Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 289 Murder virus?

miss nightingale

To be honest, this name made Sherlock frown.

Someone is going to murder Miss Nightingale?

Even at the end of his life, like Augustine the Great, holding on to the 60 years of power and control of an imperial king and the longing and promise of a dying man for his daughter, he frantically dragged 20 to 30 thousand people to be buried with the Holy Son of the Holy See. Guy, he regretted it immensely afterwards, he should not have dragged Miss Nightingale into that disaster.

That girl is an extremely special being.

It is a living 'hope' that travels around the world. A person relies on her purest goodwill to cure all diseases. She does not care about money or status. With the power of one person, she changes the people of the empire's view of life. manner,.

She is different from Lord Dante. Lord Dante is a god who unstoppably stands above the existing rules of human society with his absolute force value. So of course he will be feared by others, no matter how much glory he has. No matter how respected he is, some people will want him to die. There is only one reason why he is still alive in the world, and that is that others cannot kill him. It is not difficult to imagine that one day, he will really age with the years. , passed away, there must be countless people clapping their hands secretly.

But Nightingale was different, she was a perfect person, a saint.

So what kind of person, and for what reason, would want to murder Miss Nightingale?

Of course, based on Sherlock's many years of detective experience, a murderer does not necessarily need a reasonable motive if he wants to kill someone. Maybe a guy just likes to destroy beautiful things, so Nightingale is naturally the best person in this world. The most beautiful person in the world, both outside and inside.

However, if a single murderer wanted to murder Miss Nightingale, would the Holy See and the government be in trouble?

"Tell me about that 'Ripper'."

Compared to the careless way he treated the two cases just now, Sherlock's attitude now is obviously much more serious. It can be seen that he is very interested in this Ripper who appeared out of nowhere.

Oh, when it comes to the two cases just now, it seems that there is no answer to either of them.

A pregnant woman was cut in half in a sealed warehouse, her internal organs were scattered on the floor, her upper body and lower body were separated, the warehouse door was locked, and the key was thrown away inside the warehouse.

The reasoning for this kind of case is the simplest. It is impossible for the trial court to fail to find out. It is probably because those guys can't spare any manpower.

Back to the case itself

In fact, no matter how detailed the classification is, there are only two types of secret room killings.

First: The murderer is in the secret room.

Second: The murderer is outside the secret room.

So in this case, the key is in the warehouse and the door is locked. The murderer can be directly locked to the warehouse manager who has another key, which is the husband of the deceased.

But there is a high probability that he will not do this. How can any murderer take the initiative to take the only suspect on himself?

Therefore, if this guy wasn't trying to be smart and use some kind of 'reverse thinking', then there would be only another answer.

That means the murderer is still in the warehouse.

But the warehouse was empty and there was no cover. So where would the deceased be hiding?

The answer is obvious. As I said before, exclude some perverts who like to cut corpses into pieces. Otherwise, no one would do such a thankless task as 'chop the corpse in half'.

Therefore, the deceased was cut into two pieces at the waist, and all the internal organs were specially taken out in order to give the murderer a place to hide.

It can be seen from the photos of the case that the deceased was wearing a very loose long skirt because she was a pregnant woman. Due to the internal expansion of the uterus, the fat in the chest and abdomen of pregnant women has expanded four to five times than normal.

That's why Sherlock said to look up people who are about 1.5 meters tall.

Well, none of this matters anymore, because during this period of time, Judge Natasha outside the prison had to recognize the man's ability to analyze the case, so she finally entered this stage of her life. The real mission of meeting Sherlock for the first time.

That is to explain the serial murders that have recently caused a bloody storm in the empire.

In fact, at the beginning, no one paid much attention to this case. It was a prostitute who was dismembered in the Whitechapel district of London. This kind of thing happens several times every year in London, a place with a huge gap between rich and poor.

After a hasty investigation by the police, they listed it as one of those cases that was "not in a hurry to solve" because the deceased was a prostitute, had no relatives or friends, and had no contacts with nobles or high-level people in society. Even if you die, no one will go to the police station door every day to remind you.

The only thing that was a little unusual was that a small paper tube was found in the deceased's throat, with a note stuffed inside and a name written on it.

However, the Scotland Yard police officers were too busy to go home every day, so they were not wary of this thing at all.

Until two days later, a prostitute was found dead on the street. The situation was equally miserable. After investigation, it was found that the name of the deceased was the name written on the note.

