Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 256 Tired

No one knew what the specific content of this transaction was, but 15 minutes later, Moriarty walked out of the small room next to the confessional, and the medical team that rushed over also carried the old man in the room. hospital bed.

Soon, the room was converted into a fully equipped infirmary, and Emperor Augustine stayed there for seven days.

These are seven days worthy of being recorded in history

His Royal Highness the Son once said that the most powerful power of the empire is always in the hands of the people, but the people are scattered. If one day, the people's rights can be concentrated together, it will be an extremely terrifying force.

And in these seven days, the people of the empire demonstrated this terrifying power to the fullest.

Because an old man was taken away for investigation, because a hero in their eyes was slandered, framed and smeared, the people were collectively angry. This anger was unstoppable and scornful. It seemed that no one could Extinguish this anger.

Until that early morning seven days later, a steam locomotive slowly drove into the ancient Roman city of France. Then, with the help of some medical staff, Emperor Augustine returned to his home, an inconspicuous small building on the edge of the city. .

This scene was seen by many people, including those who held banners and did not leave the city for seven days, waving flags and shouting on the not-so-wide streets. They were seen by reporters who were holding cameras and displaying pictures of the parade in the streets and alleys. , the police officers wearing anti-riot police uniforms and holding shields to block the parade saw it.

Seven days after being taken to the Inquisition for examination, Emperor Augustine finally returned to his home.

Until then, it all seemed to suddenly take a turn for the better

The next day, the headline in the Holy Journal————

"Emperor Augustine has been acquitted"

Brief description:

The chaos in the judicial process led to the most absurd farce in the history of the Holy See. All the personnel of the Third Division of the Inquisition were arrested, examined and severely punished. His Royal Highness the Holy Son of the Holy See personally wrote a letter of apology for Emperor Augustine. Justice was seven days late, but Never absent.

Sherlock looked at the newspaper in his hand and frowned.

Looking out the window, he found that there were indeed a lot fewer people marching today, and the people still on the street showed no longer all anger, but more joy after the dust settled.

Emperor Augustine was acquitted.

Sherlock looked back at the newspaper, reading it from cover to cover twice, and finally confirmed that it was all true.

So he got up and wanted to call Moriarty, but he suddenly thought that since the day of Holy Love, it was Moriarty who took the initiative to contact him, but that kid did not have a fixed address, so naturally There is no phone.

In desperation, he called the Inquisition and wanted to ask Hopkins what happened.

But all he got in response was endless beeps.

In the eyes of other citizens of the empire, this was a day worth remembering, a victory for justice, a victory for heroes, and a victory for their people, but in Sherlock's eyes, everything seemed so weird and abnormal.

How could that old guy Augustine come back intact?

At noon that day, the ancient Roman city of France.

The square in front of the Victory Monument of the Second Demonic Invasion was already overcrowded. Countless citizens of the empire were cheering and waiting. A large number of exposure lights flashed crazily under the blue sky and daylight, trying to record this moment forever.

Because the old Emperor Augustine, after more than ten years, is finally about to stand in the public eye again and make a public declaration.

What did he want to say to the people of the empire.

Under the sunshine, the wind in the ancient city also stopped a lot. The sand and dust mixed in the wind seemed to know what was going to happen and no longer played noisily. The names of countless dead heroes were engraved on the huge metal monument. Shining in the sunlight, it even has a certain sacred and solemn visual touch.

And amid these lights and worship-like shouts, the greatest emperor in holy history finally slowly walked to the front of the stage.

Yes, use walking!

The weak emperor gave up his wheelchair this time, but stubbornly used his willpower to support his body and stood in front of countless people. He wore a bright red cloak, a golden long coat, and the symbolic crown on his head. Wearing the crown at the pinnacle of imperial power, his beard and hair were all white, but he still exuded an arrogant and powerful aura. For a moment, the flashlights of those taking pictures did not dare to flash for fear of disturbing the brilliance of the old man, and the shouts from the audience also stopped. I was afraid that I couldn't hear the old man's words clearly.

This is the aura of an emperor, or in other words, the inviolable image that has been established in the hearts of the people of the empire for more than 60 years. Everything seemed to be quiet, except for some excited and tearful people who made some helpless noises. A small suppressed sob.

"Anyone who has read history should know that human society had an extremely glorious period before the early years of the Holy Calendar. During that period, people were divided into countries, with different languages, currencies, and customs. It has remained that way for almost all the time since the birth of the human race.

Until the gates of hell open. "

The old voice echoed in the square:

"After that, humans fought an arduous war with demons for decades. The world fell apart, and death enveloped the entire world. In the end, people discovered that the only way to continue the race was to unite.

Therefore, the Holy Calendar Era opened, and human culture was unified in a desperate situation. We broke down all barriers and united tenaciously together to resist the invasion of demons.

Why are humans great?

A person is undoubtedly weak. He cannot jump high, cannot run fast, has no hair and cannot withstand the cold. He may be infected by diseases even if he eats some raw meat.

Our race cannot survive as individuals. But when we gather together, we become the masters of the world!

The Holy Calendar has started for 289 years. We have been united for 289 years. Facing those endless demons, we are still standing on this land with great strength for 289 years!

But humans can't be just like this, we should be greater!

Today, a research that can change the world has been confirmed, and everyone must know it. That experiment clearly indicates that the devil is no longer a terrifying killer, but a tool that can be controlled by anyone!

Maybe someone knows what this means, maybe someone doesn't.

In short, I want to announce here that the horn of human counterattack has sounded! We will become the masters of this world again, above all things, just like in the past countless years!

This moment is the most critical moment for mankind. We need unity. I beg everyone to unite, because history has told us countless times that the unity of the race is the most powerful force! "

The old man's words were not loud, and even through the loudspeaker one could hear the feeling of exhaustion, but they were so exciting and uplifting that they hit the most passionate point in a person's heart.

However, when everyone's emotions about the rise and fall of the race were ignited to the extreme, his voice suddenly softened, and then he said with a free and easy smile:

"And I'm old

I have been working for this empire for 60 years. During these 60 years, I dare not say how many achievements I have made, but I dare say that I have invested all my feelings in mankind! I am doing my best to make this race better, and I am waiting with the world, waiting for the horn of counterattack to sound!

And I did it!

The era of mankind's great counterattack has arrived! ! !

Mr. Franklin is the most qualified leader of this era. He will inherit my will and lead mankind towards a better future.

I'm tired

My mission is completed and I can finally rest."

He smiled tiredly and waved goodbye to the countless people in the square who were cheering excitedly and then silent.

Today, Augustine the Great resigned as emperor in the Victory Square.

Franklin, the new king of the empire

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