Just when everyone was silent, the two people sitting by the corner started to move.

First they heard the slight sound of chopsticks being picked up, followed by the sound of knives cutting meat, and then they looked in the direction of the sound.

I only saw Ye and Lei Ming, who had not moved their mouths since entering here, and they were holding the tableware and starting to eat.

They looked at the two who were eating, and couldn't help but say in their hearts: We can understand that Mr. Ye wants points, but Mr. Lei, you still need so many points!

A big boss is a big boss, and he can even give up his life for the sake of points.

After Ye Ming and Lei Ming ate a little, a voice came from the loudspeaker: "Congratulations to the contestants Lei Ming and Ye Ye, for completing the hidden mission, each of them will get 100 points."

After saying this, there was no sound.

The other contestants look at me, I look at you, and finally look at Night and Thunder who are eating.

They didn't move until after the meal time, just like the previous night and thunder.


After the meal time was over, Ye Ye and Lei Ming returned to their own rooms, while the others discussed tomorrow night's four-corner game in the lounge.


The mouse stood in front, picked up the chalk from the chalk trough, looked at the people sitting below and said, "The four-corner game will start tomorrow night, everyone must survive."

"About the four-corner game, I have explained the content before, and here I want to emphasize a little bit for novices."

"When the game is going on, you have to rely on yourself, not others."

"Because then you'd 'die'."

【Room 444】

In the night in the room, I didn't sit on the bed at this time, but sat on a chair.

She looked at the bed she had been lying on not long ago, and after looking at it for a while, she slowly raised her head to look at the dark place on the ceiling.

Compared with before, the darkened part of the ceiling has become significantly larger, and it also has some outlines.

That outline... clearly looks a bit like...

At night, he turned his eyes elsewhere, looked around the room for a week, and finally stopped his eyes on the window of the room.

The curtains of the window were opened, and the scenery outside the window was extremely beautiful, with flowers and grass, and birds passing by from time to time.If they weren't participating in the game, this place could be regarded as a paradise.

Of course, this is just the view in the eyes of others.

In the eyes of the night, something is obviously different.

She recalled inadvertently overhearing the conversation of several girls in the hall on the first floor.

At that time, because she was a little thirsty, she wanted to go to the kitchen to get some water to drink. When she passed the hall, she heard the voices of two girls talking.

"It's so nice here. If there were no games, I really want to live here forever." The one who spoke was a taller, a little thin girl who looked about eighteen or nineteen years old from her appearance.

"Well, hearing what you said, I also thought about it a little bit." Hearing what her friend said, the girl who was standing next to her, a little short and a little fat, responded to her.

"It's nice to open the curtains every morning and look at the scenery outside," the tall girl said while recalling, "And every night, I can also see the galaxy in the night sky."


The conversation they had afterwards, the night did not know.

When she came to the kitchen, she casually picked up a disposable paper cup, drank it after receiving the water, and looked towards the kitchen window.

Outside the window, the sun is shining brightly during the day, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.In the dark night, the night sky is studded with stars, shining brightly.

The memory is over, the night is the same as that time, looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window, I muttered to myself:

"It's really 'beautiful'."

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