Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 367 Far away from the coordinates (2)

A man stretches out his hand to invite a lady. This gesture will only appear in dances most of the time. It is a very gentlemanly behavior for a man to ask the lady he likes to dance with him.

On the battlefield, this behavior seems very subtle.

The girl on the ground raised her head. Although her whole body was tightly wrapped, she didn't know why, but she could feel some kind of heart-stopping beauty. She stretched out her hand, accepted the man's invitation, and then was He climbed onto the shoulder of the huge demon and held the man's arm tightly. This hug should have no emotion or ambiguity, and was just for safety reasons.

The next moment, the red and white demon slowly stood up in the wind and snow, came to a transport truck parked next to the steam locomotive, and directly moved the entire container behind the transport truck. Moved.

In that container, the ammunition to support the escort was extremely large, like a steam train carriage.

It used several load-bearing chains to tie the container to its back.

It is difficult to describe the mood of the soldiers when they saw this scene. Although most of the contractors could make their demons perform such actions, the huge body was carrying an even bigger box, standing in the somewhat dim sunset. Below, there is an inexplicable solemn beauty.

There was a big fire in the distance, and the girl seemed to be thanking the rescue convoy for bringing them here, so she smiled and waved in the direction of the convoy, reflecting the smoke rising into the sky behind her.

Then, I saw that the demon slowly opened its legs and began to walk in a certain direction. The pace gradually became larger, and the rhythm between the legs gradually became light and fast. Five seconds, ten seconds, the demon He started running, his feet stepping on the ground, making a dull roar, indicating that every step was heavy and carrying a huge sense of pressure, but it gave people a light and agile feeling. The soldiers of the accompanying rescue team were a little bit Under the blank gaze, the distance of several hundred meters was crossed in an instant, and at some point, it turned into an incredibly fast line, running towards the snowfield in the distance.

Fire, heavy snow, gradually disappearing figures, and the convoy that has not yet stopped, is still driving forward, more than 300 soldiers of the Holy Army and the government army are sitting in the armored vehicles, it seems that they suddenly realized that the so-called There is only one person on the team responsible for security.

They didn't know who that person was, nor what kind of strength the other party had, but when the demon's back was covered by the wind and snow, it seemed that everyone suddenly felt a sense of awe, and at the same time, they couldn't help but feel worried. , above the vast white wilderness, it is actually not easy to identify the direction just by the setting sun. What if you get lost, what if you encounter a demon.

That person not only took away the support ammunition, but also took away Miss Nightingale. Why did the military trust that person so much?

War Zone 421 is still far away from Redeker Strait. The distance of several hundred kilometers makes the sun in the sky shift slightly towards the west. The setting sun is no longer brilliant, and the golden light can no longer cover the entire In the sky, when the wind and snow are lighter, you can faintly see some stars. Gold, blue, black, and dots of starlight appear on the same sky. This picture is absolutely impossible to see in the hinterland of the empire. Beautiful scenery, however, under this beautiful sky, the sound of explosions seems to have never stopped. From time to time, at the end of the mountains and at the edge of the horizon, lights of different colors light up, like colorful lightning, covering half of the sky. It also reflects different colors.

These lights represent gunpowder, steel, exploding clouds, chariots, and so on. The empire's military technology has experienced a feverish history of development during centuries of war, but it was finally put on the battlefield. At that time, it was still a bloody fight in the most primitive and barbaric era.

Five minutes later, Crimson was already out of the detection range of the support team. At this point, it was truly a lone soldier wandering on the snowfield, even if it froze to death in the wind and snow, or was chased by demons. , and cannot get any rescue, and even if he dies, no one will know.

Moreover, due to the approach of the demonic tide and the influence of the Gate of Hell, there are always large or small void cracks appearing on the outside of the battle zone. Although they are not as dense and frequent as on the other side of the mountain, the blocking battle begins. In more than ten hours, many demons still spawned.

They roared because of the loud noise in the distance, dazed, and frantically wanted to tear something apart, but there was only wind and snow around them, making them look extremely manic.

Under this situation, Crimson was like a light beast, traveling quickly through the snow. Occasionally, he would encounter some demons around him, but before the other party could react, he quickly left the visual range. , or when encountering some small demons that are difficult to avoid, it was just a moment of high-speed misalignment. Nightingale on her shoulder seemed to hear some cruel sounds of cracking bones, and the smell of blood just brushed the tip of her nose, and Being carried away by the strong wind, I turned around to see what had just happened, but I could only see a flash of bright red among the white, and I could no longer find the trace.

