Living a leisurely life is really fast.

The time passed quickly while Luo Cheng was rushing to the sea from time to time, fishing, fishing in shrimp pots, drinking with Kuching and Guyang, and teaching the girls in his family how to drive.

November passed in the blink of an eye. After the girls in the second month arrived at their own time, they made a special trip back to the village. However, they were not planning to go back to live in the village, but to go back to the village to pick up things. After all, they were now taking The daily necessities are not enough.

In Yinshan Village, looking at the three waves of girls staying at Luo Cheng's place, it was impossible for the girls who had not come here not to be envious.

In the eyes of Village Chief Li, she was actually thinking about this scene.

But she really couldn't make up her mind to abandon the village's thousands of years of tradition.

In this way, the third wave of girls officially took office, and the time came to December.

Like other girls, they were naturally interested in the taste at first, but Luo Cheng couldn't resist it. He was already thinking about where to go for fun.

But before Luo Cheng could decide, Shen Jing suddenly sent a message to Luo Cheng, telling Luo Cheng that it was almost the end of 693, the last month of this year, and Luo Cheng was going to attend some company meetings. Wei Ya, I’m talking to some companies about next year’s development.

Of course, companies such as Luo Cheng's own companies, such as Dihui, Lejiajia, Longyun Finance, Kenali Hotel, Oriental Accounting Firm, Shitian Entertainment, and Longwei Security, all need him to show up and speak on stage. Speaking, after all, he is the chairman.

As for some companies in which he owns shares, such as China Southern Airlines, Shark Platform, Penguin, Maotai, Alibaba, Qiandu, 1vmh. Industrial Poor Company, etc., although he does not need to speak on stage, he still needs to show his face.

Okay, now back to the question of where to go, just walk through these places. In this way, Luo Cheng made a step, first south and then north.

In the blink of an eye, it came to the second half of December. Luo Cheng also took the four sisters of the Yun family, as well as the newly promoted twenty-five girls from Yinshan Village, and flew to Shenzhen City to meet Shen Jing. They chose this as their first stop.

After playing in Shenzhen City for two days, Luo Cheng's girls were playing here by themselves, and today he took Shen Jing to the Industrial Poor Company.

Luo Cheng occupies 29% of the shares here and is the largest shareholder, but he does not have absolute control, so he just showed up and checked the accounts here. There is no problem. After meeting with the shareholders here, Luo Cheng left.

The recent situation of this industry is not very good. This year their net income was 408.6 billion, but their net profit was only 18.6 billion.

Calculated based on Luo Cheng's equity, of the 18.6 billion, he will only get 1394 million. Of course, this is after tax. After all, in the net profit column, the company The tax has already been paid, this is Luo Cheng's only reward. The number of patients who cannot be diagnosed is slightly lower than the previous year. I hope it will be better next year.

After meeting with people from the Industrial Poor Company, Luo Cheng went to Penguin the next day, met with President Xiao Ma, and talked about it. After all, Luo Cheng's equity was still very large.

Compared to the Industrial Poor Company, the situation on Penguin's side is much better.

The net income of Penguin is actually not as high as that of Industrial Poor Company. The total revenue of Industrial Poor Company last year was more than 400 billion, but Penguin only had more than 370 billion, but its net profit was as high as 93.3 billion. It has to be said Internet Penguin is good for this.

Because many things are made from chickens and eggs, you can create huge profits without consuming too much labor costs, site costs, etc.

Among the 93.3 billion, Luo Cheng received 14 billion in dividends, after tax. Luo Cheng was quite happy.

After settling these two companies, Luo Cheng's second stop was to Yangcheng.

He only has one company here, and that is China Southern Airlines. Speaking of which, since the acquisition of China Southern Airlines, although Shen Jing has been here many times, Luo Cheng has never been here once.

First, because this guy is actually a state-owned enterprise, Luo Cheng doesn't want to have anything to do with the state, so he has been reluctant to touch it.

The second reason is that this company really doesn’t make any money, and even lost money in the first three quarters. But fortunately, in the last quarter, they were stronger. This is actually because the migratory birds in the north are preparing to migrate south.

A large number of old men and women came to the south by plane.

This gave China Southern Airlines a chance to breathe.

This year, China Southern Airlines' revenue is 154.3 billion, which looks pretty good, but its net profit is only more than 2.6 billion. You must know that Luo Cheng owns 69.6% of China Southern Airlines' equity. As a result, the revenue is not as high as that of the industrial industry. It's so poor that you are really poor, hey...

But no matter what, it's always good to have money.

Originally, Luo Cheng thought that he would just show up this time and leave.

After all, on the Southern Airlines side, according to Shen Jing's words, Zheng Yuze did a pretty good job, and Zheng Yuze was not only chosen by himself, but also with the imperial court's awareness. Luo Cheng was not willing to offend the imperial court in order to move Zheng Yuze. Of course, There is no need to move, because Zheng Yuze is still very respectful to Luo Cheng, and his skills are not bad.

So there is really no need for Luo Cheng to interfere.

But when he and Shen Jing arrived at the headquarters of China Southern Airlines, Zheng Yuze suddenly found Luo Cheng with sweat on his head.

"Director Luo, someone from above is here and he wants to see you."Looking at Luo Cheng, Zheng Yuze said in a low voice. Hearing what Zheng Yuze said, Luo Cheng couldn't help but frowned, and then looked at Zheng Yuze with some dissatisfaction. This guy knew that he didn't want to deal with people from the imperial court.

How come the people from the imperial court Why didn't he tell himself in advance?

"Luo Cheng, I don't know either. This person came today on a special plane and did not pass through our route. Then he came directly. He must have calculated your route accurately and came here to wait for you."Looking at Luo Cheng's slightly dissatisfied look, Zheng Yuze immediately explained.

Indeed, an excellent subordinate will not shirk his responsibilities. He only needs to do a good job. But Zheng Yuze really does not dare to take the blame. ah

"what to do? How about we go first?"Looking at Luo Cheng's thoughtful look, Shen Jing asked. She knew that Luo Cheng was unwilling to meet with people from the court. If this was the case, it would be a good choice to retreat now.

"It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided. I have to see this side after all. Let's go, lead the way!"But after hearing Shen Jing's words, Luo Cheng shook his head.

Although escaping is shameful, it is useful, but sometimes when you know you can't escape, you still take the initiative to face it, so that you can truly solve the problem!


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