"Woof woof woof!"

"Woof woof!"


Early the next morning, when Luo Cheng walked out of the room in a daze, Little York, Heimao and Lao Gui had already run to his door, shouting loudly. Listening to this When several guys shouted, Luo Cheng also smiled, lowered his head, and rubbed the heads of these guys vigorously.

"I know, I know, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!"Looking at a few guys, Luo Cheng said with a smile, and then went downstairs. Today he did not eat slices of bread for breakfast, but took out a few moon cakes.

These moon cakes are actually His daughter-in-law, Sun Jing, who came to take Xiao Wen home, took it from Sister Sun and specially gave it to Luo Cheng. Two boxes were given to Luo Cheng. It was obvious at a glance that these mooncakes were either bought by them as gifts, or were given to them by others. Regardless of whether the inside tastes good or not, this box is beautiful and costs over a thousand yuan a box. Luo Cheng actually doesn’t like eating mooncakes.

So he didn’t buy them at first, but it’s not too much. There was such an atmosphere, so Luo Cheng still accepted Sister Sun's mooncakes.

When I came back yesterday, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening. After driving the car and bringing the fish home, he deliberately fished for a while before washing up and going to bed..

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening when he went to bed. He was so tired that he didn't even experience the hot springs. He simply took a shower and went to bed. It was obvious that these people were not getting enough sleep in the past few days. In fact, He could still hold on, but there was no need to hold on.

He had nothing to do, and if he had a good life to enjoy, why bother if he had to find trouble for himself?

So he fell asleep early. He slept until now, and took out the He ate a piece of apple-flavored mooncake by himself, and a few pieces stuffed with meat. Luo Cheng threw them to Lao Gui and Little York.

Luo Cheng didn't really like eating mooncakes stuffed with meat and dumplings. In his opinion, It sounds like a heresy. When he eats rice dumplings, he only eats the jujube ones, or the white ones with nothing added. He eats them with sugar, and moon cakes. His favorite ones are fruit-flavored ones, and egg yolk ones are okay too. But because the egg yolks are all made of salted duck egg yolks, there will be a bit of fishy smell when eaten, and Luo Cheng doesn’t like eating them very much.

In addition to fruit and egg yolks, if they are not available, jujube paste will also work. Anyway, He would never eat anything with five kernels, Sichuan cakes or meat. Well, if he had to eat it, he would rather try meat than eat five kernels. The green and red silk stuff is an anti-human thing.……

"Okay, let’s prepare today’s ingredients!"After eating the mooncakes, Luo Cheng clapped his hands, then opened the refrigerator and started preparing for today's lunch.

Luo Cheng is a northerner, and he doesn't know whether people in the south will specially prepare a large table of dishes for the holidays, even if they don't. There are not many people.

The habit in Luo Cheng's hometown is that even if there are only two people, he should do more.

Six or eight are the basics, ten is about perfection, twelve is about having food every month, and ten is about having food every month. The emphasis on six is ​​to have a smooth journey.

Basically, the number of dishes on a table is these. If there are more, no one will make it eighteen, because there are eighteen levels of hell, and they will all get twenty directly.

Of course. , Luo Cheng didn't plan to get so much food today, just kidding, there were only five people on his side, even if Heimao, Laogui, and Little York were added to the meal, they would only have eight mouths, and Little Hei didn't Including, it eats bamboo.

With eight mouths, it can prepare ten dishes, which is enough.

While preparing the dishes for today's lunch, Luo Cheng was mentally calculating what to make for lunch today.

Oh, by the way, let me explain here. , the automatic cooking robot arm ordered by Luo Cheng has arrived and has been installed, but it does not do it according to his own level, but is directly controlled by Xiao Ai.

Now Luo Cheng does Xiao Ai can also help with rice, such as passing a basin, passing a bowl, cutting some things, handling some ingredients, etc. In fact, it can do a better job than Luo Cheng. Because no matter how strong Luo Cheng is, he is still a human being. But Xiao Ai is completely different.

It cuts the potatoes after computer calculations. The thickness of each potato shred it cuts is exactly the same, even more identical than using a potato knife and fork, which is quite scary..

But because it is cut, the meridians of the potato itself are not damaged, so it is more delicious when fried than forked. Who can you argue with this?

It can be said to be a general under Luo Cheng now. When cooking It's quite good for garnishing dishes. The only problem is that it doesn't know how to read fire.

This is normal. After all, for a computer, it can only detect the temperature to judge the intensity of the fire, but the temperature of the flame is actually about the same. There is actually no difference between a small fire and a large fire. They are the outer flames ejected from the stove. What difference can there be?

After letting him look at it twice and almost making the thing burnt, Luo Cheng stopped letting him look at it. Got it

"Hi, Luo Cheng, here we come!"

At around nine o'clock in the morning, just as Luo Cheng was preparing, Xiaomei Yun's voice was heard outside. In fact, they had just walked out of the virgin forest, and Luo Cheng already knew about it.

But he was busy preparing food, so He didn't go to greet them.

But now that he had arrived at the door of his house, Luo Cheng naturally wanted to go out.

Seeing Luo Cheng coming out to greet them, Xiaomei Yun and Sister Yun rushed over immediately. But I missed Luo Cheng to death.

However, after they finished fighting, Luo Cheng did not leave. Instead, he looked at Sister Yun and Second Sister Yun with a smile. Looking at Luo Cheng's eyes, Sister Yun and Second Sister Yun They couldn't help but blush. They came this time not just to celebrate the festival, but they were planning to live here. As for what they would do if they lived here... ahem...

So now looking at Luo Cheng's eyes, Yun The eldest sister and the second sister Yun looked at each other and blushed. Then they walked up to Luo Cheng and hugged him.

"Busy for lunch, let's help."However, they didn't hug as long as Little Sister Yun and Third Sister Yun. After a few seconds of simple hugging, Sister Yun straightened up and said to Luo Cheng with a smile.

"I don’t know. Let me show you something good first. After lunch, we can go play."Smiling at Sister Yun, Luo Cheng waved and led the four of them into his home, and then went directly to the hot spring room.

In fact, this was also the first time Luo Cheng entered the hot spring room. When he left When he came in, he almost screamed, because the decoration inside was really beautiful, and the 100 million yuan was really not wasted! And the four sisters of the Yun family behind him were extremely shocked at this time. They were really I didn't expect that there was actually a hot spring at Luo Cheng's house, and Luo Cheng had built it quietly!

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