Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 253 Can’t last seven days

"In holy history, the first imperial inheritance ceremony was forced to be suspended midway"

"Emperor Augustine accepted the Inquisition's summons for investigation"

"London Airship Crashing Incident Reignites Troubles"

"Is it the delay of justice or a political conspiracy"

"False, Slander and Persecution"

No one could have imagined that such a scene would happen during the inheritance ceremony. Several officials of the Tribunal entered the ancient Roman city of France, marched all the way to the Council of Elders hall, and then had a two-day meeting with the council elders. After many hours of 'negotiation', Emperor Augustine finally expressed his willingness to accept the investigation of the Inquisition.

Indeed, the Council of Elders itself has no rights, and it cannot interfere with any summons process of the Inquisition.

Adhering to the "principle of openness of inheritance ceremonies" that has been adhered to for centuries, no one can use force to prevent these judicial officials from entering the parliament hall.

There is certainly no mention in the imperial laws that if the emperor violates the law, there will be any possibility of immunity.

Therefore, Emperor Augustine was taken away like this.

Theoretically speaking, it does make sense, but if you think about it from any other direction, this matter is undoubtedly absurd and unreasonable.

So, when Emperor Augustine walked out of the Council of Elders yesterday, the crowd began to boil.

When they saw his seriously ill body after 60 years of hard work for the empire, the infusion bottle behind his wheelchair, his eyes that were extremely uncomfortable after seeing the sun, and his tired cough, the crowd was naturally excited. was provoked to an extremely terrifying level, and people began to shout the name of this great emperor, angrily shouting words such as 'persecution', 'shady' and so on, and threw their hands at the judicial officers vigorously. Something crashed into the human wall set up by the security personnel.

At this time, the old man did not speak. He just turned his head slightly and looked at the boiling crowd while he was being escorted. Then he raised his hand tiredly, pressed it down, and said "Don't make any noise." gesture.

Because of this gesture, people's roars gradually subsided, but the anger in their hearts burned even more intensely.

Again, as a great emperor who has been in charge of the empire for 60 years, his name has become a part of the empire to this day. So, after he was supported, he got into the steam car that came with the officials of the Tribunal. When locomotive.

The people went crazy.

Journalists went crazy.

The politicians, financial groups, frontline military, large corporations, nobles, and some of the higher-ups in the Holy See who were waiting for the inheritance ceremony to take over, all went crazy.

Whether you are crazy with excitement or crazy with fear.

In short, the entire empire began to go crazy!

The night before yesterday, Mansfield, the current chief justice of the trial court, had an open-ended debate with his student, Hopkins, in the vestibule of a church.

Mansfield emphasized that although the law is a representative of justice, justice and fairness are only tools to maintain social stability. If social stability is destroyed in order to maintain the law, then law and crime will reach the same goal by different routes.

Hopkins did not agree with this argument, and he failed to convince his teacher, because when he left, he asked his teacher if he would appear in court to try Augustine the Great?

The other party did not give a definite answer.

But when he faced countless pressures and forcibly ordered a group of officials from the Third Division under his command to go to the ancient Roman city to complete the investigation process, his teacher did not stop him.

Hopkins didn't know why his most respected teacher suddenly chose an attitude of silence and inaction on this matter, but the outcome was exactly as the other party said.

The impact of this investigation is indeed a bit too great.

Through countless newspapers, letters, phone calls, and oral reports, the situation at the inheritance ceremony was quickly known to everyone in the empire. That night, loud or large explosions broke out in front of the affiliated institutions of the Tribunal in each diocese. Small parade.

In fact, it cannot be called a parade, because under the maintenance of the faith of most people, few people can organize large-scale demonstrations against institutions affiliated with the Holy See.

However, those devout people dressed in the most solemn clothes, knelt at the door of the Hall of Justice, in the most reverent posture of worship to the Holy Light. They knelt for five or six hours, which really gave the staff of the trial a great deal. pressure.

During this long period of kneeling, some people fainted, some suffered from serious illness due to fatigue, and some had young children crying like babies because they were not breastfed in time. It is as if these people feel that the people in the Tribunal should have been bewitched by some evil force to do such a hateful and ridiculous behavior, and they represent the identity of the Holy Light believers in this way. To purify the evil that corrupted the Holy See.

Of course, compared to the moderate performance of these devout believers, those hard-line socialists, especially the veteran groups of retired government troops, have set off waves of truly violent demonstrations!

These people will not directly face an institution like the Tribunal, which has a distinct papal nature. They do not believe those rhetoric modified by faith, and simply vent their anger on the relevant government departments. What they pursue is a quick, direct They need an explanation, an answer.

Therefore, the entrance to the government's Supreme Court was overcrowded, with banners of various colors hanging on almost every treetop. The mayor's office area was surrounded by water, causing government staff to have to pull down the fence gate to prevent the angry crowd from rushing in. Come in.

Chaos breeds more chaos

During the parade, some store doors were smashed open and everything inside was robbed, but the police who maintained law and order were unable to spare their manpower.

Bodies appeared on the street, dead with their throats cut. The murderer was among the crowd, but no one noticed this scene.

Several small demons suddenly appeared at the port and killed eleven freight workers. Normally, the urban security management agency would send several contractors to take charge of this matter, but no one has the time now.

There were more and more people demonstrating, and the shouts were getting louder and louder. Some people were walking forward with the crowd, and they felt like they had stepped on something under their feet. When they looked down, they found that it was a corpse with its head crushed. .

On the third day, more than one-third of the imperial administrative states could not withstand the pressure. Several city leaders who did not believe in the Holy Light even directly faced the people and publicly stated that they were dissatisfied with the judicial proceedings of this trial. He expressed doubts about the process. In order to calm the anger of the city people, he began to make angry accusations. Of course, his words included words such as "false accusations," "ugly," "slander" and "someone is trying to disrupt the empire." He also sharply denounced the reporter. The newspaper editors who caused social chaos claimed that they were the sinners and that they should be imprisoned in that terrifying blood prison.

On the fourth day, the Holy Journal announced a holiday for all staff. The newspaper, which had persisted in publishing during the second invasion of the devil, was suspended for the first time in history. Some schools proposed suspending school because they were afraid of the safety of students. It was suggested that the goods at the dock were stranded because no workers came to work yesterday. The machinery in the mine was idling for a day. The momentum of the general strike became more and more obvious. In just a few days, the empire's output value reached an unforeseen loss. Condition.

And amidst the cries of hundreds of millions of people in the empire, that so-called evidence can only play a small role in comforting them.

Before the start of the Holy Calendar, there was a legend that a product of faith called [God] took seven days to create the world.

People don't know whether this product of faith really has such terrifying power, but at this moment, people feel that an old man really seems to have the ability to destroy an empire in seven days.

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