The full-level boss starts from the game

Chapter 27 The First Meeting in the Rest Area

After she clicked the [Yes] option, her whole body was covered in white, and she chose to close her eyes because it was too dazzling.

When she opened her eyes again, she found that she was not in the original manor.

At night, I looked around at the surrounding environment and people. There are a lot of people here, so it should be the so-called [rest area].

Mr. Ray: Master, welcome back ヾ(?°?°?)??

Night: Well.

Mr. Ray: Master, this is the rest area.

Mr. Ray: And please rest assured, the owner, the use of force is strictly prohibited in the rest area, so there will be no harm.

Night: good.


Night: Long time no see.

Mr. Ray:? , um, long time no see master (o?▽?)o

At night, he raised his right foot and walked a few steps forward, looked at the surrounding environment again, and said to himself after thinking about it.

Ye Ye: Don't call me Master anymore...

Hearing this sentence, Mr. Ray was very anxious and said: Then what should I call the master?

Ye Ye: Just call me Ye Ye.

Mr. Ray: ...Okay ヾ(??▽?)ノ

Ye Ye nodded in satisfaction, then set his sights on the second floor of the rest area, and his eyes stopped on a person leaning against the railing on the second floor.

I don't know if it was because the gaze was too intense at night, or if it stayed for a long time, but the person on the second floor sensed it and looked towards her.

Blue eyes and golden eyes looked at each other, the temperature in the rest area seemed to be much colder.

But there are rules in the rest area, no force is allowed, so they don't worry too much.

If force is used, the system will send an executive officer to imprison the troublemaker in the court.

It has been more than three months since I saw the executive officer last time. It seems that because a cute new person touched the rules that should not be touched, he was forcibly taken away by the executive officer.

Xiaomengxin still wanted to escape from them, but he didn't expect that each of them had superb military strength and possessed special props and skills. When they were taken away, that Xiaomengxin was only a short breath away from going to see God.

So, as long as you don't mess with the executive, everything will be fine.

This scene lasted for 3 minutes, and finally turned away at night and looked elsewhere.

After she turned her gaze elsewhere, she said in a calm voice, "Boring."

Lei Ming on the second floor also heard it, and left here after sneering.

After watching the two bosses end the unknown 'war', everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Mr. Ray: Lord... night, go to the front desk in the middle of the lobby, where you can register a house in the accommodation area.

Mr. Ray: As long as you buy it, you only need to participate in the game to exchange for the expiration date.

At night, he followed Ray-kun's words and came to the front desk.

The person at the front desk is a relatively neutral lady. The lady looked at the night and said in a professional tone: "Hello, welcome to the Lord God game. I am 012 at the front desk. May I ask what business you want to handle."

"I want a house."

012 at the front desk showed a professional smile and said, "Okay, may I have your name?"


"Okay," the receptionist 012 bent down to type Yee's name on the computer in front of her after Ye Ye said her name, and then a page popped up on her computer, she looked at the pop-up page and looked up at Ye Ye Say, "Hello, what kind of house do you need?"

"The accommodation area here is divided into three levels."

"The first floor is an ordinary accommodation area, with good quality and low price. There is only one bedroom, and the rest of the resources are shared."

"The second floor is the high-end accommodation area, which is slightly more expensive, with a bedroom and private bathroom."

"The third floor is the top-level accommodation area, a set of villas, and the resources on the third floor can be used at will."

After the front desk 012 finished speaking, he glanced at the night's points and recommended:

"I recommend you to buy a top-level accommodation."

Mr. Ray: Ye, I also recommend (???)

Ye Ye: "Okay, that's it."

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