Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 206 Joke, Joke

Outside the elevator is the factory area. In front of it is a long corridor. The gas lamp above the head is embedded in the wall, emitting long-lasting and bright light. This light shines on the solid concrete floor and is reflected to several parts of the elevator. people's faces.

The silence continued, and Professor George Romanis, who was on the outermost side, did not even reach out to pull open the iron trap door of the elevator.

In fact, Hopkins had a similar expression. He looked at Sherlock and was stunned for a few seconds, and then suddenly thought of a very basic question.

That's right, why is this guy the person assigned to the meeting from above?

Isn't he a detective?

If we say that he is here because he solved Professor Darwin's murder case, and the person in charge of this experiment is Professor Darwin's student, he can give him a great favor. At the same time, he also has the ability to transport the soul visual device. Magic method.

Well, these identities, these connections, and abilities that are even more incredible than a professional transportation team, are indeed worthy of being his sole contact.

But why is he also a test subject in addition to these?

Because of the countless shocks in the past few days, Hopkins subconsciously forgot about this unimportant issue, and now, he finally remembered that the person who issued this order was His Royal Highness the Son of God. .

And how could His Highness the Son be a fool? How could he spend so much manpower and material resources on an impossible mission?

So think about it again at this moment. Could it be that the detective in front of you is the key to the success of this absurd experiment? !

The silence lasted for a few seconds. Hopkins came to his senses, and so did old Professor George.

He didn't speak, but stretched out his hand to open the elevator door, and then walked out. The remaining people followed him, turned a few corners, and then entered a room that looked like an office.

The location here is just above the factory area. From the window, you can directly see the huge space below, the busy people, and the complex equipment that is still being transported and assembled.

But old George did not look outside, but quietly went to the back of the work, rubbed his stiff face, and then finally said: "Actually, I'm not sure whether you know what you are talking about. .I thank you for everything you have done for the teacher. Without you, the teacher's death will definitely remain unclear, and his hard work will never see the light of day again.

But you don’t actually have to say that.

I am an academic theorist, and the people below are engaged in practical technical research. We are not soldiers on the battlefield. We also have passion, but we do not accept such deceptive incentives.

This is also a kind of respect for us. "

His tone was very gentle, and even up to this moment, he still maintained his gratitude to Sherlock, but his gentle words were also ringing.

Giving hope and deceiving are two different things.

"It is very difficult for one person to control 60 demons." Sherlock said.

"Of course." Professor George nodded.

In fact, it is not [difficult], but [impossible].

He didn't know why Sherlock asked such a question, because he learned from Catherine's mouth that the detective in front of him was already a second-level contractor, and he had no reason to ask such a question.

As for Sherlock.

Well, he actually knows that the statement "controlling 70 demons" must be a fantasy in the eyes of ordinary people.

But he had to say it, because only in this way can these people see some hope and get them motivated.

Half a year ago, Sherlock became a contractor, and half a month after that, he had begun to control two Corruption Dogs. Soon after, he was able to control a dozen demons and an Ash Horse. The carriage was wandering around in hell, and on the Day of Holy Love, he controlled nearly thirty demons to cause trouble in various places in London, just to provide cover for the Holy Son.

As for his official entry into the second stage, there are dozens of demons in hell, always waiting for battle.

These are actually just demons parasitized by tentacles, not counting the tide of tentacles themselves.

Under this sense, he seemed to have some vague understanding of the amount of demon control. Therefore, he did not adjust his tone when speaking, which made the other party feel that there was some disrespect in his words. .

"Where's that machine? It's the soul visual device. Is it still in that factory?" Sherlock asked suddenly, then looked through the office window in the direction of the factory.

Old George was stunned and looked at Hopkins with a frown.

The meaning is very clear, because that device is very important, so its location must not be disclosed to others, and Sherlock has not officially become a tester, how does he know the location of that machine?

Hopkins said comfortingly: "Please don't be nervous. I will definitely fulfill my duties. I didn't tell anyone the location of the instrument. As for why this guy knows where the machine is, it's because, well, that thing is him." Moved here.”

"Ah?" Old George was stunned for a moment, then blinked and looked at Sherlock again: "Okay, okay, you are indeed more than just a detective, but what are you going to do?"

"I want to show you my abilities." Sherlock said straightforwardly:

"I just did the math and found that time is indeed very tight, so if possible, I hope to start the experiment today. And what I just said does sound a bit ridiculous, so I need to prove it to you. Only you will believe it, and then Only then can the group of people under you believe it.”

After hearing this answer, old Professor George narrowed his eyes. He looked at Sherlock's face for a long, long time, and finally realized that the other person didn't seem to be teasing him.

But what ability does this guy want to show?

Could it be that he could really support sixty or seventy people by himself?

Reason told old George what a ridiculous idea this was. However, when he looked into the eyes of the detective in front of him, he thought of his teacher's death, of his hard work over the past 30 years, and of his teacher's experiments every night. In the room, he held an old family photo and touched it carefully, trembling all over in order not to choke.

I thought of what my teacher said to me many years ago:

"People like us don't deserve love and family."

Old George is almost 50 years old this year. Because of that sentence, he will never marry for the rest of his life because his rationality tells him that since he has devoted his life to scientific research, he is not worthy of having other relationships.

However, as he thought about it, he became angry and unwilling.

How come the teacher has given so much and in the end, 30 years of hard work can only be reduced to a joke.

If this is all a joke, then the joke should also be incredibly powerful!

A similar joke-like bloody energy surged into his heart. He looked at the detective in front of him, thinking about the other person's joke-like remarks, and slowly stood up:

"I'm really fucking crazy, but... let's go, I'll take you to the warehouse."

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