She is the most knowledgeable 20-year-old girl in the entire empire, but she still has not been carried by a third-level demon.

In fact, it is estimated that few people in the entire empire have experienced this kind of thing.

Controlling a demon is extremely difficult in itself, and while running at high speed, maintaining a balance that allows humans to adapt is an almost unimaginable thing, not to mention in the midst of heavy winds and heavy snow, and to avoid triggering hazards. To chase those scattered demons, you also have to deal with some small demons that don't need to be avoided.

Nightingale wore goggles, but she still didn't dare to open her eyes for a long time because she was surrounded by terrifying strong winds. She was not sitting on an airship, let alone an armored vehicle. There was no protection around her. At this speed, as long as she fell, she would be shattered to pieces. She didn't think it was possible for her to fall into mud and then be frozen into ice, and then heal her wounds and live again.

But at the same time, she seemed to feel that as long as she held the person next to her, nothing would happen.

This is a very contradictory sense of security, fatal danger, and absolute safety. In fact, it only depends on whether you are holding Sherlock in your hand.

So occasionally, the girl would raise her head and look at the man next to her, only to find that he was just standing quietly, looking ahead. High-speed running and bumps would not have any impact on him, just like the kind of life at sea. An old captain of several decades, he can still stand on the highest fence amid strong winds and waves, as if he were walking on flat ground.

"How can he stand so steadily? Does he often stand on the devil's shoulders like this?"

"If so, will there be others holding on to him so tightly?"

"Nonsense, of course you have to catch him, otherwise he will be thrown away."

In order not to let herself continue to be afraid, Nightingale could only think about some things that were not there.

Okay, I should think about some key issues. For example, the snow in front of me is so heavy, the wind is so strong that I can't even open my eyes, and the visibility is so low. Does the man next to me really know whether he is running in the right direction? ? "

As for Sherlock, of course he can determine his own direction. Even on the Antarctic road, when the sense of the sun's direction is no longer very useful, he can still simulate a bird's eye view in his mind and estimate the crimson direction. To draw up the best course of action based on speed, according to rough calculations, this would be at least twice as fast as the support team.

Not only that, in fact, if he is willing, he can use his mind palace to construct a real aerial vision. Not only can he see the position of the trapped army, but also where there are demons within a hundred meters around, how can he You can clearly know how to avoid them and whether the demons encountered on the path can be killed with one blow.

However, he did not do this, because after arriving at the front line, he found that if he wanted to contact the palace of thought, it was a very laborious task and he had to concentrate.

If the Imperial Mechanical Institute now completes the research and development of [Radio] and popularizes it, then Sherlock will probably find that the feeling of contacting the Hall of Thought is like holding a radio and looking for signals everywhere. In short, it is better to rely on his own analysis. Convenience, anyway, idle time is idle.

As for the reason, I don’t know if it has something to do with being too close to the Devil’s Gate or the extremely thin coverage of the Holy Light on the Antarctic continent.

In this way, after running wildly in the wind and snow for half an hour, passing countless demons and crushing their heads under his feet, Sherlock's expression was always calm, but his dark red face But the movements began to become faster and faster. The steady ups and downs on the shoulders formed a strong contrast with the roar under the feet. The number of demons in front of them gradually became denser, and the terrifying roars around them gradually covered up the howling of the wind and snow.

While moving, although the ups and downs still did not change much, the scenery in front of him became extremely dazzling due to the high-speed movement. After a sudden sideways sweep, Nightingale couldn't help but hold Sherlock's hands. After tightening it for a few minutes, she seemed to hear the sound of artillery fire in the distance. Through the pale snow curtain, she could faintly see the huge bright lights appearing in the distance. It was the fire after the shells exploded. With a whoosh, a Explosive bombs streaked across the sky, and soon the frozen soil on the ground cracked, and ice and snow rose into the sky, like a high wall that suddenly rose.

It seems that the trapped soldiers will be found soon.

On the other side of the wind and snow, there was smoke.

