Hearing what Ye Ye said, Mr. Ghost blinked and looked at her.

Mr. Ghost:?

He felt confused at this moment, what to start?


What's going on, haven't you started yet?Do you wait for her to escape, or wait for her to solve it?

To be honest, the way Mr. Ghost blinked just now was quite cute.I thought to myself at night.

People watching this game: "..."

Is it their illusion, why do they feel that the ghost that used to be extremely terrifying is now very cute, and it doesn't make them feel scared at all.

Mr. Ray, a system that cannot speak: Master (-w-;)

Before Mr. Ghost came back to his senses, at night he took out a small bottle from his clothes, took out something from under the pillow, poured a small part of the contents of the bottle on top, and...

When he reacted, he smelled the sudden smell of blood in the air.

From the smell, the amount of blood was very small, but for him who hadn't eaten food for several days, it was already a very good delicious meal.

He looked at the source of the smell, just as he thought, the smell of blood came from the body of the night.

Night holds a dagger in his right hand, and the blade of the dagger is coated with red and transparent liquid.

Most of his eyes were on the red liquid above the blade of the dagger, and he never took his eyes off it.

Blood, fresh blood.

He was extremely excited, like a child about to get a toy.At the same time, he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, licking his chapped lips.

Normally, he would definitely notice what the transparent liquid other than the red liquid refers to. Although the transparent liquid is colorless and odorless, his body can sense its existence.

Now, the smell of blood has occupied his mind.

At this time, he was like a small animal with well-developed limbs and a simple mind, madly attacking towards the night.

His situation had been predicted by the night.

Rather, his actions were all within her expectation.

It also saves the next trouble.

Ye Ye holding the dagger was motionless, and Mr. Ghost, who was rushing towards her, was about to touch her body, thinking that he was about to get his hands.

At night, he raised his right hand and turned sideways, with no hair on his body.

The bright red moon gradually faded in color.Slowly, a gentle silvery moon appeared in the night sky.

The temperature in the room was not as cold as it was at the beginning. I felt a little hot at night while wearing a black coat, and wanted to take off the coat on my body.

Thinking so, she looked in front of her right hand.

Right in front of the dagger she held in her right hand, there was a ghost floating in the air.

It can't be said to be floating, but to be precise, it was pierced by the dagger stretched out by the night, and pierced into the heart.

Mr. Ghost, who was floating in the air, laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha, you don't know, it's just a dagger, even if it stabs my heart, it doesn't matter, I'm..."

Ghost words have not yet been spoken.

He felt discomfort from his own body, dizziness, and a sense of separation from his body, all of which surfaced in an instant.

Mr. Ghost: "!"

Mr. Ghost: "Then what did you do!"

He looked at the night that was close at hand, and wanted to reach out to touch her body, but to no avail.Every shaking would cause him severe pain and pain.


"I didn't do anything."

"And, of course I know these things."

"So... I added some special things, I don't know if Mr. Ghost likes it or not."

Hearing her say that, Mr. Ghost recalled little details that he had never noticed before.

I see...

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