Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 235 The Hound of the Baskervilles (2)

Soon, the door opened.

The person who opened the door was an old man with an easy-going face. He was not very tall, and his body was a little stooped, so he looked not half as tall as the postman in front of him. He was wearing the most ordinary cloth, and his eyes were calm, but under the moonlight It seems to have a slightly bright color.

"It's so late and you still have a letter to send?" the old man asked calmly.

Although he said it was very late, he was not awakened from the blur of his dream at all. It seemed that he had never slept.

The postman at the door calmly handed over a letter.

He didn't know why his heartbeat was still fast. In fact, he had been working in this small town for several years. He would see this old man every day, occasionally passing by the roadside and seeing him returning from fishing at sea. They would also laugh and chat a few words.

In his eyes, this old man has long been an ordinary fisherman, but always at a sudden moment, the postman accidentally looks at the back of the old man, which will make his heart surge and he can't help but want to kneel down. Prostrate yourself on the ground and perform the most devout worship to it.

"The urgent letter from the Holy See should be delivered tomorrow morning. However, it has the seal of the Holy Son of the Holy See on it, so it was delivered tonight," the postman said.

When the old man heard the word "Sign of the Holy Son", his expression did not change at all. He just continued to look at the marks made with golden ink pad on the envelope calmly. Suddenly, he asked a very irrelevant question:

"When will the inheritance ceremony be held?"

"Well, it should be 12 days later."

The old man nodded, did not take the envelope, but continued: "I have ignored this world for too long, and I have no right to express opinions on external matters, so... send it elsewhere."

"Where else?" The postman was stunned, not understanding what he meant. This letter was specially sent by the Holy See on the fastest special train in order to deliver it to the recipient as quickly as possible. How could it be sent elsewhere?


"Where else is it?" the postman asked subconsciously.

"I don't know either." The old man continued to give a strange response, but then he slowly raised his head and looked at the young postman in front of him: "Which newspaper company do you work for?"

"Holy Journal." The postman said, and there seemed to be a hint of pride in his tone. Being able to work for the largest newspaper in the entire empire was something worth showing off in the industry.

"Oh, then, send it to the Holy Journal."

"What?! But..." The postman couldn't keep up with the old man's thoughts.

In fact, the words of the old man in front of him seemed to have no idea at all. If he didn't want to read this letter, then he would send it elsewhere? I am a postman employed by the Holy Journal, so I have to deliver the Holy Journal?

There is no logic in this, just like a confused old man casually saying some nonsense in his sleep.

But the old man didn't have any other instructions. He just smiled and waved his hand: "It's too late. Young people also need to rest. Go back and go to bed early. As for this letter, don't rush to send it. Wait for another week or even ten days. You can send it later, it shouldn’t be anything too important.”

In this way, with the comfort of the old man, the hurried letter delivery in the middle of the night ended.

In fact, the postman still felt ridiculous until the door in front of him closed softly.

But he will not go against the old man's words. This is a habit he has developed over the years. Moreover, even if the other person's words are really confusing, they still deserve the greatest respect.

In the blue night, large and small silver particles dotted the starry sky. In this steam-dominated era, these stars are still not buried by the dim clouds and mist, and they really have unusual vitality.

Under the stars, a mighty motorcade was heading north.

Although it is said to be majestic, the convoy is actually not very long and there are not many cars. However, the large transport vehicle that is so huge that it cannot turn in the city is really too majestic, and it is followed by others around it. The armored fighting vehicles are too intimidating, and this also excludes the three combat personnel transport vehicles at the rear, as well as the three military soldiers organized into combat teams inside.

In short, these vehicles just sailed through the white snow that didn't have time to melt away. The roaring wheels and tracks lifted the snow below backwards, like a white sandstorm seven or eight meters high in the night, and huge searchlights Make the road ahead bright.

In the center of the convoy is a heavily equipped motorcycle without any weapons and equipment. All the places where accessories can be loaded are covered with the thickest armor layer. It looks like a motorcycle that is trying its best not to hold back the team. Stone pier.

Sherlock was lying on the heavily loaded locomotive, feeling the bumps caused by the huge weight. He felt a little funny and thought that if someone could really kill all the steam chariots around him, then this big iron weight would have What's the use?

The location arranged by the imperial government for the demonstration of the test results was a military base, only one day away from London.

To be honest, this is considered an absolute importance.

Moreover, the results of this experiment have been demonstrated once, but the ending was not very good. However, just a few months later, professionals in various fields were still able to be summoned. The military specially changed the results for this operation. There was a schedule for the entire military base, and countless political and business leaders flew over thousands of miles away.

Even Sherlock couldn't help but feel a little relieved. It seemed that the people at the top of the empire's pyramid were not all fools.

Looking out the window, the snow curtain raised by the high-speed tracks obscures most of the scenery. After leaving London, you can find that the moonlight is very bright tonight, making the snow curtain like a layer of light-emitting gauze. Beside the window, There is a thick stack of data files and research documents on the movement habits of the third-order demon prepared by Professor George Sr., as well as some pre-prepared demonstration actions.

These things can help Sherlock better complete this results presentation.

Of course, Sherlock didn't read a page.

On the contrary, in the car behind, a scientific researcher in charge of the explanation had not slept for two days and two nights. At this time, he was still reviewing the easy-to-understand rhetoric over and over in the bumpy vehicle, trying to make the visit more enjoyable. Everyone can understand what kind of miracle is happening in front of them.

Anyway, that's it, the motorcade was roaring but also calm, moving straight forward. Sherlock rested his hands on his head, feeling a little drowsy. But suddenly, he frowned and then opened his eyes.

And in front of the path forward of the convoy, there is a place where the huge high beams cannot shine.

An incredibly tall and generous figure stood straight in the middle of the road.

And above that figure, there was a person standing on shoulders that could be described as 'broad'. Because he stood too high, the night wind blew his hair a little messy, but he just quietly pushed the golden edge. wearing glasses, expressionless, looking at the bright car lights in the distance, slowly driving towards him.

(The baby had a fever, so I wrote this all night. If there are any sentences that don’t make sense, please correct me. Thank you.)

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