Back at the hotel, Han Haoran blocked the staff outside the hotel room.

The staff didn’t want to shoot anything at the hotel in the first place.

After all, when you go out on a trip, the hotel is just a place to rest.

So, the staff all went back to their rooms.

And the suite of this five-star hotel in Bangkok is only Han Haoran and Song Xinran.

Han Haoran thoughtfully took out the ThinkPad laptop he was carrying, and began to search the Internet for the exchange rate of the Thai baht.

By this time, the baht had fallen by 11%!!

And it’s still falling!!

Seeing the straight line that turned sharply, Han Haoran realized!

Han Haoran quickly collected information and data on the Internet. Song Xinran has been obediently beside Han Haoran and has not spoken.

In less than half an hour, Han Haoran found traces of huge funds selling short Thai baht in large quantities.

Han Haoran brought himself into the logic of Soros’s behavior.

Such a crazy behavior is definitely the work of Soros!!

This is exactly the same as the Southeast Asian financial crisis more than ten years ago!!

Moreover, Han Haoran discovered an extremely terrifying point.

In the financial crisis ten years ago, in fact, only Soros and his quantum fund were in charge.

This is followed by money from all over the world.

This time, however, it was different!!

Han Haoran saw traces of the trading of many hedge funds.

For example, Paulson’s Paulson hedge fund.

Appaloosa Investment Management in Teper!!

Simmons’ Renaissance Company!!

And, of course, Soros’s henchman Drukenmiller and Soros’s old friend Rogers!!

It’s not just these hedge funds.

There are still a lot of short-selling Thai baht funds, and Han Haoran can’t tell who it is for the time being!!

Han Haoran sighed: “It seems that this time Soros has united many people!!”

Song Xinran didn’t doubt Han Haoran’s judgment, she asked a little anxiously, “At this time, what should we do?”

Although the depreciation of the Thai baht has nothing to do with them for the time being.

But Song Xinran has learned about the last Southeast Asian economic crisis.

The Kingdom of Thailand is just the beginning!!

In the coming time, all countries in Asia will be hit hard!!

Even if Soros attacked the exchange rate of Hong Kong’s Hong Kong dollar, he was blocked by the Chinese government.

But in fact, the economy of Xiangjiang and the economy of China have also been hit hard!

The last financial crisis was just the act of Soros alone!

And this time, Han Haoran said, Soros united many people.

This made Song Xinran also very anxious.

Song Xinran thought of one thing: “Han Haoran, do you want to call Mr. Buffett now??”

Han Haoran shook his head: “Of course not!”

“Soros sells short baht, why should I call Warren??”

“It’s obviously illogical!!”

“Soros didn’t fight me head-on!!”

“Besides, even if Soros confronts me head-on, I won’t go to Warren. ”

“Could it be that I still ask Warren to help me make peace with Soros??”

“If I did, Warren would probably be disappointed in me. ”

“Xinran, don’t worry, if I can defeat Soros once, then I can defeat him a second time!”

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Han Haoran thought about it for a while and decided to dial Shao Hongbo’s phone.

After the last trading in rebar futures, Han Haoran has not contacted Shao Hongbo.

Or rather, he didn’t contact any of the five traders.

At this time, Huaxia was also in the afternoon, and Shao Hongbo quickly picked up the phone.

“Brother Han, I’ve been waiting for your call for almost a month. ”

“What’s the matter, this time you called me for the baht thing??”

Although Shao Hongbo is older than Han Haoran.

But Shao Hongbo still shamelessly called Han Haoran Brother Han.

Shao Hongbo is mainly a trader in the futures market. But, like Soros, a good trader must be proficient in any field of speculation.

And the exchange rate market is something that Shao Hongbo will keep an eye on every day.

With such a big movement today, if Shao Hongbo can’t see a little bit of cattiness, he is not worthy of being called the best trader in Huaxia.

Han Haoran said: “Yes, I am not in the imperial capital now, but abroad. ”

“I want to ask you to do something for me. ”

Shao Hongbo didn’t think about it, so he didn’t hesitate to say: “If there is anything, Brother Han, just say it.” ”

“I’m going to go to the soup. No excuses. ”

Han Haoran quickly said, “I want you to help me be a trader for an afternoon.” ”

Shao Hongbo’s eyes suddenly lit up!

Help Han Haoran become a trader.

This is something he can’t ask for, what he dreams of!!

Shao Hongbo said flatteringly: “No problem, if you let me go east, I will go east.” ”

“Nothing can go wrong!!”

“But Brother Han, do I want to call the other four?”

“They also want to be your trader for a long time. ”

Han Haoran replied: “It shouldn’t be too difficult for me to operate this time. ”

“But if they have time to help, they’d be fine. ”

“However, what I want you to do now is to settle all my rebar futures orders. ”

“Then, all this part of the funds, I have to enter the foreign exchange market. ”

Shao Hongbo said: “Brother Han, the price of rebar continues to fall. ”

“If you settle now, it is expected to be able to get about 19 billion soft sister coins. ”

“But if you wait until the time of natural expiration, it is very likely to exceed 22 billion soft girl coins. ”

“There may be a difference of 3 billion soft sister coins between this. ”

3 billion soft girl coins, which sounds like a very big number.

However, Han Haoran did not have the slightest hesitation and ordered: “Deliver it all.” ”

“Although I made 3 billion less soft sister coins, but in another month, I can’t wait. ”

“Besides, this month, I can make more money with the 19 billion. ”

Shao Hongbo thought about it, Han Haoran’s words sounded exaggerated, as if he was boasting about himself.

But Shao Hongbo knew that what Han Haoran said was right.

A cow who earns 19 billion with 250 million in half a day, and can’t earn a mere 3 billion with 19 billion soft girl coins in a month??

Shao Hongbo thinks this is an impossible thing.

So Shao Hongbo immediately said to Han Haoran: “Brother Han, I will do what you tell me immediately.” ”

“We must have a lot of people rushing to take over our futures list that is bound to make money. ”

“This is simply giving money to the next family!!”

“I try to sell it for a good price and get you the most bang for your buck. ”

“Wait for me in half an hour, I can get everything done in half an hour, and by the way, I also called Zhou Xiuang, Zhou Xiujie, Guo Ying and Zhang Zhan. ”

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