The system only told Luo Cheng that there was nothing supernatural in this world, but it didn't say that things within nature were no threat to Luo Cheng, right?

So when Luo Cheng saw this unknown creature, he picked this guy out with a single blow.

But when he picked this thing out of the water, he almost spit it out

"Damn it, zombie!"

"Oh my god……"

"Such a big woodlouse……"

"Damn, the demon is gone!"

"I was eating, but I wasn't hungry at all."

Seeing Luo Cheng pick this thing out, all kinds of comments began to float on the barrage in the live broadcast room, especially after the camera zoomed in, and even in many universities and office buildings, there were comments about sending girls. Their screams.

Luo Cheng was stunned for a moment at first, and then felt a little sick. He was not afraid. That was because his ability to survive in the wild had already taught him what this thing was.

"Well, don't be afraid. This kind of bug does not attack people. It is a scavenger called a king worm. It is just like the woodlice at home and the sea cockroach at the beach. It is a close relative, but it grows bigger. Some."Luo Cheng took this guy out of his jungle knife, and then he suppressed the idea that he was also afraid of insects and gave everyone a brief introduction.

This king worm is also known as the giant deep sea louse, giant isopod, etc. Wait, it is the largest... woodlouse in the world... There seems to be nothing wrong with saying that.

Because this kind of bug can grow to nearly forty centimeters long. This was discovered by humans. It is not clear what has not been discovered. Well, after all, this kind of bug grows in the deep sea.

There are still very few humans exploring there.

This kind of bug already existed in this world 160 million years ago, before Pangea was separated, so it can They are considered to be the ancestors of the biological world. They usually live in waters below 170 meters, and traces of them have been seen in the deepest seas of two or three thousand meters.

Their main food is dead animals. Fish, sharks and so on.

A dead whale is called a whale drop, and a dead shark is called a shark drop. Well, okay, the one at the back is just kidding and nonsense.

But no matter when it dies, , as long as it is not eaten by creatures in the upper layer, it will become their delicacy. It can also be said that this kind of creature is the scavenger of the deep sea.

This kind of creature is not a threat to humans, and some people even like to eat it. This kind of bug, because it contains the taste of seafood and insects.

This is difficult to explain, because Luo Cheng doesn’t like eating bugs. He doesn’t like eating bee pupae, water hoppers, grasshoppers, etc. Of course, in When he was a child, he also ate roasted dragonflies, but when he grew up, he had no interest in these things.

According to legend, this toy tastes good when used to steam egg custard, but Luo Cheng has no interest in it.

After simply giving After everyone introduced him, Luo Cheng threw the giant king beetle into the water far away. Whether it could survive or not was not something he needed to consider.

As Luo Cheng walked forward, the water became thicker and thicker. Deep, Luo Cheng finally started to swim in the water, and at the same time he asked the drone to start taking pictures.

Under the water in the cave here are these giant footed insects.

But they are actually very afraid of Luo Cheng. As long as Luo Cheng swims over, they will He would take the initiative to avoid it.

After swimming for a while, Luo Cheng found a water hole under the water in the distance.

"I'll go over and take a look first. You wait for me here. If it's better, I'll pull you over!" He said to the little Yorkie swimming behind him. After tying a rope to its body, Luo Cheng turned around and got into the water hole without turning on the oxygen.

This water hole was bigger than imagined. The one among them was much shorter.

Luo Cheng only crawled in the water hole for a minute before the water hole came to an end. When Luo Cheng floated up from the other side of the water hole, another image appeared in front of his eyes.

In his eyes at this time, the space he was floating in was like a huge lake. The area of ​​this lake could even be compared with the reef island outside.

There was a semicircular closed space inside, but there were The existence of oxygen.

At this time, in the middle of this big lake, there is a reef, and on the reef, there is a huge ship. This ship is ridiculously big.

Luo Cheng has never seen an aircraft carrier, but this ship It was at least dozens of times larger than Luo Cheng's ship.

But the ship was rotten at this time, so rotten that it was almost impossible to see anything clearly.

When he saw the ship, Luo Cheng also knew that he had arrived.


"Is this a pirate show?"

"This is also North and South America. This should be the Tuao pirates!"

"But why does the shape of the ship look a bit like our domestic ships?"

"Stop talking nonsense. How could there be such a big ship in our country in the era when ships existed?"

"Don’t underestimate the previous one, how could Zheng Sanbao not have a big ship when he went to the West?"

"Are you saying this is a Ming Dynasty ship?"

Luo Cheng didn't need to say anything. Just when the drone photographed the ship, someone in the live broadcast room had already seen the origin of the ship, but they were not sure yet. At this time, Luo Cheng also Gently tugging on the rope in his hand, the little Yorkie on the other side took a deep breath after knowing that this was Luo Cheng's secret signal, and got into the water.

With Luo Cheng's help, it soon Sneaked over

"Let’s go and have a look!"Taking Little York with him, Luo Cheng quickly swam toward the rocky island in the middle.

When Luo Cheng landed on the island, the magnificence of the ship became even more shocking.

Although the ship was big, it was really The ship was already broken beyond repair. The hull of the ship was riddled with holes. There was even a large hole almost three meters square in the rear cabin. The sinking of the ship was very likely to be related to the sinking of the ship. It is related to the cave, but at the same time, what is very surprising is, how did this ship get here?

At least Luo Cheng scanned around and found no openings here that were sufficient for the ship to enter and exit. It would not sink if it sank. There has to be a place to fall down.

It was obvious that Luo Cheng was not the only one who noticed this bug. There were also people talking about it in the live broadcast room.

Some people even doubted whether Luo Cheng dug it up and buried it by himself, but he just finished talking about it. , it was sprayed. It’s crazy to try digging and burying such a big ship by yourself. It’s crazy!

Luo Cheng naturally doesn’t know what happened in the live broadcast room, because he can’t see the public screen now. He In addition to sighing at the magic of the system, he is now ready to start working. He came to Tu'ao not just to take a look. The good things on this ship are also his!

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