0050 Count rice grains to make the king smile

The empress dowager led Miss Huang San out, and the only aunt she was familiar with left, leaving her here alone.Even though the Empress Dowager was kind and kind, Miss Huang San would inevitably be a little cowardly and fearful.

This was all the fault of the Eastern Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager sat facing south, first asked the emperor and Daiyu to sit down, and then took the hand of Miss Huang San, and had to comfort her once: "Miss San, don't be afraid. .Your aunt left you in Shoukang Palace, so I took you to dinner and led you to your sister."

The third girl Huang had just entered the palace and asked the palace staff to lead her to Kunyi Palace. She ate a lot of food in front of the Eastern Empress Dowager, but Concubine Shu hasn't seen her yet.When Concubine Shu was at home, she would take care of Miss Huang on weekdays and treat this younger sister with utmost love.Now that she heard this, no matter how frightened she was, she couldn't help being happy.

What a cute little girl, she smiles heartlessly.The Empress Dowager couldn't help laughing when she saw it, and sent her to sit down to eat: "Eat first, and wait until you use it. I will send you to Chuxiu Palace."

Miss Huang San happily held up her skirt and sat down next to Daiyu. Although she was stupid, she knew how to wink.Seeing everyone on the table moving their chopsticks, he squinted and smiled, and carefully picked up the chopsticks.

However, she really knew the rules, and when the maid stepped forward to serve the dishes, she said again: "No need, I can handle it myself."

"Girl..." Zhou Shoulian wanted to tell her that she was a maid in the palace, and the Empress Dowager raised her hand to stop her before she could say two words.

The Empress Dowager said: "She is naive, it's not a serious family banquet after all, let her go, don't restrict her."

Now that it's hot, Daiyu's body is weak and tired of the heat, and she can't eat anything.Two chopsticks of amaranth and half a bowl of duck porridge are enough.It's just that the empress dowager hasn't put down the chopsticks yet, so she can't put them down and say no to eating.Just holding a spoon, I scooped up some porridge and soup to eat.

Although the Empress Dowager is old, she has a good appetite and likes to eat anything.After eating more than half of the bowl of red rice, he caught a glimpse of the emperor from the corner of his eye, and saw that he was staring at Daiyu across the table with good eyes, looking down on the girl so much that he almost buried his face in the bowl.This is too blatant.

"Emperor." The Empress Dowager elongated her voice, "What are you looking at?"

The original intention was to make the emperor calm down, but unexpectedly he was lost in thought, when someone asked him suddenly, he blurted out: "I see her counting rice grains."

As soon as these words came out, Daiyu and the Empress Dowager were all stunned except Miss Huang who didn't know anything and was still eating.When he realized that he was laughing at himself again, Daiyu's face turned red immediately, and her heart was full of anger and resentment, wishing to hit him twice to relieve her anger.However, in front of the Empress Dowager, there was only silence at this moment.It's just a deaf ear, and I didn't listen to a word.

The empress dowager is really worried about this grandson, knowing that she likes a girl, and laughing at her like this is really heartbreaking.

She said to Daiyu: "Don't pay attention to him, he is stuffed with heat, and he doesn't know what he said."

Then he said angrily: "It's common for a girl to eat slowly at home, do you have to be as rough as you big guys, eating like locusts crossing the border, is this called eating?"

The emperor also realized that what he said was wrong, and quickly bowed his head to admit his mistake: "It was a slip of the tongue."

Shaking his head helplessly, he had to describe something for him in front of Daiyu: "He has such a temperament, listen to the old ancestor's words, we are the daughter of Jin Zunyugui, so there is no need to be angry for him."

Daiyu naturally replied in a low voice, and said nothing else, she quietly ate with the Empress Dowager.

After the meal was finished, the servants of the palace rinsed their mouths and washed their hands, sat down and ate a mouthful of tea, and then moved closer to the warm pavilion to talk.The Empress Dowager was getting old, so she didn't use much ice, but she put a basin far away, asked someone to turn the copper fan through the curtain, and ordered someone to slowly pull the rope fan above her head, a little cooling was enough.

The Empress Dowager took Miss Huang San's hand and said, "I went to your sister's place, and I will listen to her later. Your aunt has been busy recently and has no time to take care of you. You live in Chuxiu Palace, and play with Princess Rongshou for a while Go back."

Seeing that the girl had no bad intentions and was really good, she couldn't help feeling pity for her.Instructed Tong Yi to reward her with some fresh fruits, and specially explained: "I remember a pair of asparagus bamboo inlaid with bamboo silk Ruyi[1], with jade lotus flowers on them. Those objects are warm to the touch and cool in summer. It's hot, and Mrs. Bamboo is a good partner. Take it out and share it with Miss Huang and Daiyu."

After all, she couldn't forget Daiyu, thinking of her everywhere, because she said: "It's rare that you two are destined. It's also an interesting thing to remember today's relationship."

At that moment, Tong Yi agreed and asked the palace servants to prepare.

"Good boy." The Empress Dowager patted the back of Miss Huang's hand and called out to the emperor: "It's getting late, you go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and lead Miss Huang to her sister."

The emperor was drinking tea, and took a sip of herbal tea in his mouth. Hearing this, he frowned, obviously disapproving of this idea.Xu Xu swallowed the tea, brushed the corner of her clothes casually, and said in a low voice: "I still have government affairs to do. Besides, the night is thick, and it will be inconvenient for me to take a girl of seventeen or eighteen to the inner court. I can't help but criticize, Or ask someone else to lead her there."

