0023 Bitter cough, sickness, worry about medicine, hurting the body and protecting children

Daiyu sent out a letter from her family, knowing that her family has received the letter, she will definitely plan again, so she will not waste any more time on it now.Coincidentally, the emperor was busy these two days and couldn't see him. Although the palace was a bit dull, he could live comfortably.

Princess Yangyi's illness keeps recurring and never recovers.Coughing intermittently, unable to get rid of the root.Pity her at such a young age, she ate the bitter medicine juice, and she wailed with tears all over her face, it was really uncomfortable.

Daiyu just came to Shoukang Palace that day, and when she was walking in the yard, she heard the heart-piercing cry of the little princess.She quickly walked a few steps into the Xinuang Pavilion, and saw two nannies, one was hugging the little Princess and coaxing her, the other was feeding her medicine with a bowl.

The little princess was tear-stained, and the empress dowager couldn't sit still, she kept pacing the room while listening to her crying.

Daiyu came in, greeted the empress dowager hurriedly, and took her from the nurse.Fortunately, although the little princess cried a lot, she still recognized her.Leaning in her arms with tears in his eyes, he cried pitifully at her, pointed at the two nurses with his fingers, and complained all over his eyes and face.

"Yinyin, take your hand back." Daiyu held her hand and took it back, coaxing her softly: "I don't blame you two nurses, if you don't take medicine, how can you get better?"

As he spoke, he asked the nanny who was holding the medicine bowl to come closer, sat on the kang, supported the little princess in one hand, and brought a spoon to her mouth in the other: "My dear, open your mouth. After taking the medicine, let's eat it." alright."

How could the little princess be willing to listen to her, as soon as the medicine juice touched her lips, she turned her head abruptly, closed her eyes tightly and began to cry heart-rendingly.

After all, the empress dowager was more cruel, took the spoon, and poured a spoonful of medicine into it when she opened her mouth to cry.The original intention was to tell her to eat some, but unexpectedly, the little princess choked on the medicine juice before her cough was healed, and she was out of breath for a while, the cough became more intense, and her whole face turned red , even breathing quickly.

"Yinyin!" Daiyu hugged the little princess and patted her on the back repeatedly, but it didn't work.

The Empress Dowager shouted anxiously: "Quick! Pass it to the imperial doctor!"

Everyone in the room was in a panic, and at this moment, a sapphire figure hurried in.He snatched the little princess away with his hands. I don't know what his movements were. Seeing the little princess lying on his lap with his palms on his back, the little princess vomited all over his body with a wow.He didn't care about her dirty body, and supported the little princess to make her stand up straight.Everyone saw that although she was still coughing, she was not out of breath like Jiang Cai, and she was still crying while coughing, but fortunately she was able to catch her breath.

The little princess vomited all over the emperor...

Everyone put it halfway with their hearts hanging high, and then brought it back again.

The medicine juice and milk are mixed together, dirty is still the same thing, the smell is not to mention unpleasant, it is really enough to make people drink a pot.

The Empress Dowager felt embarrassed when she saw it: "Li Shunxiang, serve your master and go to the side hall to change clothes!"

The emperor remained calm, with no expression of joy or dislike on his face, he stood up and stuffed the little princess back into Daiyu's arms: "It's really good for a baby to make you mess up like this."

Daiyu was taken aback by him, and hugged the little princess in a daze.Seeing him go out, I still can't regain my senses.

Until the Empress Dowager called her: "Daiyu, you also go back to Xipei Hall and change your clothes."

Daiyu looked down, only to find that the moon-white long bijia on the outer hood was also dirty.I don't know when it happened, but she didn't notice it.

Seeing her dumbfounded appearance, the Empress Dowager couldn't help laughing and urged again: "Go."

Daiyu came out after changing her clothes, and met the emperor at the entrance of the corridor.The emperor raised his eyebrows, and his eyes fell on her, which was quite meaningful.Daiyu made his cheeks blush, if she had known this, she should have changed the clothes for the little princess first, and then went to change her own.

Fortunately, the emperor changed into a moonlight gown embroidered with cloud and dragon patterns, and she was wearing a slightly lighter long bijia embroidered with moonlight embroidered with hydrangea flowers.Although there is no taboo, it is really weird to look at.

There was no reason to ask the emperor to change his clothes, so Daiyu took a step back, bowed to the emperor, and turned around to leave.

"When you see me, turn around and leave. When will this problem be corrected?"

Daiyu told him that he was stunned for a moment, and said hesitantly, "I'll go back and change my clothes."

"Isn't it already changed?" The emperor glanced at her up and down, his lips curled up, and he said as if pointing: "It's hard for you to find such a one, it's very good, just wear it."

Whatever words come out of his mouth will always taste different.It's clearly not repulsion, but it's a mocking tone, which can make people unhappy just to hear it.When he is not the emperor to talk about cross talk, just relying on this skill of harming others and not benefiting himself, the custody can make a lot of money.

Xi Shiyue followed behind the emperor, and when he saw this, he quietly retreated a few steps, leaving enough space for Daiyu.He has always been diligent, but this force is always not on the right path.Daiyu glanced at it, and before she could lift her foot, the emperor stopped walking and turned around halfway to urge her: "Gallo, the tortoise is faster than you."

