Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 351 Handsome? ? ?

"Ordinary people?" Sherlock smiled, then looked at his hands, savoring the extremely terrifying power between the fingers of the veteran in front of him when they shook hands just now. He couldn't help but feel that on the war front, the concept of "ordinary people" seemed to exist. It's completely different from the hinterland of the empire.

In fact, Moriarty realized a long time ago that there is no distinction between contractors and ordinary people in this world, because everyone is affected by 'hell'.

For example, the bodyguard next to Irene called, what was his name?

Godfrey? Or Gobert?

who cares.

In short, in Erin's bar at that time, Hopkins mentioned this man, an ordinary mortal, who had killed more than twenty Vatican clergy.

As we all know, the clergy of the Holy See are not only contractors, but also generally powerful figures who have received professional training from the Holy See and have reached the second level. Most of these people have the power to tear apart a large living person with their bare hands. Some contractors even have Strong vitality and physical strength to survive machine gun fire.

So how could an ordinary person kill such a guy?

If it is said that it is because Godfrey has a very strong assassination ability, he can use various traps or strategies to force a clergyman into a desperate situation and then assassinate him.

So, what happened to the old beggar?

That guy can use his speed to directly open a load-bearing wall of a building made of concrete and steel lifts, and can throw Sherlock a long way away with just one arm. Even the military's steam chariots can't do it. Way to stop him.

Oh, by the way, there is also Watson. He is not a contractor, but as long as you give him enough time to kill a few third-level contractors, there will definitely be no problem.

Now, the strength displayed by this veteran named Ulysses is definitely not what a human should be like. How can anyone suppress the snow on the ground that is as frozen as iron plates just by the strength of their hands? Cracked?

At least from a biological perspective, this makes no sense.

So, why do some ordinary people also have powerful physical changes? In fact, if you think about it for a moment, you can find that these people have an extremely obvious characteristic.

That is, it is very close to the Gate of Hell.

It goes without saying that both Godfrey and Watson are veterans. Major General Ulysses has been on the front line of Hell's Gate for more than thirty years, and the old beggar, although Sherlock does not know him well, He must have some kind of relationship with the Gate of Hell. The contractor has been with the demons in hell for a long time, and his body has gradually changed. In short, it can be said that the closer to hell, the stronger the power.

The most favorable proof of this argument is Shylock and Dante, because these two people should be the only ones in the entire empire who have entered hell.

Sherlock has been exposed to hell in his dreams all year round, so he is now only at the peak of the second level, but he has already surpassed most third-level contractors. And Dante, the old man, directly broke the contract after entering hell. The peak of the third stage has reached a height that no one has ever reached.

Therefore, on the front line, even those who do not have the ability to control demons should be more or less physically stronger than the citizens in the hinterland of the empire. This also explains why, on the front line, the Crusaders, who have a large number of contractor legions, are It is on a par with the government forces to some extent.

But think deeper.

The closer people are to hell, the stronger their physical strength is. However, those servants of God who serve the Holy Light all year round have strange shapes and deformities, and their bodies are even thinner.

Thinking about it this way, if there were no such creatures as "demons", wouldn't humans be extremely close to hell, and instead the Holy Light would become some kind of terrifying existence in the eyes of humans?

With his thoughts at this point, countless random conjectures popped up in Sherlock's active mind in an instant, but these conjectures were just random speculations without any basis.

So, he temporarily suppressed these thoughts and looked at Lieutenant Millsap beside him with a smile:

"Don't be so disappointed in us tomorrow. We have a great chance of winning."

Great chance of winning?

The expression on Millsap's face froze at this moment.

One thing to say, the detective from London in front of him has given him an absolute shock. His genius-like brain, incredible matching speed with wild demons, and his second-level contract level, crushing control of the third-level big demon. , and his individual combat strength is comparable to that of Baskerville.

If such a person is put into the battlefield, whether he is participating in scientific research support at the rear or going deep into the front line, he will definitely shine.

But even so, how could he say the word "win" when facing that undead army?

Not far away, the remaining soldiers looked at each other in shock. They were grateful that Sherlock had won them dignity and dinner, but no one understood why Sherlock dared to say that his side would be better in tomorrow's competition. There is a chance of winning.

Of course they didn't know that the Sherlock in their eyes actually only showed the side of him that could be told to outsiders.

Whether it was killing Emperor Augustine or Dante going to the Bloody Prison, these matters were top secrets strictly enforced by the government. As well as Baskerville's evaluation of Shylock, he only said that Shylock had fought with him, but he had not. Talk about the final result of that battle that tore through the snowfield.

Of course, in addition to these, Sherlock also has many secrets of his own, such as the dreams he has been unable to escape from since he was a child, such as the hundreds of demons in hell, such as those tentacles waiting to die for him, such as the wonderful The palace of thought, such as the sun hanging in the universe, overlooking all things.

At night, 517 war zone.

This is the front line, the most advanced front line. Due to its geographical location, it has experienced four full months of darkness. The moon cannot be seen. Only the stars in the sky and the lights of the military base on the ground bring a trace of light to this frozen land. Because of the lack of sunshine, the average temperature here remains at about minus 40 degrees all year round. The howling wind leaves ice and hoarfrost deflected by the wind on the steel lifting frames.

This is the deepest military base of the entire Imperial Army on the Antarctic continent, and it is also the closest place to the Devil's Gate.

At this time, in a dark barracks, the steam internal combustion engine was making a harsh buzz to provide dangerous temperatures for this extreme war zone. Fortunately, the soldiers living here are used to these noises. If it were other When people come here, they may be so shocked that they cannot sleep for several days.


A phone rang.

It is extremely difficult to establish communications here. Back then, in order to build signal transmission facilities, more than 60 people from the Empire's Information Department died, and the government army even suffered heavy casualties in two battalions.

A pair of bloodless hands quickly picked up the phone. Under the old-fashioned gas lamp, a shadow was reflected vaguely. The body was wrapped in thick cotton clothes, but it still could not hide the too thin outline.

"I'm Barton."

The man put the microphone to his ear and whispered.

In fact, it was said softly, which was the softest tone this person showed when speaking, but its volume was like the giant bell by the Thames River, vibrating the bones of his thin body.

"So, the man named Shylock has already met Major General Ulysses?"

"Very good! All war reporters will be dispatched tomorrow! All members of the Propaganda Department of the 404th Military Region are on standby. During the mission, at least a thousand photos must be produced. Didn't the Imperial Defense Force say that there is a newly developed rolling Is it imaging on film? Give me a follow-up shot. I want to record the whole process of this mission."

"Yes, that guy named Sherlock, give me more pictures of his face."

"I don't care what methods those war reporters use, in short, try to make them look as handsome as possible."

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