Han Haoran looked at Re Xiaodi apologetically.

Indeed, for Re Xiaodi, a girl who has loved her without hesitation from the beginning, Han Haoran owes a little to Re Xiaodi.

Han Haoran felt that for everyone else in the “House of Love” except Li Mengyao, which one he didn’t owe?

Re Xiaodi quickly noticed the apology in Han Haoran’s eyes.

Re Xiaodi said sensibly to Han Haoran: “Brother Haoran, in fact, you don’t have to say you’re sorry. Really!”

“The moment I fell in love with you without hesitation, I knew that I couldn’t have you alone. ”

“You’re so good, and I’m just an ordinary girl. ”

“You see, Sister Xinran is a super independent strong woman, working in an investment bank, and her monthly salary is so high. ”

“Sister Siyu is a musician who has won so many piano awards, and her level is close to the ‘palace level’. ”

“Sister Yuhan is more capable, she has such a good personality, and she has opened her own dessert chain all over China at such a young age. I admire her. ”

“Sister Yaya, she is an actress, her appearance, figure and temperament are so good, and her cooking skills are so good, and she gets up every morning to make breakfast for you. ”

“Sister Han Xiao, not to mention. My idol!!Although she says she’s just a fake female guest, we can tell that we all like you. ”

“As for me, I’m the most ordinary one. The only thing I can do is help you wash the dishes every day. ”

“I’ve been studying music for a few years, I’ve been studying dance for more than a decade, and I don’t know what I’m going to do in the future, and I haven’t even been admitted to university. ”

“I was sad at that time, not entirely because you didn’t send me a ‘love message’. ”

“It’s because I think I’m really ordinary, and I’m far worse than other female guests. ”

“I would subconsciously doubt myself, deny myself, and feel that I am not worthy of you. ”

Han Haoran hugged Hot Xiaodi in his arms: “Xiaodi, listen carefully, listen to the sound of my heart beating.” ”

“Did you notice that it’s jumping fast now?”

“That’s because you’re in my arms. ”

“You know what??Every time I see you, my heart beats fast. ”

Zhang Hanxiao was dumbfounded.

And this kind of love story??

She felt that she had to adjust her mentality, otherwise she would have to spend the next month eating flying vinegar.

Ouyang Mi admired Han Haoran’s sultry technique, and said excitedly: “Friends on TV!!Have you learned another trick?”

“The new class of “Han Haoran Teaches You How to Date” has started again!!Hurry up and take out a small notebook and write down this sentence. ”

“Although I feel a little numb, what I want to say is that if the person you confess to has a crush on you, she can’t resist such love words at all!”

Song Shanshan also smiled and said: “I prove!! If Han Haoran said this to me, I would fall.” ”

Zhang Man also nodded and said, “Me too!!, especially after seeing Han Haoran’s paintings completed with glue and gold dust today.” ”

“Director team, please be sure to give me Han Haoran’s contact information after the show is over. I would like to invite Han Haoran to draw an illustration for the single book of the comics. ”


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Re Xiaodi didn’t check whether Han Haoran’s heartbeat was speeding up at all.

Hot Xiaodi only knows that his heartbeat is more than twice as fast as just now!!

This was the first time she had been held tightly in her arms by Han Haoran like this.

This is the first time that the bodies of the two are so tight!!

And at this time, there are several cameras shooting at her!!This makes Re Xiaodi even more nervous and shy.

However, despite being shy, Re Xiaodi still didn’t mean to push Han Haoran away.

Although his heart beat faster, Re Xiaodi was very happy at this time.

Facing the camera lens, Re Xiaodi was not too embarrassed and embarrassed, thinking that Re Xiaodi felt that the camera lens at this time was recording his happiest moment.

Re Xiaodi naturally leaned into Han Haoran’s arms and continued: “Brother Haoran, when I gave that jade pendant yesterday, I knew that you would guess that this was my gift. ”

“Because the first day I saw you, I wore this jade pendant. ”

“I’m sure you must have noticed the jade around my neck at the time. ”

Han Haoran nodded: “Yes, I noticed.” When I saw that piece of jade, I knew it was from you. ”

Re Xiaodi continued: “Actually, this jade pendant is Hetian jade, which I have been wearing since I was very young. ”

“My mother told me that jade can nourish yin and nourish yin, calm and calm the nerves, and let me stay with it all the time. ”

“I’ve been wearing this piece of jade around my neck for at least ten years. ”

“Then in the past ten years, I have not had a serious illness, and I have always been safe, I think it is all the effect of this jade. ”

Han Haoran was a little surprised: “Since this piece of jade is so important to you, then you still give me this piece of jade??”

“Why don’t I give it back to you??”

Re Xiaodi shook his head: “Brother Haoran, no need.” My mom also said that when I met someone I liked, I could give him this piece of jade. ”

“This piece of jade can also bring him peace. ”

“So, Brother Haoran, I hope you can wear it all the time. This piece of jade is really spiritual, and I also hope that you will be safe and secure for the rest of your life, without any pain or trouble. ”

Han Haoran nodded: “Okay, Xiaodi.” I’ll wear it all the time. ”

Re Xiaodi was very happy to hear Han Haoran’s promise: “Because I know you can guess that this piece of jade is a gift from me, so when the director team informed me that I was going on a date today, I was so happy!”

“This proves that you chose my gift knowing that this piece of jade was my gift. ”

“For me, that’s what I’m happiest. ”

“Yesterday I couldn’t sleep with excitement. ”

“Because I have confirmed your intentions. ”

“Even if you haven’t had a ‘message of love’ to me since, even if I’m so ordinary and ordinary compared to the rest of my sisters. ”

“Still, you chose the gift I gave you. ”

“So I’m sure you still like me in your heart. ”

“For me, that’s what makes me happiest and touched. ”

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