0029 Lin Daiyu and her children enjoy swimming fish, the Eastern Tai regrets looking for Concubine Huang Shu

"There is a skilled hand here, why bother to look far away?" The Empress Dowager can see the height of her eyebrows, and she can taste the emperor's implication without thinking carefully: "Call Daiyu to go there before the money and food, and get up early tomorrow to come back." Take it out. Fortunately, the Shoukang Palace and the Hall of Mental Cultivation are close, so it doesn’t take much effort.”

Some people were happy and some were sad when they heard the words, but Daiyu didn't expect it again, but she just mentioned it casually, and she got involved again.

The emperor's eyes were gentle, and he couldn't see what kind of mood he was in, and his speech was flat and straight, just like in the past: "There is organdy in the money, I will ask them to find it later and send it to Shoukang Palace."

The Empress Dowager smiled and said nothing, sipping the warm tea in her cup, obviously happy with the result.The emperor was raised by her alone, and she has such an awkward temper since she was a child.If he doesn't like it, it's okay, but if he likes it, it's not okay.Listening to his words, you have to think backwards in order to taste the real taste.

No one spoke for a while, Daiyu held her tea and drank it slowly while looking at the scenery outside the window.The emperor sat and played with the wrench in his hand, looking forward, but there was always an inch of peripheral vision falling on her.I just feel that every gesture has its own charm, no matter which movement, as long as you freeze it, you can enter the painting.They all said that the eyebrows are picturesque. At first, I thought this was right, but now I feel some extra emotions.People live and paint wood, after all, they lack their agility.

There is nothing to say, but there is an atmosphere where silence is better than sound at this time.The Empress Dowager did not make a sound, as if she had never seen such a beautiful view of the Linxi Pavilion, she couldn't look away at all.

At this time, Princess Yangyi, who was sleeping peacefully in the nurse's arms, suddenly woke up, humming and crying.The nanny coaxed her to see the koi in the pond. Daiyu was greatly relieved when she heard the movement, and got up as if she had been pardoned: "The little princess is crying so much, I'll go and have a look."

"Go." She always loves the child dearly, but whenever she is around, she will always comfort the little princess when she cries.The Empress Dowager watched her pass by, hugged the little princess, and said a few words with a smile.It's really strange, the demon star in the hands of the nanny is obedient like a little fuwa in her hands.

I don't know how she hugged her, but she was still a small one, but she held the little princess very firmly, without shaking at all.

When talking to the little princess, he was really gentle and gentle: "I took Yinyin to see the fish, there is a fish called Jinxiu, as smart as Yinyin, as long as you call it, it will know to come..." No matter what Can the little princess understand?

The empress dowager looked away at the emperor, who lowered his head and turned the fingers on his hand.The empress dowager's heart was like a mirror, although others were sitting, her heart went with them.

She took a sip of the tea, and felt that the tea was full of sweetness, and she burst out with joy from the bottom of her heart: "It makes me happy from the bottom of my heart to see you like this when I am alive."

"The old ancestor is not happy to say this. You are the magic needle of Dinghai in the palace, and you are indispensable everywhere." The emperor occasionally said two or three witty words to her.Quite a bit of colorful clothes to entertain relatives.

How could the Empress Dowager not know that this was said to coax her, although she was happy to hear it, she couldn't really think that she could be a thousand years old.

"It's not easy to meet a sincere person in one's life. Your father met him. Unfortunately, it was difficult at that time and he had to let him down. Emperor, you are different. You don't have to do things against your will, and you can treat yourself happily. It's good to be alone..."

It was rare for the Supreme Emperor to make people cry at that time.The first emperor passed away, and the Supreme Emperor had to support the whole country at a young age.The Empress Dowager was pregnant with King He Rui at that time, so she couldn't help her.Seeing the heavy burden on the immature shoulders of the Supreme Emperor, and seeing with his own eyes the tears in his eyes because he could not welcome the Empress Dowager West as empress.The people of the previous generation have painstakingly planned for many years before they can truly stay together.The Emperor Taishang had a hard time, and the Empress Dowager had selfish intentions and did not want the Emperor to repeat the same mistakes.

"For an emperor, the country and the country are important. But if the queens in charge of the inner court are not my favorite, what's the fun in this day?"

The emperor lowered his face slightly, as if touched by these words, and his voice revealed firmness: "The grandson has written down these words, and I must not let the ancestor down."

The Empress Dowager stared at him for a moment, then suddenly smiled.If it was the past, how could he have so many emotions?How could he abandon his family, country and world to accompany her for a walk?

She smiled and said, "A man is a knife, a woman is a scabbard. Why use an inappropriate scabbard to hurt others and yourself?"

Up to this point, the emperor had shame and hesitation on his face: "As an emperor, there should be no likes and dislikes. If there is resentment, there will be bias, and if there is joy, there will be partiality. I have often thought in the past two days, maybe this is not what I should have. of……"

If a person has a weakness, he will inevitably show favoritism.He is really afraid that one day he will also become a foolish king who is greedy for beauty...

"Emperor." The Empress Dowager suddenly leaned over and took the emperor's hand, her palm was warm and soft.

Just like back then, the Queen Mother Dong didn't like him, thought he was stuffy and unable to speak, thought he was not liked by the Supreme Emperor, and kicked him out of Kunyi Palace.He played the flute while hiding in the Yangxingzhai of the Imperial Garden, and met the Empress Dowager.She held his hand, asked him softly why he was here, and then asked him if he would like to live in Shoukang Palace.

The palm temperature at that time was the same as now, and it was so comfortable that it made people tremble.

