Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 377 The Opening of the Hell Gate Expeditionary Force

Sherlock is a detective. Although he has enough brains, he still remains in the human category. He cannot be omniscient and omnipotent like the Holy Light, knowing the past and the future.

Therefore, when he heard Nightingale's words, he was only slightly surprised, but he did not expect the terrible meaning behind this sentence to make the whole world tremble.

As for the empire at this time.

Whether they are government officials or civilians, their moods are extremely complicated. They are either passionate and surging, or they are proud of being human beings, or they sincerely admire the soldiers who are about to go to the battlefield. Of course, I am also worried about the future of mankind as a whole.

Because today, the moment of great turning point that mankind has been waiting for for nearly three hundred years has finally arrived.

In the ancient Roman city, there was a huge and towering podium that existed before the Holy Calendar and is still in use today. The new emperor Franklin did not wear the heavy robes that emperors wore, and he did not even wear a crown. , he wore a very common suit, simple, but extremely solemn, with a white shirt and a carefully selected tie. He walked up to the high platform and stood in front of all the people, facing the entire empire citizen group and also towards the people. Each one of them declares.

Humanity will abandon the 300-year-old frontline strategy, form the Hell's Gate Expedition, and head to the center of the Antarctic frozen soil. The ultimate goal of this expedition is to close the Hell's Gate.

"300 years ago, a door that should not have been opened suddenly appeared in this world. 300 years ago, a species that should not exist in this world suddenly broke into our lives. 300 years ago, a seemingly never-ending The endless war was forced to start.

And today, today must be a great day that will be remembered by history. Here I want to announce to you, all citizens of the empire."

On the high platform, Franklin's voice did not have such a strong sense of passion as always. He was still a scholar at heart. He could not, like those politicians, combine some information that was not very exciting in terms of words and tone. Under the exaggeration, it appears to be confusing.

He can only speak the simplest words.

However, it is precisely because of its simplicity that it makes his words seem so sincere. At the same time, because he is a human being, there is an obvious pride, confidence, and determination in his expression:

"Citizens, compatriots, great human beings, this is our first expedition in 300 years of dormancy. We will surely close the door to hell, and those demons that have invaded our world will be expelled back to hell and will be slaughtered to death. , we will once again become the masters of this world, and the glory of mankind will once again bloom in our hands."

The plain tone does not mean that he cannot appreciate the thrills between the lines. Human beings have been waiting for this moment for too long, so after a short silence, the ancient Roman city suddenly fell into joy.

In major cities in the empire, a frequency band receiving device called 'broadcasting' newly developed by the Imperial Mechanical Institute was put into use in the civilian field for the first time. On top of prestigious buildings or churches, huge loudspeakers broadcast these words to the empire. The vast territory shouted at the same time. People on the street stopped what they were doing and looked in the direction of the dull but deafening sound. They were silent, but could not hide the trembling around them. A glimmer of clarity flashed in the eyes of the drunkards on the street. In the bright light, the hunched homeless people begging looked solemn and straightened their spines slightly.

Thinking back to the beginning of the Holy Calendar, what a glorious period of human history it was, with the emergence of amazing talents in large numbers, the unprecedented prosperity of art, the unstoppable development of science, the blooming of a hundred flowers among different races and countries, and the contradiction between religion and belief. Confrontation and choice, among them there is bitterness, passion, some people make a desperate move, some people leave their names for the ages, all of them are great hymns of mankind.

And when the earth gradually became a star in human cognition, burning out the fire in the square, the charred corpses still said that the sun was the center of the galaxy. As time went by, humans seemed to also I am thinking about what is beyond the vast universe, whether I am floating alone in the starry sky, whether there will be visitors from the sky coming to this prosperous land, and by then, whether mankind will start a new era. Chapter.

These ideas were beautiful and poetic, but no one thought that what they were waiting for was not friendly life outside the nebula, but a space crack that was even more difficult to understand, and countless people who only knew how to kill and devour. demon.

As a result, the fairy tale fantasy was shattered, and those beautiful dreams were driven to pieces by huge fangs and blood. It seemed that goodwill was the most ridiculous thing in this world. In an instant, blood flowed and gunpowder smoke filled the air. Two species The moment they came into contact, a 300-year-long irreconcilable racial war began. Just like the vague shadows in the dark forest, the moment they met each other, no one wanted to extend a hand of friendship, but only He fired without thinking.

Everything was so sudden, so bloody, until today, 300 years later, human beings felt that they had been dormant long enough, and felt that they had tasted enough bile, so a horn sounded and the empire exploded in the long river of history. How could the people not be excited, how could they not cheer, jump for joy, have their eyes filled with tears, and their blood boil with excitement?

All of a sudden, all the major newspapers seemed to have abandoned their original content and tendencies, and focused all their space on the war on the front line. Countless photos and battle reports with iron-blooded colors began to be published at all levels. Those performances that highlighted beautiful love in the theater have become fringe plays that are only performed on weekday evenings. The glorious battles of frontline soldiers have become the mainstream of publicity. Even toy manufacturers have sensed business opportunities, and those plastic firearms and children’s versions of military uniforms are selling like never before.

"General Patton personally led the frontline vanguard forces deep into the Antarctic continent and formulated the best route forward for the rear expeditionary forces."

"Starting today, the frontline armies have abandoned the titles of [Government Army] and [Holy Crusaders] and merged into the 'Hell's Gate Expeditionary Force'. The newly appointed Pope stated that this change will never occur until the Gate of Hell is closed. withdraw"

From these reports, even dock workers who have never cared about politics can see that under the premise of war, the Holy See and the government have become closer than ever before, and they have not hesitated to integrate their armed forces into Together.

