Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 227 Gunshot

I don't know if it's because he has been sitting on the judge's seat for a long time, but when it comes to crimes, cases, trials and other matters, Hopkins' voice has become a little more dignified.

As this heavy voice surged back and forth in the sealed tunnel, an equally majestic figure gradually revealed its outline. Hopkins was not wearing the uniform of the inquisitor today, but only wore the sunflower-embedded trousers. He Tianping's pendant just walked into everyone's sight unhurriedly.

In fact, in terms of combat effectiveness alone, Hopkins should not be Sherlock's opponent, but in this scene, no one dared to show hostility to him, not even to point a gun at him.

Human society has never been a place that pays attention to combat effectiveness. Even in the long river of history, such an outlier will occasionally appear, but it will not change this. So when I hear the word 'Tribunal', I almost The hearts of all the soldiers present jumped violently, and when they saw the pendant that symbolized the identity of the judge, some even hesitated whether to put down their guns first and perform a pious courtesy.

Fortunately, the quality of the soldiers did not prevent this scene from happening. Otherwise, it would be too strange for someone to suddenly bow to the enemy at such a tense moment.

"Excuse me, your Excellency?"

In the crowd, a middle-aged man wearing standard explosion-proof clothing hesitated, lowered his gun, walked towards Hopkins, and asked.

This man looked to be in his 40s, and his dry hair and pale skin with chapped bloodshot eyes meant that he was a veteran on the front lines of Hell's Gate, and presumably the highest ranking officer among this group of people.

"Stanley Hopkins, Tribunal, Third Inquisitor." He calmly announced his name.

The military officer nodded and did not say his name, because he knew that the other party did not care. He just repeated his mission again: "We suspect that Mr. Sherlock Holmes is involved in a group of more than ten people. A massacre case, so he needs to be detained according to law."

"Doubt?" Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Hopkins interrupted directly: "When did the word 'suspect' gain such power? Who suspected? Why? From which evidence, which piece of evidence? Are you suspicious of quality control? You don’t need to explain these most basic issues, but you just want to take people away with a few gun barrels?

Then the law you talk about is just based on who has the larger diameter of the gun in his hand, whoever says it gets the final say? "

Hopkins' tone was neither urgent nor slow, but there was a hint of stern questioning!

"We have an eyewitness who saw Sherlock Holmes kill a total of 14 military soldiers!" The officer did not flinch and responded with his head held high.

"Witness. Haha, a witness who has no name, no identity, is unwilling to disclose any information, and will not show up. His words can also be used as a reason to arrest someone. In that case, I also have an eyewitness in my hand, and he personally saw it. I have witnessed that you guys are the murderers of that so-called massacre, so do you want to go to the trial court and surrender now? I hope that you will arrange the death penalty within half a month."

Hopkins has handled countless cases and has seen countless sophistry in court. If you want to take advantage of his logic, it is simply wishful thinking.

The military officer held his breath in his throat and didn't know how to retort. Hopkins took advantage of this opportunity to approach Sherlock and asked in a very small voice: "By the way, you Did you really kill a dozen active-duty soldiers?”

Sherlock nodded: "Well, it was just self-defense. Those people were planning to intercept me on the road. Miss Irene Adler and I were riding in the same carriage at the time. She can testify for me."

Hopkins was startled for a moment. Then he remembered what happened in that bar, when the respected mysterious lady invited Sherlock to take him home.

I really don’t know whether he entered the house after sending Miss Irene home that day, and if he did, what he did.

Um, no, now is not the time to think about this.

"Okay, I'll hold off these big soldiers first. Go take a look inside the factory. The scientific researchers inside are already confronting the military people. You must appease the emotions of those scholars. At this time, as long as you don't Shoot, there is nothing these soldiers can do against us if we can't afford to argue."

Sherlock also knew this, so he took a few steps forward without hesitation, trying to get over the roadblock.

"No one is allowed to leave without my order!!" the military commander immediately shouted.


A series of unique sounds of firearms sounded, and countless gun muzzles were pointed at Sherlock again.

"The ownership of the factory is in our hands, and you have no right to seize it! There is no written arrest warrant for Mr. Holmes's accusation, and you have no right to restrict his freedom! A group of soldiers, wearing the uniforms of urban guards, also tried to use force against citizens of the empire. Aren't you afraid of going to court martial if you use force?!" Hopkins said solemnly.

However, the officer did not respond to this sentence. He just stared at Hopkins. He was obviously shaken in his heart, but he was too strong to take back the order just now.

Of course he knew that he had no right to do this, but as an imperial soldier, he repeatedly told himself that this was just executing an order; at the same time, he also thought of his son who had just been recruited into the army in the Redeker Strait, and thought of The Imperial Military Affairs Department promised that as long as he arrests the man named Sherlock Holmes, his son can be transferred from the frontline vanguard team to the logistics department.

On the battlefield, the survival rate of the vanguard team is less than half.

And if he can kill the target, then his son will directly get the opportunity to study at Princeton University, and as an outstanding veteran on the battlefield, he will get a house in the main city of his hometown, and he will also get a good subsidy. gold.

This old officer had been fighting on the front line for more than ten years. When his wife died of a serious illness, he only had one wish, so that their son could live a peaceful life. He also made this promise to the Holy Light. But a military conscription , making everything come to nothing.

What else could he do?

Of course he knew that what he was doing was wrong, and he also knew that it was a shame for a soldier to show his gun to an empire citizen for no reason, but when he thought of his children, he could only accept all the shame.

"No one is allowed to move!" He raised his gun and shouted.

Hopkins narrowed his glasses. He must have noticed something was wrong, because this was not the attitude that a normal imperial soldier should have:

"I don't care what threats or inducements you have received, but I am a third-level contractor, and with just these few guns, it is impossible for you to keep us!"

"As long as someone crosses the cordon! Just shoot!" The old officer seemed to be unwilling to think about it, and drank again in a desperate move.

In the eyes of grassroots soldiers, orders are always orders. Although the soldiers behind them don't understand why they do things so decisively, they can only obey and invariably prepare to fire at all times. The steam armor in the distance also After raising all the miniguns embedded in their arms, there seemed to be dense footsteps at the other end of the tunnel further away, and it seemed that some additional personnel were rushing towards this direction.

Under the illumination of the searchlight, countless figures overlapped each other, the narrow space, and the dense gun muzzles. If a fight really broke out in a place like this, whether it was the power of the contractors or stray bullets flying everywhere, in short, there must be someone. will die.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the venue entered a kind of suffocating depression. No one spoke, and the sound of heavy breathing was intertwined, like a file ruthlessly rubbing people's uneasy nerves.

Sherlock didn't want to kill anyone at this juncture.

No one in the group of soldiers wanted to open fire.

Everyone is looking forward to this confrontation ending soon.

But right now!

The searchlight behind him seemed to flash suddenly for a few times, and then went out with a 'click' sound without warning. Suddenly, in the entire tunnel, only the gas lamp that was originally embedded in the wall was left. The sudden change in brightness made people's attention. His vision instantly fell into brief blindness.

And just when the nerves were stretched to the extreme.

The old officer's eyes suddenly glowed with a ruthless light that almost abandoned all reason. Without any warning, he suddenly pulled the trigger!

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