Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 275 For the Empire

The chase lasted a total of 35 minutes that night.

In the ancient Roman city, gunfire rang out for 35 minutes.

In the holy city of Jerusalem, thousands of miles away, during the imperial emperor's enthronement ceremony, cheers, shouts, tears of joy, and the sound of fireworks exploding in the sky continued for 35 minutes.

On that huge platform made of rock, countless great people have stood in the past. At this moment, a row of priests wearing platinum robes stood with calm and serious expressions, hands clasped in front of their chests. Wearing sunflower pendants, behind them, a row of soldiers with straight military postures held spears in their hands, like the most peaceful mountain rocks. Even if the blade of the blade passed their throats, they would not tremble at all.

The new young pope has put a crown on the king of the empire. He holds a golden gospel of the Holy Light, raises his five fingers to the sky, and begins to recite the blessings of the Holy Light to the empire. The soft chanting of the priests below converges into a magnificent sound. In the movement, the fireworks in the sky dispersed into white clouds. The white doves everywhere seemed to have caught the most holy scene by coincidence. They rushed out of the cage one after another, spread their wings and flew into the sky, flying into the hearts of thousands of believers and citizens of the empire. In sight.

People are proud and satisfied. Even though they are attacked by the gates of hell, human beings still stand firm. This is the glory of the race and the glory of mankind.

Franklin, the new king of the empire, slowly walked up to the stage and faced the speakers arranged around the platform. His smile was not as bright as the fireworks, but there was no trace of hypocrisy.

A down-and-out aristocrat who has reached this point, if his experiences were written down, would probably be no worse than Emperor Augustine. And since he can stand on that high platform, it is naturally impossible for him to be just a scholar who only knows energy research. This perseverance, this persistence, this sincere pursuit of dreams that has remained unchanged for decades is enough for him to shine the most brilliantly in any position.

On the side of the high platform, the great popes, who only appeared during the annual missionary period, rarely sat together with government officials. Their eyes were so easy-going and cordial to each other. , some are even like old friends who meet often, and they have a tacit agreement not to discuss any politics or practical matters, but just talk about where the leaves are red all over the mountains, and the cakes in that small town are extremely delicious.

This harmonious scene was naturally captured by reporters from major newspapers. They knew what the public wanted to see and what they should write.

Through an accidental shot, someone seemed to see in the corner of the crowd of big shots, a man in military uniform who was about 50 years old, but with stern eyes and a face as sharp as a chisel. He couldn't help but be startled, thinking to himself, that man who was stationed in Lei General Patton, who has been in the Dirk Strait for almost 30 years, would actually leave the front line just to participate in the coronation of the new king?

He has not appeared in the Empire for many years.

But on second thought, this enthronement ceremony can be said to be the end of the era of Augustine the Great. Whether it is the confirmation of controllable experiments on wild demons or the upcoming popularization of new energy, the first to benefit must be the frontline battlefields, so The absolute leader of the empire's military naturally had to be present in person, and his fighting on the front lines naturally required respect. However, the silent fighting at the rear of the empire was also worthy of him expressing his most friendly attitude to the new emperor.

In short, the Holy See and the government showed a close relationship. The top commander on the front line came to the Holy City to express his most sincere congratulations. The exposure lights in the hands of reporters kept flashing between these familiar faces. The Empire The citizens looked excitedly at those big names who only appeared in newspapers. They were extremely excited and inspired. In the new era, the empire seemed to be more united than ever before. Everything was just as the newspapers said, This is a wonderful beginning for humanity to move towards the next stage.

And at this moment of highest emotion, the sacred chanting gradually subsided.

For the first time, Mr. Franklin stood in front of the highest level of the empire. As a scientific researcher, he did not seem to show any panic. He just smiled lightly and said:


“We dare not forget that we are descendants of the pioneers who opened the Holy Calendar.

Let our words start from here and now, and spread to friends, family, and those warriors fighting in the ice and snow.

We were born in this era, we have experienced the test of war, and we yearn for the peace that once existed - mankind will not flinch in our hands, on the contrary, the glory of mankind will bloom in our hands, and the glory of the race will be We will defend! "

"I solemnly swear to faithfully perform my obligations as the king of the empire and do everything in my power to safeguard human dignity, protect the people of the empire, and resist the invasion of demons..."

