when he saw himself getting up on the bed just now, the quilt was not folded.


After tidying up, he left the room at night.

Before walking out of the house, she saw the so-called lunch on the table.

A bowl of porridge, a seemingly hard steamed bun, and some vegetables with not very good color.

I don't know what kind of vegetable it is though.

However, the only certainty is that...

Never eat at night.

After taking a look at the so-called lunch, she left the house.

After walking out of the house, I stood at the door of the house at night, looking around at the surrounding environment.

From the architecture of the house, people's clothing and their language, it can be concluded that the background of her current era is the feudal era of Europe.

At night, she felt that the ordinary long skirt she was wearing was very obstructive.

She vaguely remembers that she often wears...

Because it was an irrelevant question, I didn't continue to think about it at night.

When she was standing at the gate, not knowing the surrounding environment, she didn't know where she was going now, a little boy passed by her.

The little boy was about the same age as the girl who woke her up this morning, both around twelve or thirteen years old.

Because it is seen with the eyes, there must be an error of one or two years.

As if entering an order, the little boy stopped when he passed by her, looked at him and said:

"Big sister, are you going to church?"

Hearing the word church, I recalled what the girl said at night.

——"...Remember to go to the church and find Sister Diana..."

Church of... Sister Diana?

Looking at the boy standing in front of her at night, she nodded.

After the little boy saw her nodding, he pulled her to lead the way.

On the way to church, he talked about what happened in this small town in recent days:

About the unpleasant things that happened to the bakery boss and the boss wife, the uncle drinking competition in the hotel every night, and...

"Recently, everyone is talking about ghosts."

Regarding the first two things, Ye Ye didn't pay much attention to them.But she was very interested in what he said about 'ghosts' now.

Looking at the little boy who was leading the way at night, he didn't stop at all because of this matter.But after that, he didn't continue talking.

She had no expression on her face and said coldly:


It seems that because of her words, let him continue:

"Actually, this small town was very peaceful and quiet a long time ago. But on a certain day, the peace and quiet of this small town was broken. A person who was usually very kind raised a knife in his hand and killed people one by one. Kill. In the end, everyone in the town, none of them survived, were all killed by him."

"But recently, this matter was brought up by grandparents again."

"But... this is just a legend. Whether there is such a thing, we don't know yet."


There is always a...very familiar feeling...

Putting that feeling aside, the night felt a little strange:

A major event like the massacre will leave traces and clues somewhere...

But from now on... it seems that this thing didn't happen...

As they say, this story is a legend.

No one knows the truth of this legend.

Then, another question came to mind at night.

so why...

They will know the legend...

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