Most of these newspapers are published in the hinterland of the empire. Otherwise, if Sherlock sees it, he will definitely think of what Moriarty said to him a long time ago - 'If human beings want to have a For a better future, there is only one way, that is, the emperor and the pope are the same person. ’

And thinking about it this way, this emperor was actually supported by Moriarty, and now the armed forces of the government and the Holy See have begun to merge. It seems that everything is really moving in the direction Moriarty said. Development, so is all this really a general trend, or is there someone behind it who is adding fuel to the fire?

Of course, at this juncture of the beginning of the war, it is impossible for anyone to be idle and bored, thinking about these things.

"According to this year's fiscal expenditures, frontline military expenditures have increased three times compared to previous years. Was it because the government allocated the empire's reserves that prompted the establishment of the Hell's Gate Expeditionary Force?"

The editor-in-chief of the Holy Journal asked with a solemn expression, using very precise words and speaking at a slow and measured pace.

In front of him was a front-line military advisor named George Romanis. This person mainly dealt with military contractors. To be more detailed, he was responsible for the [Wild Demon Control Experiment] , a new batch of contractor troops were born.

And on the wall behind him, I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but what's posted is a bird's-eye view shot from a high altitude. A strong, red and white third-order demon is flying through the cannons all over the place. On the battlefield of the pit, a man whose face could not be seen stood on his shoulder, looking at the war in the distance. The cold wind on the Antarctic continent blew his messy hair wildly, and he looked a little lonely on the vast snowfield. It is solemn, and the cold tones highlight a desolate and tragic color.

Old Professor George smiled and answered into the microphone: "This year's military expenditures are not all frontline war expenditures. In fact, more than 70% of the funds are used to produce a product called [Soul Can Visual device] machine.

I don’t know if everyone is still impressed by this kind of machine. The newspaper should have reported it at the end of last year.

It's the experiment that allows humans to establish a contractual relationship with wild demons. "

This interview was not broadcast in real time, but after the audio was recorded or edited into a newspaper, even people with poor memories would be able to recall the cross-century experiment that caused a lot of fuss last year.

"So, in the final analysis, the establishment of this expeditionary force was due to the technology controlled by wild demons?" asked the editor-in-chief of the Holy Journal.

In fact, this question can be called obvious now, but he still emphasized it very purposefully.

"That's right."

"Can you please explain in detail why the wild demon control experiment allowed the frontline military to dare to give up the 300-year-old strategy and choose to launch an expedition to the gate of hell?"

In fact, if you listen carefully to this inquiry, you can feel the very distinct flavor of the "question and answer small workshop advertisement" that can be reported on the back pages of third-rate tabloids for a little money. But in this period, let this When two people said it, it seemed very logical.

"Of course." Old George's expression suddenly became serious: "In fact, for more than three hundred years, mankind's persistence strategy has two very practical reasons that cannot be ignored:

One is steam power.

The current frontline military has established the garrison front with the Redeker Strait because in the severe cold zone, the power provided by the steam turbine cannot be maintained for a long time. To travel the same distance forward in the depths of the Antarctic continent, it takes a long time. The fuel is five to eight times that required in the Strait Zone, so if we ignore this and blindly attack the cold zone, almost halfway, the entire army will be annihilated due to a certain encounter.

The second is the establishment of supply lines.

The Antarctic continent is an uncivilized zone. Almost all military bases can only be established on the edge of the strait. This means that tanks, steam armors, and weapons of mass destruction cannot be carried for a long time because there is no maintenance at all. factory area, then the idea of ​​​​an expedition is basically impossible to realize. "

Although the war between humans and demons has been going on for three centuries, this is the first time that the strategic problems on the front line have been told by such an official person.

So the reason why we are talking about it now is that the military has already found a way to solve these problems.

Old George seemed a little uncomfortable facing the flashing cameras next to him and the eyes of countless reporters staring at him, but he still continued to say with great pride:

“But now, all problems have been solved.

The supply of electricity currently provides at least 50% of the power support for steam turbine technology, and the wild demon control technology also provided an extremely abundant supplementary solution for the consumed combat power during the expedition.

The devil is our enemy, but also our weapon.

We can snatch the enemy's resources for our own use. This is an extremely genius and extremely grand strategic policy.

Maybe if I say this, everyone will not be able to understand the power of this strategy.

Then I can use a simple number to let everyone understand.

If this expedition goes well, it will reach the area directly affected by the Gate of Hell in a year and a half. By then, less than 30% of the long-term military weapons and war armor that cannot be repaired are likely to be left.

But in this year and a half, we will cultivate about 200,000 wild demon controllers, and at the foot of the Gate of Hell, these demons will continuously replenish our combat power until a safe war transportation line is successfully built. , then in the next few years, we will have 300,000, 400,000, and 500,000. This number will continue to grow. Calculated according to the rate of demons produced by Hell Gate at this stage, within five years, we can Under the eyes of the enemy, we can build a larger combat base than the opponent. If we are willing, we can even fight directly into hell!

At that time, we may return the shame of these 300 years to the unknown land on the other side of the gate of hell. "

It was quiet all around.

These reporters were also hastily dispatched to conduct this interview. They had no idea what the military's final plan was, and after hearing the news from the military spokesman in front of them.

Everyone couldn't help being shocked to the extreme. In the silence, you could even hear the sound of some pens falling to the ground.

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