"Knowledge is mankind's most powerful weapon, and unity is mankind's most powerful shield."

"On this day, we declare that those useless estrangements and hypocrisies will end, those darkness and betrayal have ended, and the moment when mankind will look down upon us again is coming. This moment is bought by countless people with their lives. It is the sacrifice of countless people. In exchange for countless sweats, in the face of this difficult era, those people stood up, persisted silently, or burst out with the most respectable roar."

I admire such a person and want to be such a person.

I am willing to let everyone spur me and supervise me, let us welcome the new era of mankind together, and let us witness the beautiful new era of heart together."

Franklin's voice is not rich, and even has the natural softness of some scholars.

But at the same time, he also has the tenacity and strength that all scholars should have. In the past 50 years, he has no political foundation, but this inaugural declaration was drafted by himself. There is no too gorgeous language, but he speaks every word. The extremely firm and simple words resounded in the sky above the light of the Holy City, spreading this tenacity and faintly boiling blood to the crowd below.

Moriarty stood quietly behind the new emperor of the empire. His expression was calm, and he just looked at the back of the figure who had not met him many times.

But in his heart, he thought inappropriately of that hateful guy who was one of the few people in his life that he could call his friend.

Sherlock leaned against the edge of the wheelchair.

His face was pale and covered in blood. His clothes had been torn by countless gunfire. A huge box was placed next to him, but he only unbuttoned one button and no longer had the strength to unbutton the other. aside.

In those dozens of minutes, he squeezed out every ounce of strength in his body. In fact, he is still a little confused now. Under the shroud of holy light, doesn't it mean that the third stage of the great demon cannot appear? Why is the crimson red You can suddenly appear in front of yourself.

Well, this is a question worth exploring, but at this time Shylock no longer has the energy to think about it. He can't even move. At the moment when Emperor Augustine died, all the injuries in his body, The damaged flesh and blood, the bullets embedded in the bones, the exhaustion, and the pain burst out in an instant, leaving him unable to do anything but sit down.

The footsteps in the distance gradually became clearer. The reinforcements circled the cliff at an extremely fast speed and rushed over. Their speed was very fast, but it was of no avail.

The blues in Sherlock's mouth fell to the ground, and there was still a third of it left. He felt a little distressed, but he didn't have the strength to pick it up.

"You could actually kill me now."

He said to the girl nurse next to him.

The nurse stood up slowly, her face full of tears. She glared at Sherlock angrily, like she was glaring at the most vicious murderer:

"I won't kill you. The soldiers have already arrived. You will be arrested. The laws of the empire will punish you. You will go to jail. You will go to court. You will be sentenced to death in the sentencing and then wait for execution in the execution ground. !”

Her tone was unwavering, and at the same time it also contained the most unconcealed hatred!

Sherlock smiled: "Yeah, originally, I thought the empire's laws could do this, otherwise, I wouldn't come."

This simple whisper made the young nurse startled. She thought of the orders she had conveyed to the outside world on behalf of the old man, and her mind suddenly shook:

"The empire is a whole. The interests of mankind cannot be measured by individual individuals, and for the sake of this whole, someone must sacrifice."

"Hahaha——" Sherlock smiled, and then started to cough because of some blood in his throat: "Ahem cough cough——I know why the old man chose you to stay with her, because you It’s really simple.”

The nurse was silent. She did not respond immediately to the other party's words. In the night wind, her hair was blown messy. Soon, the additional troops rushed over, and countless people pointed guns at Sherlock. Loudly shouting words like 'Don't move'.

Sherlock knew that these people were extremely nervous.

Because their fighting qualities must have been seen, they couldn't move at all now, otherwise, they would have fired at the first opportunity, but their fearful hearts still shouted like this to relieve the panic.

Someone came to the old man in the wheelchair and put his hand on his neck, as if he wanted to confirm whether he was dead. In fact, there was no need to bother. After all, there was a clearly visible blood hole in his neck. The blood flowing out of it has not dried up yet.

Some people rushed to the nurse's side, pushing her to stay away from the murderer.

Sherlock sat like this, smiling with satisfaction, and then said to the trembling soldier closest to him:

"Brother, can you give me another puff of that cigarette on the ground?"

The soldier was so frightened that he subconsciously took a step back, barely holding the gun in his hand.

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