Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 286 I, Dante, an ordinary citizen

What other sun could there be?

Of course it's the sun!

The sun that hangs in the bloody sky, the sun that stares at the whole hell, the sun that once crossed hundreds of millions of kilometers and lowered its tentacles to touch Sherlock lightly, the sun that once brought Sherlock into the world The sun in the infinite universe, the sun that once appeared in the "Divine Comedy" drawn by Dante himself.

If you admit that you have seen it, it is equivalent to admitting that you have been to hell, which will lead to many, many things, and all of these things are Sherlock's secrets, so he is reluctant to tell the other party.

So he raised his head

It was like a junior who didn't know why, looking into the eyes that were decades older than him.

Those eyes don't have the arrogance of breaking through thousands of miles of frozen soil, or the brilliance of being an imperial god, nor the morning dew and sunset of the old man at the seaside day after day. What they have is just a blind calm, like a sharp and silent knife. , like a flattened cliff, pierced Sherlock's eyes and pressed down into the depths of his spirit, too fast to stop and too heavy to avoid.

Using 'sharp' to describe gaze is an adjective only found in imperial literature textbooks. However, at this time, Sherlock really saw a knife, a sword, stabbing him sharply from the eyes of the old fisherman in front of him. Breaking through all the defenses, it was like the severe cold that once pierced the icy ridge in front of the gate of hell. The mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood were invincible to tens of thousands of demons. The bloody stumps on his body, the eyes that had stared at the Holy Light and the Evil God, were really as bright as a torch!

It was this gaze that met Sherlock's gaze in this small room.

"I told you, don't lie to me."

Lord Dante reiterated what he had said several times.

But this time, it seemed that the blood and murderous intent that had been condensed for centuries at the bottom of the blood prison leaked out a little. The moment these words were spoken, the warden standing in the corner only felt the sound outside the mountains. The terrifying coldness of the night roared through his body. The chill washed through every pore and rolled between his internal organs. His legs softened and he slid down the wall and sat down. He could no longer risk it. Any idea of ​​​​dare to deceive

Only Sherlock was still looking calmly into the old man's eyes, with a rare and most respectful smile on his lips.

This detective with no morals and ethics is not a pure shameless person. He said that in this world, there are so many people worthy of his respect, and the first among them is naturally this Lord Dante.

So, he didn't cheat. But he didn't answer either.

The gaze lasted for two or three seconds, and the silence was heavy, making people breathless.

Finally, the sharpness in the old man's eyes melted away, and like the spring breeze turning into snow, he faintly revealed some appreciation, and then nodded.

"If there were more young people like you in the empire, I would have stopped ordering those annoying newspapers. The small fonts are too unfriendly to readers with poor eyesight."

He complained a little, and he didn't know if the major newspapers in the empire heard this comment, whether the printing fonts of the next day's newspapers would be completely revised.

However, the old man definitely didn't really care about the fonts of those newspapers, so he continued to appreciate the attitude without hesitation, but like a real elder after a long journey, he said lightly:

"You have to remember that you are a human being."

This is a very strange statement, even for Sherlock, it is still extremely strange.

Of course he is human.

But old Dante didn't explain too much, he just continued to say as a warning:

"I have learned more or less about you. I don't care about your character, your thoughts on how to deal with the world, your preferences, and your obsessions.

I just need you to always remember that you are a human being, so you must always be on the human side. "

These words were spoken very calmly and slowly, as if the old man wanted to use this method to make the young people in front of him hear more clearly.

At the same time, Sherlock frowned because he seemed to hear that the pronunciation in the old man's sentence was a little strange. He emphasized the words 'human [this] side', as if, and 'The human side'.

"You must remember this sentence!" The old man stared at Sherlock, waiting for the other party's answer.

"Of course!" Sherlock said.

Of course Sherlock is a human being, and of course he has to stand on the side of humans. Even if he can enter hell in his sleep, he can never be on the side of the devil. Should he be allowed to stay with those strange-looking creatures every day? Even if he could become the Lord of Hell, a great evil god or something like that, it would be of no use.

After hearing Sherlock's response, Old Dante finally nodded, and then left a sentence in an understatement:

"Don't forget what you said today. If one day, I find out that you have betrayed humanity, then I will come and kill you myself."

A plain word from this old man's mouth, that is heaven's punishment, that is divine punishment. There is no unnecessary elaboration. It just kills you, just like the thunder above the sky, falling from the clouds, killing people. to the tiniest residue.

However, such a sentence made Sherlock tilt his head in confusion.

"So, you're still here to get me out?"

"." The old man in front of him was startled, blinking his eyes, and the whole room fell into an awkward silence.

After a while, the old man shook his head angrily: "What are you talking about?! I told you, I'm just a civilian, how do I have the right to get you out?"

"But, I am a death row prisoner, and I will definitely stay on death row. So what did you just say?"

"Okay." Master Dante interrupted Sherlock in a very poor manner: "It's getting late, and the time for visiting the prison is probably coming soon, so it's time for me to leave."

As he spoke, the old man slowly stood up, hunched his body slightly, and walked toward the interrogation room without leaving any farewell.

He is the fisherman on the seashore, he is the god of the empire, he is the old man who occasionally feels embarrassed and embarrassed, and he is the one who casually seems to be sending down divine punishment.

Looking at the figure with its back to him, Sherlock's observation ability clearly told him that the rugged spine was actually not that curved. It was just that the owner of the back wanted to maintain such an image. If the old man If he wants, he can straighten his entire body again at any time, transform into the giant statue that he looked down upon many years ago, and once again become a god on earth.

However, no one may want to see that day come.

The old man emphasized that he was an ordinary citizen of the empire. He even abided by the prison visit time and left voluntarily before the 15 minutes were up.

This is indeed how a normal citizen should behave.

However, no normal citizens can enter the Blood Prison, and there is no such thing as prison visits in the Blood Prison.

Of course, the old man may not know this.

Moreover, when visiting a prison, it is certainly impossible for an ordinary citizen to have the warden trembling in the corner.

Of course, as the old man got older, he might have forgotten about the warden.

In short, the old man didn't know if he was really confused or if he did it intentionally. Anyway, he came to see Sherlock, talked to him a few words, and emphasized that as an ordinary citizen, he could not treat him as an ordinary citizen. Bring out the bloody prison.

Then he left lightly

And since that day, Sherlock has never been sent to the darkest bottom again.

Even Watson never entered the torture chamber again.

The prison manager named Victor was taken away for half a month by a group of deacons from the Judgment Department, saying that he was going to be investigated. When he came back, his whole state seemed to be different. Every time he saw Hua When he was alive, he walked around deliberately. The warden in charge of the blood prison always seemed to meet Sherlock by chance in the heavy prison area by chance, and then greeted him with a smile without saying a word. call.

The Blood Prison is an extremely bloody and harsh prison. Without absolute reasons, it is impossible for the death row prisoners here to be taken out of the prison area, let alone to be pardoned. This is an iron law. The warden of the prison said this For a while, he seemed to be stressing this matter with his jailers.

Indeed, even when Lord Dante came once, he did not release the two condemned prisoners.

However, on this day.

An Inquisition official came to the Blood Prison with a thick stack of criminal records, and then submitted an urgent document:

"This is a special event. The situation is urgent. I want to see Mr. Sherlock Holmes!"

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