He has a girl he likes, and the other girls are not willing to get close to him.The Empress Dowager took a look at Daiyu, seeing her concentrate on drinking tea with an open-minded and indifferent appearance, she felt a little funny at that moment.The Eastern Empress Dowager has already been called to ground. She is the Empress Dowager, so she can't personally send a junior to Concubine Shu's palace.It would not be plausible to ask the servants to send her there. She is here as a guest, not a servant who comes in as an errand.

Thinking of this, the Empress Dowager couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional: "This is the disadvantage of not having a queen in the inner court, and the emperor should start planning. No one who is serious about affairs, after all, there are many places where he can't do his best." Although the words were directed at The emperor said, but looked at Daiyu, as if reminding her to listen carefully to what she said.

The sweet tea has also become astringent, and the root of the tongue is numb and unable to speak.Daiyu knew that this was also for herself, but she just didn't know it.

The emperor should go well: "I have remembered the explanations of my ancestors, and the matter is a big one after I am established. I will definitely consider how to deal with it. I must find a smart and smart queen who my ancestors also like."

The empress dowager couldn't help laughing: "It doesn't matter if I like it or not, the most important thing is that the emperor likes it."

There were two other girls in the warm pavilion, and the matter of becoming a queen should not have been discussed in front of them.Therefore, the Empress Dowager just raised her mouth superficially, and then stopped.In the end, she had to think about Miss Huang, she thought to herself, reasoning that Daiyu lived with her, a decent county magistrate, and belonged to the same generation as Miss Huang, so it would be fine to bring her there.

It's just that the matter between her and the emperor has not been cleared up yet, and there is no sign of it. If she is asked to go, and the palace people see it, it will inevitably cause gossip.

She couldn't make a decision yet, but the emperor was more decisive than her: "Just ask Daiyu to lead her there." While speaking, his eyes fell on Daiyu, and he saw her hands folded in front of her waist, showing a section of wrist, as white as if she had just Spilled goat milk.Even when she is sitting upright, she is more graceful than others.

When he spoke to the Empress Dowager, he was respectful and stable, but when he spoke to Daiyu, he seemed to be a different person, and became more tender and affectionate: "You are weak in nature, and you sit still after eating, for fear of accumulating food. Right now The sun is setting, and the cool breeze is blowing. It will be beneficial for you to go to Chuxiu Palace, and then come back all the way. Again, I am busy today, so I didn't go to see Zhang Jiao. You go to see her on my behalf, When you come back, go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and tell me."

The emperor explained these things too smoothly, as if he had rehearsed countless times in his heart.Daiyu frowned and glanced at the emperor, then at the empress dowager, feeling a little embarrassed for no reason.The emperor often used this tone and gesture towards her recently, but it was all in private, and this was the first time in front of the empress dowager.Now he is becoming more and more unscrupulous, and he doesn't even want face.

He didn't want face, but Daiyu still felt ashamed.Therefore, I was not willing to do this, and shouted: "Old ancestor, I have no name or land, how can I do these things?"

Leading the girl to the inner court, instead of the emperor, to see the princess born out of the concubine, no matter what, it is not what a county head should do.It seems... It seems to be explained according to the queen's duties.

The emperor's indifference really opened the eyes of the empress dowager.Whenever I saw him like this, and did this kind of thing in the past, he would have to say that he disregarded the dignity and despised the palace rules.Now he knows how to raise the flag to put on airs, and his intentions are obvious.

The empress dowager sized up the emperor once with a half-smile. The emperor had already practiced a skill in court. Telling lies to deceive others was clearly known to passers-by, and he could continue acting without changing his face.Therefore, facing the mocking eyes of the Empress Dowager, the emperor remained motionless, calm and composed.

Knowing that he couldn't find out the truth from his face, the Empress Dowager felt a little regretful, and turned her head to tell Daiyu: "It's not a big deal, it's because you are the most honorable person in front of me that I asked you to do it. Just take it as a relaxation and talk with Miss Huang. Ask the sedan chair to follow, and if you get tired, take the sedan chair."

After all, she was more thoughtful than the emperor thought, and thinking of Daiyu's frailty, she explained one more sentence.

The words have come to this point, and there is no more excuses.Daiyu had no choice but to agree, asked to kneel down, and then led Miss Huang and the rewards to Chuxiu Palace slowly.

There are sheep horn lamps every few steps in the palace alley. The lamps are transparent and can illuminate the surroundings.Therefore, this road is very bright, and there will never be such a thing as being so dark that people can't walk.

The chariot sedan followed the two of them not far or near, Daiyu didn't feel tired, but Miss Huang San was curious first.Pulling the corner of her clothes, she asked softly, "Sister Lin, this sedan chair is really interesting."

Daiyu followed her gaze and looked at it, and understood it immediately.The sedan chairs and cars outside are surrounded by fences, and it is a feature of the palace to ask people to carry the chariot with no cover on all sides.She had sat there before, so she didn't find it novel, but it was the first time Miss Huang San had seen it.

"This is a chariot, only available in the palace."

Miss Huang San was eager to try: "Can I sit?"

Looking at her bright eyes, Daiyu really wanted to tell her that she could, but unfortunately she couldn't.Daiyu shook her head: "Girl can't sit here."

Miss Huang San was a little discouraged: "Why not?"


Asparagus bamboo inlaid with bamboo silk Ruyi [1]: bamboo silk Ruyi, the polished bamboo silk is bent and pasted on the handle to make a Ruyi shape.The craftsmanship is very complicated and the production is very difficult.So there are very few extant collections.

Bamboo Lady [2]: A circular cylinder made of bamboo, about the size of a pillow, with a hollow in the middle.You can't sleep in the hot summer, and sleeping in your arms can relieve the heat.

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