Holding back his breath, he raised his heels and walked a step behind him, stepping on his footsteps.With the emperor behind his back, Daiyu could see clearly as soon as she lowered her head.Being an emperor is really well-raised everywhere. As a gentleman, his hands are as delicate and clean as if they were carved out of jade.The emerald jade wrench is worn on the thumb, and when the light shines on it, the hands are covered with green light.

Before entering the warm pavilion, one could hear the mess inside. The empress dowager coaxed the little princess to take medicine, and the person who hadn't spoken soft words for many years lowered his figure, but he couldn't stop the crying of the baby.

Following the emperor into the Xinuang Pavilion, Tong Yi thought of a way when he heard something in his ears: "Why don't you invite Concubine Huang Shu here. Concubine Shu has a princess by her side. If you want to come here, you will know how to coax children."

"What do you want her to do? When something happens, I just lose my mind. I only know how to hold onto someone and cry." The emperor's expression turned pale, and Meteor strode over, stretching out his arms to hug the little princess.

He rarely does this, and his movements are extremely unfamiliar.Daiyu was afraid when she saw her boldly.Without caring about anything else, she stepped forward and stretched out her hand: "The child is troublesome, let me hold it."

The emperor glanced at her, but instead of giving her the little princess, he said, "Bring the medicine, I'll hold it, and you can feed it."

The medicine is prepared early in the morning, warmed on the copper samovar, and can be obtained immediately.Daiyu took the medicine, and seeing the little princess tightly shut her mouth and looking at her tearfully, her heart softened for a moment: "Your Majesty... I'm afraid it won't work if you do it again..."

"Women's things are really stinging." The emperor was impatient to see their hesitation, he hugged the little princess in one hand, and was about to force-feed him with a spoon in the other.Unexpectedly, the little princess was terrified, she kept turning her head left and right to hide, and raised her hand towards the emperor's face.

"Emperor!" The empress dowager's heart tightened, and she leaned forward to look.Even though the princess is a child, her fingernails are all trimmed short, she doesn't know the severity, if she hits someone, it's a real hit, if she doesn't pay attention, it will be very painful.

The emperor has never been slapped on the ears in his life, and his reputation has been ruined by a baby boy.But in an instant, his fair and handsome face turned red.The emperor looked at the little princess with no expression on his face. She was so happy that she did something bad, clapping her hands and laughing.

Daiyu saw the emperor's heart pounding, she caught a glimpse of the emperor's hand, before she had time to think about it, she stretched out her hands to hold his wrist almost in a blink of an eye, preventing him from moving in mid-air.

She was terrified, her eyes were filled with fear and pleading: "The princess is still in her infancy, please don't worry about it, she has no intentions. The smell of this bitter medicine makes people dizzy, and eating it can make people feel bitter." To the root of the tongue. We adults are afraid of taking medicine, let alone her? This is not her fault, please don't punish her..."

The emperor sneered, punishing a child for such a trivial matter, is this the kind of person he is in her heart?Her soft and fragrant hand was attached to her wrist through the horseshoe sleeve, and there was a lot of tenderness, but it was not worth every inch of bewilderment and loss in her heart.

It turned out that she thought of him this way...

The emperor withdrew his hand silently, almost at the moment when he withdrew his strength, a burst of strong fear came over him.Daiyu took the little Princess with limp hands and feet, hugged her and turned her back.

Such a confrontation without gunpowder, the little princess knew nothing about it, and giggled with eyes as bright and black as grapes.

The Empress Dowager was already about to stand up, but when she saw this, she sat back again, leaning on the big pillow, looking completely unworried, and even looked a little leisurely.

Daiyu coaxed the child in her arms, and turned her back to the emperor, naturally she couldn't see what he looked like right now.He sat on the kang with his face downcast, staring at the empty hands in a daze, with a listless head, like a big rooster that has lost a battle.The usual arrogance and conceit are all gone, and he doesn't look like an emperor at all.

After all, he is the grandson who was raised by his side when he was young. Seeing him like this, although he finds it interesting, he can't help pity: "The child's attack is not serious, let the imperial doctor come and take a look."

Hearing this, Daiyu froze.The emperor saw it, and subconsciously touched the side of his face.How heavy can a child's hand be?It hurt at the time, but now I don't feel it anymore.

But I scratched my nails, and asked the imperial doctor to pass it on and make people laugh.Just as the emperor was about to speak, for some reason, he suddenly changed his mouth: "It's a dull pain, let's call and have a look."

Although he is delicate and fleshy, he is a phoenix egg admired by thousands of people, but he is also a strong man.It's been like that since I was a child, I don't cry easily, I feel ashamed.But now she said it hurts, the Empress Dowager also panicked, she was afraid that she was hit somewhere, so she asked Gui Lan to go and see: "Look at your master."

Gui Lan agreed, and with a soft handkerchief between her hands, she moved closer to cup the emperor's face for a closer look.As soon as the hand was stretched out, the emperor frowned and avoided it: "The maid's hand is rough, it hurts even more if I touch it again."

Gui Lan raised her hands, her face flushed with embarrassment.She doesn't do menial work, and she might be softer|tender than the girls raised in ordinary families.The maids around the empress dowager were also taken care of meticulously, but unexpectedly the emperor would dislike her today.

The empress dowager's face was full of astonishment, which could not be expressed in words.Looking at the emperor suspiciously, his gaze fell directly on Daiyu's back.She faintly sensed the emperor's mind, and tentatively said: "Daiyu is the gentlest in things, let her show you."

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