When it was just two o'clock in the lounge, she felt a white light in front of her eyes at night, and when she opened her eyes again, she found that she was already in the game.

Before Ye Ye realized the current number of people, he saw a few words suddenly appear on the wall directly opposite them.

【Game Project: Four Corners Game】

[Game Difficulty: Level B]

【Number of players: 16 person】

【Game time: 3 days】

[All contestants please work hard to survive in this game, let us meet in the next game. 】

These few words, after everyone read them, slowly disappeared and disappeared on the wall.The walls are very clean, as if there were no stains on the walls just now.

Mr. Ray: Ye, come on this game ヾ(?°?°?)??

Night: Well.

After replying to Mr. Ray in his heart, he looked around at the surrounding environment and the current number of people at night.

The current number of people is exactly as written on the wall just now, no more, no less, exactly 16 people.

But... after the game is over, it's not clear how many people will be left...

In the last preliminaries, when the maid was selected, there were more than 30 people in the manor, but when she left the manor, there were only [-] people in the manor including her, no more, no less, [-] people. indivual.

Well, the problem is coming.

Where did the dozen or so people who disappeared go?

There is no doubt that it has been eliminated from the game.

In other words, it is already dead.

How the system will make them die, the night does not know.

But what she knew was that if she wanted to survive here, she had to keep playing until she died.

When the words on the wall disappeared for 2 minutes, among the 16 people, a burly man stepped forward, looked at the people below and said:

"All contestants, my name is Mouse. I have participated in 5 games. I am considered a veteran. I will count now. If you are still a novice or have not participated in a few games, please raise your hand."

After he finished speaking, people began to raise their hands one after another. Among those who raised their hands, Night did not raise their hands.

Night: boring.

Lei Ming stood not far from her and looked at her. He was a little surprised when he saw that she didn't raise her hand, but after seeing her face, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Lei Ming: That's right.


Lei Ming: y, confirm one thing.

y: OK, Ray, please tell me.

Lei Ming: Will there be someone like me here?

y was silent for a while, and she didn't answer until the mouse had confirmed the number of people.

y: The grade is not enough to answer.


Lei Ming: Forget it.

The mouse standing on the top naturally saw the night of the perfect score in the preliminaries closest to him, and the thunder standing behind, which was about to merge with the darkness, swallowed his saliva and said:

"The duration of the game is 3 days. Everyone takes advantage of the two and a half days to look for clues nearby. Let me remind the novices first."

"Remember not to act alone."

Although the reason for saying this sentence was not mentioned, everyone present knew that if one person acted alone, there was a high chance that he would be entangled by ghosts and be eliminated.

When he finished saying this at night, he was thinking about when he would start to act at night.

Night: How about zero o'clock?But it feels like they won't come out now.

Mr. Ray: Ye, on the third day, ghosts will appear.

Ye Ye: Well, then...no...the third day is going to participate in the game.

Night: I really want to meet Mr. Ghost here.

Mr. Ray: (Scary, but fortunately Ye is not an enemy.)

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