Care Bridge, Roof Garden Tea House.

Shen Jiachang responded politely,"Mr. An, as we said before, just call me Lao Shen."

An Liang laughed,"Okay, Lao Shen. Let me introduce to you, this is my girlfriend Li Xiyan."

Shen Jiachang naturally couldn't extend his hand without discipline. He nodded politely and said,"Happy New Year, Ms. Li."

Li Xiyan was called 'Ms.', and she nodded a little embarrassedly,"Happy New Year."."

Shen Jiachang introduced An Liang again,"Mr. An, this is Pei Wenya, the logistics director of our environmental protection yamen. She knows all the relevant information about our environmental protection yamen."

Then he introduced An Liang to Pei Wenya.

An Liang also had no intention of extending his hand. He nodded slightly and said,"Happy New Year, Director Pei."

Pei Wenya quickly responded politely,"Happy New Year, Mr. An."

After the introduction, both parties took their seats. Naturally, An Liang and Li Xiyan sat down. On one side, Shen Jiachang and Pei Wenya sat

"Mr. An, is there anything we need from our environmental protection office?Processed?"Shen Jiachang also guessed that Ansheng Construction had environmental protection issues that needed to be dealt with.

However, Shen Jiachang was secretly confused because Ansheng Construction Company had a very good reputation and had never had any environmental protection issues.

Before Shen Jiachang came over, he specifically asked After looking at the situation of Ansheng Construction Company, it was once again confirmed that Ansheng Construction Company had no environmental protection problems.

An Liang first set the tone,"Lao Shen, don't worry, this time is a good thing. We, Ansheng Construction, have no environmental problems to deal with." An

Liang opened the skylight and spoke frankly,"Our Ansheng Construction is a company that abides by laws and regulations. Lao Shen doesn't have to worry about me having a relationship with you and making you do things that violate laws and regulations." Shen

Jiachang breathed a sigh of relief and responded,"What's going on with Mr. An?" An

Liang did not answer Shen Jiachang. He asked directly,"Director Pei, how many people do we have in the environmental protection system of the main urban area of ​​Shengqing?" An

Liang added,"Including employees who directly belong to your environmental protection yamen, employees independently hired by the neighborhood, and employees who operate in a market-oriented manner. Pei Wenya was stunned for a moment,"

Please wait a moment, I will check it in the system.""

An Liang waited patiently.

Two or three minutes later, Pei Wenya responded,"The environmental protection system staff within the main urban area include environmental protection yamen, independently hired sanitation staff in the neighborhoods, and environmental protection staff operated by market-oriented companies. , a total of 54,496 people"

"What is the specific situation? An Liang asked, and then added in detail,"For example, the ratio of men to women, the ratio of types of work, age distribution, education level, and various data, etc.""

Pei Wenya immediately reported,"The staff in the environmental protection system are mainly female, with a total of 43,194 people, accounting for 79.26%."

This ratio is basically no problem. The majority of sanitation workers are women.

"The number of sweepers is 43,155, accounting for 79.19%; the number of garbage truck transporters is 1,619, accounting for 2.97%; the number of public restroom maintenance personnel is 3,346, accounting for 6.14%. Pei Wenya paused for a moment before continuing,"There are 4,240 managers, accounting for 7.78%."

An Liang raised his eyebrows. Such a high ratio of managers?

Does the environmental protection system require such a high ratio of managers?

An Liang ignored this question. He could not judge whether the management ratio was reasonable, but he could exclude managers!

"There are 37,081 staff members over 40 years old, accounting for 68.06%; there are 36,649 people with junior high school education and below, accounting for 67.25%."Pei Wenya continued to explain.

This set of data shows that most of the staff in the environmental protection system are older and less educated.

An Liang also keenly judged that the education statistics should be based on the calculation of personnel in management positions. Go in, otherwise the proportion of low-educated people will be even higher!

If all managers are excluded, the proportion of staff with junior high school education and below will increase to about 73%

"The average number of working days per month for cleaning workers is 27.7 days, and the working hours per day is 8.2 hours. Public restroom management and nursing staff work an average of 28.6 days per month and 9.8 hours per day. Garbage truck workers work an average of 27.9 days per month and 8.6 hours per day."Pei Wenya explained the working hours of the relevant personnel.

This kind of working hours is definitely high-intensity work!

After all, the staff of the environmental protection system, their job is not to sit in an air-conditioned room and play computer games and waste time. They are Working under the scorching sun, in the cold wind, and in the dark.

Especially for road sweepers, it is even more life-threatening!

In which year was there no news report that a road sweeper was killed?

An Liang asked,"Where is the salary?"

"I want median salary data. An Liang explained,"By the way, there is no need to explain the data of the management post." Pei

Wenya secretly breathed a sigh of relief and responded,"The median salary of a sweeper is 1,700 yuan; the median salary of a public restroom maintenance worker is 1,650 yuan; and the median salary of a garbage truck worker is slightly higher, reaching 2,100 yuan.""

Li Xiyan sighed silently on the side, isn't this salary too low?

No wonder pork freedom cannot be achieved!

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