This fallen team was not equipped with heavy artillery. Fortunately, the 30 densely packed flat-fire cannons were constantly spraying magnificent fire. Hundreds of shells poured out every second, wildly cutting through the darkness that had long been difficult to see. Icefall, in the trenches built side by side with war vehicles, the soldiers felt the tremors of the entire earth. They had been holding on here for an hour. The terrifying amount of ammunition could slightly block the demons on the other side of the snowfall, but this The huge roar also attracted demons from further away. The sound of explosions made people feel a little relieved, but the gradually decreasing ammunition inventory made people tremble.

Just on the other side of the sky full of ice crystals and snowy soil raised by the cannonballs, is the terrifying demon group!

Like mentally ill patients who had been deprived of their sense of fear, they rushed towards the trenches in a suicidal manner. The bullets and artillery fire spewed out like a torrential rain from all directions could only turn them into rotten flesh, but they could not stop them at all.

This is a fight to the death where one party must be devoured. Everywhere you see is splashing fire and broken limbs. Blood gathers into puddles in the blasted crater and is heated by the heat. The molten shells were boiling and gurgling, exuding a disgusting smell of blood.

And in the smoke, behind the trench, a fluttering golden sunflower flag danced wildly in the heat wave, which meant that they were a certain company of the Crusaders, and above the flag, a huge exploding gas lamp was burning desperately. Emitting the most dazzling light, these lights pierce the wind and snow, waiting for the rescue team to find their location faster.

However, no one knows when rescue will arrive, let alone how long they can hold on.

"Captain!" A roar came from behind. A gunner's face was scorched to death by the hot muzzle, but he didn't have any time to bandage it. The scarlet flesh was exposed in the ice and snow, and it looked shocking. It was shocking, but his miserable appearance was far less than what he said: "No ammunition."

Out of ammunition!

A few simple words struck the hearts of everyone in the entire team mercilessly. The artilleryman did not need to worry that these words would make those who heard them lose their fighting spirit, because less than a minute later, the intensive artillery fire suddenly stopped. Stop.

At this moment, it was as if death had deprived the entire world of its voice.

Ouch ouch ouch——————

After the ears got used to the sudden silence, what hit the eardrums again was the intensive screams and roars in the distance. In the smoke, countless figures were climbing over the collapsed trench, and the roaring sound of running was like With the urging of the war drums, the people in the trenches saw ice waterfalls falling from the sky, the soil being violently lifted up, and blood splashing everywhere under heavy trampling. Finally, the first demon rushed into sight!

"Meet the enemy!!!"

No one cares who shouted these words. At this moment, the hand saw on the right side of the steam armor was spinning at full speed, and the exhaust port behind it sprayed out a large amount of white mist due to the operation of the turbine. No one wants to engage in hand-to-hand combat with demons, but if it comes to this, these frontline warriors will all show the ferocity of beasts!

The moment the demonic group came into contact with those steel armors, the chaotic fighting began instantly. Without any warm-up, it was the most brutal and bloody hand-to-hand combat. The soldiers could no longer care about the people around them. Those who went straight to The sharp claws and sharp teeth that were blasted down from the face were overlapped with the hand saw that was half a man tall. The sky was filled with torn pieces of flesh and blood, but it was not clear whether it belonged to humans or demons.

A steam armor that was torn apart by huge force was thrown into the air, and then fell heavily. The people inside were shocked to the point where their internal organs were shattered.

A soldier was surrounded by a group of second-level demons. As soon as his comrade not far away turned around to look, his head was crushed by a claw.

Blood is flying every second, and people are dying every second.

Behind the trench, a new recruit stared at the hell on earth in front of him. Some minced meat splashed on his face, but he did not reach out to wipe it.

He was completely stupid and stayed on the battlefield for almost a year. Only then did he truly realize that the veterans in the battalion who were usually highly respected were actually so small and fragile on the battlefield.

At this time, he could only hold the flag firmly in his hand to prevent it from falling in the wind. The light at the top of the flag seemed to be the only hope for these people.

However, the recruit knew that the rescue team could not arrive so quickly.

The so-called hope seems to be just the self-deception of letting myself continue to stand here, waiting to be torn into pieces.

"Holy Light, devout believers need your help."

With his frozen hands, he took out the sunflower symbol on his chest and prayed extremely devoutly, but he knew that the Holy Light could not look at an ordinary person like himself.

"I'm sorry, I'm dying."

At this moment, he lowered his head and thought desperately in his heart.



Because he discovered that a frost-cracked wound on the tip of his finger healed under his gaze.

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