
In the lounge, everyone sat in their seats and prepared.

At this moment, a sentence written in white chalk suddenly appeared on the blackboard: [Please exchange information now. 】

The following contestants look at me and I look at you. Finally, the mouse stood up from his seat and came to the podium to host the next 'information exchange'.

Although the information exchange had already been done in the lobby on the first floor, the system deliberately sent all of them to the lounge to exchange information, which also had its meaning.

As contestants, they cannot break the rules of the game, or the system.

"Ahem..." The mouse coughed first, and let everyone below focus on himself, "Although we exchanged in the lobby, we are exchanging here."

"First of all, the favorable conditions given to us in the game are—survival for three days, four-corner game, 16 people."

"As for surviving for three days, my opinion is that the four-corner game will start on the third night, and the last survivor will clear the game."

"About the four-corner game, everyone is very familiar with it."

"Then here we don't..."

Before Mouse could finish his sentence, another sentence appeared on the blackboard; 【Please don't hide information. 】

Mouse: "..."

Contestants below: "..."

Hiding intelligence?

This is hidden information? ? ?

Primary school students know what the rules of the four-corner game are.

Although they thought so in their hearts, the mouse continued: "About the four-corner game, it is a game played by four people."

"The rules of the game are like this. At night, in a rectangular blank room, turn off all the lights, and then stand one person in each of the 4 corners of the room, and then face the corner, never backwards. look."

"When the game starts, the person in one corner walks to the other corner, gently pats the shoulder of the person in front, and stays in that corner. Then, the person being photographed goes to the other corner in the same way. go..."

"Everyone's direction must be the same, clockwise or counterclockwise. Then pat the shoulder of the third person. When you reach a corner where there is no one, cough and continue to the next corner, and so on. "

Everyone present knew what the next rule was, but they all listened carefully to what the mouse said.

Sitting in the last row at night, after watching the vivid mouse on the podium, he put his right hand in front of his mouth and yawned.

So sleepy...so sleepy...

Lei Ming was looking at the environment of the lounge, and when he looked at Ye Ye who was sitting not far away from him, he was thoughtful.

The mouse standing on the podium continued: "After a while, you will find that when no one coughs, it means that there are people in every corner, but there is one person who is always walking, because the sound of footsteps can be heard. "

"So... who is the extra person?"

After the mouse finished speaking, a person below said: "Then will there really be a fifth person here?"

"Yes," the mouse looked at him and said with certainty, "I think you should be a novice. In the main god game, things that never appeared in the place where you lived before will appear."

"If you feel scared, four people close their eyes at the same time and say: 'The game is over', and then they can open their eyes."

"Of course... the final game ends under normal circumstances, if it is played according to the main god..."

"It is estimated to be killed."

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