"Emperor, have some confidence in yourself." The empress dowager patted the back of his hand with a smile, and said in relief, "Daiyu is kind-hearted and loves children. Such a person can be lenient and caring for children who are not his own." .Even if it is going to be bad, how bad can it be? The emperor is also a human being, what's wrong with having someone he likes by his side? In the past, you were cold-faced and never warm-hearted. Now it's actually better, and it looks more Taste it."

The laughter of the little princess and the faint sound of the pipa were swept into the Linxi Pavilion along with the wind. The emperor couldn't help but looked up and saw Daiyu standing by the pool holding the little princess.The broken hair fell on the forehead, shivering in the wind, but it didn't look scribbled at all, but had a kind of casual beauty.

With a smile, Daiyu stuffed the fish food into the hands of the little princess, and then grabbed her hand and threw it out, attracting fishes to gather and compete for food, forming a colorful picture scroll.

The emperor felt that his whole heart was crisp and soft.I actually think that the Empress Dowager's proposal is very good, why resist it?In front of such a person, it is not too much to give up the back seat.

Concubine Huang Shu tremblingly entered Kunyi Palace, she is also a mother, and now she is standing under the veranda, still like a pitiful quail.

Rong Shuang came out from the convenient door to invite her in, and quietly gestured to her, which meant that the Empress Dowager Dong was not in high spirits, so she had to be more careful with her words.

She lifted her skirt to enter the door, and the Empress Dowager was sitting in the Xinuang Pavilion making fun of her pets.Her favorite pet is a little monkey with black and shiny hair and a red face. It is only as small as a cat and can nest in people's arms.The Empress Dowager East gave it an elegant name, Sanmo.Girls often say in private that it doesn't look like a monkey's name, but rather a girl from a certain family, with a smell of books.

Concubine Huang Shu also liked to tease it in the past, feed it something to eat, and say some witty words to make the Queen Mother happy.Right now, he was tied up, and stood aside after inviting An, wondering how to speak.

In fact, there is no need for her to speak, what to say, the Queen Mother Dong received the letter early in the morning, so there is no need for her to reply.But no matter what, this trip has to come.Otherwise, who is the Empress Dowager directing her anger at?Is it possible to send it to the emperor?No such reason!

"Aunt..." Concubine Huang Shu became the emperor's bedside person, so she called the Eastern Empress Dowager Empress.Only at this time, if you want to save face, will you call her aunt.

The Empress Dowager Dong glanced at her, said nothing, and continued to feed Sanmo with dates.There was no smile on her face, even Sanmo could detect it.After snatching the dates in twos and threes, he ran to the flower stand and ate them slowly.The Empress Dowager sat upright now, straightened the creases on her clothes, and took tea to eat.

She drank tea very slowly, not for drinking, but more like killing time.Concubine Huang Shu couldn't stand such a trial, she simply apologized first, took a step back and knelt on the ground.

Kowtowing three times in a row, she lowered her voice to plead guilty: "It's the concubine who is incompetent and let the empress down."

"You are incompetent." The tea cup landed on the Kang table with a "snap", with an endless aftertaste of frightening.The Empress Dowager Dong said sneeringly: "I saw you in the past as a clever governor, but now you are not as good as a girl who entered the palace later. Fortunately, you have raised Zhang Jiao, and I am ashamed for you!"

Concubine Huang Shu told her that she was on the verge of tears, and said in a muffled voice: "Your Majesty taught you the right thing." But she was indignant in her heart, complaining and thinking to herself, could it be that she is willing not to be liked by the emperor?She also wanted to get close to him, and she also wanted to be able to talk to him, and she could absolve King Jing of Beijing with a single sentence.But after all, she didn't have that ability, not only she didn't have it, she even made people watch a joke for nothing!

The more obedient and humble she was, the angrier the Empress Dowager Dong became, and she said viciously: "If I had known this, why would I want you to be closer to me? You are not as good-looking as your concubine sister, and your means are not as good as your eldest sister. If you choose them that day, maybe Better than now."

The Empress Dowager regretted it sincerely.On that day, the Supreme Emperor abolished the Emperor, but surprisingly, the King of Kangxian County became the Emperor.Although he is also her son, he is not as close as King Xiaoyi and King Jinzhuang.He was brought up by the Empress Dowager, and he was born with him long ago.That's why she moved the minds of the people next to the emperor's pillow, and before the new emperor came to power, she sent a message to her cousin Shui Lin, asking her to send the three girls in the family who hadn't left the court to have a look.

The third girl is a concubine and does not have the blood of the Shui family.The eldest girl and the second girl are both descendants, but the eldest girl is already engaged, and her age is also slightly older.The Eastern Empress Dowager could only make a compromise and choose a second girl, hoping that she could become a queen based on the love of the hidden mansion, but she did not expect that she would only earn a concubine Shu in the end.It was disappointing enough, and it turned out that there was no way to help anyone at once.

The Empress Dowager East suddenly got up, leaned over and held her face, brought her up together, and asked repeatedly: "Don't you know how to kowtow to beg for mercy? What's the use of kneeling in front of me? Kneel in front of the emperor, kneel down His heart was soft, and he knelt down until he let go. Do you want me to teach you? Your uncle's Meridian Gate was pressed and beaten. What can you ask for? Are you a dummy carved from wood? No father, no mother, Gu Well, it’s enough to be alone? The Beijing Palace has suffered a loss, so what good is it for you? You’re so proud that your mother’s family is gone? "


The manuscript is about to write about Zhang Jiao's life and death.

I want to ask everyone, do you want Zhang Jiao to live or hope that she dies young.In my outline, she should have died young.But after reading the comments in the past two days, I found that everyone likes her quite a bit, so I am a little hesitant now, please give me some opinions~

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