"It’s time to eat!"

As the second sister Yun shouted, the elder sister Yun, the third sister Yun and the younger sister Yun, who were already a little hungry, ran into the kitchen. After washing their hands, the three of them also sat at the dining table.

Luo Cheng and Second Sister Yun came over with bowls in their hands.

"Today is braised noodles with crab roe. You can make as much braised noodles as you want."After placing a large bowl of noodles and a large bowl of crab roe marinade in front of the three of them, the three of them were not polite. They directly rolled up their sleeves and started to pinch them. Looking at their appearance, the second sister Yun also joined the battle..

And Luo Cheng also specially went to take two cucumbers as cold dishes, and then sat here.

A few people quickly filled the big bowl of noodles, and one person put a big spoonful of crab roe marinade into it, and mixed it After that, he stuffed it into his mouth, and there was a slurping sound.

The noodles were sucked into the mouth like a river.

When the taste buds tasted the taste of the noodles, several people couldn't help but narrow their eyes. Get up, because the smell is really so fragrant...

No wonder this type of noodles is so popular recently, it's really so fragrant.

Crab roe noodles, well, this is indeed not something ordinary people can afford.

Luo Cheng He used five large blue crabs for this large bowl of crab roe marinade.

Others naturally keep the blue crabs thinner as they are raised, but Luo Cheng has biological improvement reagents here. When he caught them, they weighed more than a kilogram. When he killed them just now, At least one of them must weigh about two kilograms.

Of course, it would be nice to have half of the meat cut out.

But even so, these five qingjie would cost less than a thousand yuan.

Not counting the money for noodles. , the raw materials alone cost more than a thousand yuan.

It’s not too much to sell it outside for two thousand yuan, and it’s still a very reasonable price.

If you love him, buy him crab roe noodles, um, very reasonable.

At the moment, Luo Cheng and the other five They didn't speak at all, they were all shoveling noodles into their mouths.

When a few people slowed down, the large bowl of braised pork Luo Cheng made had already been eaten, and the noodles had already been stuffed by these people. There was nothing left in the stomach.

After eating all the food, Luo Cheng was okay, but some of the four sisters of the Yun family were unable to move.

"Come on, go sit in the living room and relax!"Looking at the looks of these people, Luo Cheng smiled, and then he was about to come over and help a few girls to the living room.

Of course, Little Sister Yun and the others didn't care and were very happy, but Sister Yun waved her hands.

"Not yet, there are still thirty trees that have not been planted!"

"Thirty trees? You have planted 170 trees this morning?"Hearing Sister Yun's words, Luo Cheng couldn't help but look at them in shock. This efficiency is pretty good.

Originally, Luo Cheng thought it would take a few days to plant, but he thought it would be almost finished this morning?

"If it wasn't for your planning and the mess, it might have been planted long ago."After hearing Luo Cheng's words, Sanjie Yun couldn't help but said with a smile.

At the beginning, Luo Cheng only considered planting vegetables and some fruits, but he really didn't consider planting tea trees, so he designed this It's really not suitable to be used as a tea tree.

"But it doesn’t matter, it will be done in half an hour! The soil here is loose, so dig holes quickly. We need to finish planting the tea trees before the sun is at its hottest."After saying that, Sister Yun stood up and was about to go to the backyard, but was pushed down by Luo Cheng.

"Okay, you have all eaten until you are full. If you vomit when the time comes, let me go. I just took a look. Although I may not be as good at digging the hole as you, I am strong, so look at me!"Looking at Sister Yun, Luo Cheng went directly to the backyard.

Following Sister Yun's actions this morning, he first dug a hole, making it as round as possible, then planted the tree in it, and then filled it back with soil. In fact, the steps Not much, but this does require some technical content.

For example, the tea trees planted by Luo Cheng were obviously a little crooked, and they had to be fine-tuned. It took him ten minutes to plant the first tree. Finished, and looking at his appearance, the four sisters of the Yun family also came to help. Although they could not bend down because they had eaten too much, it was not a problem to hold the tree up. With their help, Luo Cheng worked much faster here.

But he only finished planting all the trees at about two o'clock in the afternoon.

Then he turned on the watering system and let the biological improvement reagent be poured under each tea tree. This time Luo Cheng can look forward to next year's tea.

After finishing everything here, Luo Cheng and the others went back to rest.

But just like the previous few days, after just resting for about an hour, Yun Cheng When the sisters at home have just digested enough and can move around freely, they are about to go back.

Although the road is about to be opened, it is not yet open after all. They still have to climb through the virgin forest and stay here for a long time. , it does affect the time to go home.

If it were normal, Luo Cheng might not persuade them and just watch them leave.

But in the past two days, Luo Cheng really felt a sense of loneliness that he had never felt before, so When the four Yun sisters were leaving, Luo Cheng scratched his head

"That, otherwise, don’t leave today."

After hesitating for a long time, Luo Cheng said such words to persuade him to stay.

"Do you want us not to leave today or in the future? Or do you hope that my little sister won’t leave, or that we won’t leave?"

After hearing Luo Cheng's words, Third Sister Yun here looked at him funny and said with a smile.

"Well, naturally I won’t leave, and I won’t leave in the future either."Looking at the gazes of several people, Luo Cheng also raised his head and said firmly.

After hearing Luo Cheng's words, the eyes of the four sisters of the Yun family couldn't help but flicker, especially Sister Yun. If you know the reason why she is looking for Luo Cheng went on a trip to actually bring a few people closer. Judging from the current situation, they should have succeeded.

But as soon as the joy of success rose, Sister Yun stopped her. Got off

"Not yet, now is not the time... Let's do this, Third Sister, you and the younger sister can stay here tonight, and you won't have to stay tomorrow.Coming, but we will pick you up the day after tomorrow."Raised his head and looked at Luo Cheng. Since the emotional foundation between them is accumulating.

There is no need to encourage others. It is king to follow the plan step by step. After hearing Sister Yun's words, Yun San Sister is very happy.

After all, Xiaomei Yun has long known that such a day will come, so she is not too resistant, but happily nods in agreement. For her, the family will marry Luo Cheng, and then continue to There is nothing more joyful than living a happy life together.


The new keyboard is very uncomfortable to use and I am still getting used to it. I typed the wrong chapter names in the previous chapter and I vomited blood...

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