At the same time, another small piece of paper was found in the coronary artery of the deceased, with a name already written on it.

Now, the London police have finally taken this murder more seriously, not because the murderer tortured and killed two prostitutes in a row, but because the guy was a little too crazy, killing one person and then predicting the next one. The target to kill is simply a slap in the face of the London police.

So, the Scotsman began to search for the owner of that name throughout the city, preparing to protect him, and by the way, use him as bait to catch this murderer who slapped his nose on his face.

But the result was not found.

"Not found?" Hearing this, Sherlock was startled.

"Yes, that name is quite special and should be easy to find. Later, the police even contacted the Migrant Population Registration Office, but they still could not find this person.

But three days later, in another administrative state more than 1,400 kilometers away from London, a prostitute with the same name as on the note was killed. "

Sherlock smiled thoughtfully: "A murderer is willing to travel more than a thousand kilometers away to kill a prostitute. Haha, it is indeed interesting. If I am not wrong, among the three deceased, except Apart from their identities as prostitutes, there shouldn't be any intersection between them."

Natasha nodded: "Yes, they don't know each other. The murderer just randomly selected people from this profession to kill."

"What happens next?" Sherlock asked again: "If he is just a murderer who likes to kill street girls, I wouldn't bother your court to come forward."

Natasha was silent for a moment. In fact, the other party asked about very important case information, but now she had to tell all these things to a death row prisoner. This made her feel very weird, but her boss specially emphasized it before coming. He said: 'If anyone can help us now, it's that guy'.

Recalling the inexplicable confidence that Judge Hopkins exuded when he mentioned the name 'Sherlock Holmes', Natasha frowned, but she continued to speak:

"Indeed, after this murderer killed three prostitutes in a row within a week, he successively killed two aristocratic women, a mayor's wife, three female clergymen, and a church member. Zong’s mother.”

"..." Sherlock listened quietly to the words of the young judge in front of him, then blinked his glasses: "You... didn't stop me?"

This question is obviously doubtful, but it is understandable. This was all blamed on the Pope's mother, and the police were notified in advance. How could the murderer be allowed to succeed?

Natasha rubbed her brows and explained somewhat depressedly: "Please don't talk to me in this tone. This is not because we are negligent in our duties, but because that guy is too weird.

We sent a lot of people to protect the target, but in a house where even a fly couldn't fly in, the murderer was able to kill the target and still had time to dismember the body. During the whole process, the deceased didn't even make a sound. come out!

After that, we implemented constant protection for the target, that is, we did everything together. Even when we slept, we were surrounded by a room full of deacons from the Adjudication Department.

But people always need to eat and drink, right?

A second ago, someone had just tried poison. It was just a glass of normal water, but after the target drank it in front of a room of people, he was poisoned and died.

Even later, some people began to distrust us and felt that there was a traitor within the Inquisition.

The pope's mother locked herself in an absolutely closed room. No one except his son knew where this place was, but in the end she died. "

Speaking of this, Natasha probably thought of the pressure the Tribunal was under during this period. She took a few deep breaths and then calmed her tone:

“Because the murderer always had the habit of cutting open the chests of the deceased and then hiding the next victim’s name in the internal organs, we gave him the codename: The Ripper.

But this is not the end.

At first, he just killed people one by one.

But gradually, the distances he killed became farther and farther apart. On several occasions, he could cross thousands of kilometers overnight, and the number of his murders was also increasing.

Sometimes, three notes would appear in a corpse, and three more notes would be found in the bodies of the three murdered people.

Then four.Five

You know that moldy food, or bacteria, algae, those things that tend to grow more and more?

Anyway, this ripper is like a virus, he starts to multiply.

I know it's hard to understand, but this murderer seems to have turned into something very scary. More and more people are dying, more and more often. Sometimes, two people even several parishes apart can be found in the same place. Within five minutes, they were killed one after another.

Okay, I admit, this is indeed a bit tricky. Someone has also been killed in the Inquisition. To be honest, the cumulative number of people murdered has exceeded 200, but the murderer still can't be found.

And now, Lord Nightingale's name appears

I know that you have nothing to do with Lord Nightingale, but she has extraordinary significance to the people of the empire, and we cannot watch her die under murder.

Therefore, the Inquisition hopes that you can provide some assistance."

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